June 26 - July 3 on the Magic

WDW during Christmas is excellent!!! Decorations are everywhere and more than likely the Osborne lights at MGM will be back. A good take if you've never seen it.
Boy does that sound great. Since your there for 11 days, you can try to avoid those really crowded times. Hang out at that great pool when everyone else is at the parks.

Harryo...what are the Osborne lights? I haven't heard about them.

Has anyone ever cruised at Christmas time? We are considering it for 2005, but I don't know if we can do the 10 days. We'll have to see the schedule when they finally put it out.
Osbourne lights is like a cagillion Christmas lights set up in the back of MGM, and you walk through it. We saw them one year in the beginnig of December. It is amazing. I think they didn't have them this year because of a new attraction going in? I am just nervous because we have never gone that late in December, and to actually be there for the holiday is a little scary for me.

Is the cruise in 2005 going to be 10 days too? We thought about doing the cruise this December, but it is way too much.
Hi cruisers! We are a family of 4 first timers. This will be our celebration of my twins, Brian and Allison's graduation from high school.
We will be on the June 26 Eastern Caribbean Cruise. My teens will have just turned 18 and are so glad to be with the adults. Any one else going on the cruise with kids this age?
I look forward to keeping in touch.
We can hardly wait.

Janice, Clifford, Brian and Allison.
Welcome Janice, Clifford, Brian, and Allison! What a great graduation gift. We are happy to hear from you and look forward to meeting you. Way to get through 18 years...I need to know how you did it. My two are 7 and 9. We're only halfway there. I know that CRB#33 and HollyH have some older teens, but not sure whether they'll be 18 or not by the cruise. Hopefully we'll here from some more families before our sail date. I'm sure they'll have plenty to keep them busy. You can read the navigators to find some meets for young singles. I would expect them to have different things throughout the week. We'll just wait and see.

:wave: Welcome to the dis goofyforus. Our grandson will be with us he is 11yrs. This will be our 2nd disney cruise we were on the wonder last year. With all the cold and snow that we have this winter it sure helps to think of our cruise every day.
Okay, since we are new here. What does DD, DS and whatever stand for?
I almost know what you are talking about.

Hi goofyforus!

What an awesome grad present!!!

It is a dream of mine to be at WDW over Christmas. It's going to be many years though and my kids will be gone. :( I would have done it, but it has never worked out because of my ex's visitation days over the holidays.

I've never wanted summer so bad! :teeth: :hyper:

DS and DD are dear son, darling son etc... something like that.
:jester: Thanks

I guest it's been awhile since I called them my 'little darlings'.

They won't let me call them sweetie anymore. We can hardly wait for the cruise. We are Disney fanatics! I believe they said Mickey Mouse before they said Momma.

Of all the places to go, this is what they wanted. :teeth:

They are great kids, so they are my DD and DS. Too bad we can't bring the Darling Dog!
I believe dogs are allowed on the QE2, but there's no Mickey! Goofyforus...I think that your kids chose a great vacation spot, it's one the whole family can enjoy. We can't wait to spend it with you.
Goofyforus! We're so excited your going! We have teenagers sailing also. Our son is 17 (17 in January so he will still be 17 at cruise time) and our daughter is 13. I found a wonderful site (Dave's Disney Tribute) that has a teen Navigator from a November Eastern Carribean cruise. When you pull up the site, go to the index on the left "The Stack" for teens 13-17. It gives a day by day overview of teen activities. I don't think we'll ever see our kids until we leave for home!:)


All this time I thought "DH, DW, DS & DD stood for:
Disney Husband, Disney Wife, Disney Son and Disney Daughter! Does anyone know the scoop on this?! How many versions are there!

I think it could stand for anything that you wanted it to. Here on the DCL board, I think the D stands for "Disney"! I still have to go to the abbrevations list on the home page. There's so much to learn.
Either I am getting old or too excited. My teenagers reminded me that their birthday is in July, not June. They will still be 17 for this trip! Just 3 weeks away from their 18th. Now they know they will have to keep up with me so I don't wander off. :crazy:

It seems like such a long time away. We are still planning their graduation activities. Planning for twins is double the $$$$$ !! Relatives will be coming in and the house will be full. No wander I forgot when they were born!!

I'll take this one day at a time, and just dream of warm weather and sandy beaches.
We just returned from a winter break at our Northwest Ocean Shores. Our beaches this time of year call for squall jackets, boots, a blazing fire and lots of coffee! Ahh, Seattle!
or Ahh Choo!, Seattle.:p
I'm sure all of our kids will be keeping us straight. You guys will be ready for a vacation after all the graduation festivities. I'm glad to hear that someone else has a "winter vacation". This is our first year in Rhode Island, so we had never heard of a winter vacation. I thought it was a New England thing. I guess not! We just reaturned from a short trip to visit family in Virginia. We'll regret this vacation in the middle of June when we're still in school. We have our vacation set, so we're leaving for Florida whether schools out or not!
I would like to know what the weather is like that time of year? Will it be very warm? Are we nearing hurricane season?:confused:

It's a little early to shop, but we can't wait. Up North here, our wardrobe is mostly sweaters and gortex! Can't wait to dry out for awhile.:Pinkbounc

Also scrap some of the moss off.
My family did a 4-day cruise in July 2003. The weather was great. Yes, it will be hot, but not awful. We like water activities, so that may be why didn't think it was that bad. The seas were wonderful! Very calm and smooth. We also did the parks last July. They were HOT!!! I would even say they were too hot to enjoy being there. It's one thing to wait in line, but to wait in line in 100 degree heat...YUCK!
Hi everyone! Not much going on. I'm really getting excited and I'm not even at double digits yet.

We also went the end of June in 2002. The sun was very, very hot.

There a lots of places to get cool on the ship though, and we spent most of our sea day relaxing along the edge of the pool.

The seas were beautiful, very calm. It's the very beginning of hurricane season and it's rare to see an eastern Caribbean hurricane that time of year. That's why we go then. :)


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