It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times. updated 4/18. The end!

I wish I was by that pool now.
I loved the display in The land.
I want to do the Norway cruise next year and it is might be happening. So excited.
Too bad the log cake was bad. It looked good.
They are nicer in actual France than Epcot. LOL
Nice you saw the storytellers. I think we saw one.
Eww. No likey sweaty stinky people.
Nice character pics.
Nice aquarium pics.
Oh let’s see you making out with Donald. LOL
That is great you saw all the Storytellers. Next time we go I definitely will.
That horse missing legs made me laugh.
Thank god you didn’t take one of me. My pic I look really gay. LOL. Could be a reason for it but still.
You are welcome.
They do give you a lot of food at Wolfgang.
I had fun that night just strolling along.
I wish I was by that pool now.

It is finally getting warm enough here that I am looking forward to pool time soon.

I loved the display in The land.
I want to do the Norway cruise next year and it is might be happening. So excited.

That display really was nice and seeing the cruise ship in it got me thinking. That;s why we are doing a cruise in November. Unless I chicken out. Not sure Jim would for Norway. He wants Alaska.

Too bad the log cake was bad. It looked good.

It did look good but it really wasn't. I was disappointed.

They are nicer in actual France than Epcot. LOL

Jim will never go to France. I cannot win that battle.

Nice you saw the storytellers. I think we saw one.

It was a goal this trip so I was happy.

Eww. No likey sweaty stinky people.

I didn't either. EWWWW!

Nice character pics.
Nice aquarium pics.

Thank you

Oh let’s see you making out with Donald. LOL

And I don't think so. LOL

That is great you saw all the Storytellers. Next time we go I definitely will.
That horse missing legs made me laugh.

I didn't even notice til you pointed it out. It was funny.

Thank god you didn’t take one of me. My pic I look really gay. LOL. Could be a reason for it but still.

You are funny.
You are welcome.
They do give you a lot of food at Wolfgang.

That was really to much food for one person. Glad Jim and I shared it.

I had fun that night just strolling along.

I did too. It really was a pleasant way to spend the evening. Good time with a good friend.
Finally loaded more pics so let's start to finish this trip.

We are on Day 7. Sadly the last day in the parks. It was an early one as we had a breakfast ADR. If you have been reading along you may have guessed we still had one park to visit. And maybe a good guess where we were heading for breakfast.

Now I had one issue that morning. I was not feeling to well. I don't know if it was the milk shake the night before or dinner at almost 11 PM but my stomach was NOT happy with me.

We were out and to the bus stop early and had little wait for a bus. Soon we were seeing this

And the tree

A lion ornament. I love cats, big and small

I made Jim get a scooter that day. His toe was bothering him and he was becoming a pain with it. Thankfully they do have the rentals open that early. We showed the ADR on my phone app and we were off. It was early so some of the animals were just going in their areas.

Reeves Muntjac

Babirusa just getting there

Ducks and birds

Of course I had to get the Tree of Life and in an almost deserted park I got someone's head in my picture

Lesser Flamingoes. Not really sure what the difference is between a flamingo and a lesser flamingo

Ice cream cart with penguins on it. This made me think of my granddaughter who LOVES penguins

Frog Statue, just love all the little details

More details on a food kiosk

Nice view

Finally we arrived at

I like the food here and LOVE the juice. We parked our scooters and got in line for Donald. We cannot miss him as my husband loves Donald.

I did get this as we waited. I love the little details. Glasses and a pitcher on the balcony

If I can ever get my photopass pics to work I will post some of them in a separate update. Anyway we were seated almost immediately. I didn't upload pics of the food because honestly I had a lot of juice, coffee and eggs. Jim had about the same thing minus the coffee. People know what eggs, sausage and bacon look like. Instead we have the characters in their safari outfits. And they showed up pretty quickly.

First up was Mickey

You can see in my face I wasn't 100% yet.

Up next was Daisy

And finally Goofy. Now I have a posed picture but this one is so much better

I had to hold Goofy's ear up because it kept falling in my face.

I don't know what the sign means but that skull was what I got to look at throughout my meal.

I did feel much better after eating so I was happy about that. Our waitress was awesome and I think we both drank a pitcher of juice each. Every time she passed the table the glasses were refilled. That is a VERY GOOD waitress.

