I love credit cards so much! v3.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Trying not to think about work while I’m home, so was talking to DS20 and DD18 about future travel plans and filling them in on how all this reward business works. They know we haven’t paid cash for flights in over a decade thanks to SW SUB and CP alternating between me and DH and they’ve heard me talk about some of our reward cards, but we talked about it in a lot more detail tonight. They both have upcoming trips they’d like to take with friends and were immediately interested in getting their own CIP- especially since I mentioned there may be changes coming to that soon. So I’m looking for advice from those who have had kids that age apply and get approved. DS has been selling Pokémon cards (and other things but mostly cards) on eBay for about 10 years now- only makes a few hundred $ per year but it’s something. DD cleans houses and has been doing that since she was 15. First, can they use those as their business? Second- and this is my concern- they both just get paid cash and have never paid any tax on it. So should they not use that info? Also, is there any kind of flag raised with Chase with multiple apps from the same address? They’ll both be able to meet the MSR with college expenses. Quick history- DS got the student Discover card when he turned 18 and got the PayPal credit card in January. DD has no credit cards yet. And if there’s a reason this is a bad idea to begin with let me know your thoughts. Thanks!!
I’d recommend that your DS refer your DD for a Discover to get her started. She’ll need to get established and the Discover is a nice starter card.
Your DS should be able to get started with Chase. I didn’t have my kids delve into business cards. My DD was denied a SW card after(after having a Discover), but she was approved for a Freedom. After having a CF for a year, she was approved for a SW card.
I’d recommend that your DS refer your DD for a Discover to get her started. She’ll need to get established and the Discover is a nice starter card.
Your DS should be able to get started with Chase. I didn’t have my kids delve into business cards. My DD was denied a SW card after(after having a Discover), but she was approved for a Freedom. After having a CF for a year, she was approved for a SW card.

Agree that Discover is a nice starter card. I know I've said this here before, but IMO the best thing about Discover as a starter card is that the secured card gets converted to an unsecured card after a certain amount of time (6 months maybe), the security gets refunded, AND the card is now reported on the cardholder's credit report as an unsecured card.
One more question on the Stimulus Bill - DH and I have not filed our 2019 taxes yet. Two of our three dependents are not minors, but are still dependents on our return. So, will they still qualify for the extra money for dependents?

I have filed DD1's 2019 taxes and done ours far enough to see that we as a family unit are better off for DH and I to claim her one more year. She graduated in May 2019, but didn't start her job until late enough in the year to where her earnings weren't substantial. If she would qualify for the $1200 claiming herself, it might be worthwhile to amend her 2019 return and have us not claim her. I don't want to get too complicated though and have it end up costing us more than it saves us lol! That would be my luck!
One more question on the Stimulus Bill - DH and I have not filed our 2019 taxes yet. Two of our three dependents are not minors, but are still dependents on our return. So, will they still qualify for the extra money for dependents?

I have filed DD1's 2019 taxes and done ours far enough to see that we as a family unit are better off for DH and I to claim her one more year. She graduated in May 2019, but didn't start her job until late enough in the year to where her earnings weren't substantial. If she would qualify for the $1200 claiming herself, it might be worthwhile to amend her 2019 return and have us not claim her. I don't want to get too complicated though and have it end up costing us more than it saves us lol! That would be my luck!
It’s an “expansion” of the child tax credit. Per section 24 (which is the definition they’re using in the stimulus bill) a qualifying child who has not attained age 17 I believe.

Your kids might get their own money...but I’m not 100% sure how that works. Do you claim them as dependents on your tax return? I’m not even sure how that affects things. Sorry, didn’t read that part closely enough and there’s a lot to unwind there.
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Finally paid enough bills through my husband's Plastiq to get my FFD so I just finished paying some bills. Chipping away at that MSR v e r y s l o w l y!

I do need to buy some ice cream treats and such for the teams for NTW (Decided on ice cream and fixings instead of the Mexican party platters just for logistics sake) and I got a set of cute polka dot ice cream cups and spoons (all disposable) on Amazon last night. The original set I wanted couldn't guarantee a timely delivery date due to all the other things going on but I'm reasonably happy with what I did order.

I've already filed our taxes (and gotten a refund) for 2019 so it'll be interesting to see how much money, if any, we get. I guess we will get at least $1000 for the kids (grateful that this was a year we claim my husband's younger son... they trade off each year). Since we are both employed it'll probably just go toward groceries (or, by that time, hopefully eating out!).

