Hakuna Matata: Dash away, dash away, dash away All!

Hey everyone! What an insanely chilly morning! I was okay with the cold, sort of okay with the winds but was done in by the ice and then the rain. I was soaked at the end and felt terrible. Like Lynn, my cold and wet sneakers made it even worse. I saw water squishing out of them when I walked back to the monorail.

I ran with Syko's DH which was so much fun - I don't normally run with anyone so it was great to have someone to pace and talk to! He definitely got me to the finish line because I would have probably walked it in at about mile 10. I did PB but not the time that I was hoping for :( But I think given the weather conditions, I'm happy. Next race :)

Lynn/Scott/Jack - I missed you guys at the Pop meet :( Maybe I'll see you at the dessert party tomorrow night.

Take care everyone!
Day two begins. Our demons of fear and self doubt shall fall this day and when we cross the finishline we will indeed be changed forever.

War Pandapirate:
WE wil be over at BWV for Breakfast, sorry we missed folks at POP, had a prior commitment.

Well Goofy, Dopey are in the bag as well as the DUMBO went out for a 5K this moen slow pace of 12:04 but what the heck it was a misserable cold weekend.
Later kids. I need another shower...
Sitting in mco right now. I had one of the worst races of my life as far as running (3 med tent stops meant seriously considering dropping out). I ran a humbling 4:15. But I've never had so much fun! Next year I'm going Goofy and going to have double the fun!
Hi Team!

DH and I are still in Orlando, leaving to go home tomorrow. Despite my worse fears, I finished the half and set a new PR...3:18.38. I followed someone's advice on these boards and covered the mesh of my shoes with duct tape. My feet stayed warm and dry until about mile 9 when the tape finally got so damp that it fell off! It was cold waiting for the start, and who knew that my first race in sleet would take place in Florida! But now I know that I can get out and go in all types of weather where before I was a big chicken in that respect.

I saw someone yesterday on the monorail who had done the Goofy and I asked them which race they thought was worse. His answer was "Pick your poison! One was wet and the other was cold."

Dave...I tried to use some of the tips you gave me during my walking intervals. I think they helped!
Good MorningTeam!

Yes, it has been cold here in Fl!!!!

Hoping for a warm up here for the next few days. It was great to see all those of you that I got to see, and sorry I missed the rest of you! Maybe next year we can get together again!

Have a great day, we are off to Hollywood Studios this morning.
Good Morning everyone! :goodvibes

Well I did it, it wasn't pretty but I managed to get through, mile 22 had me a hurting but I kept at it. (How do you eat an elephant~ One bite at a time!) It was getting close and I had to really push to get in under the time>
Back to work this morning :sad1:
I have to say this was a great challenge, and to be able to lay claim as having completed it is a good feeling.

I wish everyone all the best in future runs/races and life. Thanks for being there and I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to meet. But who knows it's a small world after all. :lmao:
We willbe off to the MK this morn... three more day and it is finally warming up.... bout time...LOL
I'm headed off for vacation #2 a trip to the mountains. If I have to be cold I might as well go to the mountains where it's supposed to be cold. Axctually it's in the 40s so not much different from Disney last week.

I arrived home yesterday and there was snow on the ground. I was thrilled to see that. Most had melted away but still on the grass.

I won't have computer access again till monday so I'm still kicicken just not on line.

Good Evening Team!

It was a very nice day here today! It was warm enough for shorts and one layer of t shirts! We have been doing a lot of walking around, but it has not been measured, so I guess I can't claim the miles (if we are even still doing that?)

Sorry I missed all of you - maybe at the DL half!

Have a great day tomorrow!
Got up and did a 5K in 52 degree weather, yeah it finally feels like Florida.
Good Morning Team!

What a race weekend! Congrats! to you all on your great accomplishments!

5k was fun with DD & DH. DD really enjoyed her first big race experience.

When I originally signed up for Goofy I knew it would be a one time thing & gave it everything I had. PB's in both races 2:00 half & 4:40 full. Content & pleased with the results. Now I'm done. (with Disney races for awhile anyway, another Goofy in 2015? Maybe.)

Dave, Enjoy the mountains.

Scott/ Lynn, so jealous of the warm weather & that you are still at the parks. Temps here are above freezing for the next few days so I guess I can't complain.

Back at it tonight with spin followed by :laundy: & putting Christmas away.
Have a great weekend everyone.........Sue
:cheer2::cheer2: Congratulations, To ALL RACERS WDW Marathon Weekend! You Did Great! We are so Proud of you! :cheer2::cheer2:

Way To Go Sue...not 1 but 2 PB's! :hug:

Dave enjoy the 2nd vacation in Gatlinburg :goodvibes

Me... :upsidedow
I completed the Donald, wet, frozen, but strong.

Special Thank You Goes Out To:

Our Scream Team, Matt at his usual post on the overpass. Did shout at him.

Received a Twizzler from a WISHer (Kathy I think) with a sweet smile encouraging me along the route.

Then I lost my Goofy Bracelet in the Port-a-Potty line before the start-was told I could not get the Goofy medal without it. Really discouraging.

Did 13.1 plus miles of the Mickey - due to the cold temp I had serious muscle cramping by mile 11; felt like I had a broken toe; continued until completing 13.1 plus, then I made the decision it was best for me to stop at the next First Aid Tent rather than be picked up. :sad1:

I am disappointed, sad, healthy, uninjured, but not devastated.
But most of all I am so very thankful God allowed me this Great Once in a Life Time Opportunity…::yes::


Margie, sorry you had to quit! You are still awesome!!!

For those who didn't hear, I'm registered for Goofy next year. Are we keeping the team together?

4.25 miles in 37:30. Recovering very nicely (one of the few benefits of a horrible race)
Hi everyone! I'm at MCO waiting for the plane to go home. *sigh* Funny no matter how long a WDW trip is, it's never quite long enough ... The weather warmed up enough today that people were out in shorts, sandals and in the pool. Wish we had more of the warm sunny weather but I guess that will be my excuse for another trip :) I'm posting on my phone so I'll catch up on posts tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well!
God Evening Team!

Vicki - although it will be warmer tomorrow, it sounds like it might be raining, so you are not missing the sunshine!

Margie - sorry you did not finish the Goofy - are you trying again next year?

Jennifer - good luck to you next year on your Goofy!

Have a great evening all!
Thanks, Jennifer & Lynn :goodvibes

Vicky-it was so nice to see you again! Safe Travels :hug:

Scott & Lynn-Sorry I missed seeing you guys. It sounds like you are having a great time!

Lynn-No, I will not be able to do any more races at WDW. This truly was my Once in a Life Time Opportunity. :upsidedow
Off to MK and Epcot today finalpacking etc etc early flight tomorrow,

95% chance we will be back running this one again in 2011


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