Let's talk neighbors!! Anything unique about yours?

Kitty 34

Hums in her sleep
Feb 16, 2000
Probably the fact that the neighbors to my left and right are family members is probably the most unique thing I have to say.

However I can say that the neighbor across the street (not related) has been remodeling his house for 17 years now!!!:p

What's something "unique" about your neightbor??:)
Can I say that I love all my neighbors truly? That they are wonderful people and I consider us very blessed to have bought a home on a street filled with such terrific and caring individuals?

Well, that's what I'm saying. I guess they're uniquely fantastic.
My next door neighbors are rather unique. They are older, probably in their late 60's. We've lived here for 9 years and have only met her once, the day she decided to leave her house (the first time in 9 years) and came barrelling down the road in reverse and slammed into our car. Poor dear, she seems a bit unstable.

Her husband appears to be a bit unstable as well. We see him in the morning getting the newspaper and ocassionally tinkering outside. The unique thing about him is you never ever see him without his hard hat. He'll be out in the morning getting the newspaper in his robe and hard hat. I think he was once in construction, or I can only guess that was the case. :)
My next door neighbor is a older, female Rabbi from South America! How is that for unique!! :D
He'll be out in the morning getting the newspaper in his robe and hard hat

I honestly have sympathy if they are both a little unstable, but I pictured what you said and just had to LOL
Well, my favorite neighbor is a 70 year old woman who is just a HOOT! And get this... she's taking care of HER mother! Her and Mom take a walk like clockwork everyday at 3pm. They're more athletic than I am! They just LOVE my son, and whenever he has a new video he goes to their house and watches it with them.

The other neighbors, ::shudder:: are a strange, biracial couple. He works on furniture day and night and she spends most of her time speaking another language, she's African, LOUDLY on a cellphone. She looks like she's HALF his age and he looks like a dirty old man... :p Needless to say they're the old ladies' favorite topic of conversation! :rolleyes:
My next door neighbor is the ultimate cat woman. I really don't know how many cats are in that house.:D I have lived here for a year and I have only seen her about 10 times, but I have never seen her without a cat. She seems very nice and is about 60 or so. The cats seem happy and taken care of.

I called the neighbor next door to me when I was growing up "grass man". If we stepped foot on his grass, even if only for a second, a voice would scream out, "Get off the grass!". I think he just sat by the window and waited for us to go on the grass.:rolleyes:
well, the lady that lives straight across from us survived a burst brain aneurism (sp?) and the subsequent surgery to remove 3 more. Her memory is shot so every time we talk to her we have the same conversation. The people living next to us just moved up from Orlando and there is 5 of them living in a 2 BR house. I don't think I could do that. Other than that I don't know any of the neighbors.
I've got an amazing set of neighbors.

One neighbor is a very high ranking elected official. He's got 24 hour security posted at his house. His frequent parties are a veritable who's who of local and national politics and entertainment.

I've got another neighbor who thinks her house is the most classy and elegant structure on the block because it was recently in some home and garden magazine. It's got pink marble everywhere (floors, columns, kitchen, bath, etc...) and tons of gold fixtures. Very tacky.

Another neighbor is just awful. They've got a dog who they keep tied by a short chain to the roof of their garage 24 hours/day. They call it security. I call it mean but the local animal shelter says there's nothing illegal about it. They're kids hang out in the garage playing loud music and smoking (yes, they're under age) at all hours of the day. They have had a stream of renters (they rent out one room of the house -- I don't think they could afford to live in their house if they didn't rent part of it out) who look like transients. The last renter didn't even live there. He just used the garage as an autobody shop. The noise and smell were so bad that I reported it to the city. Turns out that operation violates our residential zoning ordinance and both the renter and the owner were cited. That renter was evicted.
OK, the most unique thing about my neighbors is that the husband is a moron. He's unfortunately one of our trades we use at work so I have to see him at work and at home. Not has he screwed up practically every job he's had for our company, he's also an idiot at home. He backs over our front lawn, so we built a planter out of concrete blocks between our yards to prevent this. He's backed into that twice and knocked the blocks over. And this is gross so stop reading now if you like cats (which I happen to adore), he actually backed over his cat's tail which separated from the cat when the poor thing ran off (told you it was gross). The cat by the way is doing fine without a tail and is the friendliest sweetest cat who loves to come visit us (I would too, just to get out of that house!).

Good news is that their house is for sale!
Originally posted by Stephen's Mom
OK, the most unique thing about my neighbors is that the husband is a moron. He's unfortunately one of our trades we use at work so I have to see him at work and at home. Not has he screwed up practically every job he's had for our company, he's also an idiot at home. He backs over our front lawn, so we built a planter out of concrete blocks between our yards to prevent this. He's backed into that twice and knocked the blocks over. And this is gross so stop reading now if you like cats (which I happen to adore), he actually backed over his cat's tail which separated from the cat when the poor thing ran off (told you it was gross). The cat by the way is doing fine without a tail and is the friendliest sweetest cat who loves to come visit us (I would too, just to get out of that house!).

Good news is that their house is for sale!

Oh my! That poor kitty!!!

