I love credit cards so much! v3.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Thank you! I’m hoping everything goes as planned. It’s so sad and emotional to think I might be laying in a room alone and for Dh to miss the birth of his first child.
If it comes to that (and obviously I’m hoping it won’t) get creative and use FaceTime. He doesn’t have to miss it. Obviously it won’t be the same as being there, but it is better than missing it all together. I say this as a mom who has had to watch many of my children’s firsts through FaceTime from a combat zone, and who has many friends whose only option to see their child born was FaceTime or Skype back in the day. It’s not ideal by any means, but you do what you have to do when you are dealt unfortunate cards.
DH's Amex Plat fee just posted :'( The Uber, Saks, and airline credits have all been fun for the past year but not enough that I'm willing to drop another $550 to keep them for another year. That's over an entire month's Roth IRA contributions for one of us. I never did get around to signing him up for Pre-Check or GE...

He does still have about 12k MR lingering from when I signed him up for Pay-Over-Time. I'd like to transfer those to Virgin whenever they have another transfer bonus running. Are there any no-fee downgrade options available that would allow me to save those MR and transfer them later? Will Amex claw back the credits that were already issued when I cancel?
Our hospital is still at about 60% capacity. The nurses and doctors will be fine but the food service workers, housekeepers, transporters, therapy aides, dietary aides, and other lower-income jobs are getting their hours cut dramatically. Who would have thought during a pandemic hospitals would be laying off.
I feel more optimistic about things after some of the news today. Americans really need to get back to work.

After reading some of your posts I'm really glad I live in a spread-out city. Other than paper products I haven't had a problem getting supplies. Costco and Sam's are back to normal. The weather is in the upper 70's low 80's and dry. A lot of people out biking, hiking, golfing, playing outside with their kids. I've been running a lot, taking naps, and trying to do some Spring cleaning on my days off.

Hotel parking lots in my neighborhood look full. I assume some people are still coming here to play golf. I'm still planning my Baltic cruise in August, but I'm flexible on that. I'm still planning on WDW in late April, but I've got back up plans for June.
Our hospital system has mandated no visitors with exceptions for pediatric, obstetrics, and end of life care that are all allowed one visitor. Hopefully yours will be the same and your DH will be allowed.

Our hospital has the same visitor restrictions.
Anyone coming in goes through the enterance near the ER, gets temperature taken and a couple health questions. @Haley R, when you get to your room, the first thing you should do is wash your hands in case you touched anything from the time you walked in the door. Also feel free to remind ANY caretakers to wash their hands. Think doctors, nurses and especially lab. At our hospital we are trying to get the delivered mom’s home as soon as reasonable.
With that announcement the mayor of Miami got it you’d think the rest of the politicians in the state of FL would start taking this more seriously!
Well my county decided to have a drive through parade of first responders for everyone to watch from their cars while they passed out candy so I don’t see us having a shelter in place anytime soon. Our sheriff is adamant about our beaches staying open.
If it comes to that (and obviously I’m hoping it won’t) get creative and use FaceTime. He doesn’t have to miss it. Obviously it won’t be the same as being there, but it is better than missing it all together. I say this as a mom who has had to watch many of my children’s firsts through FaceTime from a combat zone, and who has many friends whose only option to see their child born was FaceTime or Skype back in the day. It’s not ideal by any means, but you do what you have to do when you are dealt unfortunate cards.
At this point I’m more worried about the chance of me fainting because I’ll get anxious and not have anyone there to help me through it. I’ll literally be in a room by myself trying not to hyperventilate. I know this is all hypothetical and may not even happen but I’m nervous enough about this as it is
If it comes to that (and obviously I’m hoping it won’t) get creative and use FaceTime. He doesn’t have to miss it. Obviously it won’t be the same as being there, but it is better than missing it all together. I say this as a mom who has had to watch many of my children’s firsts through FaceTime from a combat zone, and who has many friends whose only option to see their child born was FaceTime or Skype back in the day. It’s not ideal by any means, but you do what you have to do when you are dealt unfortunate cards.

@hlhlaw07 - thank you for your service! My active duty father was on alert when I was born - the neighbor took my mom to the hospital and they called my dad when I arrived. Many military families make sacrifices that most civilians don't have to think about.

Haley...we all hope that your honey can be with you for the birth. But whatever happens, you are a strong woman and YOU WILL BE OK! You can do this, as mothers all thru time have done this - during times of war, while working in fields, whatever the situation, women have delivered their babies, sometimes with fathers present, but also without. You can do whatever is necessary to bring that wonderful new baby into your lives!!! Come up with a mantra for yourself - I am strong! I can do this! Think about your strength, don't dwell on what worries you. All the best....
At this point I’m more worried about the chance of me fainting because I’ll get anxious and not have anyone there to help me through it. I’ll literally be in a room by myself trying not to hyperventilate. I know this is all hypothetical and may not even happen but I’m nervous enough about this as it is
I understand worrying about the unknowns! But I will tell you that labor and delivery nurses are some of the greatest people I have ever met. They can help you get through anything. In fact, you may find them more helpful than your husband when it comes down to delivery. I have had a medicated birth and a unmedicated birth, and I can for sure say that I wouldn’t have made through either one of them without the labor and delivery nurses. Try not to worry about what you can’t control (I know that is way easier said than done, and it only gets harder as the babies get older).
I understand worrying about the unknowns! But I will tell you that labor and delivery nurses are some of the greatest people I have ever met. They can help you get through anything. In fact, you may find them more helpful than your husband when it comes down to delivery. I have had a medicated birth and a unmedicated birth, and I can for sure say that I wouldn’t have made through either one of them without the labor and delivery nurses. Try not to worry about what you can’t control (I know that is way easier said than done, and it only gets harder as the babies get older).
I think I’m gonna give it a week and see how things are. I still have 4 weeks which doesn’t sound long but with everything going on there is so much that can happen. I’m hoping all of the doctors and nurses are able to stay healthy because they’re the real heroes right now
At this point I’m more worried about the chance of me fainting because I’ll get anxious and not have anyone there to help me through it. I’ll literally be in a room by myself trying not to hyperventilate. I know this is all hypothetical and may not even happen but I’m nervous enough about this as it is

