If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead

I hate being away from home and 3 weeks away from DH is really wearing on me :( but anyways Here is my long over due update

6/24- rest

6/25 4 miles total time was 52:45, I actually got a PR on the first mile. According to Strava it was 10:20 but I'm going to have to put a * because it was running down a mountain lol. My average pace ended up at 12:57. There was lots of walking because I had to get back up the mountain after my PR :)

6/26- cross training day which I walked on the treadmill for a couple miles.

6/27- rest

6/28- 1.5 miles on the treadmill 19 mins average pace of 12:35

6/29- 2.5 miles back out on the mountain roads 31:06 average pace of 12:14

6/30- 1.5 treadmill 22:50 pace of 15:13
7/1- rest
7/2- 3 miles on the treadmill 40:57 mins, pace 13:39

7/3- 8 long miles!!!! I drove to the Arboretum near my parent's house and ran the gravel road. I hate gravel!!! I feel like it made it 2x harder than it needed to be. That with all the hills killed my legs. I cannot wait to be back in flat Florida. I probably gained some good muscles that I should keep up. Total time was 1:56:16 with an average pace of 14:31

7/4- rest
7/5- extra rest day, I'm getting worried about the inside of my lower leg hurting plus we drove 10 hours to South Carolina.

Today the plan is to run 3 miles, I happy for some new scenery!!
I loved the PR on that first mountain mile, downhill can be HARD! but uphill is always worse ;) Way to go not only getting in those runs on vacation but also keeping track of everything!! Is the part of your leg that's hurting sore, or like...above the inner ankle? Are you wearing compression sleeves/socks when you run too? (because, you know, I'm totally a pro at injuries :crutches:) I think I'm going to have to start a training program just for our October trip to San Diego...all those theme parks will put serious miles on our feet!!

Keep up the great work!
I loved the PR on that first mountain mile, downhill can be HARD! but uphill is always worse ;) Way to go not only getting in those runs on vacation but also keeping track of everything!! Is the part of your leg that's hurting sore, or like...above the inner ankle? Are you wearing compression sleeves/socks when you run too? (because, you know, I'm totally a pro at injuries :crutches:) I think I'm going to have to start a training program just for our October trip to San Diego...all those theme parks will put serious miles on our feet!!

Keep up the great work!
Yes that is exactly where it is, I tried compression sleeves, they help a little but after awhile they get uncomfortable. Today I didn't wear them and my leg ached pretty good and then my arch started to bother me so I cut the run short. I was suppose to do 3 miles but stop and walked at 2.2. I probably should go to a doc but I don't want too (foot stomp) I hope your foot is feeling better!
Yes that is exactly where it is, I tried compression sleeves, they help a little but after awhile they get uncomfortable. Today I didn't wear them and my leg ached pretty good and then my arch started to bother me so I cut the run short. I was suppose to do 3 miles but stop and walked at 2.2. I probably should go to a doc but I don't want too (foot stomp) I hope your foot is feeling better!
I was going to say maybe you need some better arch support, do you have inserts at all? I hate scheduling Dr. appointments too because, duh, 5 kids. ugh. ;) I noticed that my ankles and knees were sore after getting new inserts last year, but then I got used to them..and they're apparently "garbage" according to my podiatrist. Awesome. I did get new ones made but I haven't gotten them yet! I feel like I'm squandering good running weather, but my feet are doing better over all.
Hope your change of scenery made for some more exciting runs! You are awesome!
Yay for being home!!!!

7/6 Went for a run at the Dam near my aunt's house. It was a beautiful day but unfortunately my leg and arch started hurting so I cut the run at 2.2 and walked the remaining .8. My times while running 29:14 12:46/mile

7/7 Didn't even try to run. I walked the 2 miles. 41:33

7/8 Rest and Drive home!

