Laissez Le Bon Temps Rouler: Mardi Gras with the Mouse! Feb 2016 TR **NEW 11/25 *NEW TR LINK

Hi there! I found your November 2015 TR and then started reading a bunch of your TRs from 2014 up to this one! You have such an adorable family and your DH takes amazing photos! You've made me even more excited for my own trip in less than 3 weeks! :hyper:

The Lion Guard scavenger hunt looks like a lot of fun! Looks like you had a great day in AK!
Looks like a fun lunch ... sharing pizzas definitely seems the way to go

i didn't realize the photobooths were part of the memory maker package - good to know!

That's cool you got in the Lion Guard quest. My kids love to watch that show but when I asked them if they wanted to do the quest and join the Lion Guard they gave me a quick and firm "nope" ... ok then

Kinda neat that Tarzan was out - though I kinda feel his nice leather sandals kill the effect a bit

Glad to hear he picked a souvenir that he plays with a lot
Wow, sorry about the long gap between updates, y'all! And I do need to get caught up on my reading list as well. It's been a hectic couple of weeks around here. First, the Olympics were pretty much dominating all of our free time. Then last weekend we had a little bit of rain :rolleyes:. We were pretty much trapped indoors for 4 straight days as it rained on us relentlessly, so we were all a bit stir crazy and our internet decided it was the best time to go out! Thankfully, our house remained intact. We met some of our neighbors who got stranded in our driveway during the worst of the flooding in our neighborhood, and had to come seek refuge inside for awhile until it cleared up a little. Some neighborhoods just minutes from ours were not so lucky, and they lost everything. It has been a bit of a disaster zone around here lately, as you may or may not have seen on the news. DS started his first day of Kindergarten last week on Wednesday but only half of the class went, then the second half went on Thursday, and they were all supposed to go on Friday but school was cancelled that day because of the storm, and they ended up cancelling this entire week as well. So he has had exactly one day of school since last Wednesday! And in the midst of all that, we got to play the fun game of, "Who is going to watch the kids while their schools are closed and we have to work?" Things finally seem to be getting back to normal for us this weekend, but our hearts are still heavy for those who were not as fortunate and who are still picking up the pieces. Please keep south Louisiana in your thoughts & prayers! I'm going to get another update posted while DD is napping and DS is occupied, then hopefully have time to come back and get to the replies. So what better way to kick off this update than by jumping into Mardi Gras day?!
Day 4: Tuesday February 9th

Happy Mardi Gras, y’all!! Our Fat Tuesday started off really early…like 5:30 am kind of early! Because what better way to start Fat Tuesday than to get fat at Crystal Palace for breakfast & eat my weight in Pooh’s Puffed French Toast?! And even better, we’d be getting in before park opening! This is usually our tradition on DS’s birthday when we take our October trips, so we decided to celebrate Mardi Gras the same way. I had offered for everyone to take part in this breakfast together, but Dave, Jessica & the kids had opted for Hollywood & Vine as their character meal instead. So it was just the 4 of us, Nonni & Poppi, and Katie & Rebecca for this one.

After our early morning wake up, we were ready to leave AKV at 7 am to get to the TTC. The resort was so quiet that early in the morning.

Our drive over to the TTC was uneventful, and we were the first car in the parking lot!

Feb 04-013
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-014
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-015
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

It was a mess when we got there! Both of the monorail lines were closed, so the CM told us we could take the ferry or there were buses available. We decided the bus might be quicker, and we could see people standing at the bus stop she indicated behind us, but we were separated by lots of bushes, so we set off to figure out a way around them to get to that bus stop. We ended up near the information booth, so I stopped to ask how to get to the bus going to MK, and the CM told us they wouldn’t start running buses until 8 am. I asked if she was sure, since the other CM had JUST told us we could take a bus to the park, and she assured me it wouldn’t be until 8 am. So we took her word and hurried back around just in time to see the people we had just seen at the bus stop departing on a bus. UGH. But the ferry was loading, so we headed on. In all that time, my family had arrived at the TTC and were able to catch up with us on the ferry.

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

We got to MK and checked in with the CM checking reservations, then waited awhile in the early entry line waiting for them to let us in.

