Monsters, Haunted Houses, Scare Zones and more. HHN 30 fun trip.


The Yule Ball ornaments were pretty.


The house robe ornaments were new.

After I looked in the shop I went out for a couple pictures.




I walked to the exit after my photos. I wanted to get to HHN and do a few houses this evening.
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I went to the on-site resort guest entrance and quickly entered the park. I walked through 30 Years 30 Fears Scare Zone then over to Light’s Camera, Hacktion: Eddie’s Revenge Scare Zone.

I had not seen this fellow before.





This scare actor came right up for a photo. Very fun and playful.

There were alot of chainsaws in this area that I had not noticed before.

to be continued
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Sunday, September 19 Continued

I went to Case Files Unearthed house. Again I did not see many scare actors. Not sure if it was bad timing on my part. This was the second walk through for me this trip and although there was some nice story inclusive props I did not get much from this house.

After case Files I walked through Lights, Camera, Hacktion again then on to Gorewood Forest.





Then onto Haunting of Hill House. I really appreciated this house so much more after seeing it on the UMH Tour. The exterior and interior of this house are so well done.

I then decided to walk over to Diagon Alley. It was pretty quiet in there.


I walked through Knockturn Alley


Then into Borgin and Burke’s.

The Vanishing Cabinet

The chest containing the Boggart

Then out the back way that exists near the Fountain of Fair Fortune.

I went to Florean Fortescue’s. I had planned on previous visits to Diagon Alley to get one of my favorite soft serve ice creams, but it had been very busy.

There was no one in the shop now so I went in and ordered the Orange Marmalade soft serve in a waffle cone.

I noticed they had cups again. I think it was a couple of years ago they had stopped using cups.

Just as the nice TM handed me my waffle cone the heavens opened up outside and it started raining sheets of water.

I decided to skim along the sides of the building and head back into Knockturn Alley to get a seat on the bench. I was sure this hard rain would not last long.

I sat on the bench enjoying my treat. People started into Knockturn Alley to seek shelter from the down pour.

I sat there for 45 minutes. My plan was to head back to Portofino after my treat as I had a early morning destination to be at.

The rain had slowed a little. So I put on my rain poncho and started walking.

All the house entrances I passed had a poor TM standing outside with a sign saying houses on weather delay. So there would be no houses available it looked like. Also all the Scare Actors were gone from the Scare Zones. All things above were expected as there were large puddles of water everywhere from the downpour and it was still raining.

As I exited the park there was a long line extending out of guest serves of folks wanting their money back. If I remember correctly it was about 8 pm. That would be hard if you only had one night.

The boats were shut down so I had 2 choices. Walk to CityWalk then to buses or walk to Portofino.

I decided to walk to Portofino.

There were a few other people walking along the path also.

There were 2 areas along the path that were totally covered with calf high water. The ground was so saturated with water there was no where else for the water to go.

Think about being a kid and wanting to walk in the biggest rain puddle imaginable…….LOL…..this was it X 2.

I was wet and my shoes were a soggy mud filled mess.

The family that was in front of me were were going through the next big puddle when their little daughter kicked a wall of water on her dads backside.

The dad bless him was walking through the small river of water then everyone else was following him.

I couldn’t help it…….I laughed……we were all soaked at that point. I don’t think the additional water was much of an issue in the real world.

That little girl was having fun. It was a child’s reponse to a mildly crappy situation and it was funny. The whole family had a chuckle and on we all went.

By the time I almost reached Portofino I saw the boat was running again……LOL

I did find a big puddle of clean water to rinse my shoes and feet in closer to the Resort.

I walked to my room took my shoes off and rain poncho. Cleaned my shoes off hung my poncho on the shower. Had a nice bubble bath and went to bed.

I needed to be up at 6:30 am. So off to sleep I went.

to be continued
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Yuk……rain during hhn..

Yes, this was definitely the most rain I had experienced since I started attending HHH, but you know the old saying “a rainy day on vacation is better then a sunny day at work”. Have to make light of it a little.