7/9 Wow I forgot how humid it was in Florida! Mike and I went out for 5 miles. This run was not pretty 1:15:36 average of 15:19/mile

7/10 cross training, I found a new workout to help strengthen core and IT band in the new Runner's World issue, hoping this will help my leg.

7/11 rest

7/12 Crazy day!! We had a storm that ripped down our fence and knocked out our power so we headed to the in-laws and I ran in their neighborhood. This was my first time trying speedwork after a 1/2 mile warm up I did 2 mins at a fast pace, 1 min slow, 1 min fast, 1 min slow. The fast pace was suppose to be at my 5k pace but I didn't realize on Strava it shows your average pace so I was running harder than I should have and wondering why I am not getting that much faster, my bad :rotfl:
I was suppose to do that speed work 4x but I only ended up doing it 2x. My results were 2 miles at 23:36, 11:38/ mile. I also did the Runner's World workout, I am really hoping to stop my leg from hurting!!!

7/13 Liam asked to run the 3 miles with me. It was just a ploy to find Pokemon lol. This run ended up very slow. We found 3 Pokemon and hit up a Pokestop twice. We also passed another family playing the game. Our time was 41:30 with a 13:38 average pace.

Tonight I am suppose to run 2 miles. My leg was pretty sore this morning when I woke up so I wondering if I should just take the next 2 days off. We are running a 5k on Saturday. It is the Bridge of Lions 5k and last year it was the first 5k I had ever run.

The Disneyland half weekend is getting so close!! I have my hotel all booked, thanks to an offer for Disney Visa cardholders I am staying at the Paradise Pier. I am not going to lie I am stressed about going to DLR by myself. This is really the first time I will be on my own. I guess that is why it is good for me to do it. I have been working on running costumes for the races. Thanks to @wehrengrizz I am going to be Genie for the 10k and then Mickey for the half. I was looking at red running skirts on Sparkle Skirts and I am not sure if I want to pull the trigger on one. I have heard they were great but at that price point I want to make sure it is what I really want.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
The Disneyland half weekend is getting so close!! I have my hotel all booked, thanks to an offer for Disney Visa cardholders I am staying at the Paradise Pier. I am not going to lie I am stressed about going to DLR by myself. This is really the first time I will be on my own. I guess that is why it is good for me to do it. I have been working on running costumes for the races. Thanks to @wehrengrizz I am going to be Genie for the 10k and then Mickey for the half. I was looking at red running skirts on Sparkle Skirts and I am not sure if I want to pull the trigger on one. I have heard they were great but at that price point I want to make sure it is what I really want.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

That's a crazy eventful week. Don't stress about going to DL solo, I'm sure you'll have a great time! I'll be there solo, too, and it will be my first ever trip to DL, so I do understand a bit of your anxiety. Maybe we'll run into each other. Paradise Pier sounds great. I wanted to stay on site, but the costs were just way too high when I booked so I'll be at the Fairfield across the street.

On the Sparkle Skirts front, I can't directly comment on them, but I did buy one for my wife to wear during SWDS. Like you, the price was a big sticking point for me. She ended up loving it so much she bought herself another one at the expo! I will say the Sparkle Skirts are very nice and pleasant to deal with . I messaged them through Facebook with some questions on their return policy and they were VERY quick to respond. Their return policy is pretty good, too, so I'd say go for it knowing that if you hate it you can return it.
I also did the Runner's World workout, I am really hoping to stop my leg from hurting!!!

Would you share the IT band workout you had? that sounds helpful! :)

7/13 Liam asked to run the 3 miles with me. It was just a ploy to find Pokemon lol. This run ended up very slow. We found 3 Pokemon and hit up a Pokestop twice. We also passed another family playing the game. Our time was 41:30 with a 13:38 average pace.

This. Is. Hilarious. And...ugh. Pokemon. But I laughed out loud when I read "it was just a ploy" :rotfl:

Tonight I am suppose to run 2 miles. My leg was pretty sore this morning when I woke up so I wondering if I should just take the next 2 days off. We are running a 5k on Saturday. It is the Bridge of Lions 5k and last year it was the first 5k I had ever run.