The 2 adult breakfasts with tip came to $78. I normally only to 15% to 18% on buffets. Mary, our waitress, was so good she got the full 20%.

We were done breakfast by about 9:15 and boy was it now getting crowded. The park had just opened and I think EVERYONE headed to Africa.

Up next - where to first?
Great pictures of the animals as you made your way to breakfast. And what a great shot of the Tree of Life (head or no head). We love Tusker House too and I want to be sure to get a "pre-open park" ADR there the next time we go.

I love all the photos of you and Jim with the characters...especially the one of you holding Goofy's ear.

Kwaheri means goodbye. And no I didn't know that...I googled it. :)
Great pictures of the animals as you made your way to breakfast. And what a great shot of the Tree of Life (head or no head). We love Tusker House too and I want to be sure to get a "pre-open park" ADR there the next time we go.

Thank you. Even though we had the ADR I had to get pictures. I think that will be a definite breakfast from now on wen we go. Not in May unfortunately as my friend does not want to make many plans. She likes to decide in the morning where to go and changes her mind by noon.

I love all the photos of you and Jim with the characters...especially the one of you holding Goofy's ear.

That was a good one. He has really long ears and it kept getting in my eyes. I wish the handlers would offer to take pics so I could get them of us together but honestly they didn't follow them in the area where we were seated.

Kwaheri means goodbye. And no I didn't know that...I googled it. :)

I should have done that. DUH!!! But thank you I like to learn new things.
And finally Goofy. Now I have a posed picture but this one is so much better

There pictures are great!

First of all I am so impressed that you met your mission to see all the Storytellers. I have yet to do that, but I would really like to try.

Yay for a trip to DTD. I've heard that meatloaf is really delicious.

Boo to it being your last day. I really want to try TH for breakfast.

You got some beautiful pictures of the AK. Can't wait to see more!
There pictures are great!

Thanks. They were couple of favorites.

First of all I am so impressed that you met your mission to see all the Storytellers. I have yet to do that, but I would really like to try.

I was glad I did it. It took some strategic planning and not having Jim with me actually made it a little easier. Although I would have liked to have had him with me. The storytellers are interesting and well worth the effort.

Yay for a trip to DTD. I've heard that meatloaf is really delicious.

That meatloaf was very good an way too much food for one person. I am glad we decided to share.

Boo to it being your last day. I really want to try TH for breakfast.

The last day is always so bittersweet.

You got some beautiful pictures of the AK. Can't wait to see more!

I will be finishing up this week. I want to start getting ready for my May trip and baseball season has started. I seriously only have schedules for 2 grandkids and some days have 3 games between school and their other organization. I still need t-ball and in-house schedules and I coach t-ball.
Moving on we had finished breakfast, were on our ECV's in a crowd of people. I had FP+ for later in the day but the Safari was right there, it's one of my favorite attractions so we got in line.

It wasn't even 9:30 and there was already a 30 minute wait posted. Thee was a family in front of us with FOUR strollers. I looked around and realized the strollers were for children who had to be at least 10 years old. They were as tall as the adults they were with. I may be old school but they should have saved the money hey spent renting them and had those kids walk. I kept thinking of the song "In the Year 2525".

These people were also loud. Evidently one child was sick and all 4 women felt her head and came to the consensus that she was running a fever. I really felt bad for the girl she was very pale and you could see she was sick. Her mother yelled at her that "this vacation was expensive, for you and you will just pretend you are OK!!!" There were 6 adults, I know that Disney is not cheap but seriously take the poor child back to the resort to lay down for a bit. For one thing I didn't want to get sick. OK my rant is over, and my opinion may not be popular but it is what it is.

On to pictures.

In the queue

We diverted to the line for ECV's and had a bit of a wait and there were quite a few people in front of us. We did manage to get on the vehicle though. I then realized I forgot my long lens. That meant I had the fast lens for darker rides with limited zoom. Oh well not much I could do about that.

