In Hospital - Home Sweet Home Update Post #112

There are a few people that know I am in the hospital and sort of what for, but my DH thought maybe I should put up a post, so those who are interested in knowing the "who, what, when, where, and why" can get all the information here. Ask questions or what not :goodvibes

As some of you know this past month has been a pretty tough one on me. With the recurrence of my breast cancer, a FUN-FILLED, yet very tiring, week at DLR with dear friends :grouphug: then 2 days after getting home, our neighbors decided that they wanted to have a BBQ on their back patio. Not a real problem, unless you use almost an entire can of lighter fluid on a little-bitty BBQ. Anyway, our apartment was flooded with carbon monoxide fumes, which sent me into a severe asthma attack and damaged my vocal cords. DH said "You could have left Minnie Mouse at Disneyland!" :lmao: He was right, I did sound like her :rotfl: :rotfl: I was put on a course of predinsone (steroid) to help with the vocal cords and by this past Saturday morning, I had my normal voice back :yay:

Then Saturday night comes and my abdomen began distending and come Sunday morning, I was vomiting, no bowel sounds, and looked like I was 7mths pregnant. These are early signs of an impending small bowel obstruction or "pseudo-bowel obstruction." Only difference between the two, is that the "pseudo" is when I get ALL the symptoms of a bowel obstruction, but when Xrays/cat scans are done, there is NO CLEAR obstruction. Basically, my intestines decide that they want a vacation and just stop working, which is EXACTLY what they have done this time. Either diagnosis is a direct admit into the hospital. Do not pass go, Do not collect $200 :lmao:

So, around 10am Monday morning we went to the ER and by 9pm that night, I was *finally* assigned a room :rolleyes1 I have a NG (nasogastric) tube in place that, goes up the nose all the way to the stomach and is hooked up to suction to keep the stomach drained of all gastric fluids. Yesterday morning, Thursday, I started getting bright red blood from the NG tube. The Dr thinks that the NG tube is causing some major irritation to lining of the stomach and is keeping an eye on it. They had to put in a PICC (Pepherial Inserted Central Catheter) except it feeds into an artery that goes to one of the arteries that goes into the heart, because I just do not have an *good* veins left.

They started me on TPN (Total Protein and Nutrient) therapy as I am not allowed to eat or drink ANYTHING and because of the TPN, they have to check my blood sugar every 6hrs and then I am given 2 units of Insulin. Along with the TPN therapy, I just received my first bag of "lipids" or fats, which to me is rather silly, as my body overproduces lipids on their own. Go figure :confused3

I also have a PCA (Patient Controlled Analgesic) which is just a button I can push every 10 minutes to get pain medicine :crazy: I am also being given injections in the stomach to help prevent blood clots in the legs; anti-nausea and muscle relaxant via the PICC line. Then of course I am also getting straight "Potassium" and other assortment of mixes of IV fluids.

Right now it is just a waiting game to see *WHEN* my intestines will decide to wake up, medically it is called an "illieus", and start working. Once they do that, then they will start advancing my diet slowly, so I do not revert back to the "dead zone." :lmao: :lmao:

So, I tried keeping this short, but it turned out a bit longer than I expected. I am thankful that I can connect to the Internet, via dial-up at 24kbps, and get on VMK occasionally. Yes, it can take up to 20 minutes just for a room to load, but after it does load, things seem to run smoothly.

:grouphug: to all those who have asked how I am doing and continue to send pixiedust: and :goodvibes my way. Guess the start of my radiation therapy is going to have to wait until all this mess clears up :sad2: Just call me Abbie Normal :rotfl: :rotfl:


Wow Tigger, and I thought my times (3 trips to the ER, 2 stays in the hospital) in the hospital this month were bad. I know what you mean by *good veins" my arms look like a junkies with needle tracks and bruises all over them. I’m sending lots of loves and prayers your way.

Well, the procedure I had done on Sunday went very well. I was knocked out for this procedure, thankfully, then they had to put a tube down my throat, look at the lining of my stomach to see where all the blood was coming from, the severity of the damage, and then decide on a course of action. Apparently, I had 7 areas of concern, but 2 of the 7 areas were/could have caused some VERY serious lifelong problems. Seems the NG tube had worn some holes, almost all the way through the stomach lining. The Dr is being VERY cautious, as I started running a fever last night of 101.7 and they started me on IV antibiotics for fear that I may be getting "sepsis" (bad infection) in the abdominal cavity. Again tonight, the fever is back, so either the IV antibiotics have not kicked in yet, they are not the right ones, or it is not antibiotic related at all :confused3

The G.I. (Gastro-Intestinal) Dr wants to recommend another procedure to my Dr when he returns tomorrow, but whatever the procedure is, I will get the name of it, it has to be done while I am in ICU as I have to be watched VERY, VERY CLOSELY :scared: :eek: :scared1: The on-call Dr for my regular Dr actually HEARD SOME FAINT bowel sounds, which is a good thing. However, they are very faint and ONLY in 1 area of the abdomen, lower right area.

