I am irrationally bothered by....

That's not how it works here(especially on the highway).There are even signs that say this:
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I've always read about this on here how some states only allow you in the left lanes to pass. Here you use all lanes but still, slower traffic is suppose to be in the right lane. Just a word of warning if you've never driven in CA, if you are doing the speed limit, you are going too slow and should be in the right lanes. :drive:

Anyway, my thing now that I can't stand is at the casino. I go to play my free play once a week just for something to do and oh my gosh, the people that bang on those slot machines drive me insane. Instead of just touching the play button, they BAM it. I sometimes can hear someone 3 aisles over. I fixate on it to the point I have to get up and walk away because I can't concentrate and I just can't take it. The odd thing is, they never play the maximum lines, instead of playing 25 cents for the 25 lines, they play 7 lines and when they get a bonus, they win a whopping 30 cents.
For what they are charging for those groceries, they better bag them and carry them to my car!

Here it is standard, we pay 6c for grocery bags and bag your own, at some department stores you pay 10c for a bag.

I had a laugh this last weekend, I took the kids to Disney On Kce and bought them a bunch of merchandise, they charge $1 for the big plastic bag but otherwise you get small ones for free, I was like really you are having to give me 8 smaller bags to fit our purchases instead of just using a big one....
So, you DO know what they are and that they are routinely used.

Not up here. Portland, ME has put in grocery bag restrictions, but that's the only place that I've seen it. OK... full disclosure- I haven't shopped in EVERY grocery store in Maine, LOL, but I know we don't pay for bags in Portsmouth NH, Augusta, ME, or in any of the grocery stores around Bangor. I, like tvguy, was thinking that you were talking about the old-type insulated paper ice cream/frozen bags.

Roaches - we have the giant ones that live in wooded areas and chase you; i freak out if one gets in the house or if they chase me when I'm on a walk around the neighborhood; give me a spider or snake any day over these monsters

I totally do NOT miss that about living down south. Ugh. My dad calls those bull roaches. They get in the house at my parents because they have pine trees all around. One will be on the wall and you go to kill it and the thing flies. :crazy2::eek:

PLEASE remind me of this conversation next February, when I'm whining about the snow and how cold it is up here! A saving factor of cold winters is that it limits the creepy-crawlie population!
I totally do NOT miss that about living down south. Ugh. My dad calls those bull roaches.

They get in the house at my parents because they have pine trees all around. One will be on the wall and you go to kill it and the thing flies. :crazy2::eek:

I've always read about this on here how some states only allow you in the left lanes to pass. Here you use all lanes but still, slower traffic is suppose to be in the right lane. Just a word of warning if you've never driven in CA, if you are doing the speed limit, you are going too slow and should be in the right lanes. :drive:

Anyway, my thing now that I can't stand is at the casino. I go to play my free play once a week just for something to do and oh my gosh, the people that bang on those slot machines drive me insane. Instead of just touching the play button, they BAM it. I sometimes can hear someone 3 aisles over. I fixate on it to the point I have to get up and walk away because I can't concentrate and I just can't take it. The odd thing is, they never play the maximum lines, instead of playing 25 cents for the 25 lines, they play 7 lines and when they get a bonus, they win a whopping 30 cents.

We would go to the casinos in Vegas and play the cheap slots. Drinks were free at our preferred casino if you were playing, so $5 in the machine + $10 in tip garnered $30 in drinks + an hour of relaxation.... (one coin at a time, slow pulls)
I will move aside as well, makes me nuts. Also people who get all up in my personal space in a line. I can't figure out what they're trying to accomplish with this. I guess technically you are one step closer but you're not going to get to the front any faster it's the same amount of people still ahead of you.

I hate when someone invades my personal space in line. At the grocery store last week, I found myself telling someone to stop touching me when he thought it would be a good idea to literally stand shoulder to shoulder with me when I checked out. It made me really uncomfortable. Stay out of my bubble, strangers!

Also, the sound of nails being clipped (especially in the office) and people chewing on ice makes my skin crawl.
Bloggers who post great things regularly, and then, once you're used to reading, slowly...stop...posting.
So, you DO know what they are and that they are routinely used.
I did know, and I did know how they used to be used. But like I said, I haven't seen them in a store in 25 to 30 years.
Tonight I had to remind him. He was wonderfully trying to help me get dinner cooked, but I couldn't take it! He stunk! I made him get a shower while I finished dinner.

His friends and classmates and teachers will thankyou!!

Our sons had a buddy who lived next door their entire childhood. Somewhere around age 13, we only invited him to stay for dinner if we were dining outside and stopped inviting him places that required a ride with the car windows closed up!
Always wondered why his mom did not insist he take care of business..
For me, when I have MRIs, I have to have a cage around my head to keep it still and oh boy..they have to drug me up good. I'm not claustrophobic but just thinking about being locked down gives me the heebie jeebies.
They can drug you?!? They definitely should then; I can't understand why they don't. :confused: I've only had one cranial MRI with the face cage and all - it was the longest 43 minutes of my life. I'm pretty stoic about medical procedures (and everything else in life too, really) but that was totally horrible and it took every shred of my self-control to keep from bailing out.

As for things I irrationally dislike - I can't tolerate being breathed on. I can't even stand breathing on myself. :scared: It takes some interesting contortions some nights to find a position in bed where I can't feel either DH's or my own breath on my skin. And being breathed on by a stranger is unthinkable.
They used to have insulated paper bags at the store for ice cream. The law changed here the first part of July, you have to pay 10 cents a bag or bring your own. Not sure how sanitary some of those reused, stained and dirty cloth bags are I am seeing get thrown on the conveyor belt.
I'm a mile from the big chain grocery story and 3 from the Neighborhood Walmart, no need for insulated bags for that short of a trip.

Probably not any worse than the conveyor belt itself.
After reading school supply thread I'm going to have to add

Cheap people

Can't stand people that don't tip well, won't send in (reasonable) requested supplies by their kid's teachers, and are scrooges in gift giving. I understand not having money, but you can be thoughtful and generous-hearted without a lot of money.
My aunt had a tough time when I was getting married. I told my mom to tell her I would just like a nice drawing if she was getting a wedding gift (she is an artist) instead she found an antique spool table someone was getting rid of. She refinished it beautifully with stuff she already had. It turned out gorgeous, cost her nothing but her time, is one of my favorite pieces and lasted longer than the marriage did ;) .


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