Feb 04-016
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

It was another freezing cold morning!! I was bundled up in my sweatshirt, so you couldn’t see that DD and I were wearing matching shirts. But I did unwrap her from her blanket long enough to show off her Mardi Gras outfit!

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-018
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

DS had decided to wear his Hoop de Doo shirt, so he actually ended up getting some use out of it since he hadn’t been able to wear it to the show! Lol

Feb 04-019
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

She kept turning her head, so you can’t see her full shirt, but it says Sidewalk Side. It’s a way people from New Orleans designate which side of the parade they are either watching from or riding the float on, either sidewalk side or neutral ground side. My uncle had gotten the onesie for DD and a matching shirt for me!

Feb 04-020
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

We weren’t let into the park until 5 minutes before 8, which was a little later than we had usually been let in. My mom was worried about getting over to get checked in for breakfast, but I assured her we could take some time for pictures first since that was the point of booking the early meal.

Feb 04-021
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Ahh, the lovely Ichabod CRANE.

Feb 04-022
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-023
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-025
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
And with a little Photoshop magic…

Feb 04-026
by disneymom1024, on Flickr


Feb 04-031
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Big Castle, Tiny DS!

Feb 04-033
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-044
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
In addition to our little photo shoot with DH, we also got some Photopass pictures!

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
It wasn’t hard to look freezing for this one!!

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Continued in next post...
Day 4 Continued: Tuesday February 9th
After all those pictures, it was time to go over to CP to check in for our ADR. Now instead of giving us a pager, they took my cell phone number and sent me a text less than 5 minutes later that our table was ready!

We were seated at a large round table in the back. They allowed me to bring DD in still in the stroller since she was falling asleep, which I really appreciated because at the table, I patted her for just a couple of minutes and she was out. She slept through most of the meal, which meant that she missed all of the characters, but it also let us eat without having to wrangle her.

We got inundated with characters almost immediately! First up was Piglet.

Immediately after Piglet, Eeyore came around to see us!

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Right after Eeyore came Pooh Bear himself!

Finally we had a break in the parade of characters to go get some food. I was happily reunited with my delicious puffed French toast! Honestly, my most favorite breakfast food in the history of ever.

After a little while, we finished up the characters and had Tigger come over to say hello.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-079
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Tigger must have been tickling him…

Feb 04-082
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-083
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-084
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

I had been kind of trapped between the table, the wall, and the stroller, so I hadn’t gotten up for any character photos. But Tigger seemed downright offended that no one else at the table was getting up for a picture with him!

Feb 04-087
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

It had been another fun breakfast at Crystal Palace! After finishing up our food, I took DD over to Baby Care to eat while the others dispersed into the park for some fun.
Love the photos of your DS with the Lion Guard characters - pure joy! Your early exit from Epcot was so worth it!

It ended up being a perfect way to end the day! I just wish we would have given ourselves a little more time so we wouldn't be so rushed. But it was definitely fun!

What a great activity for kids. Danielle is 17 and likes the Lion Guard show.

Another great activity. This makes it much more fun for the kids.

Totally agree. We saw Tarzan a few weeks ago and he was hot. This Tarzan is a little on the puny side. The best Tarzan was the once from the Tarzan show they use to have before Nemo.

It's a really cute show! I have been known to watch with DS a time or two. lol

He LOVES the Wilderness Explorer missions! And it's great that it's something we can keep bringing back on our trips until he has collected them all.

He is a gorgeous man!!

The Lion Guard activity looks really nice! I'm glad he was able to do it. Our kids love Lion Guard so I know they'd get a kick out of it too. Too bad it is already gone now (according to WDW Today).

It is always nice to bring home a souvenir that turns out to be something they play with frequently, isn't it?

Yeah, it was only for a very limited time, but I'm not sure why? It fits in perfectly with AK, and so many kids LOVE the Lion Guard! I wish they would have kept it as something permanent. He was bummed the next time we went back and it was gone. I'm glad we happened to overlap for the short time it was available.

Absolutely! With how much we spend on souvenirs sometimes just for him to chuck it in the toy box when we get home is pretty disappointing.

The Lion Guard adventure looks pretty cool. I'm glad they still have the Wilderness Explorers too, instead of swapping them out.

Woman after my own heart! He's pretty much the only reason I pushed myself to finish the True Blood series.

