Josh Duggar's Trial Begins Today... GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS!

Do you really get a choice tho? I don't recall ever being asked if I could handle being on a jury. I feel like if you get past certain questions and get choosen, thats it. You don't get to say I don't want to hear this. Nor do you really know much about the trial during the selection process. If this was not a celebrity, you wouldn't know much about it heading into selection.

I have said this myself. Those kids were sheltered and locked away. He would never have been able to ask questions about anything sexual, nor would his parents have talked about it. And he certainly wasn't able to experiment the way other 14-15 year olds are. It doesn't make it ok by any means. But I hold his parents 100% responsible for what happened when he was a kid. They created this, and they enabled him to continue once it was brought to light by sending him to some excuse for "treatment". They could have gotten him real help and he might have had a chance to grow into a decent human. Because most of the rest of the kids seem to be decent. A bit nuts, but decent. It makes me very happy to see that Jill and Jinger have broken away and are doing their own thing.
I actually feel really horrible for Anna. She's had it drilled into her head since birth that she should be subservient to her man. She probably honestly believes if she'd have done more, "put out" more, been a better wife, he'd have never done any of this. And now her job is to stand by him and support him. And I'd bet none of her family is coming out trying to help her or encourage her to leave.

My husband was recently in a jury pool and they asked him if he would have an "emotional reaction" to a case that was about child or spousal abuse/assault and would that impact his ability to be unbiased. He said he would not be able to remain unbiased in that case. He was dismissed.
Good grief. What was even the point of taking it to trial if this was his only defense? Why wouldn't they have just taken the plea? Surely they didn't think this one witness was enough?

Based on the early addition of Ian Murphy to the defense team, my guess would be that they knew that the evidence was very compelling, and that their only real hope would be to get the case dismissed (or more likely, overturned on appeal) by finding a procedural mistake on the part of the FBI and/or DHS. They took it to trial to preserve the appeal.

They probably couldn't find a really good expert witness who would testify about the computer technicalities in a way that would contradict the Feds, but not putting up at least some rebuttal witness might have opened them up to allegations of malpractice. (Funny thing about expert witnesses: you can't insist that they support your argument. When you hire them to review the evidence, it's entirely possible that the report they will return will support the other side, at which point you pay them for the work they did on research, but tell them thank you for your time and we won't be needing you in court.)
You are correct, except she is testifying as an expert witness. And you need credentials (classes) to be an expert. I wouldn't let my PCP perform kidney surgery on me just because she was familiar with how kidneys work. She isn't an expert in kidneys.

In the case of IT experts, it's not so much academic classes that matter, but system certifications. These days IT specialists are constantly earning new ones to keep up with new system maintenance requirements; you can earn them via independent study and passage of an exam. It's entirely possible to earn those certifications before (or in lieu of) completing an academic degree, so it's possible for an IT expert to be younger than experts in other fields might be. I think the important question would be whether or not she had RedHat certification, which is considered to be basic if you manage in a Linux environment.
I wasnt saying that downloading it is the worst crime. I'm saying the act it's self, while certianly heinous and horrific isn't the worst that mankind has to offer. I'm not in any way saying it isn't horrible. I am simply saying that when you have spent a career seeing those kinds of things, yes it gets to you still. But not in the same way it would just a "normal" person. Josh certainly is a horrible person if he knowingly downloaded that video, knowing what it contained and watched it and enjoyed watching it, there is no doubt of that. If he did in fact do that, there is a special place for him.
Desensitized. Thats perhaps the term I'm getting at. If you've spent a career dealing with monsters, then you are perhaps less sensitive to it than someone who never even imagined that things like this happened. You'd have a less visceral reaction to it. And yeah, when you still say thats in the top 5 of the worst I've ever seen, it's pretty bad, I don't doubt that.

wow, so you’re saying that what you have seen can be considered more horrific than what the FBI expert with years of investigative experience says is among the worst of the worst. Hmmm, I’m perplexed as to why you are minimizing this crime.