We were off and saw an Okapi

Duiker, I think. I can't read Jim's handwriting

Kudu - he is there towards the left center. Really needed that long lens

Black Rhino up by the wall

Saddle Billed stork

Hippo. I probably have more hippo pictures than a person will ever need as we have them at the zoo here in Philly but what can I say here's one more

OK two more

Then we came upon the crocs. I have often thought they were fake. They never appear to move and often seem to be in he same spot. The are very real

The one crocodile was attacking the other one and biting it.


And Giraffes another favorite and I have A LOT of pictures

Who could pass up the baby

Ankole cattle. He held us up while he crossed the road

This is where I really missed the lens - Gazelles

Rafiki, I mean a Mandrill


White Rhino

Early in the morning and he's sleeping. I wasn't surprised, my cats sleep all the time too


Not sure about his one

Zebras - I did take pictures of he zebras but Flickr refuses to let me post them. We all know what zebras look like.

And some Addax

With that we returned from our 2 week safari and supposedly came back to civilization. Honestly there were times that day I wasn't to sure about that.

I will stop here with the question - What did we do next?
Baseball season has started so I am going to finish this in the next couple of days. I have 3 schedules so far and one week I have 7 games. I still need the schedules for two more teams which need to be added.

We got off the safari and had to struggle to get our scooters free. I have never seen that many scooters and wheelchairs there. Next up we headed to the Pangani Exploration Trail. Another favorite place to explore.

First up the Okapi

I skipped areas as it was just too crowded and I really missed my long lens. What is an odd thing about me, and yes I readily admit it, I am TERRIFIED of birds but I love to take pictures of them. I did manage a nice picture of the tanager

Then we moved on to the gorillas.

He was hiding

Still hiding

There he is

I could spend all day watching the gorillas but I moved on.

Another little detail so easy to overlook. Chairs on the deck with beach towels. Great way to catch some rays.

As I mentioned I am terrified of birds. What is one of Jim's favorite shows? Yep, Flights of Wonder. I kept myself busy with the camera and was happy with some of the pictures

The majestic Bald Eagle. We have an aerie not far from my house but I have yet to get a good picture of the eagles there

I had a FP+ time coming up so after I was able to breathe again we headed that way. Got a picture of the Abdim Stork

Our destination

I actually took a few pics on the ride but it is one that I still haven't perfected. Dark and the movement make it hard to get a decent picture. Jim enjoys the ride and I can tolerate it so we had fun.

Heading through whatever store this is I loved the "Santa"saurus

A food truck but again jus loved the colorful details.

We had another FP+ coming up but still had a little time so I stopped to watch the Siamangs. These little guys are fast

Continued later. Still early for the FP so we will be heading on a trek.
I have to say I'm amazed at how many kids I see in strollers that definitely do NOT need to be in a stroller.

What wonderful safari and trail pictures. You got some really, really great shots.

We have never done the bird show. Maybe one of these days Mark and I will get around to it.

I LOVE Dinosaur!
I have to say I'm amazed at how many kids I see in strollers that definitely do NOT need to be in a stroller.

I was amazed when I realized there wasn't one small child in the group. My grandson has been going with us since he was 5 and we rented a stroller that 1st trip but after that never again. My last trip with kids my granddaughter was 8 and when I told her that some kids her age use strollers she was embarrassed for them. She told me that she was NOT a baby and she can walk just fine.

What wonderful safari and trail pictures. You got some really, really great shots.

Thank you. I really missed my long lens but I was happy with most of my pictures.

We have never done the bird show. Maybe one of these days Mark and I will get around to it.

I would skip it but Jim loves it. I just don't like birds flying at me.

I LOVE Dinosaur!

I do like that ride. Not a good one for pictures but a fun ride. I can't wait til my youngest granddaughter goes again. She will love it. She's my daredevil.
I am TERRIFIED of birds but I love to take pictures of them. I did manage a nice picture of the tanager

This is an adorable little bird. Great picture!

I have to give you kudos for sitting through Flights of Wonders if you hate birds. That had to be next to impossible.

You got some really beautiful pictures of the Safari and the gorilla. And, yes, my cats sleep all the time like that, too!

That poor little girl. I agree - why didn't one of those four woman just take her back to the resort for a break. Sheesh!
This is an adorable little bird. Great picture!

Thanks it is a cute bird. One of my favorites for pictures.

I have to give you kudos for sitting through Flights of Wonders if you hate birds. That had to be next to impossible.