You can do this. But don't spend the next few weeks worrying about it, because it won't change things. Hope for the best, but know that you are so ready for this baby and if you have to be alone you will get through it. I sincerely hope it won't come to that, but you've got this. :hug:
yes. Around here ordering online is a game of risk.... most places show 'no delivery times available' or no option at all- amazon is only shipping necessities I guess.... I'm guessing the delivery services get overwhelmed with all the extra orders. If i want organic rolled oats,I have to wait till late April and they're pricey on Amazon!
Nuts.com has organic oatmeal for a reasonable price. I think I paid $3.99.
India has ordered a "complete" lockdown for a minimum of 21 days, effective midnight local time tonight.

This is very likely to impact a lot of call centers and customer support operations, including ones used by many banks and airlines. Anecdotally, we've already been seeing Chase SM response time slip from the usual within a day to 2-3 days.
My husband works in IT and he is the "forward thinker" that got his India team set up to work from home (very unusual there). He works for a very traditional company and even WFH in the US is unusual, so he has been pushing all of this for weeks. He gets a gold star today, LOL.
I haven't been on here much, very hectic while I am juggling working and kids all day, so this may have already been posted. 20% on Amazon when using Amex MR point(s).

I paired this with the buy 2 get 1 book deal and stocked up on the illustrated Harry Potter books (DD birthday) and some other educational books for the kids. We have been reading a lot of kids history books (If you lived when..., I survived..., Who/Where is...) as "history" class while the kids are home. If you select no rush shipping you also get a $3 digital credit.
@Haley R I am so sorry for the extra stress for you. Hopefully the policy will be reversed by the time your little guy arrives. I have medical anxiety stemming from a trauma as a child, and I panic. Having DH with me is key to keeping calm, so I understand your fear on top of the concerns of your DH missing out. If you do have to go it alone, I am sure the medical staff will do everything to keep you comfortable. It is amazing what we can do when we have to. My daughter's birth was an emergency situation, I was under full anesthesia, and DH could not come into the operating room. The anesthesiologist was an absolute angel keeping me calm (until he put me under, of course!).
Tonight I feel hopeful... I don't know why. I can't explain it. It might not be founded in any science or fact. BUT I feel hopeful! And I'm going to take that! This is going to get better - maybe in 2 weeks, maybe in 6 weeks, maybe in 3 months... but we're going to come out of this on the other side!!

Yesterday was a very hard day... my parents had to put our dog to sleep. Over 15 years she was with us - I still lived at home when she joined the family. She was with us through a lot and it's always hard to say goodbye. And so it was a hard day.

BUT today was good. I hope your today was good, and if it wasn't, I hope that your tomorrow is better!!
Tonight I feel hopeful... I don't know why. I can't explain it. It might not be founded in any science or fact. BUT I feel hopeful! And I'm going to take that! This is going to get better - maybe in 2 weeks, maybe in 6 weeks, maybe in 3 months... but we're going to come out of this on the other side!!

Yesterday was a very hard day... my parents had to put our dog to sleep. Over 15 years she was with us - I still lived at home when she joined the family. She was with us through a lot and it's always hard to say goodbye. And so it was a hard day.

BUT today was good. I hope your today was good, and if it wasn't, I hope that your tomorrow is better!!
I got a golden retriever for my 16th birthday that lived for 17 years. At the time I had to put her down she had been with me for half my life, high school, college, marriage, birth of my first child. I know it's hard. I love dogs. I don't know how us humans would make it without them.
Well we have our first covid-19 positive patient at my nursing home. Just got the confirmed results a couple hours ago. I knew it was coming. We swabbed and sent away for testing yesterday before sending her to the ER- 85 yo woman with a very full medical history- woke up with a temp and couldn’t get her oxygen above 80%. No word back on how she’s doing. She was admitted to our facility mid-February and we haven’t been allowing visitors for about a week and a half so I have to think it came through staff somehow. We’ve been screening every employee and taking temps every morning before entering the facility so must be someone asymptomatic. Of course I’m assuming a lot, but that’s what seems to make the most sense. Tomorrow will be an interesting day for sure. Praying for the patient and her family (who the hospital hasn’t let see her yet). And prayers please for all of our other patients at our facility. Some have been there since I started there back in 2007 so they truly are like family.
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