Marathon Weekend 2024

Since you specifically said to watch on a trip I would have to remove any of the movies that would make me cry (looking at you, Up!)
But seriously, this is asking like which child you love the most.

Brave (this is the only obvious choice for me)

And then it would come down to am I sharing this screen with my kiddos or husband
which means it could be Aladdin, Lion King, Tangled, Princess and the Frog, Encanto, Zootopia, Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Mulan, or Wreck it Ralph.
Since it is what I would take to watch right now (vs my favorite), I would choose these two that I haven’t seen in a while and haven’t seen enough to really know them:
Up (but I don’t know about tearing up!!)
Princess and the Frog

And maybe one of my favorites: Mulan

I would probably add Anastasia, but I was trying to stick to Disney! (Although Disney now owns Fox…)
SAFD: I feel like this is the hardest question to ask any Disney fan, but at this moment I will go with
1. The Emperor's New Groove, this is my comfort movie and I love all the comedic and zany aspects of the film
2. Hercules, love the music and has one of my favorite characters in it (Megara)
3. Meet the Robinsons, I am an engineer so I totally vibe with the movie
SAFD: my boring answer is… I don’t. No downloads. I used to bring a Roku with me to connect to my resort room TV, but lately, Disney’s done something to disable that form working. So now I just cast from my phone or iPad and stream whatever feels good at the time - sometimes that’s a movie from D+, but can just as easily be something wholly un-Disney-like on Netflix.
SAFD: Emperor's New Groove (shouldn't come as a shock given my avatar 🤣), Inside Out, and Cars. I just never get tired of any of these.
My son went through a big Cars phase (still is in it, tbh), and I was able to tolerate the movie a lot more once I realized it's basically a reverse Hallmark movie. Guy leaves the big city, gets stranded in a small town, and learns about life and love. :D

Cars 2 is still bananapants crazy, though.

Cars 3 is a decent "passing the torch" movie.
Good morning runDisney All-Stars! It is time for Sunday’s are for Disney.

Today’s question - Share a running memory for which you are really proud.

My Answer: Summer of 2017 I ran my first 50 Mile Ultramarathon. It had three loops and about a third of the way through the second loop I really hit the wall. I desperately wanted to quit. It was by far the worst I had ever felt running and I had like 10 miles to go in the second loop and then 17 more after that. I stood at an aid station and made myself a deal, I would just keep moving forward but I did not have to run, I could walk, I could walk slow, I just had to keep going forward I walked for quite awhile and then started to run just a little. I had been super nauseous and was starting to feel a little better once I got back to the start area I was able to drink some flat Mountain Dew and had a few chips. I changed my socks from my drop bag and tried my first pickle juice. Don’t know if it was the socks or the pickle juice but for the first time that day I began to believe I was going t o finish. Needless to say the last loop was very tough but I kept moving forward reciting my mantra C-F-M (continual forward motion) and little by little I chipped away at the last loop. I never felt good, but I felt better than I had and I managed to finish the last few miles pretty strong. Crossing that finish line meant more to me than any other race I had done or have done since because it really took everything I had to finish. It is still my worst 50 mile race time but never have I fought more for a finish line!

Every marathon finish is a proud moment.

However, many moons ago had a DNF at Leadville because of altitude sickness. It was a bad outcome that left me with a sense of guilt dragging my young family out there.

Three weeks later ran a 50 mile extreme trail run. Had an amazing race. Didn’t realize until mile 42 or so coming into the aid station hearing the race staff screaming at the relay runners to clear the way. Tons of people cheering me on. My wife telling me I’m close to winning the leader just came through. I didn’t win that race but had an awesome top 5. It was the proudest moment coming back from the lowest of lows race wise.

Really wish I was in that kind of shape again. But it’s still fun to just trod along at Disney and enjoy the views. The volunteers and cast members cheering us all on bring back memories of past success.


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