How far you've come! So so awesome!
Thanks to @wehrengrizz I am going to be Genie for the 10k and then Mickey for the half.

You went w/ Paradise Pier, LUCKY!! :) :) I so wish I could find some airfare!! (not that I'd run, but hey, I can yell loud, or find a cowbell or make a poster!! ;) ) I'm just glad my "vision" of a costume made sense!:cool2:

ETA: I'm apparently inept at doing the "quote" thing and replying to certain portions individually.
That's a crazy eventful week. Don't stress about going to DL solo, I'm sure you'll have a great time! I'll be there solo, too, and it will be my first ever trip to DL, so I do understand a bit of your anxiety. Maybe we'll run into each other. Paradise Pier sounds great. I wanted to stay on site, but the costs were just way too high when I booked so I'll be at the Fairfield across the street.

On the Sparkle Skirts front, I can't directly comment on them, but I did buy one for my wife to wear during SWDS. Like you, the price was a big sticking point for me. She ended up loving it so much she bought herself another one at the expo! I will say the Sparkle Skirts are very nice and pleasant to deal with . I messaged them through Facebook with some questions on their return policy and they were VERY quick to respond. Their return policy is pretty good, too, so I'd say go for it knowing that if you hate it you can return it.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I am sure things will be fine once I get there, it's just the nerves leading up to it (atleast that is what I am telling myself :)). If you do see me make sure to say Hi! We ran into a couple people from the boards at Tink, it's always nice to put faces to names. As I am typing this an email came through from Sparkle Skirts, I think I am going to take that as a sign and order one. Thanks for letting me know how great they are, it makes it a little easier to shell out the money knowing it is a respectable company.

I also did the Runner's World workout, I am really hoping to stop my leg from hurting!!!

Would you share the IT band workout you had? that sounds helpful! :)

7/13 Liam asked to run the 3 miles with me. It was just a ploy to find Pokemon lol. This run ended up very slow. We found 3 Pokemon and hit up a Pokestop twice. We also passed another family playing the game. Our time was 41:30 with a 13:38 average pace.

This. Is. Hilarious. And...ugh. Pokemon. But I laughed out loud when I read "it was just a ploy" :rotfl:

Tonight I am suppose to run 2 miles. My leg was pretty sore this morning when I woke up so I wondering if I should just take the next 2 days off. We are running a 5k on Saturday. It is the Bridge of Lions 5k and last year it was the first 5k I had ever run.

How far you've come! So so awesome!
Thanks to @wehrengrizz I am going to be Genie for the 10k and then Mickey for the half.

You went w/ Paradise Pier, LUCKY!! :) :) I so wish I could find some airfare!! (not that I'd run, but hey, I can yell loud, or find a cowbell or make a poster!! ;) ) I'm just glad my "vision" of a costume made sense!:cool2:

ETA: I'm apparently inept at doing the "quote" thing and replying to certain portions individually.

Aaahhh Pokemon, this game is really getting crazy. Mike told me there were "grown men in suits" wandering around his office looking for them the other day. LOL

You should totally come to DLR with me, I'll have an extra bed and they usually give away cowbells for FREE in the virtual gift bag. The free cowbell has to more than make up for the cost of airfare right? :rotfl2:
Thanks for the vote of confidence! I am sure things will be fine once I get there, it's just the nerves leading up to it (atleast that is what I am telling myself :)). If you do see me make sure to say Hi! We ran into a couple people from the boards at Tink, it's always nice to put faces to names. As I am typing this an email came through from Sparkle Skirts, I think I am going to take that as a sign and order one. Thanks for letting me know how great they are, it makes it a little easier to shell out the money knowing it is a respectable company.