I wish they would have kept the Lion Guard activity around, but I'm glad they have kept Wilderness Explorers for so long too. DS really loves it!

lol! I didn't like Eric in the books at all until I watched the show. Then picturing him for the rest of the books made him my favorite character!!
We are going for my son's 9th birthday Feb. 2017, so I've been enjoying your report! Your daughter is precious!
Good to know that we may need hats some days :jester:

Hope y'all are in a dry part of Louisiana.

Thank you so much! Birthday trips are the best. We have loved getting to celebrate so many of DS's birthdays in Disney World! Unfortunately, DD won't be so lucky since her birthday is in August. lol

Yes, layers & warm hats are your friend!! The weather improved towards the end of the week but it was freaking COLD most of the time we were there!

Luckily, our home was okay, although Friday morning during the worst of the rain, the water did get uncomfortably close to the front door. A few of my friends had water in their homes, and neighborhoods just minutes from ours were completely flooded and people lost everything.

The Lion Guard activity looks so cool! I wished Landon was a little older when we were in AK so that he could have participated. I think you made a good decision by returning to the park to do it.

How neat that they had a sea turtle Xray up to help kids (and adults) get a visual example of what sea life eats. (As a native FL who used to live in a tourist destination, trash on beaches and thrown in the water is a big pet peeve of mine.)

Ha! I couldn't help but laugh at your Tarzan comment. I think that wait time would surpass Anna and Elsa!

Ugh, those darn socks. Evie's notorious for taking hers off, too. It's gotten to the point where I don't even put them or shoes on until we reach our destination, because she'll just yank them off in her carseat.
Was Paxton bad about that, too? Landon never was, so it's been a new experience for me.

We were definitely glad we had altered our plans to go back for it because DS thought it was one of the best things we did all trip!

I totally understand that sentiment. It's something cool for the kids to see (the x-ray) but also makes a great teaching moment about throwing away trash properly.

Absolutely!! I'd wait for that.

Yep, we are the same way! Paxton was perfectly happy to have socks and shoes on. Delilah can't wait to yank them off. I used to send them on her to daycare, and then I just gave up and started sending her barefoot because they ended up back in her bag every single day. The teachers couldn't keep them on her! I do need to get her a good pair of tennis shoes that she can't get off as easily now that she is about ready to start walking any day now.

Hi there! I found your November 2015 TR and then started reading a bunch of your TRs from 2014 up to this one! You have such an adorable family and your DH takes amazing photos! You've made me even more excited for my own trip in less than 3 weeks! :hyper:

The Lion Guard scavenger hunt looks like a lot of fun! Looks like you had a great day in AK!

Welcome! I'm glad you have enjoyed the past TRs! Have so much fun on your trip!!

It was definitely a lot of fun, and worth rearranging our plans to accommodate.

Looks like a fun lunch ... sharing pizzas definitely seems the way to go

i didn't realize the photobooths were part of the memory maker package - good to know!

That's cool you got in the Lion Guard quest. My kids love to watch that show but when I asked them if they wanted to do the quest and join the Lion Guard they gave me a quick and firm "nope" ... ok then

Kinda neat that Tarzan was out - though I kinda feel his nice leather sandals kill the effect a bit

Glad to hear he picked a souvenir that he plays with a lot

With a big group, it was definitely the best way to do lunch!

I didn't realize it for a long time until I got involved in so many Facebook Disney groups and saw it there. I know there are other booths but I've never really paid attention to the locations.

Ha! How fickle kids can be!! lol Although we had fun doing it with DS, you didn't miss out on much!
Love the resort pictures!

Wow, what chaos trying to get from the TTC! Glad you were able to catch the ferry and make it on time.

Love all the pics in front of the castle. Very impressed with the photoshop skills!

Glad it was a great breakfast! Love all the character pics :)
Your DD - absolutely adorable. Love the Mardi Gras outfit! Love how your DS enjoys the characters - that would make a character meal so much fun. Great job photoshopping out the crane - it seemed to be there forever. Wonder if it's gone now?
lol! I didn't like Eric in the books at all until I watched the show. Then picturing him for the rest of the books made him my favorite character!!

I still have to finish reading the series. I've gotten away from it but I've only read 3 of the books I think.
Love the resort pictures!