I don't really hate birds I am just terrified of them. The show isn't as bad as going to the shore. I spend a lot of time running and screaming from gulls there.

You got some really beautiful pictures of the Safari and the gorilla. And, yes, my cats sleep all the time like that, too!

Thank you. I could spend all day looking at the gorillas. My son had to write an essay for school may years go and he did it on gorillas ad how much they are like humans. Mom takes care of the kids and dad just picks his feet and sleeps. :lmao: Cats are my other favorite animas but they are lazy.

That poor little girl. I agree - why didn't one of those four woman just take her back to the resort for a break. Sheesh!

I wondered the same thing. Seriously if your child is sick how can being in a park be fun for anybody especially that poor child. Many years ago my son got sick as we arrived at the MK. My mom went back to the hotel with him so he could try and sleep it off. We were off site so not as easy but his needs had to come first. And the nap was all he needed.
I am hoping to finish completely today but I have my little sweethearts today - all THREE!!!!! It will depend on how long til they are bored.

Our next destination the wilds of Asia

Spotted a wild tiger, wait just a picture of a tiger

And another mural - not the one wit the hidden Mickey, already have that

Finally - a sleeping Tiger

Another mural

Not sure what these are but the one in the bottom looks like he is talking to me

Don't know if these are cranes, herons or something else. The CM in the area was not at all helpful. They need to have better ID's around or CM's who can answer a question. I like to know what's what. I'm very curious. Jim said they are - ready? "BIRDS!"

A Bas Relief. My art history class that bored me paid off.

More birds. I get the irony that a camera makes me brave. If one of them flies near me I will run away screaming though

I am good for comical relief. My trip in October 2012 I was in Frankenstein's
Boot. I had what I thought at the time was a bad sprain. I stopped my scooter to take pics, turning it off to avoid an accident. I was trying to get a good picture of the Golden Pheasant on the trek. My friend I travel with knows of my fear of birds but knows I like to take pics of them so she uses the time to rest.

Anyway I am focused on the pheasant when something flew at my head. I SCREAMED!!! I also fell off the scooter but protected my camera. I scared a couple of Japanese tourists who also screamed. My friend - she's such a good friend that she laughed at me for a really long time. An then she teased me about it. Said it was the one time she wished that she had her camera with her.

And what did I do again? More birds

Another one I really worked on getting a pic of, but thankfully the starlings
behaved this trip.

And I could breathe again - no more birds.

We then headed to an appointment with an elusive, giant creature

I love to take pictures on the rides so I can try and forget that I am not a huge fan of this ride. Goes back t my childhood and my dad not letting me go on many rides, especially coasters. He saw someone killed on one so I blame my dad.

This is actually one of my favorite picture - EPCOT, Swan and Dolphin and Hollywood Studios

I may not have had my long lens but this is another favorite. I think that may be CBR in the foreground

And then I put my camera away. I got off the ride and told Jim, "NEVER AGAIN!!!" I don't know if it was the seat, the ride or what but I got off that ride with a serious headache from my head being slammed into the seat. My left leg was wobbly and I felt really sick.

The ride photo tells how much I was feeling the ride

I had my hand behind my head trying to protect it. Jim of course was oblivious to my pain and having a great time.

And I have finally solved my photopass picture problem.

to be continued
To try and get my bearings and shake the headache we wandered around for a bit. We wound up in Camp Minnie/Mickey and I loved these trees

Minnie Mouse


Then we headed back to Africa for another Safari ride and our last FP+. It was still a bit crowded and Jim and I did not sit together this time. They tried to cram 6 large people on one seat. My leg was hanging out of the car so I told he CM I would rather wait than sit like that. I got to move to a row by myself but Jim wasn't allowed to join me.

A hungry Okapi

My normal view of a rhino

A slightly blurry hippo out of the water. This safari driver was in a HUGE hurry

The crocs were friends again

Someone hiding in the trees

At least we slowed down for a giraffe

or two



Flamingoes having some water fun

I actually got a decent pic of the cheetahs

Ostrich butt

And we were back to civilization.

Continued in the next update
As we exited the safari the parade was getting ready to start. We really weren't feeling the parade so we ducked down a side trail. It was just past Africa and I hope I can find it again.