Aaahhh Pokemon, this game is really getting crazy. Mike told me there were "grown men in suits" wandering around his office looking for them the other day. LOL

You should totally come to DLR with me, I'll have an extra bed and they usually give away cowbells for FREE in the virtual gift bag. The free cowbell has to more than make up for the cost of airfare right? :rotfl2:

It's out of control w/ Pokemon! One of Josh's coworkers actually said he was going to get a fly swatter to shoo people out of the way while he's on the hunt. :scared::sad2:
I do love cowbells, even have a shirt with "I need more cowbell" on it...so yeah, definitely worth the cost of airfare!
I can see it now, people ask if we're there by ourselves...."YUP, we left our collective 10 kids at home and here we are alone!" :rotfl2:

Also, how did I miss this one before : :genie: total inspiration haha!
I'm sure you will have a great time at DLR even going solo!! I'll also include a vote of confidence for Sparkle Skirts. I have lots of them - more than I'm willing to admit - and I really do love running in them. They are pricey, but the quality and functionality of them is great. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your race outfits.
So I ended up taking last Thursday and Friday to rest for the 5k. I did crosstrain Thursday night and I think I am starting to see some results. My legs aren't feeling as heavy and the one that was bothering me isn't as much.

The Bridge of Lions 5k on 7/16 went well. It was about a 45 min drive to the start in St. Augustine. If you are ever driving to WDW and looking for a side trip I would high recommend St. Augustine. It is so beautiful there and it's America's oldest city :) Here are some pictures I took while we were waiting to start at the fort.

Selfie with the lion

Bridge from the fort

Pictures of the fort
BoL5k4.jpg BoL5k3.jpg

We got down there at 6:15am because we had to do packet pick up. The race didn't start until 7:30 so we enjoyed walking around the fort and catching the occasional Pokemon (for the kids, I can never truly get away from them can I!? LOL)

I really wish the race would have started at 7, we felt that extra 30 mins made it that much hotter! We lined up the 12 min mile flag about 10 mins before the start. I was a little disappointed this year there was no music or anything at the start. I think the neighboring hotels might have had something to do with that. We were off right at 7:30. The first mile was to the bridge, across and then into the neighborhood on the other side. I felt it went by pretty fast. The second mile it started to get hot. There wasn't much shade and the sun was just beating down on us. By the start of mile 3 we decided we needed to walk a little. So we started intervals. We did intervals for a bit and as I approached the last .2 miles I noticed we were coming close to a PR so I took off running with all my energy. Sadly I missed the PR by 50 seconds but when I was running I thought I was going to miss it by only 3 seconds. We got our medals and sat for a minute before making our way back across the bridge to eat.
Taken from the bridge

We got to go to our most favorite place Maple Street Biscuit Company. Luckily they have a couple of locations around the area so we get to go one no matter where we race, it is our tradition!

So we missed the PR but we did beat last year's time by over 4 mins!!
After this race we have decided for next year no more summer races, It is just way too hot.
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Was this the one that was your first ever 5K last year? SO awesome, it looks beautiful there! Soooo is there a Maple Street Biscuit Company near WDW ? ;) haha DS is obsessive over biscuits! :laughing:
So I ended up taking last Thursday and Friday to rest for the 5k. I did crosstrain Thursday night and I think I am starting to see some results. My legs aren't feeling as heavy and the one that was bothering me isn't as much.

The Bridge of Lions 5k on 7/16 went well. It was about a 45 min drive to the start in St. Augustine. If you are ever driving to WDW and looking for a side trip I would high recommend St. Augustine. It is so beautiful there and it's America's oldest city :) Here are some pictures I took while we were waiting to start at the fort.

