Michael Jackson Interview

What's really sad is that his money is going to protect him. If you or I were acting like that, we'd be in the looney bin by sun up. I'm really afraid for those children. Did you notice that he dyes his son's hair blond? Also, what is with this "Prince" thing? Ick. Did you notice that gosh awful painting of himself--creepy!
I feel sorry for him. I think he is as weird as they come but I feel he is a product of his parent's abuse, fame and more. The last thing he needed was to try to be a father to children. In his mind he is just a little boy himself. I think his heart may be big and full of love to give away but I still think he shouldn't have children Life can never be 'normal' for those kids. I can't imagine living one day in his place. Instead of blessed with fame, I feel like he was cursed by it--unable to handle it even close to well. It seems like that type of fame tends to freak people out--if they don't turn to drugs, they do other harmful things with their lives (& other's lives.) I thought it was a sad interview.
Sad and sickening...esp. that 12 year old whose lines seemed to be coached(Micheal said the same exact words about sleeping on the floor when the boy spent the night) -like a 44 year old likes to have slumber parties!:eek:

But one thing freaked me....the train ride at Netherland,when it stopped...seemed like a replica to Magic Kingdom...complete with replica station and garden in front.
:p Pollyanna,
I am sure he must love Disney... Peter Pan & 'Neverland'. So many people say that they go to Disney & feel like they are 12yo again. I am sure the feeling is much the same for a 44 yo man who has never grown up & doesn't want to grow up.
It freaked me out whe he was HOLDING HANDS with that 12 yr old!

What 44 year old man holds a 12 yr old's hand??
I don't think this can all be blamed on abuse. They mentioned that his father and at least some of his brothers deny Michael's allegations. With all the lies he tells why should the accusations against his father necessarily be true? He is a sick individual. He doesn't want to use any of his money to help children for any other reason than to bring glory to himself. Very selfish and very immature. He was also a normal (at least in appearance) African-American teen-ager. Even if "his father has blue eyes" there is no way those children can be his natural offspring. He has some deep-rooted problems and among them is some sort of distorted self-image.
I think MJ doesn't know what a placenta is. He said the cord was cut and then he left. If the cord was cut and he left, the placenta most likely wasn't even delivered yet and surely wasn't attatched to the baby.
That poor baby. :( Ripped from it's Mother and taken the second it was born, how very sad. :(
Originally posted by PamOKW
Even if "his father has blue eyes" there is no way those children can be his natural offspring. He has some deep-rooted problems and among them is some sort of distorted self-image.

I don't know where that came from. On another channel they showed an interview with this father and he has light brown eyes. They're light, but they're not blue.

The guy obviously wants to be white and it's pathetic.

You made some very valid points...

Fame/abuse does mess up people. I think he goes back in his mind to a time where his life was happy... yes, he may have to go considerably back in his mind... (maybe age 4/5).

As for the kids.. well, I know and have many friends that are biracial.. think of the comments you are saying by saying they don't look black.. think about what you are saying. I know biracial people that don't look black.. what are biracial kids supposed to look like? Some have a Latino look to them, some have a Caucasian look to them, some have African American look to them... biracial kids look like KIDS! To me, and many others I know don't see them as black/white, or whatever..

For the record, my DH has biracial roots... for those who have met him, what does he look like? Not what you think or see, correct?

Don't judge people... by what you percieve that they should look like...

As for MJ himself.. he is in a sad mental state. I think society sees him as an eccentric, rich person which tolerates him.

I do have a good MJ story though. The non profit that I volunteer for, has many orphanages in Russia. A few years back, a few orphanages got together for a Olympics type event. For these kids, this was an amazing event, to actually leave the orphanage, go to a gymnasium, do something fun... that was exciting enough.

But, somehow MJ heard about the Olympics, and showed up! I'm not sure if the orphans wrote him, or the event organizers, or he just found out about it.. but the event organizers spoke about how generous/kind, and great he was with the kids. The event organizers (who are AMerican), had nothing but good things to say about him, and the joy he brought to the orphans.

He brought them presents, Tshirts, and other stuff.. there were thousands of orphans.. not just a few hundred.
I know there was some uneasiness about MJ, but there was nothing but kind things said, and his generosity and compassion...

I can't judge him, its not my job to do that. Is he mentally ill? Possibly. Does he need psychiatric help? Possibly

Look at the challenges that his other family members have had... La Toya for example.
Darn, I missed the interview. Maybe they'll repeat it sometime.

I agree w/ Cindy. Not all kids look bi-racial. My boys are half-Puerto Rican and only 2 really "look" Hispanic. One is fairer like me, and 1 looks half & half.
I only caught the last 30 minutes and that was enough..I feel so sorry for all of them....holding hands with the 12 yo was over the top.....but in HIS mind I think it is justified because he to FEELS like a 12 yo. Sad Sad Sad:(
Cindy B- good point about the kids not looking black. Bi-racial people can have very light skin tones to dark skin tones. He did however say that his infant had a black mother. That baby looked white. He did not look as though both of his parents were black. I think MJ is a very disturbed person and clearly not normal. How very sad for the children he claims are his and for the children that spend the night at his home. In my opinion, it is abusive to have his children walking around in masks at all times. Very, very sad.
I didn't find that he sounded very intelligent,and that made me think about his childhood. He started singing very young-5?- and his Dad made them practice for hours on end. I doubt Michael has ANY formal education. Rich and uneducated.....so sad.

Another thing-he said his children didn't miss their Mom because there were women around them.......I didn't see ONE woman in his entourage or even working around his various abodes.:confused:
I watched it to last night. The stuff about the kids really bothered me. One who takes a baby home a few hours after birth that had breathing problems?? Thats just not showing concern for the child. Secondly--who would let hin just wisk away a baby just born --his daughter--without even checking the baby out?
I hated to watch him feed that poor little one. He looked like someone who had not done that alot. I was worried about the poor thing being able to breath with his head all wrapped up in a scarf while trying to eat.
If he didnt want the media circus around his kids then he would have HIS head covered in public or let a nanny or trusted friend to take the kids out in public. Without Michael there no one would even know who they were.
Him holding hands with that boy Gavin didnt seem right to me either. I boys about his age and they dont hold hands with me, their other friends or older adults that we know. That didnt seem like "normal" teen behavior.
As for his plastic surgery, who cares? I dont. I dont know why he lies about it. Lots of ppl do it.
Originally posted by pollyanna
I didn't find that he sounded very intelligent,and that made me think about his childhood. He started singing very young-5?- and his Dad made them practice for hours on end. I doubt Michael has ANY formal education. Rich and uneducated.....so sad.

You know, I never really thought about that

Now, that makes sense!
I have very mixed feelings about him but most are sickening feelings. During the first part of the interview I just thought he was odd, missunderstood and felt bad for him. But when I saw him with that boy and holding hands and when the boy put his head on MJ shoulder I almost lost it. It turned my stomach and just wasn't right.
As for his kids being his...could be as others have said I thought the oldest hair was dyed. Just looked like it. Also he changed the story about the 3rd child and who the mother was. First he knew her and it was an arranged. etc...but then at the end he has no idea who she is, donnor and but he was there for the birth etc....
And watching him feed that child....it just looked like someone ready to have a break down, voice changed, eye contact different or non existant.
It is very sad. He is delusional. As to regards to his face and surgeries, granted many people do it and lie but again he is in Neverland if he can only remember 2 times? Sure it is none of our business just his...but
He was a wonderful talent amazing to watch old footage of him but those days are long gone. I think he could have continue providing wonderful music but he is too far out there now, his voice isn't the same and that isn't due to maturing.


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