Nickelodeon Slime Time Live Info

We will be at Universal in mid-April 2004 and wonder what will be going on...My son really really wants to go to SlimeTime....but it looks like it's not "live from Orlando" anymore.

Anyone have info????
Call the universal number and ask them.
That's your best bet. Isn't there a board (in this forum) that has actual Universal employees who write in often concerning rides and attractions? You're going to have to investigate.
Have a Great Time!!!
I too wish there was more Universal news instead of Disney, Disney and DISNEY! :mad:

Sometimes I wonder if we really are slaves to Eastern Airlines? :p (A Simpsons joke...)
Hey Mr. D -
Mission Space is Worth IT !!
I have periferal vestibuloper, which means I am chronically Dizzy, and I still enjoyed it, and would ride it again.
Do It, D!
I called the Universal number (407-224-4233 - Option 5) today to see if they would be taping during our trip in early February and got a recorded message that said there are no current taping sessions. The recording didn't give any information regarding when they might start taping again.

My 9 year old princess: is crushed because she was only 7 on our last trip and couldn't be slimed (you had to be 9 years old). What a bummer!
We went to Nick Game lab last week and they did pick a child from the audience to be "slimed", maybe she'll get picked.
Thanks for the heads-up on the Game Lab. We didn't go there last time as we spent most of the day in line and in the audience for SlimeTime Live. We'll definitely check out the Game Lab though. Thanks! :bounce: (Note: I think this smiley may have been slimed!) LOL
Hopefully it will change by April. As I was reading Itold my kids and the want to go ,then read further and saw they stopped taping. Will keep trying and then there is always Game Lab., thaksfor the info.:earsboy: :earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsgirl:
We went to Universal Studios on Tuesday, 02/17 (our last day before we flew out Wednesday) and went to the Game Show Lab 3 times. The last time we went was for the last show of the day at 5:00 and my DD was picked to be slimed. She was SO excited!!! :bounce:

Thanks for the tip Pathubia! You've helped make one 9-year-old from Michigan VERY happy!
can you give more info where I can tell the twins and see if it is something they want to do, thanks::MinnieMo :wave2:
Here's some more info. Let me know if you need any additional details.

The Game Show Lab had "shows" 7 or 8 times the day we were there. I think they started at 11:00. The Lab is located in the building down the "side street" by the Jimmy Neutron ride near the Slime-inator. The signs said the lines start 15 minutes before each show but when we got there at that time, there were already people in line. You wait in line until the show area opens up in the building (from the last show). When they let people in, the parents go in 1 of 2 bleachers and all the kids go in the other 2. The kids are in 2 teams (red or blue) by bleacher. Before they start the games, they pick one kid to be slimed and that kid goes to change (with a parent) and comes back out.

The first game they did, they picked 2-3 kids per team to come up and try to answer Nick Toon questions. My daughter was picked during our first time at the Game Show Lab and ended up answering 3 out of the 4 questions (which prompted the host to ask if she ever went outside! ;) They play 3 games to determine the winning team. The other 2 games they did when we were there were a bounce/catch and then hold game with Dads trying to hold as many of the balls as they could (while they were dressed like Jimmy Neutron with a funky wig/hat on their head!). The last game was with 2 Moms that had to wear Square Pants (a box with leg cut-outs with suspenders to hold them up) and the teams had to pass around sponges and get them into the Mom's Square Pants. After the last game, they slime the chosen kid in a kiddy pool.

The kids all had a good time. Each "show" only took about 20-25 minutes. My daughter loved it and was so hoping to be slimed. Being picked just made her whole vacation!

Hope this info helps!
Just a quick question? Does FOTL apply? I know that they do that for most of the other shows. Does getting picked seem easier if you wait in line, and therefore end up going in earlier?;)
No, unfortunately there is no FOTL for the Nick Game Show Lab. Everyone waits in line and then they all go in and fill the stands. My only suggestion is to have your kids wave their arms as wildly as they can in the stands and try to get noticed by the game show host. Screaming will probably help too but I don't think my daughter was screaming when she got picked but her arms were going crazy. The host commented that she must really want to be slimed to which she replied emphatically "YES!!!!!".

Even if your kids don't get picked to be slimed, the games are still fun and they could get picked for those also.

Good Luck!
:jester: Thanks for the info! We will get there early and act like FOOLS!!!:jumping2: :goodvibes :wave2:
They did use a express line when we were last there on January 16. You passed by the normal line and entered closer to the building. I didn't remember this from our visit last August though. I wonder if they don't always offer FOTL?
We are going to universal in april. we planned for last aug, but it rained so bad I cancelled it. Our oldest ds was picked to be slimed once. He held his hands up, folded in a begging stance and had a pleading look on his face and kept saying please, please etc.. I thought he looked pathetic and hysterical at the same time. Well guess what, he got picked. It was the highlight of his trip as well. Now the littlest ds is hoping to get picked. I guess his brother should give him a crash course!!
I was just there on 3/19 & they aren't having it... I was told that they will not be having the live taping until maybe June.....
We will be visiting US/IOA in Feb 2005. Does anyone know if there are shows going on then? I, too, have a ds with a dream of being slimed. We will definitely try the game lab if nothing else. Thanks for any tips....


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