Let's talk neighbors!! Anything unique about yours?

The most unique thing about one set of our next door neighbors, is that one of their 3 sons, the 20 year old, spits on our cars parked in the driveway!!!!!!! We haven't caught him in the act on camera, but we have seen him spit out the window, and there is always some phlegm or something on our cars in the morning.

We have tried moving them, but this happens at night, he works late hours for UPS, and I can't stay up all night trying to catch him! DD just got a new car, so we park that one in the garage. They are a VERY envious, and nosey family. This son was a behavior problem in school. Just disgusting!!!!:(

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
The most unique thing about my current neighbors is that they evidently haven't paid their mortgage in about 1 1/2 years and they still live there! Their house was supposed to be auctioned off in June, but they're still there. Now they have another family living with them. Also - Their septic tank is overflowing (I can actually see stuff seeping out of it). The stench is unbearable and they're not doing anything about it! I called the health department on them today. ARGH!
Cindala, Totally gross!! I'd call the cops if you have evidence. Also, if he has something like Hepatitis, you could be at risk.

disykat, Double gross!!

You guys make me happy knowing I'm not the only one with bad neighbors. ;)
We get along with all our neighbors, but probably the most unique thing is that both neighbors on either side of us have dogs. The neighbors to the right of us have a dog that only barks when they're gone, which seems like a lot. Interestingly enough, the neighbors to the left have two dogs who only bark when they're home. :rolleyes: figure that one out!!!!
You know I never thought of hepatitis!!! I'm always out there with the Windex! I think I may need to mention this problem to the mother, but I doubt it will get any results!!!:(

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
We have only lived in our neighborhood for three months and the house next to ours is being fixed for a couple who is marrying in September. We have only spoken to these neighbors on a few ocassions because they do not live here yet and they speak Italian (only a little english) and we speak english (a little Italian). Anyway, they went on vacation to the Seychelle Islands and asked us just to watch out for the house, which any good neighbor would do. Today we received a postcard in the mail from them....very thoughtful. We were surprised it reached us because it had the wrong house number and only our first names, but very nice of them to think of us.

Originally posted by browneyes
99.9% of my neighbors are my SO's family.:rolleyes: I'm surrounded.:(

My DH could answer this thread the same as you!!!:jester: My Mom lives to our right, my sister lives to our left, my one brother lives on the other side of my sister and my other brother (None are named Larry!!!!) lives behind my sister. I'm sure it drives him nuts some times because even tho they're MY family, they drive me nuts!!!:p
I have a neighbor who collects bedpans and displays them on racks on his porch :crazy:
We have one neighbor who put up something similar to crime scene tape (only it was orange) all around his yard during our annual summer festival. We live real close to the park where this festival is held. I guess he wants to make sure that nobody walks in their yard or sits at the end of their yard for the parade.

This festival just happens to start tonight. I wonder if their yard will be taped off when I get home.

This person also questionned my kids and called the police because supposedly one of their garbage bags was taken before the garbage truck came around.

I still think they are nice people. Just very private.
Originally posted by Kitty 34

My DH could answer this thread the same as you!!!:jester: My Mom lives to our right, my sister lives to our left, my one brother lives on the other side of my sister and my other brother (None are named Larry!!!!) lives behind my sister. I'm sure it drives him nuts some times because even tho they're MY family, they drive me nuts!!!:p
To my right there are 2 brothers' houses, behind me is his dad (his oldest brother and a cousin live there too), another brother lives next door to his dad. Also behind me is his uncle, and his cousin. From my bedroom window I see his nephew's home. His sister and other nephew live next door to them. His cousin lives 2 doors down from his other nephew. His uncle and another cousin live next door to that cousin. There's 3 other houses on that road, and all are his sister's inlaws. Down the road, there's 2 uncles houses and 3 cousins houses. There's another group of family members (there were 13 kids in that family and 7-8 of them live right there). I counted up one day and within a 1/2 mile radius there were around 75 of his family members that live RIGHT there. When I say I'm surrounded, I'm VERY surrounded. (he has 5 brothers and 1 sister, only 1 brother doesn't live there-he lives 15 minutes away.)
Lets see... I have a neighbor on left that is single and has 2 kids that DRIVE ME NUTS!!!!! they also have everyting coming and going, (lice, ringworm, who knows what else). The lady on the right is ok, but she does get into her moods. In the front of us is an elementary school, and in the back I have no idea who the people are.
When my DH and I moved to Houston in '99, we actually had our very own Ugly Naked Guy. He was grossly large and apparently was allergic to clothing. He always had his blinds up AND always watched porn on his big-screen tv that faced the windows - did I mentioned that he always fast-forwarded to the good parts? We used to laugh about it, and if we had guests, that was part of our entertainment for the evening. There weren't any kids within view of his place, or else I would've talked to mgmt. about it. He had this tiny doggie that he showered with attention and was so proud of... he would sit on his terrace (shorts on) while the doggie did his business... just like a proud Dad. Too bad we moved since then, I miss the big, nude fellow!
My street is occupied by Russian and Indian immigrants. I am American, and I'm the minority.

I've got a neighbor who plays loud Russian music, and another neighbor who cooks with a lot of curry and smells up the block.

I have been living on my street 30 years, we've only had one fire on the block. The house on the corner sat boarded up for a few years, but recently got remodeled and looks 100% better!

My street was on local tv news once- when a freak tornado hit the area and did some real damage.
Our neighbor talks to himself constantly when he's outside in the yard. Not mumbling... TALKS LOUDLY to himself about EVERYTHING!

He has a loud voice anyway, but the talking to himself thing just cracks DH and I up!:cool:
Gosh! Some of you are making the movie "The Burbs" look normal!!!!!;) ;) ;)

Browneyes......my DH sends his sympathy!!!!:jester: :bounce:
Actually everyone just about in my neighborhood is related except for us. The people across the road (we have lived across from them for almost 29 years) let my children when they were little call them Aunt and Uncle like their nieces and nephews so mine wouldn't feel left out. And my children still do even though they are in their 20's and DD is getting closer to 30!
The neghbors to the right of us have a dirt backyard and "sweep" it before and after they have cookouts. They are a strange couple in their 50's. On the other side is the neighborhood funeral time so it is usually pretty quiet there!
My next door neighbor is totally mad it has got to the point that we are considering constructing a 12 foot fence with razer wire mine field and gun towers to keep hir out.Cant mention hir name
because she is on the DIS boards.But i can give you a clue to hir name it is the stripey character that pals about with Pooh bear.
No just jokeing.My next door neighbor is %100 mad but %100


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