Girls-Only Mar 3-7 - On our way to Disneyland!!!!

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Hi ladies!

Just wanted to announce that we have our first team for the scavvy hunt!

Woo hoo!!!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:


They don't have a name yet. Let's give a round of applause to our first team! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Janelle: I didn't know your Dad was ill. I hope the trip IS magical!


Oh my dad isn't ill, (sorry if it sounded that way). We just know this will be his last trip to DL. He hasn't been since I was a little girl. He has just always said he wanted to go back just one more time. Since my mom has no desire to go again...he figured he better go while he can. It's still going to be a very emotional trip for me...going with my dad one last time and Ayden spending the time with his "Papa" whom he totally just adores. :lovestruc
I need a lanyard & holder as well Carol.....not sure you saw my request pages ago....... :rotfl2:

Been a stressful couple of dad, who has alzheimers was taken to the hospital for pneumonia & my step-mom was informed he had significant emphasymia. My dad quit smoking 53 yrs ago & was a CPA, so no working around hazardous chemicals. The best guess any of us can come up with is......he built model airplanes from the time I can remember & used that toxic glue in the he was inhaling step-mom said he also would chew it off his fingers.... :sick: We went up to see him at the hospital & he didn't seem to know who my hubby was or his youngest son....of course, my baby brother hadn't seen him in at least 5 yrs. We stayed with him for about 20 mins & then he somewhat said goodbye & figured he needed to rest.

We stopped by to see my step-mom.....who we knew wasn't in the best of health....but she doesn't tell us what's going on with her....even when we directly ask. We got to her house & she was gasping for air when she tried to walk, talk or get up from a chair. She sounded like an emphasymia patient (but she is not). Mike finally pinned her down to get a clearer picture of what was going on with her. She's been battling cancer (started as breast cancer) for 30 yrs!! Not too many people can say that! Well the cancer has gone into her bones, lungs & starting to show up in her skull. She got so sick from the chemo last time, that I believe she's stopped that kind of treatment.

I think she's fighting until my dad passes.....but I think my dad is going to last much longer than her. She's very frail, tired & obviously uncomfortable.

So put this on my already full plate & I'm just a tad overwhelmed.

The planning & getting ready for this trip is my highlight that keeps me smiling!! I can't wait to finally meet you all in person!! I know we've been communicating on the thread & FB for 3 yrs now!!!!

Sorry to dump on you all......but just needed you all to if I seem a bit unorganized....or repeating myself........I haven't totally "LOST" it yet..... :rotfl:

Happy planning everyone!!! 51 Days!!!! :banana:
Ok....I'm on a roll.

Now I'm going to start nagging again.

There are still some ladies out there, who have not ordered their tees. Your name is on the original list. If you don't want one, that is totally fine. My feelings will not be hurt. But I need to know, one way or another. K?

I know you know this stuff already, and I know you probably just get busy and forget. That would be me too. That is why I'm nagging. To make a friendly reminder. LOL!

So here is my list of no shows.:rolleyes:

farmgirljen/Jen + limace/Sara?
jordansmomma/Deb (Yeah, it's me bugging you again.) :rolleyes1
Zoemakes5/Michelle Juliette? Size confirmations?
MaiynaMouse/Marnie (Your name is not on the list, but I wanted to make sure.)

I also wanted to let you know that Linda, Cheryl and Bree tried on some samples. I think that the sizing is pretty true to form for a man's shirt. Maybe a tad smaller. Not much. The sleeves are shorter for sure. Hope this helps. If you are still perplexed, PM me and I will let you know what sizes they chose, if that helps.

Thankyou! :grouphug:
Hi ladies!

Just wanted to announce that we have our first team for the scavvy hunt!

Woo hoo!!!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:


They don't have a name yet. Let's give a round of applause to our first team! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

:woohoo: Congrats!!! :thumbsup2
Oh my dad isn't ill, (sorry if it sounded that way). We just know this will be his last trip to DL. He hasn't been since I was a little girl. He has just always said he wanted to go back just one more time. Since my mom has no desire to go again...he figured he better go while he can. It's still going to be a very emotional trip for me...going with my dad one last time and Ayden spending the time with his "Papa" whom he totally just adores. :lovestruc
Hi Janelle! It's good to see you again. :goodvibes

Have a very special time with your Dad and family. :cloud9: I know you will make lots of wonderful memories on this trip. :grouphug:
I need a lanyard & holder as well Carol.....not sure you saw my request pages ago....... :rotfl2:

Been a stressful couple of dad, who has alzheimers was taken to the hospital for pneumonia & my step-mom was informed he had significant emphasymia. My dad quit smoking 53 yrs ago & was a CPA, so no working around hazardous chemicals. The best guess any of us can come up with is......he built model airplanes from the time I can remember & used that toxic glue in the he was inhaling step-mom said he also would chew it off his fingers.... :sick: We went up to see him at the hospital & he didn't seem to know who my hubby was or his youngest son....of course, my baby brother hadn't seen him in at least 5 yrs. We stayed with him for about 20 mins & then he somewhat said goodbye & figured he needed to rest.

We stopped by to see my step-mom.....who we knew wasn't in the best of health....but she doesn't tell us what's going on with her....even when we directly ask. We got to her house & she was gasping for air when she tried to walk, talk or get up from a chair. She sounded like an emphasymia patient (but she is not). Mike finally pinned her down to get a clearer picture of what was going on with her. She's been battling cancer (started as breast cancer) for 30 yrs!! Not too many people can say that! Well the cancer has gone into her bones, lungs & starting to show up in her skull. She got so sick from the chemo last time, that I believe she's stopped that kind of treatment.

