HURRICANE INFORMATION (AUGUST 15, 2004): All parks except TL are OPEN

Originally posted by hulabird
Miranda Danda

....I care about people too, I am a Christian, of course I have been praying for the safety of human beings as well as animals. I also pray about WDW because it is an important place for families, it brings families together and represents goodness and for that reason I truly believe God will protect it. :sunny:

You do realize that us non-Christians also care about people, right?? I don't mean to pick on you, but this term irritates me.
I'm in a rental home in Lindfields, sitting in the dark and so thankful that my hubby has a battery powered laptop.

We were lucky, the eye past 10 miles to our east. It was pretty nasty, but nothing like the wind in Kissimmee. Hoping Disney is opened tomorrow. Think this will be my last August Disney excursion.

I would really appreciate a PM in the morning with park info. Looks like we might not have electricity for a while. Or, can someone give me a # to telephone the parks inthe morning. Thanks!

You can call 407-939-4636 for Hurrican updates from Disney.

As for us we survived. We are about 10 minutes from the backside of Disney (Animal Kingdom area), fairly close to where Lisa AF is staying. We had minimual damage at our house some roof shingles missing and such, but nothing major. Hopefully the Disney property faired as well as we did.
CNN just reported that a van had been blown into another car on the highway into a car of a family of five killing a 4 or 5 year old girl.

As far as WDW they said no reports so far of damage or injuries there.

My heart is so sad for this family:(
We just got back after a 12 hr drive.

I can tell you I had a bad feeling before we left last friday from VA(we went to NC first- in-laws near Myrtle) and there were a BUNCH of tropical storms out there.

The track lastnight Charley seemed to be coming right up the tip of Fl. This morning the focus was on Tampa. When we left The Windsor Palms this morning (9am) they had red tape over the doors/windows of the "gate". I did not see any other tape or boarding up going on. I also did not hear any reports to do so- but we knew to high tail it out of there. We had three days in Disney and I am so thankful that we had good weather when we were there. (I will try and add more of a trip report later).

The interstates were really congested too!

We saw the rain/flooding in Jacksonville- and I just don't know how much more rain they can take there!

I am not superstitious- but I know Friday the 13th will be etched in a lot of people's brains for awhile.

Anyhow- I hope everyone in Orlando is okay...
Sitting on pins and needles here waiting to hear that everyone from the Dis in Florida is safe and, of course, waiting to hear how our favorite place has fared. Probably have to wait for morning for more info. Anyone with any info, please let us know..........P
Originally posted by dad'ngirls
I've been watching MSNBC and CNN for the last hour and they have talked about nearly every other town BUT Orlando. There's been on-site reporting from Daytona Beach, Tampa, etc., but nothing from Orlando and certainly no mention of DisneyWorld.

Fox News has a Charley special right now. Shepard Smith keeps mentioning Disney and has said they'll have a report from Orlando shortly...nothing as of yet.

And, not to be dramatic or false report, but Fox is reporting "widespread and severe damage in the Kissimmee/Disney World area."

No further details provided.

He has also referred to the area as "Mickey City". Irrelevant, but I thought I'd share.
Mayor Dyer of Orlando reports Cat. 2 storm - sustained winds at 70 mph.

"Faired fairly well"

"Very few injuries"

"We think we'll have a lot of structural damage" but won't know till tomorrow

Live reporter from Orlando, Downtown:

tree branches everywhere...

every street has branches, lines down, trees on cars, in homes

"sight to behold in Orlando, no doubt"

No injuries or fatalities reported by police.

Report from Kissimmee:

pretty bad power outages, damage there

(Further reports to come)
any news on Panama City? My mom's best friend lives there so just helping mom out
Looking for any news on WDW and our DISfamily in Florida.
Law enforcement has lifted the curfew here in central Florida as of 6am so WDW is on schedule for a 9am opening today, Saturday 08/14/2004. According to the Cast Member information they rode the storm out just fine and are planning to open on time. Just FYI to all :)
Walt Disney World rode the storm out fairly well and is planning to open the parks on time today (9am, Saturday 08/14/2004_. Law Enforcement will be lifting the curfew as of 6am this morning and all WDW cast members have been asked to report to work on time (granted I have to leave for work at 5:30 to be there on time...but they did say you could come in late if you were not comfortable driving until sunrise.) I guess I will leave around 5:45 (close enough) and take major rodes...not the usualy back rodes that I take.

:) SO glad to know that they are anticipating an on time opening, that means they got everything cleaned up and faired well :)
Thank you for passing this info along. Its 4:30 in the morning and I have been so worried for all my Disney friends. :)
Well that's a good sign! I woke early and have been searching the DIS for news, thanks for posting.
another DISer checking things out in the early morn
Glad everyone's ok - thanks for letting us know
Thanks we were all worried for you from the UK !!

Early riser here too, checking out the DIS for news. This board has become the best source for news on the storm.
Thanks for keeping us updated. I'd due to leave for WDW in four days and couldn't sleep all night worrying about what I was in for. Hope everyone is safe down there.
Originally posted by CourtasanSatine
any news on Panama City? My mom's best friend lives there so just helping mom out

Charley didn't go anywhere near Panama City. Earlier in the week, TS Bonnie gave PC quite a bit of rain though.
Thank you for the update, my thoughts and prayers are with all the residents and vacations in Florida.:grouphug:


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