Wow, what chaos trying to get from the TTC! Glad you were able to catch the ferry and make it on time.

Love all the pics in front of the castle. Very impressed with the photoshop skills!

Glad it was a great breakfast! Love all the character pics :)

It's such a beautiful resort. And so peaceful early in the morning!

The only time I really hate driving to the parks is to MK on mornings when we have an early reservation. There always seems to be something going on at the TTC that makes getting to the gates a total headache. But I'm glad despite the trouble, we made it onto the ferry and still got our early entry.

DH really worked hard on that Photoshop! And they came out really great.


Your DD - absolutely adorable. Love the Mardi Gras outfit! Love how your DS enjoys the characters - that would make a character meal so much fun. Great job photoshopping out the crane - it seemed to be there forever. Wonder if it's gone now?

Aw, thank you!

As he's gotten older, he gives me more trouble to meet characters, but whenever we do, he loves them!

The crane wasn't there in July, but I'm sure it will be back soon to put the Christmas lights up. It did seem like it was there a lot more this year for some reason!

I still have to finish reading the series. I've gotten away from it but I've only read 3 of the books I think.

I read them all, but by the last few, it was getting a little silly. Nearly everyone Sookie met turned out to be some kind of magical being! But I stuck it out to the end, and didn't love how she wrapped it up, but it was okay. I was glad I made it to the end!
Day 4 Continued: Tuesday February 9th

When I left off, we had just enjoyed a wonderful breakfast at The Crystal Palace and were now splitting up into the park. DD and I were heading to baby care, while everyone else was off in search of fun. Just going off of their pictures at this point, it looks like they went to Tomorrowland first to ride Astro Orbiters.

After Astro Orbiter, they went over to Storybook Circus and took a ride on the ultra-quick Barnstormer.

They must have ridden a couple of times because it looks like DS rode once with Nonni and then with DH.

They went over to the Carrousel next, and that’s where I found them when DD and I were finished. DS was riding with my mom.

Feb 04-109
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
My dad spotted us and caught DD peeking out from under her blanket.

It was time for us to use our 7DMT FP’s, and the original plan had been to get a rider swap and for DH and I to ride, then to let someone use DS’s FP and the rider swap so my parents, Katie & Rebecca could get a chance to ride since they had been unable to get FPs for it. But DS said he actually wanted to ride! We still got the rider swap, but the three of us went to ride together while my parents took DD to ride Small World.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr

by disneymom1024, on Flickr
A picture to commemorate his very first ride!

Feb 04-110
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-111
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-112
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-113
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-115
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-116
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-117
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Continued in next post...
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Day 4 Continued: Tuesday February 9th

Feb 04-118
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
What did DS think of his first time on this? Check out his face!

He LOVED it! Hopefully it was a nice segue between Barnstormer and getting him on Big Thunder Mountain, but I guess we’ll see in October if we can finally get him on that one for the first time.

After touching base with my parents to find they were finished with Small World, we decided to meet up at the Rapunzel bathrooms.

We decided to go over and head under the sea with Ariel. So once we were all back together, we made our way back through the arches into New Fantasyland. DS wanted to stop at the Gaston fountain first.

Feb 04-138
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
He wanted to pose like Gaston and show off his muscles, but the sun was entirely too bright!

Feb 04-139
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-140
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-141
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-143
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
My favorite castle of them all!!

DS very much enjoyed the seagull prints.

Feb 04-145
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

There was hardly any wait, so we kind of cruised on through the queue. I’ve never been in it long enough to play the little game they have, but it looks really cute.

Then it was time to go under the sea to visit Ariel & friends!

Continued in next post...
Day 4 Continued: Tuesday February 9th

Feb 04-158
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-159
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-160
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

After Ariel, DS said he wanted to ride Mine Train again with Nonni & Poppi so they went off to use our rider swap. DH and I decided to go poke around Big Top Souvenirs to see if there was anything we wanted to buy. It’s so much easier to do this without DS because he wants one of literally anything we see!

Feb 04-161
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-162
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-163
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-164
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
I’ve never gotten one of the candy apples, but they all look SO good! We spent a few minutes watching one of them get made too.