Selfie with the lion
View attachment 182962

Bridge from the fort
View attachment 182964

Pictures of the fort
View attachment 182965 View attachment 182966

We got down there at 6:15am because we had to do packet pick up. The race didn't start until 7:30 so we enjoyed walking around the fort and catching the occasional Pokemon (for the kids, I can never truly get away from them can I!? LOL)

I really wish the race would have started at 7, we felt that extra 30 mins made it that much hotter! We lined up the 12 min mile flag about 10 mins before the start. I was a little disappointed this year there was no music or anything at the start. I think the neighboring hotels might have had something to do with that. We were off right at 7:30. The first mile was to the bridge, across and then into the neighborhood on the other side. I felt it went by pretty fast. The second mile it started to get hot. There wasn't much shade and the sun was just beating down on us. By the start of mile 3 we decided we needed to walk a little. So we started intervals. We did intervals for a bit and as I approached the last .2 miles I noticed we were coming close to a PR so I took off running with all my energy. Sadly I missed the PR by 50 seconds but when I was running I thought I was going to miss it by only 3 seconds. We got our medals and sat for a minute before making our way back across the bridge to eat.
Taken from the bridge
View attachment 182961

We got to go to our most favorite place Maple Street Biscuit Company. Luckily they have a couple of locations around the area so we get to go one no matter where we race, it is our tradition!

So we missed the PR but we did beat last year's time by over 4 mins!!
After this race we have decided for next year no more summer races, It is just way too hot.

A 4 min improvement is awesome from one year to the next even if it's not a PR. Keep up the great work!
Was this the one that was your first ever 5K last year? SO awesome, it looks beautiful there! Soooo is there a Maple Street Biscuit Company near WDW ? ;) haha DS is obsessive over biscuits! :laughing:
Yes! This was my first ever 5k last year, and No unfortunately there is not a Maple Street Biscuit Company near WDW :( I would almost bring you all the way back to Jacksonville just to eat there, it is that good!!! Next time I promise to post pictures of our food.

A 4 min improvement is awesome from one year to the next even if it's not a PR. Keep up the great work!
Thanks! I am pretty happy with my time, I figure my PR was from January when it was at least 30 degrees cooler and probably half as humid so my time was pretty good all things considered.

Sounds like a great race and in a beautiful location!
It was a beautiful location! Walking back across the bridge after it was over all I could think was this is why I live in Florida. :beach:
and because you asked earlier here is a picture of my outfit for the DLH (photo courtesy of DS6)

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The Disneyland half weekend is getting so close!! I have my hotel all booked, thanks to an offer for Disney Visa cardholders I am staying at the Paradise Pier. I am not going to lie I am stressed about going to DLR by myself. This is really the first time I will be on my own. I guess that is why it is good for me to do it. I have been working on running costumes for the races. Thanks to @wehrengrizz I am going to be Genie for the 10k and then Mickey for the half. I was looking at red running skirts on Sparkle Skirts and I am not sure if I want to pull the trigger on one. I have heard they were great but at that price point I want to make sure it is what I really want.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Just read through your entire thread! I am headed to Disneyland solo for the DDD too. I have been to WDW many times, but never DLR. I go back and forth between excitement for my solo trip and worry about completing a challenge with no one nearby to cheer for me.

I used to live in Jax and have always wanted to run the Bridge of Lions. I did my student teaching in St. Augustine and love that place.
Just read through your entire thread! I am headed to Disneyland solo for the DDD too. I have been to WDW many times, but never DLR. I go back and forth between excitement for my solo trip and worry about completing a challenge with no one nearby to cheer for me.

I used to live in Jax and have always wanted to run the Bridge of Lions. I did my student teaching in St. Augustine and love that place.
Thanks for reading along! I have been having mixed emotions for DDD too. I'm so excited to run it but how will I feel at the end when there is no one there to tell my story to? But I know from the Tinkerbell race there are so many friendly people around. I had someone come up to me while I was wearing my shirt from the Matanzas 5000 (from St. Augustine) and tell me he had always wanted to run that race because his parents lived close by. Just little conversations like that give me hope that I won't feel lonely. That weekend at DL was one of my favorite vacations because there was such an overwhelming feeling of comradery from the other racers. And if you want to grab a meal together let me know, I would love the company!


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