If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead

Ok here I go with the slacking again let me catch you up to speed on my last week + of training

7/17- 9 miles the day after the 5k, I went out pretty early so I could be back before everyone got up. Even at 6 am it was hot and humid. I was disappointed when I got home from this run so I finally decided to look up what my training paces should be according to the 5k I ran the before. And to my amazement I found that I was actually running harder than I should have been. So I think I am going to try to stick to the paces that are recommended for me and see how that affects my races. Who knew there was more to running than running?! My time for this 9 miles was 2:10:07

7/18- Rest

7/19- 2 miles which consisted of a .5 mile warm up and then 3 sets of 2 mins racing pace/ 1 min easy/ 1 min race/ 2 minutes easy, in the end i ran 24:12 with an average pace of 11:58

7/20- 3 miles I went for a moderate pace on this run with a total time of 39:05 13:02/ mile

7/21- we decided to take a beach evening so I switched my running days

7/22- 2 miles moderate pace 13:20/ mile total 26:40

7/23- This run was just bad, DH and I went out together at 5pm on a new route. It was so hot with no breeze. At 3 miles I just gave up. We were suppose to be doing 6. During the run we decided that it no longer makes sense for us to train together :sad1: because the only time we can is when it is unbearably hot out. This was such a hard decision since we have been doing all of our long runs together for over a year. I knew it was coming since I signed up for the marathon without him but it is still sad.

7/24- I was originally off this day but I just had to redeem myself from the day before. So I woke up early and headed out by myself. I found a podcast on the Dis Unplugged about the opening year of DL and turn it on to keep my brain occupied. This run was so much better and exactly what I needed to boost my confidence. The day before I was ready to hang up my running shoes. I tried to go out at a slow pace but it ended up faster than I would have liked. total time 1:21:13 13:31/mile

Today I am getting in another much needed rest day!
Ok here I go with the slacking again let me catch you up to speed on my last week + of training

7/17- 9 miles the day after the 5k, I went out pretty early so I could be back before everyone got up. Even at 6 am it was hot and humid. I was disappointed when I got home from this run so I finally decided to look up what my training paces should be according to the 5k I ran the before. And to my amazement I found that I was actually running harder than I should have been. So I think I am going to try to stick to the paces that are recommended for me and see how that affects my races. Who knew there was more to running than running?! My time for this 9 miles was 2:10:07

7/18- Rest

7/19- 2 miles which consisted of a .5 mile warm up and then 3 sets of 2 mins racing pace/ 1 min easy/ 1 min race/ 2 minutes easy, in the end i ran 24:12 with an average pace of 11:58

7/20- 3 miles I went for a moderate pace on this run with a total time of 39:05 13:02/ mile

7/21- we decided to take a beach evening so I switched my running days

7/22- 2 miles moderate pace 13:20/ mile total 26:40

7/23- This run was just bad, DH and I went out together at 5pm on a new route. It was so hot with no breeze. At 3 miles I just gave up. We were suppose to be doing 6. During the run we decided that it no longer makes sense for us to train together :sad1: because the only time we can is when it is unbearably hot out. This was such a hard decision since we have been doing all of our long runs together for over a year. I knew it was coming since I signed up for the marathon without him but it is still sad.

7/24- I was originally off this day but I just had to redeem myself from the day before. So I woke up early and headed out by myself. I found a podcast on the Dis Unplugged about the opening year of DL and turn it on to keep my brain occupied. This run was so much better and exactly what I needed to boost my confidence. The day before I was ready to hang up my running shoes. I tried to go out at a slow pace but it ended up faster than I would have liked. total time 1:21:13 13:31/mile

Today I am getting in another much needed rest day!

Your pace is consistently improving! Awesome! Sucky you guys won't be running to train for the (full) marathon together, but at least after summer is over you could get a few runs in together here and there (?) Plus he's doing the 1/2 right? :-/ Glad your solo run went well! Side note: my DH said he loved your outfit (Mickey bounding) but said "Oh! It needs...what are those, buttons? on Mickey's shorts. They're white." :rotfl2: He means well. And does know a TON about Disney but his distracted comment made me crack up! :)

And now for the "it's sort of official because of my signature ticker...."
Boy does time fly!!

Lately I have been working on running slow to go fast. I feel like Lightening McQueen. When Doc Hudson tells him he needs to turn right to go left. It doesn't make sense but it is suppose to work. I found my suggested paces according to my last race and have been trying to stick with those. They are much slower than I would think to train at but I have been sticking with it for the past two weeks. We will see if it pays off in a couple weeks at the Beach 5 miler I have on the schedule. The bad news is my leg that has been hurting me is now hurting around my hamstring. It is a dull ache and so I took an extra rest day. I ran Saturday and Sunday, but Sunday my knee on that leg started to hurt so I had to call to be rescued. I am taking this whole week off to rest and I think I am going to add in some different strength training exercises and pilates.

