I Hate Snow

It is official. The blizzard this Valentine's weekend ranks right up there with the big ones for Iowa. Des Moines metro area received 12" with the eastside of the metro area getting 14". That is a lot for here. I am going to go put on my Beauty and the Beat CD and go quilt!!! Kathy
Hey Verandah Man....I am right there w/ya!!! My Hubby and I headed down to AC this morn at 5am thinking we could have an empty casino for about 7 hrs before the snow started....wrong!!! As soon as we got there had to turn around and head back up the GSP. What a mess. I would say we have a good ft right now in Ocean Co. So you must have about 2 by now. My husband is a Landscaper...so he won't be cuttin any grass real soon as you won't be reading any meters....and I myself will probobly miss another day of school...Oh Darn!!! lol!:Pinkbounc :smooth: :Pinkbounc
OMG!!! We are getting more snow here in CT. They are saying we are going to get 2ft of snow:eek: :eek: :eek: ...NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! If I wanted this much snow I would have moved to Buffalo...LOL (My father is from Buffalo).
Well here on Long Island stuck in the house.... I can only dream of our land and sea vacation in May. I can not wait for spring. This seems like the longest winter ever. We are supposed to get 2 feet of snow...maybe if i was five like my son I would be in my glory but I can't stand it anymore. I am just so glad there is a place I can vent about it. Thanks for listening.

It's still snowing here, but I can see the sun through the clouds, THERE"S HOPE AFTERALL!!!!!
I live in the country and all the snow in the field next to my house is now in my yard. Instead of 22" of snow I have mountains of it. I am here alone and I had to climb out a window to get out today to shovel open a door. Honestly, there are at least 4 ft. of snow against my front and back doors. Neighbor who's field all the extra snow blowed over here from did come plow drive way, but no stores around here would be open. I eat when I'm bored so I have eaten most of my "hide from the terrorist" food supply and I'm grateful our little dog Daisy is with my DGrD at her dad's house. I'd be eyeing her up and grabbing my last hidden bottle of SONNY'S BBQ sauce. LOL!!
25 days until we leave for FL.....can't wait. Hey! I think I have half a Hershey bar in my purse....got go!
The snow started in Boston around noon. It is coming down at a rate of 2- 3 inches/hr. UGH:mad: To look at the bright side (if there can be one) IT HAD TO WARM UP TO SNOW !

Ironic- yesterday I saw a robin (first sign of spring?) at work. Poor bird must be buried
Husband is out now snowblowing the driveway again. The only good thing is that I got out of work early today. Wonder if I'll have to work tomorrow?

Oh well, 3 months from now I'll be on the Magic!!!!

Called my best friend/"brother" in Maryland and he reminded me of when we were all stationed at Loring AFB, Maine many, many years ago and got stranded inside our houses. The base had to get heavy equipment to get us out of the second floor windows and plow us out. The total that year for snow was 220" - but we've gotten older and "wiser" and now even flurries are making us wish we'd moved further south!

:wave: rae519,

The older I get, the more I agree with you! I only have 7 more years and I can retire. I'll have 31 years in, be 55 years old and can collect my full pension from work, then my DW and I will spend Oct-May in Florida!:D :) :D
All 8 of us ( 5 adults, 3 kids) are leaving this Friday from snow-covered NH & definitely cannot wait. Looks like no school tomorrow & being a part of the nursing world I go into work tonight. There really is no purpose for this stuff, except for making driving miserable. We'll be in Florida on Sat. night for 5 days & then on to our 1st Cruise on the Disney Wonder Feb. 27! We are praying for lots of sunshine . I heard the temps may reach 30 up here by the end of the week...a heat wave. At least the snow should have stopped by the time we leave on Friday. Ta ta for now!
cathie - I'm just down the road from you in Londonderry. It is piling up here so fast that you can't even tell that DH shoveled the walk 2 hours ago. Normally I love the white stuff, but enough already! You are so lucky to have your trip to look forward to. Bc we took our cruise in November, we did not do our annual January trip to FL and boy do I regret it now!
Right now I'm wishing I hadn't booked the January trip so I could go again now! Do you have room in your suitcase for a 6 footer -- I could curl up really small:)

Poor DH is out in the storm making the first pass with the snowblower. We're curled up watching our 100 Years of Magic DVD and DD wants to know when we can go to Florida again.
WHY?.....BECAUSE I'M OFF SCHOOL TOMORROW......it definitely helps the winter go faster.................165 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!
We have about two feet here. I adore snow, so I am a happy person, but I admit that it is making this trip in 40 days look very much appealing. :)

What a cutie, great picture of your little one! :)
When I was younger I used to laugh at the retired snowbirds who got in their RV's and headed to Florida every fall. I'm not laughing anymore! In fact, whenever I drive south on the highway I find myself fighting the urge to just keep going! :rolleyes:


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