How close are you to your breaking point?

No big deal here. The only thing that's really changed is we're not eating out; and, we've swapped bike rides and walks for window shopping. But, Dh and I do still go to work as usual. Maybe I'd feel differently if we were stuck in the house all day.
I'm great! Being paid to stay home. Our family is spending less and saving a ton of money. I am well rested, my house is clean, I am eating better, and have very little stress.

But someone that I Iove very much is out of a job, fighting for unemployment every day, and once they get unemployment it will be a fraction of their income. I don't want to go into much detail, but they are at their breaking point. I am sick for them. Worried for them. And my heart breaks for them. We send gift cards for food, but it embarrasses them. They feel shamed right now.

I am very pro quarantine. But also careful at casting stones at those desperate to work. The whole "covidiot" name calling rubs me the wrong way. People are very desperate and depressed right now. We need to help them. Not call them names.
I am an introvert too, and I have about had it!!!! The economy can only stand being stagnant for a short while. People are losing their homes, not enough to eat, etc, etc, etc,. We have to open up sometime.
People also need to be personally responsible for their well being. If they don't want to be in a crowd, then don't be. I f they want to stay home longer, then stay home. If they are sick or immune suppressed, then do what they normally do to protect themselves. People need to work to get money to eat and live. It cannot go on a long time, IMO. No flaming, just my opinion and honest feelings.
We're a family of introverts, and I have worked from home for years, so we're doing OK overall. However, even though I didn't ACTUALLY go out much more often than I do now (weekly grocery run), I miss having the OPTION to go out. (And even when they lift the stay-at-home order, it doesn't mean it's a good idea to go hog-wild with going out. The virus will still be there.)

My mom, however, is close to her breaking point. She's 78 and my dad is 80 with chronic lung disease, so they're definitely high risk. My sister and I (mostly me) have been handling their outside-the-house needs. Our stay-at-home order is expected to expire on May 1. Last week she was telling me how much she's looking forward to going out, doing her own grocery shopping, and mostly getting together with the family. I said "Um, well... I'm not sure that's such a good idea..." and she snapped "Well, I'm not sure I care! I'm not going to live my life under house arrest." (She tells everyone my sister and I have her on house arrest... roll eyes.) She has agreed to let us keep doing stuff for her through May, but beyond that...
No where near my breaking point. I can do this for a lot longer. I haven't been in a public place since early March (I get our groceries delivered). Other than a few drives to get out and some walks, I haven't left the house. I honestly don't really miss going out. Even when stay-at-home orders lift, I won't do anything differently.
Overall I’m okay and there are a lot of things that aren’t that different. But I hate the stress that comes from simple things like going to the store. I’m content when I’m at home.

If it wasn’t for work, I could probably pretty easily take a couple more months of this. I still have a job and am working from home, but it’s so slow right now and those work days literally drag. If this continues too long, I probably will have my hours reduced or something worse.
I forgot to mention I am an introvert and I frequently go 3-5 days without leaving the house, so this is not a hardship for me.

Same. There were days when I only went to school to drop off and pickup my kid.

I was feeling the need for serious alone time on Friday, so I spent ALL day yesterday in bed watching Mad Men again. Slept until 11 today. I am now recharged!

It is the day after day after day of uncertainty.

What uncertainty in particular? I'd say if there is something I struggle with in all this, it is the doldrums of it all feeling like groundhog day- every. day. is. the. same. I might embrace some uncertainty in my life right now (well, the right kind of uncertainty).
I am more of an introvert but I am reaching my breaking point. I miss my adult children and grandchildren, my mother, my in laws, and I really worried about family members and friends who are furloughed, losing business, whose lives are starting to crumble. The thought of not seeing my family all summer, not having my grandkids to give the parents a break, is depressing. I am worried that this will go on forever because this virus isn't going away, everyone I know is social distancing, and the cases and deaths keep going up.
Both my husband and I are able to work from home. We are fortunate we no longer need to commute on public transit, with a high risk of exposure to this virus. Both our children are at home, they are able to complete any school work assigned by their teachers very quickly and then they don’t do much the rest of the week. I am happy we do not need to go out except for groceries and potentially expose ourselves as the number of cases in my city increase. But I just want my kids to have their old routines back, be learning again at school, resume their sports activities/practices, music lessons, etc., instead of spending countless hours on their screens.
I'm great! Being paid to stay home. Our family is spending less and saving a ton of money. I am well rested, my house is clean, I am eating better, and have very little stress.

But someone that I Iove very much is out of a job, fighting for unemployment every day, and once they get unemployment it will be a fraction of their income. I don't want to go into much detail, but they are at their breaking point. I am sick for them. Worried for them. And my heart breaks for them. We send gift cards for food, but it embarrasses them. They feel shamed right now.

I am very pro quarantine. But also careful at casting stones at those desperate to work. The whole "covidiot" name calling rubs me the wrong way. People are very desperate and depressed right now. We need to help them. Not call them names.

Very well put.
I'm doing ok. The other day I did tell DH that I wanted to watch tv alone, hold the remote, watch chick flicks without his commentary, he went to the cave... I am lucky that my DD lives 10 min away. They come over once a week for game night! I do miss going out to our local brewery... sigh
I'd love to be outside hiking. Now, it's really too hot to go.

I'm dealing with it. But I'm more grumpy.
What uncertainty in particular? I'd say if there is something I struggle with in all this, it is the doldrums of it all feeling like groundhog day- every. day. is. the. same. I might embrace some uncertainty in my life right now (well, the right kind of uncertainty).

The uncertainty of not knowing what is going to happen, how the economy is going to recover, when is there going to be a treatment/vaccine, etc etc.
I'm good. We are retired so home a lot anyway. I am also an introvert.
I don't like the pressure of grocery shopping, but isn't changing things too much
We do see the family still. They came over to go swimming yesterday

No salons or sit down restaurants are opened here.
While there are days that we feel stir crazy, for the most part we recognize that we are EXTREMELY lucky. The hardest thing being asked of us is to simply stay at home and I just remind myself of that. Even my adult kids see that and respect it.
Getting a manicure or going to a restaurant even if the state has opened...even if you are old, just seems irresponsible and selfish at this point until we see numbers dropping drastically. It’s not about getting sick. It is about not making someone else sick.


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