Girls-Only Mar 3-7 - On our way to Disneyland!!!!

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Hi.. I haven't been able to hit the boards or FB lately and just noticed that we are picking our own teams for the Scavvy hunt YIKES:scared1: Tammy and I are looking for peeps to make a team.. Anyone??? Anyone??
Holy cow...I should have made a New Years Resolution to keep up with the Disboards!! I just don't have enough time in the day lately :(
I'm WAY far behind and still have the last 9 pages to catch up with!
Hugs thank you's to everybody who is working fast & furious with all the trip details :) You Diva's ROCK!

Okay ladies - we have a reservation for Napa Rose on Fri 3/4 for 25 people spilt into two tables at 5:30 (thanks Vacation Planning!).

Cheryl & I thought it would be helpful to have Vacation Planning make our Fantasmic! reservation for us - I have been using the same person there for the last 4 years for all my trips - she is great. Since we are looking at Sat 3/5 for the 9 pm show, she can make the ressie on 2/5. The cost is $60/pp (just confirmed price). If you would like to be included in the group reservation, please send a check for $60 to:

Bridget Russell
5193 Westport Way
Union City, CA 94587

I will NOT deposit the checks until Vacation Planning confirms the reservation. I need the checks before Feb. 3rd to give her an accurate count.

Please PM me if you have any questions. If everyone would prefer to call individually, that works too but we thought this would be an easier way to do it.

Getting excited ladies!! :woohoo:
This is awesome! Thanks Bridget
I have checks going out tomorrow to you, Mel and Katie!
I need to do the phone list and something else....think think think....well, hopefully it will come to me.

I love the lanyard cute! Thanks Callie & Dan.

I have to run, but will read up my last pages tonight and get caught up!!

Pixie Dust to all!!
I have checks going out tomorrow to you, Mel and Katie!
I need to do the phone list and something else....think think think....well, hopefully it will come to me.

I know exactly how you feel Jill :headache:. Not enough hours in the day :upsidedow.

You also need to pick a team for the Scavenger Hunt :thumbsup2.

I still need to PM Tracey with the snack I'm bringing, but I have no idea what I want to bring yet :confused3.

I also have to PM my phone number for the list, but I can't remember who to send it to? Can someone please let me know :).
Hmm? I'm beginning to think I got you guys in a up-roar. LOL.

So if there are any of you out there, that would like for me to put you onto teams, let me know.

Say for instance.....
Vicki? (Are you taken?)
Jodi? (Are you taken?)
Anyone else?

Please, please let me know, and I would be more than happy to make up some teams. We just thought some of you would like to make up your own teams this year.

Just put your name on the thread, and I'll keep track and then inform you.

Does that sound OK?
Jodi is doing the phone list.....I think the info is on the front page!

Thanx Katie!! :hug:

Michelle (zoemakes5), Juliette & myself are a team & if Jessica/Jazz can get the time off she will make our 4th for the Scavenger Hunt!! :banana:
I just read on the Disney Parks blog that the next 8 weekends at DL are Family Fun Weekends.

It's going to be Mardi Gras while we are there.

Mardi Gras – Feb. 18-20, Feb. 25-27 and March 4-6: Three weekends will be devoted to a lively, New Orleans-style Mardi Gras event, with vibrant excitement, jazzy music and sensational food of New Orleans. Where else? At New Orleans Square. Princess Tiana, along with a cavalcade of some Disney characters in their Mardi Gras finery, will appear at a photo location in the Court of Angels, staffed by Disney PhotoPass photographers.

Hopefully that won't bring lots of crowds. Here's the link to the other weekends:
I just read on the Disney Parks blog that the next 8 weekends at DL are Family Fun Weekends.

It's going to be Mardi Gras while we are there.

Mardi Gras – Feb. 18-20, Feb. 25-27 and March 4-6: Three weekends will be devoted to a lively, New Orleans-style Mardi Gras event, with vibrant excitement, jazzy music and sensational food of New Orleans. Where else? At New Orleans Square. Princess Tiana, along with a cavalcade of some Disney characters in their Mardi Gras finery, will appear at a photo location in the Court of Angels, staffed by Disney PhotoPass photographers.