It does make it hard on folks though that only have a day or two to be there.
It’s miserable doing hhn in the rain

and even worse when the houses have to close up and wait it out until they can reopen
Your pictures of the Castle are gorgeous!

At first I didn't know what was going on with the scarecrow in the JP Discovery Center, why is he lying down? Then I finally read the sign, duh, the iconic Ian Malcolm pose! :rotfl:
Your pictures of the Castle are gorgeous!

Thank you. I so glad you are enjoying the pictures.

At first I didn't know what was going on with the scarecrow in the JP Discovery Center, why is he lying down? Then I finally read the sign, duh, the iconic Ian Malcolm pose! :rotfl:

You were far more observant then I was. I didn’t read the sign on that one. Makes sense now.
Monday, September 20

Today I had a ticket reservation at Hollywood Studios to go to Galaxy’s Edge. I have gone to Galaxy’s Edge the past two times I was at Universal in September and then I took grandson in July.

My son and great-granddaughter are big Star Wars fans. So this has been my go to place for Star Wars Christmas gifts.

I remember watching Star Wars with my son when he was young. I took him to see the different Star Wars episodes at the cinema.

Grandson had seen a Legacy Light Saber at Savi’s Workshop In July he liked and my plans were to purchase it for him. We had flown in July and there was not going to be any room for large Star Wars purchases in the luggage. Also the Star Wars Trading Post in Disney Springs no longer sells Legacy Light Sabers so I could not purchase it there.

I had originally planned to bring Son and family to Galaxy’s Edge this year, but timing and everyone’s schedules did not work to make that happen.

I was able to ride Smugglers Run and Rise of the Resistance when I was with grandson in July. Grandsons quick hands on the phone secured us position to ride Rise of the Resistance and it was an awesome ride. Of course now with the new Disney Genie App that has recently gone in to affect at Disney parks you can purchase a ride on the most popular attractions if I understand it correctly.

My thoughts for this trip were to experience Galaxy’s Edge to its fullest. I made reservations to build a Lightsaber at Savi’s workshop, build a Droid at Droid Depot and have drinks at Olga’s Cantina.

The only reservation for building a Lightsaber at Savi’s was for 8 am. The park did not open until 9 am so I was wondering how that would work.

So I was up early and out the door by 6:45. Stopped for a Starbucks coffee on the way. Made it through parking, read through a couple emails and made it to the gate by 7:45.

Everyone who had park ticket and a early 8 am Savi’s reservation were let in at 8 am. We were then directed to the CM’s with the Savi’s sign. We waited until 8:30 and all of us followed the CM’s to Galaxy’s Edge.

It was surreal seeing Galaxy’s Edge so empty. There were a few CM’s lined up welcoming us.




We went to Savi’s chose the type of Saber we wanted to build, paid and were given our pin to put on our shirt that corresponded with our Saber choice.


I chose Elemental Nauture. I really liked the choice of the Rancor Tooth for an endcap on the Lightsaber.

You then go inside Savi’s for what I call Lightsaber building theatre. It was fun. If you are a Star Wars fan this is a must do and worth the money.



Here is my end product.


The Lightsaber being activated.


I chose a purple Kyber Crystal for my blades color. It was the Color of Mace Windu’s blade. He was a Jedi Master.

This Lightsaber was made with lots of love for a special Star Wars fan. My son. I look forward to giving it to him at Christmas.
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Monday, September 20th

Jedi Master Mace Windu on right and Anakin Skywalker on left.

After I was finished building my Lightsaber I decided to go to Ronto Roasters for a Ronto wrap.



You can mobile order or order at cashier. I decided to order at the cashier.

There is seating in a courtyard that is next to Ronto Roasters that is technically extra outdoor seating for Docking Bay 7. It was starting to get busy and It was quiet in the courtyard and I enjoyed the peace.



The Ronto Wrap. It does not look as good as it tasted. It is roasted pork, a grilled sausage, slaw and pepper corn sauce on pita bread. There is a breakfast version of this, but I decided to go with the original.

