Funny childhood misconceptions

The first time I got in the big pool at the Y for lessons... I got quite upset. I thought my bathing suit was supposed to keep me dry... and I obviously was quite the opposite:rolleyes:

Great thread! :)
When I was a child, a friend of mine had a small tool shed out behind his house. We were playing in the backyard when my friends dad came out and told us to stay away from the shed because there was a hornets nest there and that if we got to close, the hornets would "sting the living daylights" out of us. The mental image that I formed at that instant will be with me to my grave. I didn't know what "the living daylights" were, but I knew that I didn't want them stung out of me. To this day, whenever I see a bee, wasp, or any other stinging insect, the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up and I go the other direction.
These are too funny....

Last year my sister,her DH and DD were going to Hilton Head. My niece (her dd) asked how long it would take. My sister told her and said it's going to take long because they would have to change planes. All of a sudden my niece's eyes grew wide and my sister saw panic on her face, so she asked "Is that alright?" and my niece said "Are we going to use parachutes?"
When I was maybe 3 or 4, my mom used to go to Detroit for shopping with her friends from work. One time she let me come. We took the train across the border.

US Immigration would come onboard and ask everybody where they were born? And of course when it was my turn, my response, "That's a stupid question, I was born in a Hospital!"

Out of the mouths of Babes!

Just like now, when I tell DD that we don't have the money for something, her response "Just go to the Bank, they have lots!"

I enjoyed reading them too. I don't remember what I did. I think maybe that's a good thing. lol
These are so funny! Good thread!

My DD when she was 4 was standing on a small chair in the living room and jumping off pretending to fly, I told her to not jump toward the tv because she might fall into it. She quickly turned around and said "oh no, if I fall in, will I be a commercial?" LOL!

Also - another time at this age, we were driving on an overpass and she said "are we on the highway?" and I said "Yes" and she looked down to the highway below and said "oh, those people must be on the low-way".
There is a paper mill with a smoke stack not far from home. One of my little girls said "oh, that is where clouds are made".

One of my daughters asked me when she was 5 yo "why did you give me "and' for a middle name? Her middle name is Ann, I didn't realize that for years she thought her name was Sarah And.

When I was pregnant my 4yo did say to me "I wonder what color the baby will be". Very cute!
I used to be convinced that if my belly was getting bigger it meant that I was pregnant! :eek:

I was only about 8 years old and didn't quite know how things worked in that area! :) So according to my calculations all it took was a big meal!! LOL!

I remember when I was about 5 I thought that if you had to leave the room all you had to do was turn the tv off and when you turned it back on it would be at the same place in the show!!!
Needless to say I found out quickly that it didn't work!

one day when my Grandaughter was 2 and in daycare my dd went to pick her up and the teacher wanted to talk to her.
She went to her office thinking something was wrong but the teacher started laughing!!

Apparently Abby (gd) and a little boy were playing together (shes white he's black) when the teacher saw them lick each other she ask them what they were doing and they told her they wan'ted to know if they tasted like vanilla and chocolate!!!!
I grew up in the Washington D.C. area and my favorite museum was always the Air and Space Museum on the Mall. Of course, the reason for this was that for years, I thought we shared the same first name, mine is Aaron and thought the museum was the "Aaron Space Museum."

When we took my older DS, now 12, to Orlando for the first time (he was 7) he thought everything that went on in the rides was REAL. He was worried that they would not be able to get us back from the past on Dinosaur (it was still Countdown to Extinction then) and needed reassurance that Disney would make us big again after they shrunk the audience.

The ride he had the hardest time with was Terminator 3D at Universal Studios, however. When Sarah Conner came on screen at the end of the preshow and frantically warned us we had 3 minutes to get out of the building, poor Jordan was panic-stricken. We barely convinced him that it was just a ride, and he refused to wear the 3D glasses in the theater. He liked this ride much better when he rode it at age 10!
DD used to say things were "down-side-up". We still tease her about that one.

DS used to sing " M-I-C-cake-E-Y M-O-U-S-E". He liked cake! He may not have had the spelling quite right, but he had good taste in music. Probably influenced by his mother, right?

My brother once asked for something in a store and my mom told him he'd have to wait for another day. She said she didn't have the money. His answer . . . "Charge it!"

Love this thread. Keep the stories coming.
My pride prevents me from telling you how old I was when I realized the person in "Lennon's Tomb" is NOT John Lennon! :p
When I was about 5 years of age, my parents were big into magic, my dad would put on shows, my older brother was apart of the young magicians society ect.... They were holding an end of year party and I remember my dad saying "Carey is going to make the toast." At 5 I really envisioned him making toast and had no clue as to why he would be doing such a thing. I had no idea it involved someone getting up and speaking,hahaha

All these stories remind me a bit of that kids show "Rugrats", the characters in that show always take everything so literally.
When my ds was about 3 his grandpa was trying to teach him how to play t-ball. After he missed the ball a couple times grandpa told him to keep his eye on the ball. Well ds did just what his grandpa said. He bent down and put his eye on the ball. We still laugh about that (he'll be 12 on Mothers day).
I love this thread. I have a few to add.

When I was very young and watched Sesame Street, I thought that Ernie was a female and that Ernie and Bert were a married couple. I couldn't envision a reason for 2 people to live together unless they were married. It also explained why they fought all the time. :p

When my sister was learning the alphabet, she thought "lmno" was a single letter.

My sister convinced me at one time that mirrors were actually windows onto another identical world were our counterparts did exactly what we did.

When my DD was 2.5 and about to go on her first plane ride, she insisted on taking her floppy hat and sunglasses. She thought that we would be so close to the sun that it would be VERY bright.

These are just soo funny!!

When I was younger I asked my dad why he didn't have a middle name. His response~ "My parents couldn't afford one." Took me a few years to realize he was kidding.

I asked my mom what Ms. stood for. Her response~ "miserable". Then by some stroke of luck a teacher in school asked a few weeks later what Ms. stood for. There I sat with my hand raised real high....teacher was not impressed with my answer. THANKS MOM!!
I thought Pensacola, Florida was called Pepsi Cola, Florida!

When I was really little I was watching reruns of the old Mickey Mouse Club from the 50's in the 1970's. My mom told me that "all those mouseketeers are grown up now." I remember saying, "But they are not grown, they are little- see?" I didn't understand the concept of reruns. I thought it was a show that was happening right then and there, I didn't understand it was an old show!
These don't quite fit as misconceptions, but close!

When my niece and nephew were watching A Bug's Life and one of the ants said "There's a gap in the line!" my nephew asked "What's a gap?" and my niece answered him quite seriously "A place to buy clothes."

My other nephew, being quite silly, says "I used to think that a Tornado Shelter was a place for poor tornados to go when they didn't have any money" :rolleyes: Can you tell his parents are both stand-up commedians?

The TV rerun reminds me- I used to think that the actors did the little opening sequences of the show each day (You know, what plays during the credits?) I thought it must get boring to have to do that over and over, I never realized they just showed the same thing every day.
Originally posted by goofygirl
I thought Pensacola, Florida was called Pepsi Cola, Florida!

This truly cracked me up. I could forgive you for this because you were little at the time. Well about 8 years ago my father in law,
then living in Winter Haven, told me he was planning on moving to PEPSI COLA ,FL. He was about 75 years old at the time!:crazy:


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