Feb 04-165
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Once they were done with their ride and we had decided there was nothing we needed or wanted at Big Top Souvenirs, we agreed to meet up in front of the tea cups and go over to use our Peter Pan FP+.

Feb 04-166
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Next stop was to see Philharmagic! This one never gets old.

Feb 04-169
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-170
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

When the show started, DD was in her carrier facing me. After a couple of minutes of her going crazy trying to look behind her to see what was going on, I took her out and turned her around. She totally loved the show!


Feb 04-171
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-173
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Oh, I just can’t wait to be king!

After singing along with Philharmagic, DS was getting a little hungry. I took DD over to baby care to take care of her while DH and DS went over to Casey’s to get him something to eat. DH and I were still pretty stuffed from breakfast!

Feb 04-180
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Looks like they stopped for Photopass along the way.

Someone else was feeling a little hungry and hanging out at Casey’s when they arrived!

Feb 04-181
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Seating is always nearly impossible to come across at Casey’s. But no worries, they found a great spot out in the gardens for DS to enjoy his corndog nuggets.

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by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-183
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

And they got to watch Move It Shake It while he ate.

We had one more thing we wanted to do before leaving MK, and that was using our FP+ for Enchanted Tales with Belle! So back to New Fantasyland we went.

Feb 04-190
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

DD was enjoying looking around Maurice’s workshop.

Feb 04-191
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
This magic mirror will never not be the coolest thing ever!

Feb 04-192
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-193
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-194
by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Feb 04-195
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Continued in next post...
Day 4 Continued: Tuesday February 9th

We moved into the Wardrobe room where they give out the parts of the story. Try as I might, I can never get DS to get excited about the parts and really get into performing them. But he did take on the role of a plate when they were handing out random parts at the end.

Feb 04-196
by disneymom1024, on Flickr
Then it was time to go surprise Belle in the library!

After a quick bathroom break, we made our way out of Magic Kingdom. We were ready to spend the evening checking out the nighttime fun at DHS!

DS and his Nonni look so cute on Astro Oribiter! And his face on Barnstormer is so joyful!

Yay I'm so glad DS liked SDMT!

You guys were getting a lot done this morning, I love all the photos!

DS looks like he was enjoying his hub grass time :)
I was just telling Alex the other day that I want to go back to AKL, and now that I saw your photos of the resort from early in the morning, I DEFINITELY want to return! It looks so quiet and peaceful...who doesn't love that place?

Great photos in front of the castle before park opening. I had to laugh at the photoshopped crane. It really is an eyesore next to the beautiful castle.

Aw, Paxton looks like he really enjoyed Mine Train. And you're right, I'm sure it is a great segway between Barnstormer and Thunder Mtn.
Caught up again. Looks like a great day so far. We've only done Enchanted Tales with Belle once - DD has now outgrown it. I was thinking reading your TR how your trips are still very, very kid-centric whereas ours have sort of transitioned away from such a focus. We still do a lot of those rides, but usually only once. She's much rather be on Pirates or BTMRR or Test Track than Winnie the Pooh. I guess what I'm saying is enjoy the joy that little ones get while you can - cause it will be gone before you know it!
The only tough part was wrangling DD! She wanted to grab at everything on the table, which made it a little nerve wracking because the pans the pizza came on were so hot! I tried her in the high chair, but she had barely started being able to sit up by herself, so the low set high chairs were not supportive enough for her. And she kept trying to put the straps in her mouth. GROSS! So I ended up holding her and having to sit sideways to keep her far enough from the table that she couldn’t grab or burn herself on anything.

Sounds like a fun lunch - so nice once the babies can sit in a high chair though!! (And add to it our issue of Maya being allergic to the dairy on the pizza and if we touch her she gets hives- yes we had an interesting first few months!!).

As we walked out, I spotted one of the photo booths I had seen mentioned in Facebook planning groups before our trip and I saw that the photos are included in your Memory Maker, so we stopped to take some pictures together in the booth.

I had NO IDEA these were included, super cool. Will need to check this out next trip huh @Dugette

Before heading out of Epcot for the day, we stopped for the Visa Meet & Greet to see who was out. The wait was really short, and soon enough we were spending some time with Minnie & Pluto! Unlike earlier that morning with Minnie at the Character Spot, this time around Minnie was excited to see DD dressed up as her mini-me (or would that be Minnie-me?).

