I am irrationally bothered by....

All those articles that start with "Why do Millenials... Blah blah blah" :badpc: (Well, to be fair, I'm not actually bothered anymore. They're kind of a meme amongst us youths nowadays)

Oh, and when health care professionals touch me without gloves. I'm very strict with my glove use in my practice lol.
listening to people sing through their nose. Usually it's just kids that do it and it doesn't bother me too much unless it's in a movie or something, but there are grown adults that have never learned to sing from their diaphragm and it bugs me so bad. For example, in the first High School Musical movie, Vanessa Hudgens sang through her nose and I almost couldn't stand to listen to it. And unfortunately my son was always wanting to watch it when he was younger. Ugh.

Can I like this multiple times please!!! I am no way, no how a singer or know how to sing etc. But I DO know to sing from the diaphragm!!!! Or when they take too much of or too loud of a breath. I heard once that you weren't supposed to hear the people breathe when they sing. OH, can I throw in autotuned voices too? Oh, and overly twangy country singing too.
Any kind of door or drawer left open, cabinets, closets, outside, inside. My honey knows this and will leave a cabinet door open just to see how long it takes me to get up and close it. I've managed to make it a few hours and even get in the bed but then I have to get up and close them. How hard is it?

Someone popping chewing gum, I just want to slap them.

Someone popping bubble wrap, I just want to slap them.

Someone leaving the top of the Keurig open after they have taken out their K-cup, I just want to slap them. Or someone leaving their k-cup in the Keurig. You got it, I just want to slap them.

Note to self:

Wear football helmet if ever hanging out with "loves to dive."

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Huh? Who said anything about store bags? People have been using reusable bags for years now, and you can get both regular and insulated.
They used to have insulated paper bags at the store for ice cream. The law changed here the first part of July, you have to pay 10 cents a bag or bring your own. Not sure how sanitary some of those reused, stained and dirty cloth bags are I am seeing get thrown on the conveyor belt.
I'm a mile from the big chain grocery story and 3 from the Neighborhood Walmart, no need for insulated bags for that short of a trip.
I don't think I have seen a grocery store with insulated bags for cold stuff in 30 years.

Huh? Who said anything about store bags? People have been using reusable bags for years now, and you can get both regular and insulated.

Yes, I was talking about the reusable ones you bring yourself. A lot of people here are doing that now, but bagger training hasn't caught up. (They are fanatical about keeping raw meat separate, though. Even when I have my reusables, they'll put that in plastic.)

One of the reasons I like Aldi's is that you bag your own! (I sort it by where the stuff goes when I get home.) But if you try to bag your own at the local place, they jump in to "help".
Yes, I was talking about the reusable ones you bring yourself. A lot of people here are doing that now, but bagger training hasn't caught up. (They are fanatical about keeping raw meat separate, though. Even when I have my reusables, they'll put that in plastic.)

One of the reasons I like Aldi's is that you bag your own! (I sort it by where the stuff goes when I get home.) But if you try to bag your own at the local place, they jump in to "help".
For what they are charging for those groceries, they better bag them and carry them to my car!
My teen who can't seem to understand that he needs a shower EVERY day.

Yes, this a thousand times! Mine thinks washing his hair is enough (and even that is a chore) and only a full shower every couple of days. Um no, buddy. You got butt funk growing. Wash. Wash every day. Every. Day. My daughter was not like this as a teen and I feel so unprepared dealing with a teenage son, lol.
Flip-flop-wearing people who don't pick up their feet when they walk.

Shouldn't bother me but it does.
They used to have insulated paper bags at the store for ice cream. The law changed here the first part of July, you have to pay 10 cents a bag or bring your own. Not sure how sanitary some of those reused, stained and dirty cloth bags are I am seeing get thrown on the conveyor belt.
I'm a mile from the big chain grocery story and 3 from the Neighborhood Walmart, no need for insulated bags for that short of a trip.

So, you DO know what they are and that they are routinely used.
Yes, this a thousand times! Mine thinks washing his hair is enough (and even that is a chore) and only a full shower every couple of days. Um no, buddy. You got butt funk growing. Wash. Wash every day. Every. Day. My daughter was not like this as a teen and I feel so unprepared dealing with a teenage son, lol.

Tonight I had to remind him. He was wonderfully trying to help me get dinner cooked, but I couldn't take it! He stunk! I made him get a shower while I finished dinner.
I thought of one that is new to me, as of the last 3 years (since I had my MRI).

I can't stand to feel trapped. This includes those restraints on roller coasters. I feel like I can't breathe! It is so irrational.

For example: Three Orlando rides I love: Rockin' Roller Coaster, Mission Space, and Forbidden Journey. LOVE THEM......but I have had a much harder time with both of them the last 3 years. As soon as that bar comes over my head, I feel trapped, I hyperventilate, I get light headed, it is horrible.

I have tried and tried to make it go away. I force myself to go, but even then, some days I can take it with a lot of deep breathing and self talk. Some days, I simply cannot do it.

I have no idea what is wrong with me. I start thinking of getting trapped in there for a long period of time, etc....

You're not alone. I had no idea that I was claustrophobic until my first MRI. It's almost like the fear was triggered by the MRI, because I am suddenly terrified of elevators when I never was before. Even a compact car makes me feel really uncomfortable (and not just because my knees are cramped).
You're not alone. I had no idea that I was claustrophobic until my first MRI. It's almost like the fear was triggered by the MRI, because I am suddenly terrified of elevators when I never was before. Even a compact car makes me feel really uncomfortable (and not just because my knees are cramped).

For me, when I have MRIs, I have to have a cage around my head to keep it still and oh boy..they have to drug me up good. I'm not claustrophobic but just thinking about being locked down gives me the heebie jeebies.
For me, when I have MRIs, I have to have a cage around my head to keep it still and oh boy..they have to drug me up good. I'm not claustrophobic but just thinking about being locked down gives me the heebie jeebies.

Wow, that sounds horrible. With my first MRI I was drugged, but I had to stay conscious so I don't think they gave me much. It didn't really help and I somehow managed to pull out my IV while I was all tensed up and nervous and it was one of the big ones, boy it sucked having another one put in.
Wow, that sounds horrible. With my first MRI I was drugged, but I had to stay conscious so I don't think they gave me much. It didn't really help and I somehow managed to pull out my IV while I was all tensed up and nervous and it was one of the big ones, boy it sucked having another one put in.

It's not fun, but I have it done twice a year so I'm used to it. I have to be 'awake' too but they still double my dose lol

It doesn't help that I'm in it all the way, with my head caged for an hour each time either..

People leaving dishes in the sink when there's plenty of room in the dishwasher

anything by Hall & Oates or Dave Matthews Band

Roaches - we have the giant ones that live in wooded areas and chase you; i freak out if one gets in the house or if they chase me when I'm on a walk around the neighborhood; give me a spider or snake any day over these monsters
Public restrooms where the toilet paper dispenser is too low on the wall and I have to lean way down to get to the toilet paper inside.
Roaches - we have the giant ones that live in wooded areas and chase you; i freak out if one gets in the house or if they chase me when I'm on a walk around the neighborhood; give me a spider or snake any day over these monsters

I totally do NOT miss that about living down south. Ugh. My dad calls those bull roaches.

They get in the house at my parents because they have pine trees all around. One will be on the wall and you go to kill it and the thing flies. :crazy2::eek:


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