It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times. updated 4/18. The end!

I've never heard of anyone drawing Snow White. I think that would be a hard one.

I would have been sitting with Jim after one ride on Star Tours (if I could even handle one at this point).

I'm with you...the Osborne Lights, despite the crowds, are so worth it. To me, they are worth the price of admission And I love your got some great ones.
I've never heard of anyone drawing Snow White. I think that would be a hard one.

I would have been sitting with Jim after one ride on Star Tours (if I could even handle one at this point).

I'm with you...the Osborne Lights, despite the crowds, are so worth it. To me, they are worth the price of admission And I love your got some great ones.

Snow White really was hard. We had a choice and that's what was picked. I saw several people with Olaf and had been hoping for him.

I can't do a lot of rides but I was determined to get as many scenes as I could. I don't know if I will do that again. Jim loves the rides just wasn't in the mood for his one.

I agree if I could only do one park at that time of year it would be DHS just for the lights. Thanks about the photos. I was happy with them this year.
We really enjoyed Dine with an Imagineer with you, Jim, and Scott. We also feel it is well worth the money, that was our third time.

Your Osborne Lights pictures are fantastic. Sorry Jim's foot was bothering him.
We really enjoyed Dine with an Imagineer with you, Jim, and Scott. We also feel it is well worth the money, that was our third time.

Your Osborne Lights pictures are fantastic. Sorry Jim's foot was bothering him.

We're hoping to go to Disney next April. Jim has decided he wants to see the Flower and Garden Festival. When will depend on what groups are playing the Flower Power concert. His only request is that we do the Dine With an Imagineer again. He loved the whole experience.

Thanks about the pictures. I was really happy with them. It's not really his foot as much as his toe. Wait til I get around to the next day of the trip. It really got bad. He has had issues with a diabetic ulcer from a broken toe when he was 2! The only cure is surgery which he will not do at this point. I told him as soon as he retires he is going to get it done.
The end of our Hollywood Studios Day.

After the light show we were ready to head out but just one more ride to do. Any guesses???

A clue

I love the old cars. We still had time for the Great Movie Ride. I know not everyone likes it but I love old classical movies. We headed in and it was almost empty. Except for one group of older people, well older than me anyway. Who knew I would get really annoyed with these very rude people who should have known how to behave. They were told where to sit and proceeded to sit wherever they wanted. I was forced into a spot over a speaker or something. My backside vibrated the entire ride.

Anyway we have to get the standard shot to prepare for a trip into the movies

One of the pics I have ever gotten of Mary Poppins. I loved that movie

It was about here the group I was so fortunate to be with really got annoying. I am trying to get great dark ride photos NO FLASH and I was blinded. Yep flash the whole ride.

This was no flash and there are people in the car

Went for some obscure points of view

One of my favorites

The yellow brick road

I still think the witch looks like Amy Farrah Fowler on Big Bang Theory

With that our ride was over and I realized that we forgot to get our plates from the Brown Derby. Jim got the plates an I took a picture of the tree

Then I saw this

Years ago Mike Douglas filmed a talk show in Philadelphia. My Gram took me to see the show one day. As we walked past the door to the building to get in line it flew open. Carol Channing was rushing out and right into me. She actually knocked me down. She looked terrified and I was thrilled. Unfortunately I didn't get an autograph.

The crowds heading out

Balloons and the back of Jim's head

Love the traffic lights

Minnie display for my granddaughter

Mini tree

The main tree

I don't think we had an issue with he busses and were back at SSR in no time. I had wanted to go to downtown Disney unfortunately that didn't happen. Jim's toe had gotten really bad in the park that day and we were out of bad-aids. I headed down to the food court/souvenir shop and found bandages and tape. Took a few pics along the way of the SSR decorations

They had a LOT of trees throughout the area. After I got the bandages for Jim I also explored the food court area. I was getting hungry. Called Jim and we decided to split a cheeseburger flatbread.

It wasn't that bad and enough for us to share.

Jim knew that a call to his foot doctor would need to be made as soon as we got home. His doctor LOVES Disney and I usually get a phone call every visit. The year before the doctors wife surprised him with a last minute, the WEEK OF CHRISTMAS. They couldn't understand why it was so crowded and hard to find somewhere to eat. Jim just told him to ask me next time because I laughed really hard at that one.