So cute! Glad she was better with Delilah this time

We stopped inside one of the shops to pick up a Lion Guard Adventure map. It was pretty simple. It’s like a scavenger hunt around the park to find each member of the Lion Guard and take a picture with them.

That's awesome. I wish we had made time to do this although Aria hasn't watched the lion guard in months now

As soon as we walked into the Conservation Station, there was a large backdrop set up where they had CMs to help DS say the pledge and become an honorary member of the Lion Guard. He was SO excited!

So cute, esp that he was so excited for it

This is usually our tradition on DS’s birthday when we take our October trips, so we decided to celebrate Mardi Gras the same way.

Perfect start to a day!

It was a mess when we got there! Both of the monorail lines were closed, so the CM told us we could take the ferry or there were buses available. We decided the bus might be quicker, and we could see people standing at the bus stop she indicated behind us

I hate the morning issue getting to the MK early! Drives me crazy!

We weren’t let into the park until 5 minutes before 8, which was a little later than we had usually been let in. My mom was worried about getting over to get checked in for breakfast, but I assured her we could take some time for pictures first since that was the point of booking the early meal.

Odd, I've always gotten in starting at 7:45 - they must have been running behind that morning

Just going off of their pictures at this point, it looks like they went to Tomorrowland first to ride Astro Orbiters.

I don't know if I've ever read that Astro Orbiters was a first ride of the morning Lol!

He LOVED it! Hopefully it was a nice segue between Barnstormer and getting him on Big Thunder Mountain, but I guess we’ll see in October if we can finally get him on that one for the first time.

YAY glad he loved it, and hope he loves BTMRR. At least it's not as scary as DL with the loud booms.

After Ariel, DS said he wanted to ride Mine Train again with Nonni & Poppi so they went off to use our rider swap. DH and I decided to go poke around Big Top Souvenirs to see if there was anything we wanted to buy. It’s so much easier to do this without DS because he wants one of literally anything we see!

So nice they were there to take Delilah on IASW then again take Paxton on the ride. I love shopping without Aria hahaha

This magic mirror will never not be the coolest thing ever!


But he did take on the role of a plate when they were handing out random parts at the end.

I had to LOL at this. Aria is the same way. She seems to always get the salt shaker...
Okay, my apologies, I have NO IDEA how I missed this all the way up to page 7. :blush: Especially considering I knew it existed, since you tagged me early on and I remember looking at it and I THOUGHT I "watched" it, but I guess not. :confused3 Oops. So, anyway, just read the whole thing tonight. :thumbsup2

From that moment on, DH said I was now a “minor Internet celebrity” and that nickname stuck, especially since it wasn’t the last time I was recognized this trip!!
:rotfl2: I love this! I have read several reports now where people have had others approach them in the parks and know who they are. That's awesome!

Just too adorable. Seriously, she is just precious! :lovestruc

This time, DS made it! And he loved it!

But we also found out our room was ready! We were on the 5th floor with a view of the pool.
Lovely room! I don't think I've ever seen a 1-bedroom at AKV before. Looks great!

It seemed to be a pretty random assortment of characters, including Launchpad McQuack from DuckTales & Darkwing Duck!
Wow, I had no idea those characters existed on property, much less at AKL. How cool.

We got to the room with the jawa walking around, and he/she/it was looking at DD with interest, but when I said she wasn’t available for trade, the jawa walked off. Lol
:lmao: She must have been just shiny enough to catch their eye.

Stitch’s Great Escape! Boy, am I disappointed I missed this one. Lol
:rotfl2: Of course, I did hear they might be closing it down (maybe? not sure if that was a rumor or more?) and that makes me feel like maybe I should give it one more shot, just to make sure it's as bad as I remember from the ONE time I've ever ridden it (2009, I think). :stitch2:

I just can't say enough how much I LOVE this parade! I think at first DH was a little disappointed at being so close up to the floats and not being able to get full length pictures of the floats, but after seeing it several times that way and having lots and lots of pictures, I have to say I really loved these. So many details I haven't even noticed in person before! It gave a really different and interesting perspective. I love how these photos came out!
Beautiful pictures - love all the details!

