Marathon Weekend Weather

After months of training and planning I am trying very, very hard to be cheerful about this :rolleyes:, but I HATE the cold! I really do. I pretty much feel chilled here in Philly all the time from November through March, and I was so looking forward to a break from this.

To further add to this, my 11-year-old had a total upset freak-out yesterday because we are "making" her go to Disney and she'll be missing school and dance classes :confused3 (in her defense she was not feeling well, and very tired, but still . . . !). This has just left me feeling upset about the whole trip.

Well, at least I have practice with running in the cold! And there won't be any snow on the ground like there was for my long run a few weeks ago (where I ran in ski tracks)! And we'll be at Disney! And best of all I get to see all of you!

But, boy would I love for that front to stay to the North, and have temps of 40s to start.

You are not the only one, I had a huge fit on Sunday because "I was sick of the cold, and I didn't want to run in the cold" etc etc....

Then I went out and bought lots of layers to wear, I feel a little better now :confused3

My outfit for both days now contains:

Compression shirt
Compression shorts (I don't have any tights and I don't want anything new on race day :confused3)
Compression sleeves
Throwaway fleece (that I could keep on the whole race if I didn't warm up)
Throwaway Pants
2 Throwaway sweaters (one on top of the other!)
hand and toe warmers
throwaway hat
throwaway gloves

Man I am gonna look good :lmao:

Yeah, rub it in! I bet the Snuggies are flying off the shelves! But, while I like the snow...for a few weeks, I would take Florida weather in a hearbeat! :love:

Its the humidity, when it gets cold, it feels really cold, honest!!!!

yeah they are, walgreens has all the warm things stocked and ready for us thin blooded people!!!

At least you have trained for it, I did most of my training in 80*+ weather with 100% humidity, I am soooo not ready for this :lmao:

But you are right, I was in IN for Christmas and I would take our weather anyday!

Kira my 13 yr DD is also acting up :confused3

When I told her about the weather - "will all our warm clothes fit in a carry on?" DH just looked at the stuff I have set out (only about half) "How are we going to fit everything?"

honestly shorts, and tshirts take up a LOT less room then sweaters and jeans!

But - I'll be in Disney.... if the stupid weather holds - now the snow for Thursday is ramping up - we may be stuck in the airport! :faint:
If using gels for you nutrition during the run you may need to plan a little further ahead as your gel time approaches. Gels thicken to a paste as they chill into the 40’s. If you use a gel flask like offered by Fuel Belt you may want to reconsider and change to packets instead. You cannot warm a flask enough during a race to use the gel.

For packets, about a half mile or so pre-gelling pull the gel from your fanny pack, gel loop or pin and hold the gel in your hand to warm the gel. Since most of us will be in gloves you may want to slide that gel into the palm of you have under the glove. As temps warm a simple squeezing of move ends of the gel may be enough to assure a flow.


You may not feel the need to hydrate. In fact hydration needs will go down in the cold as the body will not need to sweat as much to dissipate heat. You will continue to sweat so you do need to hydrate at water stops. Just be aware of your needs and hydrate as your training dictates
You are not the only one, I had a huge fit on Sunday because "I was sick of the cold, and I didn't want to run in the cold" etc etc....

Then I went out and bought lots of layers to wear, I feel a little better now :confused3

My outfit for both days now contains:

Compression shirt
Compression shorts (I don't have any tights and I don't want anything new on race day :confused3)
Compression sleeves
Throwaway fleece (that I could keep on the whole race if I didn't warm up)
Throwaway Pants
2 Throwaway sweaters (one on top of the other!)
hand and toe warmers
throwaway hat
throwaway gloves

Man I am gonna look good :lmao:

Kirsty 2006 (I think) was around 30 or 32 degrees early in the morning. My sis, niece, BIL and I looked like homeless people with all the extra throwaway layers we had on! And not even stylish...I had been cleaning out my closets and found old bright colored sweatsuits from the early 90s/late 80s! It was a hoot!
I apologize for not reading the whole thread so I may have missed this somewhere -- does Disney still donate the throw-away clothes to charity? I remember when I ran in 2002 and 2005 they did this . . . Thanks! Also -- anybody else just going with shorts on Sunday? I figure on Saturday I'll need the tights for sure, Sunday I hope to run in 4-4:30 for the marathon so I was thinking tights too -- opinions? Not sure how quickly it will warm up on Sunday ;)
I apologize for not reading the whole thread so I may have missed this somewhere -- does Disney still donate the throw-away clothes to charity? I remember when I ran in 2002 and 2005 they did this . . . Thanks! Also -- anybody else just going with shorts on Sunday? I figure on Saturday I'll need the tights for sure, Sunday I hope to run in 4-4:30 for the marathon so I was thinking tights too -- opinions? Not sure how quickly it will warm up on Sunday ;)

I'm planning on wearing tights on Saturday and shorts on Sunday. With an expected marathon time of 430-5 hours, depending on how long the multitude of picture stops takes, I expect the sun to be out and warming things up enough to be comfortable in shorts after a few hours. I'll keep the throwaway sweats on until my legs get too warm.
I need to face reality in that I may not even be going! :mad:
I'm driving down, and I know I don't live in the coldest part of the world, but when we get forecasts for snow and ice on the roads Thursday and Friday they really take things seriously. This is going to stink if I can't make it down!
Howdy, neighbor! I live in Helena as well, and the BHM airport is my concern. DH is flying on Thursday and the kids and I are flying on Friday afternoon. I really hope it doesn't snow here. Have a safe trip!
I still haven't found my gloves so what is the best thing to do? Go to Target or something like that and get cheap knit gloves or will there be something at the expo. I am already planning on finding compression sleeves - if not for my legs then for my arms. Well I will need something for my lower legs the day I wear my capri tights - they don't quite cover all the way to my ankles - I could just use throw away sweats.
If using gels for you nutrition during the run you may need to plan a little further ahead as your gel time approaches. Gels thicken to a paste as they chill into the 40’s. If you use a gel flask like offered by Fuel Belt you may want to reconsider and change to packets instead. You cannot warm a flask enough during a race to use the gel.