Anyway, we ate dinner and watched a little TV and went to bed early for once. Jim slept away and I worried about his foot and decided we would leave to go home early.

I will leave you hanging with that. Do we leave or stay?????
That lunch was really good. Hey I just posted about it. I am a few days behind you. LOL
Oh no! I see hands up on a ride. Their hands weren’t too bad, she kept them down.
Oh that camera again.
Nice how many times you rode Star Tours. I would love to do that all day.
Very nice Osborne Lights pics.
The crazy pic is fantastic.
I am one who does not like TGMR.
MMM, the flatbread looked good.
LOL about the Doctor and the week of Christmas.
All caught up again.
That lunch was really good. Hey I just posted about it. I am a few days behind you. LOL

I read your report on FB. I have been skipping here but promise to get over to your TR for a reply.

Oh no! I see hands up on a ride. Their hands weren’t too bad, she kept them down.
Oh that camera again.

I really hate being in anywhere but the first row. Otherwise I get a hand in my view. Yep my cameras have all been in that picture. Kristel thinks it's really funny.

Nice how many times you rode Star Tours. I would love to do that all day.

I would have gone on a few more times but felt bad leaving Jim sitting waiting on me.

Very nice Osborne Lights pics.
The crazy pic is fantastic.

Thanks and thanks. I really love taking my good cameras and playing with them. I get some great shots that way.

I am one who does not like TGMR.

I remember that. I like it especially in the summer. It's a great ride to cool down on.

MMM, the flatbread looked good.

It was very good. Except if I remember right it had mustard on it. I do NOT like mustard.

LOL about the Doctor and the week of Christmas.

When Jim called me rom his visit to ask me why I was :rotfl2:
It really was he funniest thing I had ever heard. They are going to ask my advice next time.

All caught up again.

You were all caught up. I am updating in my next post.:lmao:
Let's keep this party moving.

We are now on Day 6. It started out at 61 degrees and went up to around 80 so that was nicer than back in Philly.

I had a rough night. I didn't sleep well and had stomach issues. I have IBS that flares up under stress. Jim's foot was causing me to stress out.

I got up my normal early time and was able to make coffee. My only real complaint is that there was only coffee service for one day when we arrived. We had a housekeeping visit so I had coffee again.

My breakfast

I had the last of the Danish we had brought down with us.

A couple of view pics

A nice way to sit and start the morning. I had decided we were going to check out and go home. I was concerned about Jim's toe and didn't want it to get worse. When I told him he got angry and said we were staying. THE END!!!!

I told him to use the ECV, I would hobble around with my cane that I keep in my car. Again I got a very emphatic NO!!! He decided that he would stay at the resort and rest all morning, I was going to go to whatever park alone. He might join me later in the day.

So off I headed to the bus stop. Along the way I took a few pictures

A very quiet QUIET pool

The bus stop

I was on the bus at 8:50 AM. The bus driver was really great and had me in a better mood in no time. He turned off the canned music and told some jokes and gave us some Disney trivia. I did feel a little bad as we made the circuit around SSR. One other scooter got on with me at the Grandstand. There were a couple more scooters waiting and one woman looked really angry. She was flipping out on I think her daughter. I hope so because she was MAD!!!! I understand the frustration as I have had my waits at other resorts at times.

Anyway at 9:15 or so we reached EPCOT. I was unloaded last but not a big deal. I had some plan mapped out but I was in no real hurry. Traveling solo I could move at my pace with no worries.

I took some pictures

"if you can't say something nice don't say nothing" Love that quote

Flower looks so sad

You have to love Stitch

I headed over to Test Track to use my FP. I wanted to change it but Jim said not to bother. He didn't care if he went on again.

Designed my car

After this area you go to the loading area and there was a bit of excitement here. All of a sudden there was a huge commotion behind me and people were yelling for help and call 911. It appeared as though someone either had a seizure or passed out. The CM's were awesome. There were several there in seconds and they were calling for further assistance. Those of us in front of the commotion were hurried on to our ride vehicles.

Of course I took a few pictures and was really happy with this one

My car design came in 2nd in my vehicle and 2nd most responsive design on the ride at that point

When I got outside there was a rescue vehicle there. Hope the person was OK.

