Hello Tag Fairy

Right now I am wishing upon a star that a TF will visit me and make my dreams come true.

Please, oh please, TF come make my dreams come true.
I could also use the TAG Faries help! I could not STAND the SNOW any longer and soooo,after being home less than 3 weeks from my 10 day trip to WDW, I made another reservation for the CR for 10 nites this summer!Adding this to my 4nites at BVC,during the last two weeks in July. BUT I have not told my Hubby yet!!! :rolleyes: HELP HELP!! I think it was the SNOW that made me do IT!!! Joan
I am so happy. I wondered how everyone got those cool tags. I always read them and now I've got one myself! Whooohoo!!! :bounce: :Pinkbounc

Thanks a bunch TF, whereever you are!
I so enjoyed this thread! Been smiling through the whole thing. Those tag fairies have such a great sense of humor!

Its cloudy and cold here today, so thank-you, tag fairies, for brightening my day.

okay, y'all!
you have WAY too much time on y'all's hands!

Can Y'ALL tell that she is from Texas! LOL!!!

Southern by the grace of God - and proud of it!!!

I calls it likes I see's it !!!
Careful people you don't want to annoy the tag fairies.. it is not polite to beg or ask. The best "gift" from a tag fairy is unexpected!
I DO Believe in the Tag Fairy!!:Pinkbounc

You can come visit me anytime!!:bounce:


Wow, I never knew Tag Faries were so popular. Before you know it everyone will want a visit! :crazy:

I see the TFs have been very busy little Fairies. Thanks for the tag!
I am so excited! Thank you so much tag fairy! I hope you visit me again soon!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU to the Tag Faries! I saw my TAG when I hit my 200th post! I LOVE IT!!! And my 1 year Anniversary is this month for joining these Boards! I have always enjoyed reading everyone elses tag but never knew where they came from!! Joan:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I'm wishing (I'm wishing)

For a tag I'll love

To find me (to find me)

Today (today)

I'm hoping (I'm hoping)

And I'm dreaming of

The nice things (the nice things)

They'll say
I sure am glad that I finally found out what TF meant. I was beginning to wonder what the secret language was all about. I thought it was some secret Disney language I had not heard about.
People call me crazy since I seem to collect 'Disney-men' on my travels. You know a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta. It also helps to have a very understanding husband when you have a collecting hobby, ok some might call it a collecting obsession. But it's fun. BTW, 'Disney-men' aren't the only things I collect, just the collections I can't bring home with me.
Iwish upon a star that the tag fairy brings nice weather to our trip!!!
One Tag
I have but one Tag
One Tag
Only from you

One Tag
Tenderly placed here
I'll always believe
Devoted and true

One Tag
That's been bestowed me
One Tag
Thrilling me through

One Tag
My heart keeps thanking
For one Tag
Only from you

Hey TF, thanx for my 'tag'. Now people are really going to wonder about me!! :earseek:



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