Galactic Starcruiser - what is next for this space?

SW current value is estimated at $70B, nearly 20 times what they paid for it. You talk like it's now worth $5.

And yes, Marvel is on a downtrend but it is still worth 10 times what they paid for it. And again what was it when they bought it? A failing comic company with a few mediocre movies to their credit.

You are missing the big picture here while stuck on the small stuff...
Honestly, I feel that Marvel is only on the downtrend because the big ones are now off screen, and the market is a bit over saturated at this point. After a decade, they are a bit tired. That being said, bring Iron Man back, and that would become an overnight blockbuster LOL.

Same reason why DC keeps making Batman over and over again.
If Disney had screwed up the franchise as badly as you keep claiming, it wouldn't still be as popular as it is.
i had always enjoyed Star Wars, heck my 22 year old daughter has my original Millennium Falcon from the 80's (the one with the micro figures) hanging in her room... and while the Lucas films certainly helped build a base for us.... what really supercharged our family's current fandom has been due to the the Disney ownership/development part. Having a tangible presence in the parks of a Star Wars land has been awesome, it brought it to life so much more than seeing a film or reading a book. Now that fantasy from the screen became something we could touch. Star Tours was always fun, but I cannot describe that thrill of the first time being in Smugglers' Run... or the first time walking into the Storm Trooper room at Rise. Disney owning Star Wars and what they have done with it took us from casual to the much more involved "yes I have a lightsaber on my wall" fans.
i had always enjoyed Star Wars, heck my 22 year old daughter has my original Millennium Falcon from the 80's (the one with the micro figures) hanging in her room... and while the Lucas films certainly helped build a base for us.... what really supercharged our family's current fandom has been due to the the Disney ownership/development part. Having a tangible presence in the parks of a Star Wars land has been awesome, it brought it to life so much more than seeing a film or reading a book. Now that fantasy from the screen became something we could touch. Star Tours was always fun, but I cannot describe that thrill of the first time being in Smugglers' Run... or the first time walking into the Storm Trooper room at Rise. Disney owning Star Wars and what they have done with it took us from casual to the much more involved "yes I have a lightsaber on my wall" fans.
Galaxy's Edge is awesome. I remember reading reports from grown adults who cried the first time they saw the Millennium Falcon in person. My friends and I had a great time wandering around Batuu West. I have some cute video of one of them going eye to eye with Kylo Ren, and I got a photo of myself with Rey and Chewie. Definitely an A+ effort by Disney.
Look at the 5 criteria used to rank these?

Pages on a fan site, cultural relevance, and how many fan events occur greatly benefits SW. The would argue SW would likely be top spot even if the Disney stuff was never made. Cultural relevance, many fan events, pages on websites was huge for Star Wars thanks to 6 movies from the genius of Lucas. Disney just had to not screw that up, but they kinda did that anyway with their hot garbage of a ST.
Your rose colored glasses of the Lucas years really need some adjusting - the prequels are far from good movies, so really he had 3 movies that were maybe genius and are now more than 4 decades old . You really think there would be as much chatter about the franchise without Disney? There is no way new generations would be into it just based on the original 6, that are decades old. And who's to say the ST movies would have been any better under Lucas? Using the prequels as a benchmark, his ST's may not have been so great.
If Disney had screwed up the franchise as badly as you keep claiming, it wouldn't still be as popular as it is.
If Disney didn’t screw up the franchise why the 6 year drought of the movies?

If you are winning winning winning like you say, why on earth would you pause your “winning”?
If Disney didn’t screw up the franchise why the 6 year drought of the movies?

If you are winning winning winning like you say, why on earth would you pause your “winning”?

Did you not read the article you responded to?

Disney isn’t set to release another Star Wars film in cinemas until 2026. But, in crafting its televised Star Wars content, it is rebuilding goodwill within its established community and drawing in new fans.
Overall, the live-action Star Wars series — “The Mandalorian,” “The Book of Boba Fett,” “Andor,” “Kenobi” and “Ahsoka” — have been well-received by critics and fans alike.