We are tentatively planning a ride this weekend to get out of the house, and we shall take a picnic lunch since anywhere we might normaly stop will be closed.
Trying not to think about work while I’m home, so was talking to DS20 and DD18 about future travel plans and filling them in on how all this reward business works. They know we haven’t paid cash for flights in over a decade thanks to SW SUB and CP alternating between me and DH and they’ve heard me talk about some of our reward cards, but we talked about it in a lot more detail tonight. They both have upcoming trips they’d like to take with friends and were immediately interested in getting their own CIP- especially since I mentioned there may be changes coming to that soon. So I’m looking for advice from those who have had kids that age apply and get approved. DS has been selling Pokémon cards (and other things but mostly cards) on eBay for about 10 years now- only makes a few hundred $ per year but it’s something. DD cleans houses and has been doing that since she was 15. First, can they use those as their business? Second- and this is my concern- they both just get paid cash and have never paid any tax on it. So should they not use that info? Also, is there any kind of flag raised with Chase with multiple apps from the same address? They’ll both be able to meet the MSR with college expenses. Quick history- DS got the student Discover card when he turned 18 and got the PayPal credit card in January. DD has no credit cards yet. And if there’s a reason this is a bad idea to begin with let me know your thoughts. Thanks!!
I think your ds is an excellent candidate for a CIP! My dd19 got hers at 18yo. She got a Discover student card right when she turned 18yo, followed 6 mos later by a CFU and then 3 mos later with a CIP. Since then, she has gotten many more cards. Chase does like to see some proven credit history, as @AmyAnne mentioned. Your dd needs to apply for some 'starter' cards first but then she will be well on her way to a CIP.
Finally paid enough bills through my husband's Plastiq to get my FFD so I just finished paying some bills. Chipping away at that MSR v e r y s l o w l y!

I do need to buy some ice cream treats and such for the teams for NTW (Decided on ice cream and fixings instead of the Mexican party platters just for logistics sake) and I got a set of cute polka dot ice cream cups and spoons (all disposable) on Amazon last night. The original set I wanted couldn't guarantee a timely delivery date due to all the other things going on but I'm reasonably happy with what I did order.

I've already filed our taxes (and gotten a refund) for 2019 so it'll be interesting to see how much money, if any, we get. I guess we will get at least $1000 for the kids (grateful that this was a year we claim my husband's younger son... they trade off each year). Since we are both employed it'll probably just go toward groceries (or, by that time, hopefully eating out!).

We are tentatively planning a ride this weekend to get out of the house, and we shall take a picnic lunch since anywhere we might normaly stop will be closed.
You can just figure it out if you look at your AGI on your tax return.
One more question on the Stimulus Bill - DH and I have not filed our 2019 taxes yet. Two of our three dependents are not minors, but are still dependents on our return. So, will they still qualify for the extra money for dependents?

I have filed DD1's 2019 taxes and done ours far enough to see that we as a family unit are better off for DH and I to claim her one more year. She graduated in May 2019, but didn't start her job until late enough in the year to where her earnings weren't substantial. If she would qualify for the $1200 claiming herself, it might be worthwhile to amend her 2019 return and have us not claim her. I don't want to get too complicated though and have it end up costing us more than it saves us lol! That would be my luck!
I'm wondering the same thing on our adult 'children'. We still claim dd19 on our taxes so not sure if we should consider amending her return to have her not be claimed on ours...but then is there a problem with that going forward in future years and knowing me, I'd mess something up or it would just cost us more overall...
At this point I’m more worried about the chance of me fainting because I’ll get anxious and not have anyone there to help me through it. I’ll literally be in a room by myself trying not to hyperventilate. I know this is all hypothetical and may not even happen but I’m nervous enough about this as it is
My dh got a stomach bug right before I went into labor with my second dd. Now, this was my second baby so it wasn't quite the same but I still had to deliver alone. My dh puked and puked in the bathroom until finally they began having to take care of him more than me and he had to leave. It was the amazing nurses who sat with me through contractions and held my hand and comforted me. They were so calm and it helped me to feel calm. If things change and your dh cannot be in the room, just know you will be in good, experienced hands.
My dh got a stomach bug right before I went into labor with my second dd. Now, this was my second baby so it wasn't quite the same but I still had to deliver alone. My dh puked and puked in the bathroom until finally they began having to take care of him more than me and he had to leave. It was the amazing nurses who sat with me through contractions and held my hand and comforted me. They were so calm and it helped me to feel calm. If things change and your dh cannot be in the room, just know you will be in good, experienced hands.
The thing I’m worried about with nurses is them being short on staff because of the virus.
The thing I’m worried about with nurses is them being short on staff because of the virus.
I would hope the hospital doesn’t pull L&D nurses off their floor to care for Coronavirus patients. Try not to think too far ahead and cause yourself unnecessary stress. Focus on relaxing and continue taking good care of you and your son. You’ve been doing a great job!
Initial unemployment claims comes out at 8:30. Should be interesting. I'm guessing we're north of 3 million. I've been writing about this report for 9 years. We've been under 300,000 for over three years. How things change in one week. I keep thinking how fragile, yet resilient our economy is.
Been MIA.....but I hit my spend on the CIP w/ a quickie trip to FL last week.