7/26- 2.5 miles with speed work. I kept thinking I need to turn around at 1.8 for some reason and I really needed to turn at 1.25. I guess I was more focused on my speed intervals. It was math overload :faint: So I had to walk a little more back home 32:08 total time with 12:07 m/miles

7/27- 3.5 miles easy and uneventful run 45:23 total time 12:48 min/mi

7/28- Decided to take this one easy and just walked 1.7 miles with DS9 catching Pokemon

7/29- Rest

7/30- 5 miles in the early morning 1:06:56 total 13:12 min/mi

7/31- Dumbo prep, 10 miles after the Saturday 5 miler in the early morning. This one went really well. I felt like the time flew by. I also started listening to podcasts during runs and that helped immensely. The end was a little hard because I didn't pre plan my route so I had to find a way to fit in the last mile. 2:22:16 total with 14:00min/ mile

8/1- Rest

8/2- 2.5 miles w/ speed work. This is when my leg really started hurting. I tried 2x 800m for my speed work and I think I just pushed too hard. I am going to go back to how I was doing speed work before when my leg gets better. 31:39 total w/ 12:21 min/mile

8/3- 3.5 miles, I didn't think I was going to get this run in because a storm came through but it cleared but just in time. I even got a rainbow. 48:24 total w/ 13:37 min/mile

8/4- Extra rest day because of leg

8/5- Planned rest day

8/6- 5 miles nothing too exciting about this run 1:07:23 total with 13:01 average pace

8/7- I changed my running plan to accommodate Dumbo Double Dare so this was originally a cross training day but I decided to do back to back long run weeks. I knew going out my legs were tired and almost turned around a mile in but didn't want to mess up my schedule. It was going to be 11 miles but my knee started hurting at 3 and I kept going until 4.5, I felt like I could go on but it was getting worse. I called DH and he insisted on coming to get me.
I'm so sorry to hear about your knee pain. I can totally sympathize as I fought this a lot earlier this year. Resting it now is definitely the right choice to make. I hope it gets to feeling better soon!
I'm so sorry to hear about your knee pain. I can totally sympathize as I fought this a lot earlier this year. Resting it now is definitely the right choice to make. I hope it gets to feeling better soon!
Thanks:-) it is so hard to rest with race dates looming but I know I have to or there will be no races!
Boy does time fly!!

Lately I have been working on running slow to go fast.

^^^ THIS!:love: I thought the same thing, it's Cars!

Total dislike on the random moving pain and knee issue :( :( Your pacing looks great though! Does walking aggravate everything too? I know you're trying to not interval train...would that help stretch some distance though? :-/
After a week long rest, I was ready to get back to it last week! My leg is feeling better but still sore so after Dumbo I might get it checked out because I would hate for it to ruin my marathon plans.

8/16- 2 miles was suppose to be 4 but didn't want to push myself the first day. 26:23.7 pace 13:12
8/17- rest
8/18- 3 miles 42:15.1 pace 13:45
8/19- rest

8/20- Summer Beach Run- 5 miles, This race was brutal. It started at 6pm and when we were driving up to the beach the temp. on the car said 99. I thought the sea breeze will help and it won't be too bad. Boy was I wrong. There was absolutely no shade and it was just beating sun for over an hour. We walked a lot of it but I thought all things considered we didn't do too bad. 1:09.52 pace was 13:58. The cool part of the race was a bunch of Navy units showed up to run it. They ran the whole 5 miles in formation w/ their flags and chanting joeys (credit to @wehrengrizz for teaching me what the chants are called) Afterwards we kept our post race tradition and headed to Maple Street Biscuit Company. As promised here is what I ordered

I got the farmer it's a biscuit with chicken, cheese, bacon and topped with apple butter

Then we split a side of hash ups, homefries with onions, peppers, cheese and ham

8/21- Last long run before Dumbo! it was suppose to be 12 miles. I decided before going out I would cap it at 10 since I had to cut my 11 mile run short a couple weeks ago. Because it is so hot in the afternoons I decided that I had to go out in the morning but that only gave me 12 hours between runs. By mile 8 I was done. I managed to get the last 2 miles in but they weren't pretty. 2:34:53 total time.
After a week long rest, I was ready to get back to it last week! My leg is feeling better but still sore so after Dumbo I might get it checked out because I would hate for it to ruin my marathon plans.