I headed over to the Land to see the display there

Disney Cruise Line, I will be visiting you soon

The details were amazing. Then I was headed over to the World Showcase. Of course I had to get my artistic shot. Still not quite what I want

And some pics from the Rose Garden

They were so pretty and it smelled so fragrant there. Made me appreciate the saying, "Stop and smell the roses!"

It wasn't 11 yet so WS technically wasn't open but I was able to see some of Canada

And England

Picture limit. Continued in next post
Continuing on

I got to France which was actually my destination.

I wanted to be able to see the Storytellers and had mapped out each one so I could accomplish it. Pere Noel wasn't due out til 11:20 so I headed in to buy a Buche Noel.

A Buche Noel is a yule log cake. This did not look like one at all and was really BAD! My brother made one a few years ago that honestly looked like a real log and tasted amazing. I threw this one out. It really was bad.

I took a few pics while I waited

As much of "France" as I will ever see. Jim refuses to ever step foot in that country, even in Disney World.

Then Pere Noel arrived

Headed over to my next Story Teller and got to see a different one for Hanukkah

And I was off again to - Italy

Love the fountain but these are some nasty looking fish

Artistic view

Saw Sergio again

Then La Befana. I had a really good view til a school group showed up and pushed me sideways. Really they had to all get right in front of me. OK rant over.

But you can see them in the picture. OK rant is really over now. Next up Japan and the Daruma Vendor

Back to the American Adventure for Kwanzaa. I really enjoyed this one. She was so enthusiastic

Up next Germany and the Nutcracker

That sweaty, sleeveless man stood next to me for a bit. Not pleasant.

About this time Jim called to let me know he was arriving at EPCOT so I head up to Club Cool to meet him.

I will stop here. To be continued later.
I'm caught up again.

You got some terrific shots on The Great Movie Ride. I enjoy that ride, but I still think it needs an update.

I'm sorry Jim's foot continued to be a pain.

I think Saratoga is one of the few resorts we haven't seen at Christmas time so I enjoyed your photos.

I also thoroughly enjoyed your artistic photos at Epcot and around World did a great job.

Good to hear that Jim is coming to meet you.
I'm caught up again.

You got some terrific shots on The Great Movie Ride. I enjoy that ride, but I still think it needs an update.

It probably could use an update but I enjoy it.

I'm sorry Jim's foot continued to be a pain.

Unfortunately it will be until he retires. He needs to have a minor operation and won't do it for another few years.

I think Saratoga is one of the few resorts we haven't seen at Christmas time so I enjoyed your photos.

I didn't get to see many resorts but Saratoga was really nice.

I also thoroughly enjoyed your artistic photos at Epcot and around World did a great job.

Thank you again. I really love taking pictures and am always looking to perfect them. I really love sharing the pictures.

Good to hear that Jim is coming to meet you.

He did get there so I was happy to spend a little time with him.
All caught up!! I have been super busy and haven't been on the DIS much, Loving all of your photos as always. Sorry Jim's foot hurt so much. How is your ankle doing NOW. I haven't checked with you in a while. I hope you are well!!

All caught up!! I have been super busy and haven't been on the DIS much, Loving all of your photos as always. Sorry Jim's foot hurt so much. How is your ankle doing NOW. I haven't checked with you in a while. I hope you are well!!


I have seen some of your projects. You have been a busy lady.

Thank you. I was happy with some of my pictures, others I am still working on my technique. Think it's the artist in me.

Jim has diabetes which is really doing well. He just has issues with his big toe but they can be BIG issues. One of the reasons we decided to try a cruise. Figure it will be less walking.

The ankle is there and it lets me know it on a regular basis. See the doctor again in July, then another MRI and surgery most likely the end of August. Should give me enough time to recover for the cruise. I should have about 10 weeks from surgery til we leave. Won't need a cast just no weight bearing for 1 month. That has me wanting to say NO!!!!! and then run for the hills. :lmao:
I have seen some of your projects. You have been a busy lady.

Yes, lots of sewing, but I really love it and it is helping fund our trip coming up

Thank you. I was happy with some of my pictures, others I am still working on my technique. Think it's the artist in me.

Whatevs - they look great!!