As a teacher, as soon as I was told MI was closing for 3 weeks, I joked w/ my students that I would be online teaching from the beach. Little did I know, I'd be able to pull it off. I managed to get 3 RT flights on Delta from DTW to MCO for $150 (was $300 but used $150 in Delta GCs from the Aspire/Delta cards). I got an AirBNB for $900 for the week, we had a pool. My daughter's 15th bday was St. Patrick's day, we ventured to the beach. We were NOT like the spring break photos you saw. We set up far from the college kids, or really anyone else. The rest of the time we were at our house, hanging at the pool.

While everyone back in MI was in a panic, my kids were in the sunshine and a corona-free bubble, as Orlando/FL was much slower to shut stuff down. We came back on Monday night, to the shelter in place in Michigan. Our flight to MCO was maybe 50 people. Shockingly on the way back, the flight I tried to change to was cancelled. The one we flew back on was nearly completely full.

I know A LOT of people think I'm insane. Outside of the airplane, my kids were just as isolated in FL as they would have been in MI. Being away was great for both of their mental health. And I guess, since I'm dating a pilot, I've been exposed to all the germs he is being exposed to for months already. I honestly think we both had this back in Jan, and my son had it shortly after that. We all had a terrible cough we could not shake for weeks.

Now with that said, I have a flight to FLL next week but I am cancelling it. It's very tempting to still go and isolate there. The pilot I'm dating has said Spirit is flying planes with as little as 10 people right now. He's said as of now, the airlines will continue to fly until the government shuts them down. As soon as I get the voucher for FLL flight, I want to try and rebook while the prices are low (guessing when in the future we might be back to "normal"). I also need to rebook my April flights to RDU on Delta. I'm hoping to take the vouchers and turn 2 tickets into 3. My daughter and I were going in April to see Jimmy Buffett. He's now moved his concert to June, so that's what we'll be trying for.

It will also be interesting to see how the school year plays out in Michigan. As it stands right now, any online learning we do can not count for "seat time". There is of course petitions to get our legislature to change that considering the situation. As of now we're out 4 weeks (until 4/13). Next week is our spring break, and initially we were supposed to return after that. Now we honestly don't know. I will say, it'll be interesting if I have to finish the year online w/ my students (seeing as I teach Engineering and Architecture, and they need certain software they can't all get). Right now everything teachers are doing in MI can't count for grading. It's "enrichment".

And in credit cards news...since I hit my CIP spend, I have no spends to meet. I'm not sure what card I want to look at next. I guess it's time to start looking.
I am in NY - waaaaay north of the city. One of my DDs is a first year teacher. NY has suspended the required 180 days in school and all of their course work counts. She teaches HS French - what a first year for her, not being an established teacher with years of curriculum in her hands. She has had to create it herself but since she is young, she is used to do things online. My other DD is a grad student and had just started ( one day) of a 3 week pre student teaching curriculum class going in to observe in our local school. She won’t get to do that as school is likely closed for the rest of the school year. There is some online thing her teacher is working on getting lined up for her class instead. Student teaching in the fall will be bit harder for her but I have confidence she will do well.

I understand you still going to Florida considering your situation and possible exposure. We chose to cancel our trip 2 days before Disney announced their closing. We have elderly parents and didn’t feel comfortable risking exposure and bringing it back to them. No judgment to you - just one of the reasons we canceled.
I haven’t posted in awhile. Just wanted to give quick update for those who remember my health scare months ago. I followed up at the end of Feb for what seems to be a benign tumor on my liver. Based on the characteristics of the tumor and the large size it was decided that surgery was the best option.
Had a liver resection March 12. I work in a hospital as an X-ray technologist. My last day before surgery was March 10. That was the first day we had a pt test positive in our hospital for the virus.
I had the surgery which went As expected. They removed 1/2 my liver, lost a lot of blood, spent 2 days in the icu. Was supposed to be in the hospital 5-7 days but released after 4 due to the virus now hitting the hospital I had surgery in. Dr gave us his cell number just in case.
2 weeks out I’m recovering nicely. Not able to do a lot which is tough bc I have a 2/5/15 year old home but thankfully the 15 year old does anything that involves lifting or bending. Not how I expected to spend my leave.
Im home and very grateful to be home with my kids while recovering but feel a little guilty not being at work. I’ve heard from coworkers that things are starting time get bad especially in the ER and doing portable xrays. No protective gear, running out of mask, etc. Hoping it settles down when I go back in 8-10 weeks.
I thought I would be spending my time buying stuff for our FE for our Nov Disney cruise but I’m kind of leaning towards canceling now. I’m guessing cruising won’t start until July at least and Id like to see a few months of smooth sailing before going so that’s out. Not sure what to change to since we are on the Nov double dip Merrytime cruise which isn’t an option.
Anyway, thinking about everyone on here. Stay safe everyone!
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