There were some birds along the trail and a really great CM who chatted with us for quite awhile.

I forget what this one is

This is a Blue Heron. He is actually wild but comes to this spot everyday at feeding time. I know the Blue Heron well. We have a nest not far from my home and the Blue Herons toy with me. I try and get a picture as they fly past and the are FAST. The game has begun as one flew past my car yesterday while I was driving. This will have to do for now

We wandered further down the trail and found Scarlet Macaws

and a cardinal

We were then under the owl on the Tree of Life

And a shark

And another shark

This was also new for me, not sure what it is. A woodchuck maybe?

We have been having a family debate on this. I think it's a RAT

Brown Lemur

King Julian, I mean a striped lemur

Jim wanted to see the Festival of the Lion King so we headed there next. I would have preferred Nemo but since he asks for so little off we went. I did take pictures but I was really playing with the camera settings so they are all a bit off. I was trying to see how much I could do with no flash and some movement. I like the music so I just listened.
This is one of the better ones

Since we had the photopass and there were some characters out, AND it was our last day we saw characters.

I LOVE King Louie and Baloo. We've always had some great interactions with them. They did not want to come near me an kept pointing to my shirt. I had a rhino on it and the shirt read Does Not Play Well With Others. They kept pointing and shaking their heads. The CM finally told them I was good the Rhino was bad.

None of the other characters had someone who would take our pictures. That was a first. I went and checked out some more of the character trees

Chip and Dale

and Stitch

This always makes me think of the movie The Birds

Another giant rat

It was getting late and we were hungry so we went somewhere new

We honestly have never eaten here before. I was hungry, tired and cranky. Not a great combination for me. When we looked at the menu I said I wanted to split a pizza. One slice for me and the salad and Jim could have the rest. I am also really CHEAP!!!. I knew I didn't have much left on the gift card from breakfast. I had even less than I thought. Jim actually paid for dinner.

Pepperoni pizzas and salad.

One of the CM's also gave us

It was an anniversary dessert. While we ate I figured out that the receipts did add up from earlier in the day. Straight "A's" in calculus and Linear Math and I couldn't do simple addition.

Took a quick potty break a yes I take pictures of the bathrooms

I loved the art work. I stopped at a couple of gift shops trying to find a 2013 ornament with very little luck. I did find something but not what I wanted. I couldn't find my 2013 magnet either.

One last picture of the Tree of Life

And Expedition Everest

And our last day at the park came to an end. Actually it didn't as Jim's Disney scooter died by Flame Tree BBQ where I was taking pictures. I scooted up to the scooter rental so they could go save him and I could get my deposit back. It's $40 deposit, I wanted my money back. When they finally understood what I meant here comes Jim riding/pushing the scooter. He had just enough power to move if he used his foot to help push it.

After laughing at that and wishing a picture would have done it justice we left. Jim headed back to SSR and I headed to EPCOT. I had planned on meeting a friend at Hollywood Studios that night but never made it. Sorry Kat. Next time.

I went to Mousegear or whatever the shop is in Epcot. No luck on finding any 2013 merchandise there either. Seriously all that I could find was 2014. I wasn't the only one complaining so at least I knew it wasn't me.

I found a T-shirt that I really wanted but none in my size. Settled for a different one figuring I could try on-line. They never had my size either. Got my grandkids some small gifts - gummy Goofy's and a car for my nephew ad I was done.

Headed back to SSR before the Illuminations crowds hit the bus stop. I went to Artist's Palette for a drink and ran into Scott on my way back to the room. He had me follow him to his room where I waited outside. Vinny was in his boxers and according to Scott "Not a pretty sight". He had gotten me a present earlier in the day. That was so sweet of him - Thanks again. I have made a couple of very good friends thanks to these boards.

I got back to the room where Jim was snoring away. I packed up almost everything, wrote down a few notes and then went to bed. We had a long drive ahead of us.
Day 8

Our departure day. :sad1:

I packed up what was left and Jim loaded up the car. We had a really long drive ahead of us sadly. I was happy to go home to see my kitties and more importantly my grandkids. I miss them when I am away.

I also had to get back to real life. We left on Saturday. Sunday I had a baby shower, a meeting to attend and had to get my granddaughters Science Fair Project to her.