Unfortunately, this is where our night went into kind of a tailspin of disasters.
Ugh, this night turns me into an anxious mess just reading about it! :scared: Glad you ended up enjoying the show, despite everything else. It's still on our list of things to do someday at WDW. I've heard a lot of good things!

The photographer was, let’s say, interesting. He was asking the usual questions to DS… “Are you having a good time?” “Is this your little sister?” etc. But then he told DS he had some advice for him. “Make sure you’re nice to her. Do you know why? One day, when you grow up, you’ll need her help to move an apartment!” Uhhh…not quite where I thought he was going with that, but…thanks?? It gave DH and I a good laugh!
o_O I have to think he was projecting and probably had just needed his sister to help him move. And maybe she said no because he wasn't nice enough to her as a kid. :confused3

They had changed this just prior to our trip that they no longer give you a free 5x7 print of a photo from this meet.
Oh, I didn't know this! Good to know they stopped the prints!

Our drive over to the TTC was uneventful, and we were the first car in the parking lot!


I love this one! :lovestruc

Now instead of giving us a pager, they took my cell phone number and sent me a text less than 5 minutes later that our table was ready!
Oh, didn't know that had changed either. Makes sense, though.

What did DS think of his first time on this? Check out his face!

Aw, that's great that he loved it!

He LOVED it! Hopefully it was a nice segue between Barnstormer and getting him on Big Thunder Mountain, but I guess we’ll see in October if we can finally get him on that one for the first time.
Hope you can! Izzy and I had a discussion about roller coasters today (she's been on the Barnstormer and the little Disneyland one in Toontown, but will finally be 40" on our December trip). Turns out that she considers herself quite the daredevil and cannot WAIT to go on SUPER FAST roller coasters. :rotfl: She said she's not going to be scared, but she's going to have so much fun and roar like a lion. :confused3:rotfl2: It will be interesting to see if she's all talk or if she really is this fearless (I think it may be the latter, as this conversation took place on the playground while she insisted on me pushing her swing as fast and high as I possibly could).

I had NO IDEA these were included, super cool. Will need to check this out next trip huh @Dugette
Yes!! I had no idea either! I think we should throw Aria and Izzy into one and see what we get. :thumbsup2
DS and his Nonni look so cute on Astro Oribiter! And his face on Barnstormer is so joyful!

Yay I'm so glad DS liked SDMT!

You guys were getting a lot done this morning, I love all the photos!

DS looks like he was enjoying his hub grass time :)

He really gets excited when it's time to ride some of his favorites! The pure joy on his face is definitely one of the things that keeps bringing us back to Disney World.

I was so happy he liked it! It's definitely the most adventurous thing he's been on so far. I really hope he will be brave enough to try BTMR when we go back in October.

Who doesn't love hub grass time, right?!

I was just telling Alex the other day that I want to go back to AKL, and now that I saw your photos of the resort from early in the morning, I DEFINITELY want to return! It looks so quiet and peaceful...who doesn't love that place?

Great photos in front of the castle before park opening. I had to laugh at the photoshopped crane. It really is an eyesore next to the beautiful castle.

Aw, Paxton looks like he really enjoyed Mine Train. And you're right, I'm sure it is a great segway between Barnstormer and Thunder Mtn.

It's so gorgeous and peaceful there. It's somewhere I've always wanted to at least visit there, so it was really incredible for our first time there to be as guests. We totally loved it! DH especially. He really gravitated towards that resort.

That crane made DH CRAZY. He spent so much time editing it out, and I totally appreciate that.

He absolutely loved it! I was so proud of him for having the courage to ride. Riding with him made it so much more enjoyable for me.

Caught up again. Looks like a great day so far. We've only done Enchanted Tales with Belle once - DD has now outgrown it. I was thinking reading your TR how your trips are still very, very kid-centric whereas ours have sort of transitioned away from such a focus. We still do a lot of those rides, but usually only once. She's much rather be on Pirates or BTMRR or Test Track than Winnie the Pooh. I guess what I'm saying is enjoy the joy that little ones get while you can - cause it will be gone before you know it!

Oh, I remind myself of this daily! I remember reading your TRs when your DD was still into the more kiddie stuff, and now she's all grown! I know that will be us before we know it.


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