King Charles Coronation

Assuming I outlive King Charles, I'll be more interested in watching William's coronation. I was enthralled by Charles and Diana's wedding and still don't see why he chose Camilla. William and Catherine have a lot more personality.

And that gauche comment about Charles wishing he was a tampon -- shudder. No, just no.
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Assuming I outlive King Charles, I'll be more interested in watching William's coronation. I was enthralled by Charles and Diana's wedding and still don't see why he chose Camilla. William and Catherine have a lot more personality.

And that gauche comment about Charles wishing he was a tampon -- shudder. No, just no.
That's usually the case with people in love, you cannot always explain why. I think that often it has to do with having an understanding and same sense of humor.

He says "I would love to live in your trousers"
She jokes "would you come back as a pair of knickers?"
He jokes back "Or, God forbid, as a tampax! Just my luck!"
They were joking together, having a laugh. It wasn’t an actual wish. That's what the press turned it into.

But yes, probably all of us have had phone calls we wouldn't want illegally recorded and published in the newspaper.
As promised, my tried and tested Victoria Sponge recipe:

220g butter
220g caster sugar
4 eggs (beaten)
220g self raising flour
2 - 4 tablespoons milk

Cream the butter and sugar together
Add beaten eggs gradually, stirring them into the butter and sugar mix.
Fold in flour gradually with a metal spoon
Add milk until batter is a dropping consistency

Split the mixture between two lined 8" sandwich tins.
Cook on 180 ish usually for about 20 - 25 mins. :)

For the buttercream filling, I usually use about 250g of butter ( needs to be very soft) and keep adding icing sugar aand tiny drops of warm water and mixing well until its the right taste and consistency.
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For the poster that asked about Marks and Spencer - I don't do my weekly shop in there as its too expensive, but there are certain things I like to buy there, and yes especially on special occasions!

And as for jam or cream first on scones - I don't live anywhere near Devon or Cornwall ( which usually dictates which way round is the proper way!) So I do cream first, then a dollop of jam on top!
As promised, my tried and tested Victoria Sponge recipe:

220g butter
220g caster sugar
4 eggs (beaten)
220g self raising flour
2 - 4 tablespoons milk

Cream the butter and sugar together
Add beaten eggs gradually, stirring them into the butter and sugar mix.
Fold in flour gradually with a metal spoon
Add milk until batter is a dropping consistency

Split the mixture between two lined 8" sandwich tins.
Cook on 180 ish usually for about 20 - 25 mins. :)

For the buttercream filling, I usually use about 250g of butter ( needs to be very soft) and keep adding icing sugar aand tiny drops of warm water and mixing well until its the right taste and consistency.
Caster sugar? Can you translate that for the former colonies?
For those of you in the London area, I will be there around the 1st of May, just days before all of the jubilee stuff. What should I expect for crowds then? London is hopping on a good day, I can't imagine so close to a huge event like this.
LOL! Straight up!

I do fuss with mine. I use a porcelain teacup too. Not fancy, but the real deal. I like the musical tinkle the spoon makes on the china. I was a big coffee drinker during my career years. During retirement so many have gone to k-cups so the lingering smell of coffee brewing is not so much. But I take the time to use a real teapot on the stove. It has a double whistle. Then I steep the tea. I think the whole of the unrushed preparation is soothing. We all need more. My husband makes the first pot in the morning. The sounds have replaced the alarm clock. Raindrops of roses … these are a few of my favorite things.
Of course it must be china. My favorite is a lovely floral tennis set made in England, I sit at my dining table with my 2 cup teapot on its the news or jump on the DIS. Some of my favorite teas are rose, jasmine and lavender.🥰
Powdered sugar. You can also take regular granulated sugar and run it through a food processor or blender until it is fine.
No, it is not powdered sugar. It is super fine sugar which is still a granulated sugar (just a finer grain that "normal" American granulated sugar. It is not the type of sugar you'd normally use in an icing or to dust over a baked good (which is what powered sugar is).

You can usually buy super fine sugar in most US grocery stores (also sold as fruit sugar). Or, indeed, can be made by pulsing in a food processor (but to the point of powered sugar). But, honestly, most recipes that I've done are fine using normal granulated sugar.


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