Jim has diabetes which is really doing well. He just has issues with his big toe but they can be BIG issues. One of the reasons we decided to try a cruise. Figure it will be less walking.

it is less walking and a more relaxing vacation than WDW, but still - you are tired when you get off that boat. Plus, you are sad because the cruise is so awesome you won't want to leave ...

The ankle is there and it lets me know it on a regular basis. See the doctor again in July, then another MRI and surgery most likely the end of August. Should give me enough time to recover for the cruise. I should have about 10 weeks from surgery til we leave. Won't need a cast just no weight bearing for 1 month. That has me wanting to say NO!!!!! and then run for the hills. :lmao:

The process of getting it fixed will not be a fun one, but it will make your quality of life better. I know you don't like the semi-handicapped life any more than I do.
If Flickr cooperates I'll try and get this day finished.

When I left off Jim had called to let me know he had arrived at EPCOT. We met at Club Cool. I wanted to try the new flavors again. Jim was happy

With BEVERLY!!!!! Don't ask me but that man loves that soda.

Our next stop was the Character Spot. Yes I wasted a FP+ here but I wanted some pictures of us together.

These were from my camera as I have had issues getting my photopass links to work. First we saw the main mouse himself

Then some fun with Goofy. This was one of my favorite character interactions

He wouldn't stop kissing my hand.

For some reason the other characters didn't take pictures with my camera. Since I have a Disney Rewards card we headed over for the free picture. We got Goofy and Mickey.

I was really getting hungry an Jim was also so we headed to our favorite counter service in EPCOT- Sunshine Seasons. There are so many options. For some reason we both chose sandwiches. Probably because we were not on a dining plan and I am really cheap.

Jim got a Turkey Focaccia with Potato Salad

and a Carrot Cake Cupcake

I had the Veggie Flatbread

And the main reason I eat here - the Strawberry Shortcake

We also go iced tea. The total with tax was 35.09. It was worth it. My only complaint was that the potato salad had too much oil and vinegar. It needed to be drained better. Over all a good meal.

After we ate we headed on Living with the Land. These Buffalo are one shot I still have problems with. I am determined to get hem one trip. My dad LOVES buffaloes. He tries to wear his buffalo t-shirts everywhere. I want to get a decent picture for him

I loved the little Christmas touches

Jim checked out the gingerbread village and then we discussed what he wanted to do. Stay or head back to the resort. He opted to stay for a couple more rides. Of course we had to go to

No ride photos. Think I just wanted to sit back and relax. We do love wandering around the pavilion though. The manatees were out

Pretty sure this is a Lion Fish or a Dragon Fish. I did like it though

The Starfish was moving around

Then I was mesmerized. They had a horseshoe crab in one of the tanks. We get them washed up on the beach in the summer. They can get pretty big but this one was small. It was also the first time I had ever seen one ALIVE!!!! Jim thought I was insane because I stayed there a good 30 minutes. We have been married almost 33 years, he should know that I do things like that by now.

I also got him walking around

Finally happy enough to leave we headed to Figment. It is one ride we cannot miss. Our son is almost 32 years old and he still has his stuffed Figment from his first trip when he was 5 y/o. The ride brings back happy memories of my baby boy who just loved this ride. (He still does.)

After Figment Jim decided he was leaving. He blamed his toe but there were still bowl games on and I know my DH. He wanted to go back and watch football. I'm not as big a fan. He left but what did I do?

continued in the next post
I know I was there the same time as you because we met at the Dismeet but I swear I missed half the things you saw like that display at the Land. We had 3 generations and you know the grandkids are the ones we want to please so I miss slot of what I would like to see. But I can't bear to go without them:confused3
Jim left and I headed back to the World Showcase. I still had a few storytellers to see. Stopped for a picture of the tree

Headed to Mexico for the Three Kings. They weren't due out for a bit but Donald was so I got in line for a picture with him

I had to kiss Donald before he would leave my arm go. I did and there is a picture but I felt really silly. I got a nice spot for the Three Kings

Saw the Monkey King in China again

I had wanted to try some of the stands for the holiday treats but managed the really bad Buche de Noel. I stopped to get the Happy Face Fried Cakes at China. They were OK but a little dry.