We pulled out of SSR around 9:30 or so. Leaving behind 69 degree temperatures.

Around noon we were at

We stopped at the first rest stop for a quick stretch an I took pictures.

A little further in to Georgia we got gas and found a Dunkin Donuts. I got real coffee.:woohoo:

Around 3:30 we were at

I loved this exits name

The Orlando area hit 81 degrees that day. We were driving into this

And at that point the camera went away and I slept. I know we stopped for gas in VA and thankfully no dead battery or blow out like the last 2 trips. I think we stopped at McDonalds or Wendy's for food but I ate and fell asleep again.

We finally got home to our front driveway around 3 AM. How my husband can drive that long I don't know. The temperature on my car read something like 32 degrees. :scared1:

My meeting was canceled but I did make it to the shower in a heavy snow storm. I was ready to go back to Disney.

My new Grumpy shirt

My mom said it fits me. :rotfl2:

One ornament I did manage to find

And my present from Scott

It finally got warm enough to wear it and I have had a few complement on it. Thanks again Scott. I owe you.

Some final thoughts.

Universal: I will g back again to see the Harry Potter expansion or wit the grandkids but I'm not going out of my way to visit there.

No Dining Plan: I loved not having it. I did not have to be at an ADR every day which was great. There were days neither of us really wanted a big meal and were happy to share. And the best part was I did not get a dessert because I had to get one. We actually skipped sweets most days. I think we will skip having it when it is just the 2 of us. With the kids an grandkids I'm not sure yet.

Saratoga Springs: Other than getting REALLY lost the first day we loved it here. Not sure I am ready to buy into the DVC anytime soon but I will definitely look at renting points again.

The crowds were insane. MVMCP was so crowded because of being sold out it really was hard to do much. You really had choose characters or rides. I also get lost during the parties for some reason. One year I couldn't get out of Tomorrowland. This one I couldn't get out of Adventureland.

AK on the day we went was insanity. There were long lines and crowds everywhere from open to close. Of course a lot of Pop Warner and cheerleaders were in the park that day. We didn't have any real issues and I am now of a mind set that what I see and do is OK, what I miss? Oh well there's always the next trip.

So there you have my trip. The Best of Times - being in Disney. The worst of times - the issues with Jim's foot continuing to hamper us.

Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading along. Look for the new adventures in about 6 weeks when I get back from my next trip. No title yet. I will let the trip help me with a title the same way this one did.
Lorrie, I'm sorry I've not been here to respond.

Mark had his surgery, we had the kids here all weekend, worked over 8 hours at a wrestling tournament and then, of course, Easter.

I loved your last updates. Great picture of a sleeping tiger (do they do anything else?).

I'm with you...birds freak me out when they fly by my head...almost as bad as when bugs fly by my ear/face.

I regret that we never got to Camp Mickey/Minnie to see the trees. It was on my list and we didn't have the time.

I was so disappointed that I could not find a 2013 ornament either. It really ticked me off. I already bought a 2014 ornament in case I have troubles finding one when I'm there in May or September.

I love your two t-shirts (Mark has the first one!).

I'm with you...the parties are oversold and just aren't that fun. We might do the Halloween Party ONLY because we will be hanging with friends from the DIS that I've been friends with for about five years and have never met in real life.

Thank you for sharing your trip with us and your wonderful pictures.
Say its not so! I don't want your TR to be over.

Those pictures on the M Trek look a lot like mine. You know what they say about great minds and all that. You got some great bird shots.

Speaking of birds, I love that shot of the flamingos bathing. Very nice. And those darn leopards are hanging out together again.

Beautiful picture of EE at night. It looks so cool at night. Sorry the ride did not agree with you. It's that darn backwards spin. Blah!

I'll read about your ride home tomorrow. I can't bear it yet. Sniff Sniff :sad1:
I really enjoyed your report. I didn't see the trees at AK and honestly didn't even know about them. It always amazes me how much we didn't do and yet we were busy ll the time. I did get a 2013 ornament but I don't remember where I bought it, maybe at Pofq shop. I also got a magnet as I always do.

I hope you enjoy your upcoming trip. We don't have any planned at this point. But maybe we will meet again sometime.


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