Marathon Weekend 2024

SAFD: I've only done CoP once. I can't convince my family to ever do it again. I'd love to see it updated. Related, on our recent trip we did Country Bear Jamboree for the first time. Couldn't believe some of the lyrics! We laughed so much. It's hilarious that it still exists.

I sense a potential future SAFD question... Which attractions have you fallen asleep on? ;)
Country Bears did get replaced in Disneyland by Winnie the Pooh. It's a good attraction to sit for a while in WDW and get some AC.
SAFD Dining & Snacking Before Races: For Marathon 1, I decided to go super careful and cautious. Since then I follow a slightly different approach. I will have desserts or snacks if I feel like it. I tend to eat at familiar restaurants before because I know they work. I may get somewhat more cautious heading into the marathon, but honestly if the dessert sounds really good, I figure that it cannot cause too much trouble.

I have learned to save Le Cellier until after the final race. I tried it once the day of the half to celebrate the 2017 Kessel Run and Coast to Coast. It was not the right call. The 60 day dining window does not line up well with the I have no idea what I feel like eating until after the last race thing I sometimes have so I have learned to choose the post race meal based on dessert only. It has yet to steer me wrong after the marathon.

SAFD Carousel of Progress: I have been known to sing along to Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow if it plays as I'm running through the Magic Kingdom. I have also been known to change the lyrics to something along the lines there's a great big beautiful tomorrow that does not involve waking up at way too early am on marathon day.

As one of only 3 planned by Walt Disney himself attractions unique to Walt Disney World, I think in one form or another it should stick around. I often ride it twice. Once for a much needed power nap especially after a race and once to experience it in all its fun, sometimes cheesy glory. The history and nostalgia are great especially because far more so than Hall of Presidents and Country Bear Jamboree, it very much reflects the kind of things Walt Disney tried to do.

I do think it could use some TLC and wouldn't mind if they tried to update the final scene to be a bit more modern. I still like the idea of keeping the other scenes very much in their current eras although some dialogue adjustments will help. Uncle Orville should remain as crazy as ever.
Any opinions on the resort with the best QS food options? We stayed at POFQ last weekend for Princess and found the QS to be better logistically than trying to coordinate table service 2 months ahead of time with ADR.
Good Morning runDisney All-Stars! (Well, ok, afternoon for many of us). It is time for this week’s Sunday’s Are For Disney. This weeks question: Sometimes a run gets very tough, how do you work through the tough times? Ironically this is late because I forgot to send before my run and I lived today’s question - it was a tough one!

My Answer: When a run is going really hard I put on my running playlist to give me a pick-up. It usually does the trick. But if it is really bad I go to one of mantras and I simply repeat it over and over until I believe it. “I don’t have to do this, I get to do this”. & “the further I go, the stronger I get”. Remembering that running is something I have not always been able to do while the Chili Peppers blast in my ear does the trick.
SAFD: Since I'm still relatively fresh off Dopey 2023 and my head seems to want to replay/reanalyze parts of the marathon when my mind starts wondering during a run... if it's not going well I immediately think it's nowhere near as bad as that DAK to DHS highway and BB stretch... and that tends to make me feel better. :-)
SAFD: I always try desperately hard to make sure I set up my runs for success when they are scheduled longer/tougher runs. I plan out when I eat before the run, if I need to have food available asap after the run (food is required after the 2+hr runs), and when I know I'm going to want to quit early, I plan an out-and-back run where I pretty much can't turn around early. I bargain hard with myself to get to that turn-around point. I have a few different playlists I will switch through to try to distract myself, but I'm mostly just trying to get out of my own head with those.

That being said, I'm not afraid to pull the plug when things are just not going well. Running needs to be enjoyable for me at the end of the day, and since I don't run for any time goals (yet) I will walk a run in, or call my husband to come pick me up (that has only ever happened once though.)
SAFD: I'm incredibly stubborn, so when a training run gets hard I put my head down and push through it. Unless it's an injury creeping in, I'm going to complete my mileage. I may have to add some walking in if it's too hot or humid, but the run's getting done.

