Heatherlynn, Thank you for sharing your honeymoon trip report and wedding pictures. I am sorry your husband got sick during your trip but he recovered quickly. Congratulations and Best wishes on your new life together.
Heatherlynn, what a beautiful trip! (well, except for that awful stomach thing your DH had :guilty: ) I am sorry it has come to an end. I hope there is a little more that you will add.

I hope you and your DH have a wonderful life together. :)

That little girl seemed like such a sweetie!!! I am still loving your TR.
Hey Mandeville, your trip report is great! I've enjoyed reading it.

Sickly and the lobster pics are PRICELESS!! :rotfl2: He is a real cutie!! :thumbsup2
hello loyal fans! I have a huge test tonight and have been studying a lot today, so i will write the next part either tonight or tomorrow, sorry, but school comes first, thanks for sticking with me!:cheer2:
heatherlynn, I have really enjoyed your TR! You and Sickly make the cutest couple! Your trip sounds perfect (except for Sickly getting sick!) Well I'm off to watch Grey's Anatomy!!!
DAY 8-departure day

We woke up about 8:30, and luckily had “gathered” our stuff the night b4 so there wasn’t a lot to actually pack. We checked obsessively under the beds, in the closet, etc. etc. since we had 4-5 counter service meals left, we decided to get breakfast at gasparillas. It was a gross day, so it made leaving not so hard. It was overcast and the misting rain. Yuck!
Sickly got the biggest breakfast you can get (he wanted to get his money’s worth!) and I got pancakes and bacon. We went to sit outside and it started to rain more so we went in and ate.


look at sicklys plate, they gave him everything! sausage, bacon, waffle, pancake, eggs, hashbrowns, and a biscuit!

On our way back in we stopped in one of the shops and I bought a couple GF prints. We went upstairs to the 2nd floor and looked at our photopass pics, and just decided to buy the CD at home. I also got a GF picture frame. I wanted to get an ornament b/c we always do, but they only had one, it was a beautiful painted ball….35 dollars!!!! Are you kidding me? I said heck no and got outta there! We went back to our room, finished getting ready, I videotaped some more, and we called the bellhop to get our luggage. (they always ask how many bags you have, I DON’T KNOW! We had a ton of loose luggage so we said “I dunno like 15?” I think it freaked them out haha) we decided when the bellhop came we were going to leave the room for good, go back to gasparillas and get lunch to go, finish using our snack credits, and leave. We had a long drive ahead of us. I looked out the window I loved, and with tears in my eyes said goodbye to the view I knew I would never have again, and the room I would never see again. I got one last look, so I could burn it into my memory forever, and with that, I said “goodbye room” and we left and shut the door on room 4021 and our wonderful stay there. I sadly walked over to the elevator. Sickly knows I get like this and he tries to be supportive but its hard for him b/c he doesn’t really care haha. We went down to gasparillas and got a hot dog and pizza to go, and a ton of snacks, Mickey rice krispy treats, drinks for the road for our mini ice chest, etc.


sickly getting our 80 million snacks haha

After we got our stuff, we walked around to the front and sickly went to get our car out of self park. I sat outside by the antique car on the edge of the planter thing and just soaked in as much as I could. It took sickly a while b/c self park is far away. When he pulled up we loaded in our luggage, shut the doors, and drove off. I was devastated. I had waited for this trip for so long, and now it was over, just like that. And now only that, we had a 9 and ½-10 hour drive ahead of us. Great.


I took this as we pulled out :sad1:

As we left Disneyworld, I told it goodbye, and turned back around. I read the “see you real soon” sign and said to myself.. “I hope so…..”



the welcome sign out the back window of my car as we drove away.:sad1:


****side note. It took forever to get home. We stopped in gainsville to see one of sickly’s groomsmen for a few minutes, got lost for about 30 minutes, were in a standstill on the interstate bc of an accident…and all kidns of fun stuff. We got to my parents house in NOLA at about 9:30 that night. We had left at 11:45 from Disneyworld. Ug! I drove the last 5 hours b/c I just wanted to get home! We stayed at my parents that night and got up, hung out with my mom a bit packed up my dog,(they babysat) and drove back to Mississippi. The 3 hour drive back seemed like nothing compared to the other drive! We got home, I looked out my window…no castle..just woods. :guilty: *****

THANK YOU all for reading! I had so much fun writing/remembering and reading your comments, I know you are sad, but its not over! I am going to continue this thread with a wedding weekend report, so stay tuned! It was very eventful!
Your TR was wonderful and very entertaining at times. I loved reading it and looking at your beautiful pictures. You have now made me want to stay at the GF for my honeymoon. After seeing your pictures and reading about it, my heart is set on it. Thanks!! princess:
Heather, I loved your TR but I'm so sad that it's over! Don't say you'll never have that room again, you never know what will happen in the future! I hope you have it again :wizard: Thanks so much for sharing your disneymoon with us!
Awww where's the sniffles sad face when you need him?? Oh well...looks like this is the closest I can get!! :scared:

Anyway, I'm sad that your trip report for DW is over! I really enjoyed reading it!! But I'm glad you are going to do a wedding weekend report! I can't wait to read it!!! :)
so im reading your honeymoon trip report... sad to see it go.. remembering the moments when DH and I stocked up on unused snacks from the meal plan (not letting disney get $1 more of our money than we had to... ), etc. As I get to the end and read the goodbye-- seriously-- i hate seeing goodbye's on TR's. I get used to reading these and its almost like a soap opra-- but less dramatic. Then I was very surprised to read that you will be continuing with a wedding report. I cant wait!! Until then... i'll do some much needed chores:laundy: just like I do when i watch soap opras (except I really dont watch them-- but it sounded good).
Awwwwwww... it's over. :sad1: Time to start planning for the next trip! :)

Thanks for posting your report - good job! Loved the pics, too.
I came over from the GF board to read your report and I really enjoyed it! Glad you had such a wonderful trip minus Sickly's illness - glad he recovered and you could enjoy the rest of your trip! There's always an anniversary in the future that may include a stay in the Honeymoon Suite - right? I'm hoping for that one day - our 20th is coming up next year - I need to start dropping hints! Congratulations - you all are a cute couple!!
Heatherlynn.....awwwww...I am so sad it's over. :guilty: I loved going on your honeymoon with you. ;) When my DH and I got married 19 years ago, we were so broke our honeymoon was pathetic. I won't even go there. :rolleyes: I never had a real honeymoon, so this was fabulous.

I KNOW EXaCTlY how you felt leaving that Grand Floridian. Sometimes I cry in the limo (crazy me:sad2: ) because I just don't know when I will be back. My DH tries to be sweet, too, but he is always ready to go home. (crazy him!)

I hope you get to go back very soon. :) It was a beautiful report and you guys make a gorgeous couple. Here's to a wonderful life together. :goodvibes

:guilty: :sad2: can't be over!

I felt so sad right along with you while I was reading. I always get upset when I leave WDW, I can't imagine leaving after your honeymoon. I, like you, have been planning and building this thing up for a year. I'm not sure if I can take the fall of it all being over.
Loved your report Heather. Never say never you might both go to the same room in a few years on your anniversary:thumbsup2
Thanks for sharing your honeymoon with us. I really enjoyed reading it!!


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