Hopefully that won't bring lots of crowds. Here's the link to the other weekends:

That should be fun.....but crowds can stay home that weekend.....the Divas will own the park!!! :yay:
I need a lanyard & holder as well Carol.....not sure you saw my request pages ago....... :rotfl2:

Been a stressful couple of dad, who has alzheimers was taken to the hospital for pneumonia & my step-mom was informed he had significant emphasymia. My dad quit smoking 53 yrs ago & was a CPA, so no working around hazardous chemicals. The best guess any of us can come up with is......he built model airplanes from the time I can remember & used that toxic glue in the he was inhaling step-mom said he also would chew it off his fingers.... :sick: We went up to see him at the hospital & he didn't seem to know who my hubby was or his youngest son....of course, my baby brother hadn't seen him in at least 5 yrs. We stayed with him for about 20 mins & then he somewhat said goodbye & figured he needed to rest.

We stopped by to see my step-mom.....who we knew wasn't in the best of health....but she doesn't tell us what's going on with her....even when we directly ask. We got to her house & she was gasping for air when she tried to walk, talk or get up from a chair. She sounded like an emphasymia patient (but she is not). Mike finally pinned her down to get a clearer picture of what was going on with her. She's been battling cancer (started as breast cancer) for 30 yrs!! Not too many people can say that! Well the cancer has gone into her bones, lungs & starting to show up in her skull. She got so sick from the chemo last time, that I believe she's stopped that kind of treatment.

I think she's fighting until my dad passes.....but I think my dad is going to last much longer than her. She's very frail, tired & obviously uncomfortable.

So put this on my already full plate & I'm just a tad overwhelmed.

The planning & getting ready for this trip is my highlight that keeps me smiling!! I can't wait to finally meet you all in person!! I know we've been communicating on the thread & FB for 3 yrs now!!!!

Sorry to dump on you all......but just needed you all to if I seem a bit unorganized....or repeating myself........I haven't totally "LOST" it yet..... :rotfl:

Happy planning everyone!!! 51 Days!!!! :banana:
Hugs Laurie! So sorry to read. I have a feeling my year is going to take a turn and I'm trying to stay in denial about it. My mom has been sick for a few months. She had a CT scan that showed shadowy areas on her liver and spleen. Now they want to do an MRI and send her to a specialist. Her best friend died last year from abdom. cancer and my FIL died also from adrenal cancer. She watched them both go thru terrible treatments that didn't help, so she is starting to "talk" like she won't be with us very long, even though she doesn't have any answers from doctors yet :( She is telling me she will not do any treatments if it is cancer and so on. I'm hoping the specialist figure it out and it ends up being something easy & treatable! (now sticking my head back into the sand);)

Ok....I'm on a roll.

Now I'm going to start nagging again.

There are still some ladies out there, who have not ordered their tees. Your name is on the original list. If you don't want one, that is totally fine. My feelings will not be hurt. But I need to know, one way or another. K?

I know you know this stuff already, and I know you probably just get busy and forget. That would be me too. That is why I'm nagging. To make a friendly reminder. LOL!

So here is my list of no shows.:rolleyes:

farmgirljen/Jen + limace/Sara?
jordansmomma/Deb (Yeah, it's me bugging you again.) :rolleyes1
Zoemakes5/Michelle Juliette? Size confirmations?
MaiynaMouse/Marnie (Your name is not on the list, but I wanted to make sure.)

I also wanted to let you know that Linda, Cheryl and Bree tried on some samples. I think that the sizing is pretty true to form for a man's shirt. Maybe a tad smaller. Not much. The sleeves are shorter for sure. Hope this helps. If you are still perplexed, PM me and I will let you know what sizes they chose, if that helps.

Thankyou! :grouphug:
Oh look!! I'm on a list :rotfl2: too bad its the naughty list! LOL Thanks for the "reminders"!
Mel, I would love a large and can't wait to feel these soft, gorgeous purple tee's!! Thanks you so much:love:

My goodness Laurie. That is quite a full plate. My thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

And I know what you mean..... A lot of this planning is good for me with my sister Renee and all. Something fun, in the midst of heartache. I just learned that she is going on oxygen now. So surreal. :sad1:

Anywhos....enough of that.

Big hugs to you! :hug:
:grouphug: Hugs Mel!! I hate heartache.

I know exactly how you feel Jill :headache:. Not enough hours in the day :upsidedow.

You also need to pick a team for the Scavenger Hunt :thumbsup2.

I still need to PM Tracey with the snack I'm bringing, but I have no idea what I want to bring yet :confused3.

I also have to PM my phone number for the list, but I can't remember who to send it to? Can someone please let me know :).
Thanks Katie!
I'd love to do the SH, but I work on SH day, so won't be around...well, I will be around, but not to play with y'all!
Oh, and you reminded me what I was'ing Tracey w/ snack idea!! :yay:

So, I'm now all caught up and plan on staying this way! So don't go all crazy on me and take up 10 pages by tomorrow, k?