I hope he’s sent up the river. The maximum allowable sentence. Anybody wondering who this guy will do in the prison population?
wow, so you’re saying that what you have seen can be considered more horrific than what the FBI expert with years of investigative experience says is among the worst of the worst. Hmmm, I’m perplexed as to why you are minimizing this crime.

I hope he’s sent up the river. The maximum allowable sentence. Anybody wondering who this guy will do in the prison population?

Not sure why you think this poster is minimizing the crime. Or why you think that someone with years in the field of social work hasn’t seen the same or worse than some FBI agent dealing with similar crimes. In fact, given the case load difference between the two professions, I think it’s highly likely that yes, the poster has seen MORE of the “worst of humanity” than the FBI agent.

I just hope that this irredeemable reprobate’s wife will finally divorce him once he is convicted, despite any possible appeals they may have planned.
I read that the defense rested, after ONE witness!

It make sense. They can't put his family on to say he didn't do it; one slip on a question would open up questioning about his specific behaviors with the sisters. They can't find an expert that can testify that the partition was put up by someone not physically present at the computer, because that didn't happen. If he won't testify to what happened, then that is the end of their defense.
wow, so you’re saying that what you have seen can be considered more horrific than what the FBI expert with years of investigative experience says is among the worst of the worst. Hmmm, I’m perplexed as to why you are minimizing this crime.

I hope he’s sent up the river. The maximum allowable sentence. Anybody wondering who this guy will do in the prison population?
I am not minimizing it, in fact I've said multiple times it makes this no less horrific, but go ahead and cherry pick what you want. What I am saying is this is not the worst humanity has to offer. in 15 plus years of working in corrections as a case manager, and other positions, I have seen and heard worse. I've had those inmates sitting across from me in my office telling me about their crimes. I've read the investigations, seen photos etc. I've had inmates on my case load who have done what was in some of those videos and have no problem telling you about it, like its just a normal thing, or for the sole purpse of shocking you. I've had an ex federal prosecutor on my case load with a 300 year sentence for Child Molestation/abuse. I've seen the clean up after one of those inmates was "taken care of" by another inmate. When you have 200 inmates on your case load at any given time, do you really think I might not have seen the same types of things that any FBI agent has seen? The investigators in a case are not the only ones privy to the information. Especially after conviction where it's public record other than the victims identity.
No where have I said ths isn't horrible or horrific. It's not a competition.
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From what I read, one of the videos involved a 3 month old baby. You can't get much more horrific than that.

Such a joke that the parents made a big thing out of Josh and Anna not kissing before marriage and so worried the girls' dress would corrupt boys.
I made the mistake of reading a detailed description of that video. It's sickening. I wish I could scrub it from my brain!!!
Josh Duggar is a despicable POS. I hope he is found guilty and given the maximum sentence. His parents are partly to blame, and I hope some day they suffer for the damage they did to all their kids. As for Anna, it’s unlikely she’ll divorce him, and she is also a terrible parent, who’s neglected her children by failing to protect them from their monster of a father. This whole family is such a train wreck. :sad2:
Josh Duggar is a despicable POS. I hope he is found guilty and given the maximum sentence. His parents are partly to blame, and I hope some day they suffer for the damage they did to all their kids. As for Anna, it’s unlikely she’ll divorce him, and she is also a terrible parent, who’s neglected her children by failing to protect them from their monster of a father. This whole family is such a train wreck. :sad2:
I agree whole heartedly, but where are Anna's parents/family through all of this? Have they been counseling her that her place is to stick by her husband? If they won't help her and her menagerie of children if she divorces the POS, what choice does she have with no education, that I know of, and only his family on which she can rely?

His family certainly isn't going to help her with paying for an education, they don't believe that women need one, yet they can homeschool their own children to keep them pure of the sins outside of their own homes. UGH! I just hate the whole of it.


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