If you believe that the Star Wars franchise is languishing because of a six-year gap between movies, do you also believe that the Star Trek franchise is dead because there hasn't been a new movie for nearly eight years?
Yep. it really is that simple - Disney wants D+ subscribers and if you want newer SW content, the only way to get it is to subscribe to D+. So during that 6 year gap they are hoping to feed the streaming beast. I think it makes sense when you look at it that way, especially given that theater going has changed drastically for the worse, post covid.
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Look at the 5 criteria used to rank these?

Pages on a fan site, cultural relevance, and how many fan events occur greatly benefits SW. The would argue SW would likely be top spot even if the Disney stuff was never made. Cultural relevance, many fan events, pages on websites was huge for Star Wars thanks to 6 movies from the genius of Lucas. Disney just had to not screw that up, but they kinda did that anyway with their hot garbage of a ST.
What criteria are you using to determine hot garbage?? lol
This is my definition of hot garbage…….when less than 50% of the fans like a movie.


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The thread seems to have devolved to one person who will never change their minds about their SW opinions, and everyone else trying to do just that.
this thread and pretty much every thread about Star Wars.... got to give points for consistency and persistence.

I dont care about changing anyone's mind. I am secure enough at this point in my life that one person's opinion of a film or a fan page is not going to change mine... nor do I care about changing anyone elses' opinion. You like what you like, I like what I like... sometimes they align and sometimes they don't. It is not a one size fits all world....

I do have an issue with folks who feel the need to put down or insult others... sheeples.... normies.... pixie dusters.... blah blah. Really... because you like a film and someone else didn't? It is just a movie lol.
Galaxy's Edge is awesome. I remember reading reports from grown adults who cried the first time they saw the Millennium Falcon in person. My friends and I had a great time wandering around Batuu West. I have some cute video of one of them going eye to eye with Kylo Ren, and I got a photo of myself with Rey and Chewie. Definitely an A+ effort by Disney.
LOVE LOVE the character interactions. Every time we go to WDW a visit with Chewbacca is a must. Always fun and leaves us laughing and talking about it. Darth Vader is another great character interaction. I got lucky to have a walk around interaction with Din and Grogu. Wish they would bring Hera-Chopper and Ahsoka to WDW
this thread and pretty much every thread about Star Wars.... got to give points for consistency and persistence.

I dont care about changing anyone's mind. I am secure enough at this point in my life that one person's opinion of a film or a fan page is not going to change mine... nor do I care about changing anyone elses' opinion. You like what you like, I like what I like... sometimes they align and sometimes they don't. It is not a one size fits all world....

I do have an issue with folks who feel the need to put down or insult others... sheeples.... normies.... pixie dusters.... blah blah. Really... because you like a film and someone else didn't? It is just a movie lol.
So it’s ok for you (or people in your camp) to call me all kind of mean spirited names and for you to be dug into your point of view. However, it’s not ok for me to question the group think on here or have my point of view?
So it’s ok for you (or people in your camp) to call me all kind of mean spirited names and for you to be dug into your point of view. However, it’s not ok for me to question the group think on here or have my point of view?
I can only speak for my own actions... not sure about a camp, I live in a lovely house in the woods with my family... bears, coyotes, bobcats etc outside my widows.... no need for camping here.

I have never called you a name that I recall. I have called out some of your statements as sexist or misogynistic. Those are two different situations. If someone says something sexist, that does not mean THEY ARE a sexist, just that that statement qualifies. But I know that some folks don't feel that way, and they equate someone making a point about a specific comment as a referendum on their entire personality or being.

You have called people many names, that disagree with you. if you feel that you are justified, well then that is your feelings, not sure that two wrongs ever added up to a right, but you do you.
Ok, so I should just say your statements are pixiedusting in the future, that way I am not technically calling anyone a name? Is that your loophole?

Or how about that statements are Orwellian group thinky, that more appropriate?
Also add in some revisionist history about the prequels. I remember how widely mocked they were when they came out. It was relentless.
It’s really simple to most people yes there were issues with the prequels (I.e., jar jar, Anakin’s terrible dialogue at times, etc.). However most kids loved them and they have gotten better with time. For a variety of reasons, but one was that what Disney did showed us it could be so much worse when you had people that didn’t understand Star Wars running things.


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