Next up was Morocco and Ramadan

Headed back towards Norway and stopped for an artsy night time pic

Saw Santa and Mrs. Claus

Still think my dad is a better Santa and my granddaughter is convinced that her Big Pop is the real Santa.

Saw Julesnissen in Norway

Stopped to see the Frozen exhibit in Stave Church

And I did it. I managed to somehow see ALL of the Holiday Storytellers.

My mission for the day accomplished. I headed towards the exit.

Got Stitch lit up

And a nice picture of Bambi with the monorail

And sadly my last day at EPCOT ended. Didn't have a long wait for a bus and was back at the resort in no time. Jim was till in the room watching TV. I parked my ECV as I wanted to head to DTD. I had been texting with Scott and he was headed there too so we met by the boat dock.

I don't think this one horse will win many races, he's missing his legs.

I took pictures on the boat ride over but they all came out a bit fuzzy. Playing with settings and a moving boat, not good.

I liked this lamp but not enough to pay what they were asking - close to $200

These apples looked really good

Scott and I posed for pictures but for some reason I didn't take one of him with my camera

Played with my camera to get the effect I wanted with the fountain. I was happy with the end result

Headed here for some shopping

Scott Vader

I wanted an ornament with "2013" on it. They had NONE!!!! It was early December and all they had was 2014 things. Not happy we left and realized it was getting late. Scott wanted to stop at Ghiardelli for ice cream. While I debated if I wanted anything he told me to pick something out - his treat. I got a shake and it was good, but next time no whipped cream. Thanks you again Scott. I then raced over to Wolfgang Puck Express to get our dinner. I had heard so much about it the food there.

Took another pic as we headed back to the boat.

We walked to the elevator together once back at the resort. We were in the same section, on the same floor just at opposite ends of the hallway. I said my good byes and headed back to the room with dinner.

What did we get you ask???
The bacon wrapped meatloaf of course.

I also ordered side of vegies. I could have skipped them as I wound up throwing them away. That was a lot of meatloaf, more than enough for us to share but VERY GOOD. The vegies were really good too but it was just too much food.

And with that our day ended. We had one day left sadly. :(
I know I was there the same time as you because we met at the Dismeet but I swear I missed half the things you saw like that display at the Land. We had 3 generations and you know the grandkids are the ones we want to please so I miss slot of what I would like to see. But I can't bear to go without them:confused3

We did meet I do remember that. :lmao:

Honestly I managed to see so much because I was alone. When I went with my daughters and grandkids I didn't see nearly as much but what I saw meant so much more to me in many ways. I saw the smiles on my grandkids faces and that meant more to me than anything.

I am really hoping to get them all down together in a couple of years. It will depend on my youngest daughter. She just got accepted to nursing school so her schedule is school for the next 2 years. I am so proud of her though. She worked really hard to get there while also raising her son. Now she has to get through nursing school with 2 children.
Great updates!

I am glad Jim ended up meeting you and you got a few attractions in with him before he went back to watch football. Thankfully, when on vacation, my husband gives up watching sports.

The manatees were active when we were there too.

I'm glad you got to see all of the storytellers and crossed that off your list.

Great pictures at DTD...I'm glad you and Scott were able to hook up and do that. Scott Vader!!!! I love it. :thumbsup2

We like the food from Wolfgang's...we'll be back.
Great updates!

Thank you.

I am glad Jim ended up meeting you and you got a few attractions in with him before he went back to watch football. Thankfully, when on vacation, my husband gives up watching sports.

I was happy that he joined me for a couple of hours. Normally he is very good about giving up the sports while we are on vacation. The foot gave him an excuse to watch it.

The manatees were active when we were there too.

The manatees are hit and miss for me. I have missed them completely at times.

I'm glad you got to see all of the storytellers and crossed that off your list.

I was happy to have seen them all[. My last trip at that time of year it raied the entire trip and I missed most of them.

Great pictures at DTD...I'm glad you and Scott were able to hook up and do that. Scott Vader!!!! I love it. :thumbsup2

Scott and I met here when I did my first TR. I consider him to be one of my dearest friends. We have taken several trips to Disney at the same time. I have also gone to NY and he came down to Philly. This site has given me several friends that I cherish.

We like the food from Wolfgang's...we'll be back.

That food was very good and we will go back. And we'll probably share again. That was a lot of food.


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