8/16- 2 miles was suppose to be 4 but didn't want to push myself the first day. 26:23.7 pace 13:12
8/17- rest
8/18- 3 miles 42:15.1 pace 13:45
8/19- rest

8/20- Summer Beach Run- 5 miles, This race was brutal. It started at 6pm and when we were driving up to the beach the temp. on the car said 99. I thought the sea breeze will help and it won't be too bad. Boy was I wrong. There was absolutely no shade and it was just beating sun for over an hour. We walked a lot of it but I thought all things considered we didn't do too bad. 1:09.52 pace was 13:58. The cool part of the race was a bunch of Navy units showed up to run it. They ran the whole 5 miles in formation w/ their flags and chanting joeys (credit to @wehrengrizz for teaching me what the chants are called) Afterwards we kept our post race tradition and headed to Maple Street Biscuit Company. As promised here is what I ordered

I got the farmer it's a biscuit with chicken, cheese, bacon and topped with apple butter
View attachment 189147

Then we split a side of hash ups, homefries with onions, peppers, cheese and ham
View attachment 189148

8/21- Last long run before Dumbo! it was suppose to be 12 miles. I decided before going out I would cap it at 10 since I had to cut my 11 mile run short a couple weeks ago. Because it is so hot in the afternoons I decided that I had to go out in the morning but that only gave me 12 hours between runs. By mile 8 I was done. I managed to get the last 2 miles in but they weren't pretty. 2:34:53 total time.
Haha thanks@mommaoffherrocker! And thanks for the food pictures:D great job on your runs, can't believe dopey is in a week and a half!! Come onnnnnn cheap last minute flights!
Congrats on the race and the last long run before Dumbo! And OMG that food looks amazing! Do they deliver to Wisconsin (LOL)?

Haha thanks@mommaoffherrocker! And thanks for the food pictures:D great job on your runs, can't believe dopey is in a week and a half!! Come onnnnnn cheap last minute flights!
Fingers crossed!!

OMG, that race sounds tough! Great job for getting through it. And that food looks AMAZING!!
Yes so tough! I hope it makes Dumbo seem like a piece of cake :rotfl:

That beach race sounds really tough, but the food had to make up for it, right? :)
Also way to go on finishing up your last long run before Dumbo!

The food totally made up for it! It is the whole reason we race so much, just so we can eat there afterwards LOL

Congrats on toughing out the race! Seriously drooling over that biscuit sandwich!
Hahaha everytime I come back to this page I get hungry now!
DROOOOOOL. Apple Butter is one of my weaknesses....ESPECIALLY on biscuits. But I'd never thought to combine it with breakfast sandwich fixins. I am stealing that!

Congrats on not melting. That 5 miles sounds brutal!

I'm excited to get your Dumbo recap and supremely jealous.
I have sat down to write on here so many times since getting home and I always get pulled away! I just finished a 3 mile run after seeing the doctor today and being told I don't have an injury but Sciatic Nerve Pain. The good news is I can still run, the bad news is it still hurts. But hopefully after some PT it will improve. Anyways, I have started a TR for DLH weekend and I hope you will follow along :)
I have sat down to write on here so many times since getting home and I always get pulled away! I just finished a 3 mile run after seeing the doctor today and being told I don't have an injury but Sciatic Nerve Pain. The good news is I can still run, the bad news is it still hurts. But hopefully after some PT it will improve. Anyways, I have started a TR for DLH weekend and I hope you will follow along :)

Sorry that you are still hurting, but glad you can still run!
Weekly Update

There has been lots of rest, a PT session and 3 runs this past week.

9/9- first run after getting back and being told by the doc it was ok to continue running. It was a 3 miler in the neighborhood, nothing too exciting. My time was 38:09 average pace of 12:31/mile. Also this was my first run in my new New Balance 880v6 I am in love!

9/10- rest

9/11- rest

9/12- rest

9/13- First PT session. Therapist says he thinks I also suffer from IT band issues. He had me do some stretches and weight bearing exercises to strengthen my hips. He told me I could keep doing short runs and that I was a crazy person for running upwards of 3 hours lol

Went for a run that night, again just 3 miles. It was a rainy night and my time was 38:32 and a 12:51 pace

9/14- rest

9/15- 5k. I was going to skip this run after getting home late from a Doc appt for DS6 and dinner. But I felt so guilty I went anyways. Running after dinner was not fun! Time was 38:48 with an average pace of 12:31

This week I have 2 more PT sessions, hopefully I can get this pain cleared up so I can feel like a normal person again!
Therapist says he thinks I also suffer from IT band issues.
Not sure why I didn't think of that, I sometimes have some IT band pain too, do you have a foam roller? It's like a giant pool noodle but solid hard foam, not too pricey but SUPER helpful to roll out your leg :) something to ask the therapist about, they can probably recommend a good one


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