I am irrationally bothered by....

Something I'm irrationally bother by? Hmmm...can't think of anything.
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Since that thing happened, I better not say.

PM me.

Motorcycle riders or those who drive tiny cars who swerve in and out of lanes wildly. They will get hit eventually - the bad drivers in this area will see to that.

Anything to do with Frozen

The fact that someone in this house will put away dishes by placing them on the counter close to the cabinet they go in. Why?!!!
People who leave their blinkers on when they have no intention of turning, people who play pokemon go when they're driving, and people I don't know who come up and touch my arm when they are talking to me.
Baggers who can't seem to get that I don't want the raw chicken in with the salad, or the toilet bowl cleaner in with the bread. When the food goes up on the belt, it's sorted...all bottles, all boxes, all cans, all meat, all dairy, all fresh, all cleaners, all nonfood items, etc. I'm ok with mixing bottles/cans/boxes if it fits ok (see my next irritation) but don't mix things that can kill me with things that should be safe!!!

Baggers who put 8 bottles in one bag...and one bag of farro in another. The bottle bag is overloaded. Just put the salad dressing and steak sauce in the bag with the farro already!

(and I did retail for 5 years, at 2 big box retailers, so I have no problem with stopping the bagger and telling them that the eggs don't go under the box of Capri Suns, and that I'll bag myself)

The whole "vaguebooking" post thing. I either ignore the post or comment to post the real comment you want to make. I also don't deal with "Who's my BF/angel/loved one/best dog/etc" posts; posts about how poorly life is treating you, yet you do nothing about it (i.e. my niece, who complained that her teenage son was arrested and it wasn't fair of the police!!! When questioned, it turns out he was arrested because the judge put a bench warrant out on him for failure to appear in 3 SEPARATE court cases. She seriously saw the problem as him being arrested without notice, as opposed to the crimes that caused the court cases...:confused: :faint:) Those people go on a "do not read" list. I don't delete the nieces/nephews, but I don't read their mess either.

People who lie. I just don't understand why you can't admit that you ran the red light, don't have a metric ton of allergies, didn't finish your homework because you played video games last night, forgot to weedwack the backyard, aren't married to a police officer, or smoke pot. Just freaking own what you do/who you are; if you have to lie to make yourself more interesting (especially to people who you don't know), you need to reexamine your life choices. For example: My kids have learned they get in more trouble for lying than if they tell the truth. DS didn't do his homework for a week at the beginning of the school year; found out about two weeks later when his teacher posted on the online site. He lied, and was grounded from electronic fun until the work was made up (even if for zero grade) and until his grades came up from that week (took a month). About a month before school was out, he came to me and told me that he had missed doing his homework for two days (one day was due to games, the other he was watching SyFy movies with us); he went to his teacher before he came to us, and made a plan to make up the missed work. Because he handled it on his own, we only took the video games away for a weekend.
Baggers at the grocery store who don't use the insulated bags for the cold stuff!

Commercials that are way louder than the show.

@jevs, Thanks, this was fun!

LOL on two fronts.

I don't think I have seen a grocery store with insulated bags for cold stuff in 30 years.

And working at a TV station, I get complaints about commercials all the time. FCC even investigated. They found the highest audio is NOT any louder that the programming. Stations have audio peak limiters to make sure they aren't. However, the audio during the entire commercial may be at that peak level for the entire duration of the commercial, where the audio in programming had distinct highs and lows.
People who leave their shopping carts/trolleys/whatever you call them in the middle of the aisle at the grocery store and then act annoyed when other people politely ask them to move.

I agree. Luckily, my FB feed is drama-free, but there is one person I had to un-follow because I just couldn't take the constant attention-seeking posts.

I'll add one more to that...FB friends who only ever post "inspirational" memes. I tend to un-follow them as well.

I'll add to that those passive aggressive "I know most of my friends won't repost this but if you care about cancer you will" or "I know most of my friends don't read my posts so I want to see who does, if you have read this then blab blah blah"

When things go missing in my house. I am a counter...I count the bath towel sets when I put them away, count the forks, knives and spoons, etc. Then when one is missing I tear the house apart. My family makes fun of me for it. MIL accidently took a hand towel home in her suitcase once. My in laws joked about how crazy it must be making me until finally she called me to tell me she had it. I'd already torn my house apart and interrogated my family over the missing towel. They all thought it was hysterical!

I am currently missing 2 dinner forks, 3 salad forks and a nice Wusthof Trident knife from the knife block. WHERE do these things GO!!!??? I get that my family may have accidently thrown away a fork or two, or left one at school or work or something. But the knife??!!

Yes, I know this obsession is slightly OCD.

Yes! The bloody kids toys, we had Rusty the wrench missing from our Handy Manny toolbox for over a year, I had turned everywhere upside down.
Like a year later I found it under my mattress way in the middle of our bed (super King so we didn't come across it while changing sheets) I am clearly not a princess, if I couldn't feel that then no way would a pea bother me
Yes! The bloody kids toys, we had Rusty the wrench missing from our Handy Manny toolbox for over a year, I had turned everywhere upside down.
Like a year later I found it under my mattress way in the middle of our bed (super King so we didn't come across it while changing sheets) I am clearly not a princess, if I couldn't feel that then no way would a pea bother me
That is hilarious! Don't get me started on the kids' toys. All those little pieces nearly drove me batty. My sister was visiting me with her family one time. Her DD took a piece of the Fisher Price kitchen food (fake meatballs) with her into their rental car. My sister found it when they got to the airport. Knowing me like she does, she called to tell me she had it and then mailed it back to me, so I wouldn't lose my mind. Another friend asked how I dealt with keeping track of all the Barbie shoes in my OCD state of mind. I told her I threw all those away right from the beginning in order to save my sanity! Yes...I know I'm truly crazy when it comes to this.
Any kind of door or drawer left open, cabinets, closets, outside, inside. My honey knows this and will leave a cabinet door open just to see how long it takes me to get up and close it. I've managed to make it a few hours and even get in the bed but then I have to get up and close them. How hard is it?

Someone popping chewing gum, I just want to slap them.

Someone popping bubble wrap, I just want to slap them.

Someone leaving the top of the Keurig open after they have taken out their K-cup, I just want to slap them. Or someone leaving their k-cup in the Keurig. You got it, I just want to slap them.
LOL on two fronts.

I don't think I have seen a grocery store with insulated bags for cold stuff in 30 years.

Huh? Who said anything about store bags? People have been using reusable bags for years now, and you can get both regular and insulated.


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