It can be a little different during longer races (marathon and ultra distances). I run races without headphone, preferring to be tuned in to the moment. When I know I'm going to hit a low point during a race, though, I'll carry headphones with me and when my energy levels start to dip I'll put on music, generally an 80s-based playlist. That gives me a boost of adrenaline and lifts my spirits, carrying me through the low point.
SAFD: assuming the problem isn’t pain-related (in which case I will stop and head home so I don’t make it worse), I will just suck it up and keep going. I’ll hit the “next” button on my running playlist until I hit a song that gives me a boost (no specific song, just whatever hits my mood in the moment)
Any opinions on the resort with the best QS food options? We stayed at POFQ last weekend for Princess and found the QS to be better logistically than trying to coordinate table service 2 months ahead of time with ADR.

I think most everyone's QS offerings are similar, so "best" becomes what are you happiest eating before a race. I have stayed at POR and Pop for race MW and found them to be fine. Was able to find something simple, e.g. a kid's meal of roast turkey and mashed potatoes to eat. I find the QS at Values or Moderates to actually be better than at Deluxe or Villas, since a lot of them do food courts so the options are also wider. Also, nice thing about Pop is that you can do food court at Pop, walk across the bridge to AoA, or even Skyliner to Riviera.

For MW, I think most resorts do something at their QS that is intended to be runner-friendly. 2022 I was at AKL, and even the Mara did spaghetti and meatballs.
I'm not afraid to pull the plug when things are just not going well.
SAFD: I’ve learned that just knowing this right here can sometimes give me what I need to make it through. Having the out to call it when I need to seems to help me stay focused mentally to get through. It’s also been immensely helpful to learn from others here and @DopeyBadger with a solid training plan that running isn’t a singular day but rather a bigger picture. Giving myself grace and remembering that tomorrow will bring another day to try again is beneficial for me.
SAFD: Oh man this is timely because today was the least I have wanted to do a run, in a long time. In the end, I have all my runs in a spreadsheet and the run on the spreadsheet just has to get done. So like others have said, I just put my head down and do it. I'm trying to be less compulsive about the spreadsheet, and cut back or rearrange runs as needed, but I rarely do it. Part of it is that I am almost always on some kind of DopeyBadger plan, and I feel like, Billy took time out of his life to make this plan for me, the least I can do is follow it. Hopefully spring will be here soon and it will get back to being fun again.
SAFD: When a run is really tough, first thing I think about is why--weather, energy level, aches/pains. Then I adapt. Sometimes, that means ditching the scheduled workout and just running easy, sometimes shortening the mileage. Sometimes it means giving myself permission to quit. There is something very liberating about telling yourself to quit. It usually takes the pressure off me and allows me to finish some sort of activity. I remember one crappy run in the summer when I was several miles from home having a truly lousy run. I ended up just laying on someone's lawn for a few minutes. Got up and ran home.

I am past the point of feeling like I have to "stick to the plan" if a run is truly not gonna happen. Cause that can be a recipe for disaster and injury.
Any opinions on the resort with the best QS food options? We stayed at POFQ last weekend for Princess and found the QS to be better logistically than trying to coordinate table service 2 months ahead of time with ADR.
I really like Caribbean Beach. You've got their QS and are close enough to Riveria to do their QS too. Great options. If you get tired of QS, both have bars with good small plate options too.
I really like Caribbean Beach. You've got their QS and are close enough to Riveria to do their QS too. Great options. If you get tired of QS, both have bars with good small plate options too.
I think most everyone's QS offerings are similar, so "best" becomes what are you happiest eating before a race. I have stayed at POR and Pop for race MW and found them to be fine. Was able to find something simple, e.g. a kid's meal of roast turkey and mashed potatoes to eat. I find the QS at Values or Moderates to actually be better than at Deluxe or Villas, since a lot of them do food courts so the options are also wider. Also, nice thing about Pop is that you can do food court at Pop, walk across the bridge to AoA, or even Skyliner to Riviera.

For MW, I think most resorts do something at their QS that is intended to be runner-friendly. 2022 I was at AKL, and even the Mara did spaghetti and meatballs.
Thanks for the info. Trying to get ahead in planning for next time. 🤓


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