My past episodes have lasted anyhwere between 3 - 14 days, so it looks as though this *episode* may be looking closer to a 14 day event. Between the lack of a *DECENT* Internet connection, dear hubby not being able to visit like he used to (he was based at this hospital, but roams now), just a bit of depression settling in, and frustration of alot of other things going wrong that have never happened before :sad: :sad2: :sad:

Many :thanks:s for ALL YOUR continued thoughts, :goodvibes prayers, and pixiedust:, as this episode is really testing my patience.

:love: and :hug: to everyone

Big hugs to you my friend!! We'll be thinking of you and sending many well wishes and happy thoughts your way!

:hug: pixiedust: :hug: pixiedust: :hug: pixiedust: :hug:
hugs tigger!

Please get all the rest you can so your body can focus on fighting and recovering. Also, rest will help with the depression which is so understandable. You are a fighter! Hang tight!

And please please please do not worry about VMK. There are SO much more important things. :) Even though it may not seem like it somedays.... :rolleyes:

Sending good thoughts your way with lots of pixiedust:!
- J.
Thinking of you today. Maybe, just maybe, today is a bit better? Hugs and pixie dust!:grouphug: :hug: pixiedust:
I just wanted to say "Thank You" for your continued prayers, :goodvibes , thoughts and pixiedust: as they truly mean the world to me :love:

I have been continuing to get blood from the NG tube, despite the procedure to try and stop the bleeding. I have been unable to swallow even the smallest amounts of liquids because the NG tube is just wreaking havoc on my throat. So, when the Dr came in today, he had planned on "clamping" the tube to see if that would help slow down the bleeding, as I have lost about 3 1/2 pints, despite the earlier procedure that has been done. However, I convinced him to pull the tube out "completely" and give my stomach and throat a break for awhile.

I will be having another endoscopy (looking down into the stomach) done and the DR will do whatever is necessary to stop the bleeding. Then the final procedure, neostigmine (for Chronic Intestinal Pseudoobstruction), will be discussed and a date set, as I will have to be transferred to the ICU, as it can cause alot of heart issues and I have to be watched VERY careful.

After everything I have been through in my life, this is the ONLY procedure that I am REALLY afraid of. :scared:

After they took the NG tube out, it was about 1 hour later when dinner arrived and I ate a little soup, jello, and pudding :woohoo: This was the frist thing I had eaten in 13 days :eek:

Again, thank you all for your concern and I will keep you updated as things start happening.

More on it's way!:wizard:
To help in you procedure you should ask your hubby if he will bring an old stuffed-animal in there too you. I know it's a bit kiddish, but who said being a kid was bad?
Of course ask the Dr. first to see if you can at least set it in the room, or hold it before you go 'sleepy' and then have them give it too him.

Nothing like an old friend to make you feel better, eh?
Aww Tigger, I barely got to know you very well, but I just wanted to let you know that my prayers are with you! You are a strong person as I can tell by the little I know about you, and you will be able to overcome this whole mess! Again, many hugs and prayers are with you! <3 Pics
Aww Tigger I feel so bad for you. I hope you get to feeling better real soon. Sending you lots more pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust:, (((hugs))) :hug: :hug: and prayers.
Happy Thursday (well, almost Friday). Sending :yay: cheers to you. Hope you feel better soon! :hug:
Okay, the decision has been made and they will be going through with the "neostigmine" procedure in about 2 hrs. However, there is NO room in the ICU, so they will do this procedure in my room. :eek: :eek:

We went over ALL the complications and the major two seems to be the heart rate bottoming out/stopping and blood pressure falling dangerously low. They will hook me up to telemetry, so my heart can be monitored by ICU at ALL times and they will have a "crash cart" in the room at all times. I will also have a nurse stay with me for about 15 minutes after the procedure and then checking on me every 30 minutes.

Unfortunately, hubby will not be able to be here with me when they do the procedure :sad: :sad2: :sad: as he is working a split shift :sad1: I am soooooooooo scared of my heart stopping or of it bottoming out :scared1:

Already crying because of the uncertainty and because hubby or even a friend will not be around.

Will see you all later on ....



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