Beth...remember that fast & easy bus that comes out here!?? Take up space on somebody's couch and I'll meet you at the gate :thumbsup2 !! Look how easy it would be to come for 2 days! Just sayin' :rolleyes1

I must say, I'm hopelessly addicted to the 75% off christmas aisles in the stores and have picked up so many "things" for next year! :santa:
Thanx Jill :hug: It's really hard watching our parents get old & suffering.....prayers for you & yours!!!
Or the 50+ women!! :stir::stir::stir:
I knew I was going to get myself in trouble....:upsidedow
I just read on the Disney Parks blog that the next 8 weekends at DL are Family Fun Weekends.

It's going to be Mardi Gras while we are there.

Mardi Gras – Feb. 18-20, Feb. 25-27 and March 4-6: Three weekends will be devoted to a lively, New Orleans-style Mardi Gras event, with vibrant excitement, jazzy music and sensational food of New Orleans. Where else? At New Orleans Square. Princess Tiana, along with a cavalcade of some Disney characters in their Mardi Gras finery, will appear at a photo location in the Court of Angels, staffed by Disney PhotoPass photographers.

I was going to mention this myself. I am really excited about this event. My sister went to college out in Louisianna and even then I didn't get to experience Mardi Gras. What I want to know we will get beads?! :rolleyes1
I just read on the Disney Parks blog that the next 8 weekends at DL are Family Fun Weekends.

It's going to be Mardi Gras while we are there.

Mardi Gras – Feb. 18-20, Feb. 25-27 and March 4-6: Three weekends will be devoted to a lively, New Orleans-style Mardi Gras event, with vibrant excitement, jazzy music and sensational food of New Orleans. Where else? At New Orleans Square. Princess Tiana, along with a cavalcade of some Disney characters in their Mardi Gras finery, will appear at a photo location in the Court of Angels, staffed by Disney PhotoPass photographers.

Hopefully that won't bring lots of crowds. Here's the link to the other weekends:
That sounds like a lot of fun!! But as you said, hopefully it won't bring the crowds. :)

Beth...remember that fast & easy bus that comes out here!?? Take up space on somebody's couch and I'll meet you at the gate :thumbsup2 !! Look how easy it would be to come for 2 days! Just sayin' :rolleyes1
popcorn: :popcorn:
LOL Don't tempt me!!! :rotfl:

And I'm so sorry to hear that about your mom. I also hope the specialist can figure it all out for her and that she is fine. :hug:
I knew I was going to get myself in trouble....:upsidedow

I was going to mention this myself. I am really excited about this event. My sister went to college out in Louisianna and even then I didn't get to experience Mardi Gras. What I want to know we will get beads?! :rolleyes1

Now you know this is Disnayland so there will be no flashing.:lmao:
Ok....I'm on a roll.

Now I'm going to start nagging again.

There are still some ladies out there, who have not ordered their tees. Your name is on the original list. If you don't want one, that is totally fine. My feelings will not be hurt. But I need to know, one way or another. K?

I know you know this stuff already, and I know you probably just get busy and forget. That would be me too. That is why I'm nagging. To make a friendly reminder. LOL!

So here is my list of no shows.:rolleyes:


I also wanted to let you know that Linda, Cheryl and Bree tried on some samples. I think that the sizing is pretty true to form for a man's shirt. Maybe a tad smaller. Not much. The sleeves are shorter for sure. Hope this helps. If you are still perplexed, PM me and I will let you know what sizes they chose, if that helps.

Thankyou! :grouphug:

Thank you, Mel! I'll take an XL & I would like it blinged out. I'll send you a check. :)

Hi ladies!

Just wanted to announce that we have our first team for the scavvy hunt!

Woo hoo!!!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:


They don't have a name yet. Let's give a round of applause to our first team! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

Oh yes, we do have a name. :thumbsup2

Originally Posted by tinkermell
Or the 50+ women!! :stir::stir::stir:

:thumbsup2 :goodvibes

OKAY, ladies... What else am I missing?
Going to the meet-up
Let Steph know dining plans
Joined an awesome scavvy hunt team
Gave Mel my size & stuff

Who else do I need to contact for what?

I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with the thread. I promise to do better now that we are closer.
Melody, Laurie, and Jill...


Keeping you and your loved ones in my thoughts and prayers.
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