To be continued
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Ah, my older one may like that saber. Maybe one of those days we will be back in the SW area.

Great pictures and very much enjoying your report.
Ah, my older one may like that saber. Maybe one of those days we will be back in the SW area.

I’am sure he would like it Lynne. It was fun. You are allowed to have one other person with you when you are building your Saber to take Video and pictures. Just no flash photography.

Great pictures and very much enjoying your report.

Thank you. So glad to hear your enjoying the report.
It’s miserable doing hhn in the rain

It is Mac especially when it’s raining hard.

and even worse when the houses have to close up and wait it out until they can reopen

I think everyone thought the houses would be easier to get into when the rain started, but did not think they would close them.

Lynne told me that she and Monyk came to HHN that same night about 9 or 9:30 pm and the rain had stopped and the houses had opened back up again.
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Monday, September 20th continued

My day had been planned accordingly. I had a reservation for Savi’s at 8 am, Olga’s Cantina 11:30 and Droid Depot at 12:30. Theses were the times that were available and I was happy to have been able to get them all.

My overall plan had been to get in early and have everything done and be out of the park by 1:30. You have heard the old saying that the “best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.......LOL...That’s me with planning.

I don’t often make many plans on vacation as I like to let things just play out as it goes. Makes things a lot less stressful without having time constraints, but with Disney that’s the way of it.

It was 10:45 and I had finished my Ronto Wrap and decided to walk around. I passed the Droid Depot and it looked like it wasn’t very busy. So I asked the CM at the door if I could build my Droid earlier them my 12:30 appointment. He looked my name up and checked me in.

I went inside paid at the cashier. During the payment process the cashier asked if I wanted a personality chip for the Droid. I decided to buy one. It is not necessary as your Droid will perform without it.

I bought a Resistance personality chip. That is the good guys. The sign for the Resistance is in upper right hand corner on back of chip box.



The chip will change the Droids personality and sounds.

After choosing the chip and paying I was given a basket to go and collect the Droid pieces I wanted to assemble for the Droid from the assembly line.

Then you wait for a build station to open up. There are a number of them and there is a CM to help at each station. It is a pretty efficient operation.

I chose an R2 Droid to build. You have a choice between BB8’s or R2’s.

When I was at Galaxy’s Edge with grandson in July the line at Droid Depot was extremely long and it was smoking hot out. We could not get in for him to build a Droid. So I wanted to build him a Droid for Christmas and hopefully on our next trip he could build one himself.

Here is my end product.


The Droid activation.

I wanted orange strips for the body, but they did not have any. I was thinking Halloween colors. This is a Drac (Dracula) Droid.

You get a nice sturdy handle box to carry your Droid in. There are Droid backpacks your Droid fits into that can purchased. Also if you have your Droid turned on it will interact with other Droids…..LOL.

I left the one I built on and yes it did interact in Droid language with other Droids.

If I remember correctly the Droid was around $112.00 with taxes and the personality chip was
$14.99 plus tax.

The Custom Lightsaber from Savi’s was $234.29 that’s including tax.

I wanted to share the costs in case anyone was planning to build these items. It would give an idea if you are budgeting for your trip.

You do have to give a credit card when making reservations for Savi’s, Droid Depot and Olga’s Cantina. These are popular reservations during busy times at the park.

I made all the reservations on The mydisneyexperience app.

Also take into consideration that you will be carrying around a Lightsaber and Droid so you might want to wait until later in the day to build your items and then leave the park.

I think they are shipping things from Savi’s, Droid Depot and Doc Ondar’s now.

During the summer temperatures are high and taking items back to your car and leaving them might not be a good idea as the plastic objects might be affected.

to be continued
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The Custom Lightsaber from Savi’s was $234.29 that’s including tax.
They do such a nice ‘show’ in that process. Was surprised my youngest DS on last trip elected to buy one in the specialty store He wanted a specific handle & blade length. Nice to have options!

i wondered about the melting factor too, no idea Tho


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