Funny childhood misconceptions

When I was little I thought that when I turned the tv off the show ended..... I also thought that when it snowed it didn't snow on the roads because they were always cleared when I woke up- figures I'm now married to someone with a snowplowing business:rolleyes:
Funny stuff. When my mom first taught me how to play the card game "War", she told me that the higher card wins all the cards. I thought that meant I had to put my card higher on the table than her card and couldn't understand why she kept snatching up all the cards - when I CLEARLY put my card higher than hers!
When I was in about the 3rd grade I got in a terrible fight with my teacher. She tried to tell me that caucasian and asian were, we were raised by my grandparents and we had a Japanese housekeeper (not at all like Alice, Emi made us CLEAN up after ourselves)....Emi made a point of telling us how everyone was all one family. So, somehow I got it in my head that asian was "short" for Caucasian, like Tom is short for grandparents had to come and calm down the poor nun I was so obstinate about being right......still living that one down.


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