Now you tell me! :laughing: I learned this lesson the hard way a couple of weeks ago. I put my gel on my Fuel Belt like I always did in the summer and left on my run. Even though the belt was on the inside of my jacket, the gel still froze and had the consistency of gum.

Also beware of beans... they can freeze too and turn rock hard. Try to keep them on an inside pocket or somewhere a little warmer.

You may not feel the need to hydrate. In fact hydration needs will go down in the cold as the body will not need to sweat as much to dissipate heat. You will continue to sweat so you do need to hydrate at water stops. Just be aware of your needs and hydrate as your training dictates

Something else you learn running in the winter cold is that your lungs have to moisten the air that come in and this increases the amount of hydration you need for long runs in cold weather. I'm not sure if the temperature down there will be cold enough to make the air that dry but if you have been training in warm weather this might be more of an issue then us used to training in the cold winter months.
Shot bloks are the Columbus I thought that they where going to rip my teeth out.

I am gonig to put a hot hands in my block bag to keep them soft.
I still haven't found my gloves so what is the best thing to do? Go to Target or something like that and get cheap knit gloves or will there be something at the expo. I am already planning on finding compression sleeves - if not for my legs then for my arms. Well I will need something for my lower legs the day I wear my capri tights - they don't quite cover all the way to my ankles - I could just use throw away sweats.

Expo will have a "canvas like" white glove. You can find them at any hardware store for a few cents less.

Compression sleeves for the arms are better found at a cycling shop.
Here's something funny - I had been using the Luna Moons on my outside runs and was loving them. Well, a few weeks ago, I moved my workouts inside to the treadmill due to ice. And oh man, the moons went from being pleasantly chewy to being kind of sqiushy again! I'd forgotten that since the summer, apparently!! :laughing:
Shot bloks are the Columbus I thought that they where going to rip my teeth out.

I am gonig to put a hot hands in my block bag to keep them soft.

Genius!! :worship: Thanks for sharing that tip! :thumbsup2

I ran the Chicago Shamrock Shuffle ('08 I'm sure?!) IT was cold, and the blox were too chewy!
Something else you learn running in the winter cold is that your lungs have to moisten the air that come in and this increases the amount of hydration you need for long runs in cold weather. I'm not sure if the temperature down there will be cold enough to make the air that dry but if you have been training in warm weather this might be more of an issue then us used to training in the cold winter months.

Frank - this is a really good point, I am used to inhaling my water after living here in FL :lmao: I went to IN for Christmas and really struggled to breathe (I didnt take any water because it was only 3 miles) I was so thirsty when I got back, then this weekend I ran here and I drank 2x more than I am used to, of course then I had to use the bathroom because I wasn't sweating it out :rotfl2:

Deb - they do still give your clothes to charity I believe, I will be wearing shorts both days, with compression sleeves, I haven't trained in tights and don't want anything new on race day. I will be out longer than you though, I will run about a 5-30 5-45 full, but I was just planning on keeping my pants on till I warmed up

Betsy - I will be like that on race day, I dont care what I look like as long as I am warm-ish! I do care if I can move though and that could be problematic! I also have ponchos, trash can bags and jackets for if it decides to rain :banana:

Kirstie - Great idea about the hot hands, I might have one to spare to put in my fuel belt to keep my gu guey!

Deb - they do still give your clothes to charity I believe, I will be wearing shorts both days, with compression sleeves, I haven't trained in tights and don't want anything new on race day. I will be out longer than you though, I will run about a 5-30 5-45 full, but I was just planning on keeping my pants on till I warmed up


Am I the only one who thinks this line is hilarious :lmao:You are only planning on keeping your pants on until you warm up - any other setting and that would be a flasher. Is it me or is it taper madness - I think I am getting loopy :confused3
Expo will have a "canvas like" white glove. You can find them at any hardware store for a few cents less.

Compression sleeves for the arms are better found at a cycling shop.

Thanks - I don't think I want those kind of gloves - I think now I remember seeing them last year and I don't want that. Might have to just break down and stop by Sports Authority or something like that - I do have a gift card for SA so that would work if they have something. I won't bother waiting for the expo then.
tntsparty said:
thanks - i don't think i want those kind of gloves - i think now i remember seeing them last year and i don't want that. Might have to just break down and stop by sports authority or something like that - i do have a gift card for sa so that would work if they have something. I won't bother waiting for the expo then.

I just bought cheapie gloves at Target. I know from experience that even when it's pretty cold the gloves come off after the first 3-4 miles, so they don't need to be anything special. I don't know why my hands warm up like that when I'm running (normally they are pretty cold) but they do!
Tricia, I thought it was funny too but I wasn't going to say anything :)

I wear gloves most of the way on cold days like this will be. I will be taking 2 pair because they do get wet from sweating. Once the first pair gets wet I will toss and put on a dry pair.

I will also take a pair of tube socks and once (if) I shed my jacket or another shirt, I will wear them as arm warmers.



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