Gatordad's Trip Report 10-08


<font color=blue>Hates WDW<br><marquee behavior=al
Apr 3, 2007
We got back about 5pm or so. It was fun. We met lots of Disboarders. My new favorite disboarder is Pirate Jeff because he brought me a case of Poland Spring water. I drank beer, I drank diet coke, it rained. Bud turned 40. I met some other folks, but I am bad with names. Pirate Jeff is my main man. Nobody dropped anything. The Gators won. I saw the lamest halloween candy distribution person ever. The end. Nobody is getting any of my water. Disney still sucks, it took 1/2 hour to check in because they give you your golf cart when you check in, and it took 1/2 hour to wait for the guy in front of me.
OMG!! he IS alive!!! Where ya been, Gatordad? We've missed you! Oh, yeah, and thanks for all the details in your trip report! :rotfl2: Seriously, it's good to see you! (I won't use that smiley you hate here either)
Here's a few pics.

our site.

making a sacrifice to Albert before the big game


a very good display

Hey, I don't see anything in that about you backing your 5er into the site! :confused3
Would you care to expand on that? :lmao:

Here's the thing. The people really go all out there, you name it they put it up, and the candy was top shelf. Even the Meadows was giving out good candy. We were all over the Fort trick or treating. I forgot where this "display" was, but we get up, they had set up a table, I guess they were out trick or treating with their kids, and this is what they put out. maybe they ran out of real candy who knows? Maybe some troublemakers put this and took the Twix bars. All I know is that they probably spent the last year taking these pieces of candy from the bank, the Chinese buffet, who knows wherever you get strawberry and butterscotch candies, they had enough to give out for Halloween at the Magicalest place on earth. The ones outside the bowl were probably thrown there in disgust.

I give you, the harvested candy, I'm surprised there were none of those mints like you get at the diner:

Debbie and Rick started helping, then a guy from the great state of NJ (Rutherford, probably eats at Ruts Hut) started helping me then we got a very nice guy from Pa Tom to help me. His wife lurks here, I think she's Grandma Mickey. Of course I didn't tell her I was Gatordad, because I probably said something mean to her..... he helped me get in a very tight spot because Donnie ditched me.
We got back about 5pm or so. It was fun. We met lots of Disboarders. My new favorite disboarder is Pirate Jeff because he brought me a case of Poland Spring water. I drank beer, I drank diet coke, it rained. Bud turned 40. I met some other folks, but I am bad with names. Pirate Jeff is my main man. Nobody dropped anything. The Gators won. I saw the lamest halloween candy distribution person ever. The end. Nobody is getting any of my water. Disney still sucks, it took 1/2 hour to check in because they give you your golf cart when you check in, and it took 1/2 hour to wait for the guy in front of me.

I have got to say, I am disappointed that us Wisconsinites didn't make more of an impression on you! :laughing: Picking favorites, we could have brought you cheese, gee whiz! It was really nice to meet you and your family. The guys were really disappointed we couldn't stay one more day, but oh well maybe next time.
actually, I am so bad with names. The Wisconsonites were outstanding, the only name I remember is George. That rig is cool as hell..... come to think of it, I've never met anyone that wasn't cool from Wisconsin..... I also met Mom25x5 and her family, and Agent 511...(can't say the name).

Did I mention that Pirate Jeff brought me my Poland spring water?
and don't forget we met Tri-Circle-D too!!!:goodvibes
Welcome back Gatordad and family! Sounds like you guys had good trip. I think I saw that candy at the dollar store!

Gaordad just thinks he's cool. Truth is we just hang with him because he has a backing problem and I'm trying to keep everybody elses campers from getting banged up.
Gaordad just thinks he's cool. Truth is we just hang with him because he has a backing problem and I'm trying to keep everybody elses campers from getting banged up.

Missed you Donnie!! The GG just wasn't the same without you!
Missed you Donnie!! The GG just wasn't the same without you!

I was in the midst of thousands of college age hot women. Go forward my peasant friends without me. For you know not what you do, for I will be fine in my heaven at RV City.


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