LOL Robin:bounce:
With the exception of one, I have essentially nice, and relatively normal, neighbors.Next door to the right is a cute family with 2 young kids who are well behaved. Diagonally behind to the right is another nice family with 2 young kids who are nice and well-behaved. These 2 "young kids" families backyards touch, so the kids all play together and it seems to be great! Right behind me a is single woman, deaf teacher, wonderful neighbor, one of my dearest friends. Diagonally behind to the left are the least favorite neighbors. They used to live in a condo and when they first moved here, they thought they'd run the neighborhood like the condo complex...NOT! You don't pay my mortgage, you don't tell me what to do with my house;) .To my left is a wonderful single woman who is a marriage and family therapist who works out of her home. Across the street is a church and a cemetery, so those neighbors are the quietest of all;) !
Robin and Snoops I am ROTFLOL at you two. Robin those 2 old ladies are going to be my mom and grandmother soon. My mom is 60 and my grandmother 86 and they live together!!

On my left side the house is empty and for sale. Across the street on the right is a family with a teenage son. Very nice people. John-Cole even plays with the son every now and then. Hes a young teenager 13 and J.C. is 10. Right across from us is a young girl with 3 kids who just got married and is pg again. Their yard is a mess and they keep 2 dogs tied up out back and have one inside. They have only bothered us once and thats when they had a party and fireworks which they shot off in every direction. We didn't say anything to them and they haven't done anything since. Next to them is an older couple with a gorgeous yard. I liked them from the moment they told me their dog's name was Flower...from Bambi!

Now my weirdest neighbors are right next door. She is younger than me...probably 27 or so and he is probably 45 or so. They have ducks, geese, rabbits, dogs, cats, and goodness only knows what else. They keep them clean and fed though and take good care of them. She has a daughter which she lets run wild around the neighborhood which scares me to death. The little girl is about 5. She pregnant and due anyday and is still working in the garden...scares me to death. Anyway this got long...thats my story!
yes- the husband and wife across the street like to start drinking on the weekends at about 8 am so that they are plastered by about noon. They sit in their screened in porch and yell at each other- mostly incoherently!
Otherwise, I have a nice neighborhood!
My neighbors are all pretty unique on my little block. The man next door will duck into his house if we happen to be going to get the mail at the same time. I have actually never spoken to him in 12 years.

One day the FBI knocked on my door. They were conducting a security check on the my neighbor. I didn't really know what to say except that I had lived next door to him for several years, had no idea what his name was or anything about him.

Another neighbor only talks to me when she wants me to babysit her son (at the last minute and for overnight). The other one swore her baby could talk at 3 weeks old.:rolleyes:
Uh oh. I can't think of anything unique about our neighbors. Does that mean ........... that we ................

:p :p :cool: :cool:
I have an elderly neighbor next door and I have more than once got a call in the middle of the night..."I've fallen and I can't get up". Yes, she is sweet and I go over everytime!

Across the street lives the almost retired elementary school principal...yes, Norah loved it when we moved across the street form the principal. They are very nice people.

Also Next door is the elderly couple, also very nice, but I cant keep up with the guys mowing schedule and my yard always looks like crap next to his.

We do have the new neighbors (well, a year and a half). She was a doctor, lost her license due to drugs. She went into several houses last summer and helped herself to narcotics.....got caught and got a slap on the wrist..!:mad:
How many times can someone commit a crime involving drugs and go to rehab instead of jail...for her so far it has been 4....no jail time yet.
Mine are the nicest people and will do anything for you, but they are the odd couple:

the woman is like 4'9, skinny and is Chinese
the man is like 6'2, round and fat, and is polish

but they are good people and great neighbors
On one side is my inlaws. Yes, they are controlling and I'm not quite good enough, but they try to be nice and they don't come over often.

They other side is pretty nice, I don't hear from them much. She went into hiding when she stopped smoking and gained weight. He works alot.
She was married before and they got into fights all the time. Frequently things would be thrown out of their house, front door, and back door.
They had a pit bull terrier, but it didn't kill my cat when it had a chance. In fact the cat was in his mouth at the time. My dh said his name and he dropped her like a hot potato, or a clawing cat, whichever.
The neighbors behind me cuss my kids out on occasion. We have a privacy fence up and all.
Across the street we have nice neighbors for the most part.

A few houses down the street had some really interesting people. One day I was doing dishes and looking out my window toward the front when I see two men fighting in the middle of the street. One had something that looked like a pipe, but it didn't look like either one was being hurt much. I figured it would get worse and it did.
I called the police and they wanted to know the address but I didn't have it. I told them that the people were not hard to see, they were in the middle of the road. It kept getting worse and I see people walking/running menacingly towards the house and cars pull up and people start really doing some damage about the time the police cars show up. It was perfect timing.
Most of my neighbors are fairly normal........except this one family across the street. It's a man, his wife, their daughter & his 2 kids from 2 other marriages. They FIGHT loudly and outside. My 4 year old (now 6) learned some really inappropriate words in the front yard as these 2 "adults" had a shouting match of mostly BAD swear words. I wasn't home at the time but DH rushed the kiddies inside fast.


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