I think she's fighting until my dad passes.....but I think my dad is going to last much longer than her. She's very frail, tired & obviously uncomfortable.

So put this on my already full plate & I'm just a tad overwhelmed.

The planning & getting ready for this trip is my highlight that keeps me smiling!! I can't wait to finally meet you all in person!! I know we've been communicating on the thread & FB for 3 yrs now!!!!

Sorry to dump on you all......but just needed you all to if I seem a bit unorganized....or repeating myself........I haven't totally "LOST" it yet..... :rotfl:

Happy planning everyone!!! 51 Days!!!! :banana:
My goodness Laurie. That is quite a full plate. My thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

And I know what you mean..... A lot of this planning is good for me with my sister Renee and all. Something fun, in the midst of heartache. I just learned that she is going on oxygen now. So surreal. :sad1:

Anywhos....enough of that.

Big hugs to you! :hug:
I ended up calling in sick to work today for the first time since 2008. So bummed. I'm going to try and go in tonight after my co-workers leave (really don't want to face anyone) to get some more ibuprofen and sickies stuff and see if my time off got approved. I really want to be able to join you all so bad.
My goodness Laurie. That is quite a full plate. My thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

And I know what you mean..... A lot of this planning is good for me with my sister Renee and all. Something fun, in the midst of heartache. I just learned that she is going on oxygen now. So surreal. :sad1:

Anywhos....enough of that.

Big hugs to you! :hug:

Thanx Melody.....I still have you & your sister in my prayers!! :hug:

I ended up calling in sick to work today for the first time since 2008. So bummed. I'm going to try and go in tonight after my co-workers leave (really don't want to face anyone) to get some more ibuprofen and sickies stuff and see if my time off got approved. I really want to be able to join you all so bad.

Sorry you're sick Jazz.....hopefully you feel better....especially when you see your time off request approved!! ;)
Ok....I'm on a roll.

Now I'm going to start nagging again.

There are still some ladies out there, who have not ordered their tees. Your name is on the original list. If you don't want one, that is totally fine. My feelings will not be hurt. But I need to know, one way or another. K?

I know you know this stuff already, and I know you probably just get busy and forget. That would be me too. That is why I'm nagging. To make a friendly reminder. LOL!

So here is my list of no shows.:rolleyes:

farmgirljen/Jen + limace/Sara?
jordansmomma/Deb (Yeah, it's me bugging you again.) :rolleyes1
Zoemakes5/Michelle Juliette? Size confirmations?
CoMickey/Vicki Size confirmation?

I also wanted to let you know that Linda, Cheryl and Bree tried on some samples. I think that the sizing is pretty true to form for a man's shirt. Maybe a tad smaller. Not much. The sleeves are shorter for sure. Hope this helps. If you are still perplexed, PM me and I will let you know what sizes they chose, if that helps.

Thankyou! :grouphug:

Hi Mel - Sorry to be tardy - A little bird (Katie) told me you were trying to track me down. I had asked Linda to let me know what she thought of the sizing and I just heard from her so please get me a L. I'll PM you as well.
Mel, can't PM from work, so I'll respond here...please put me down for an XL, I'd rather it be big than too small. I have no shoulders but a larger bust, so sometimes things can be too small. And, I totally would love it blinged out! :goodvibes I'll put a check in the mail asap!
I've got an email out to Juliette, she's on this post, but hasn't been checking it all that often...she's Juliette22.
Mel, can't PM from work, so I'll respond here...please put me down for an XL, I'd rather it be big than too small. I have no shoulders but a larger bust, so sometimes things can be too small. And, I totally would love it blinged out! :goodvibes I'll put a check in the mail asap!
I've got an email out to Juliette, she's on this post, but hasn't been checking it all that often...she's Juliette22.
Ok Michelle! I will PM you my address.

I will also PM Juliette. Maybe she will check it out.

Ladies: Melody brought down some samples of the shirts this weekend and they are a beautiful purple and SOFT. You're gonna love em!
Aww, they sound great.

I will only do a carry-on(crossing fingers) I am not paying the outrageous fees. :mad:
I hate those insane fees. So annoying.

Just wanted to announce that we have our first team for the scavvy hunt!

Woo hoo!!!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:


They don't have a name yet. Let's give a round of applause to our first team! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Whoooo hoooooo!!!!! Looks like an awesome team!!!!

So put this on my already full plate & I'm just a tad overwhelmed.

The planning & getting ready for this trip is my highlight that keeps me smiling!! I can't wait to finally meet you all in person!! I know we've been communicating on the thread & FB for 3 yrs now!!!!
I've been reading your updates on FB and I am sorry you've been going through so much. :hug:
I so wish I was going to be there to meet you! I can't believe it's already been three years as the Divas!! I love it. :goodvibes

Thankyou! :grouphug:
No, thank you Mel for all your hard work! :worship:

A lot of this planning is good for me with my sister Renee and all. Something fun, in the midst of heartache. I just learned that she is going on oxygen now. So surreal. :sad1:
:( Aw, Mel. :hug:

I ended up calling in sick to work today for the first time since 2008. So bummed. I'm going to try and go in tonight after my co-workers leave (really don't want to face anyone) to get some more ibuprofen and sickies stuff and see if my time off got approved. I really want to be able to join you all so bad.
Feel better soon and good luck on getting the time off!!! :wizard:
Thanx Beth!!

We have one opening for World of Color dining at Ariel's at 6pm on Friday, March 4th with myself, Michelle (zoemakes5) & Vicki (bsblgrl23)......Juliette won't be able to go that let us know if you want to join us for dinner & then watch the show in a great reserved area!!

Bummer Michelle on being blocked out for your birthday!! :headache:
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