Nickelodeon Slime Time Live Info

we'll be going in July from the 3rd-10th and I'm looking at doing some fun Nick stuff while we're there. Anyone have any ideas how we can get slimed and grimed
My DD really wanted to do this - but we aren't going until June 11.

Thanks for the info!
We were at Univeral in 2001 and although, overall the experience was great-- we were not at all pleased with the Slime Time Live show. Our son was selected for the younger contestant section (at that time they had three individual contestants in an on air sort of popularity contest). The staff was utterly indifferent to the kids.

At one point, the contestants were sitting in a conference room backstage and an employee came in a placed a large shopping bag full of little goodies on the table (slime time shirts, frisbees, etc). The kids were pretty excited about the loot. One child lifted out some do-dad on top and was looking at it. An employee came back in the room, snatched the little toy away from the child and announced that those gifts were for Dave's nephews who were visiting the show. She gathered the bag of stuff up and took it away.

The children were hustled out on to the set. Everyone was constantly badgered to cheer. After his segment, my son was led off stage by an employee, stripped of his shirt and pointed toward an exit. That was it! No thanks for being on, no autograph or picture with Dave, the costume t-shirt was taken back. Prior to his appearance, my son was a huge fan. He stopped watching at all after that. I wrote a letter to Nickelodeon about the experience, but never received a reply.
My son, 6yrs, wants more than anything to get slimed. I think this experience would devastate him!

Anyone else had an experience like this??
My son had a similiar experience. My son got picked to be a contestant (when two of the NSync guys were on). They gave him a shirt to put on. He played the game. His team lost. He was brought to a back room. He comes out with nothing. The whole time I am sitting there, they are telling the audience to scream and cheer. In between filming the "stars" go inside a tent. They don't say hello or try to talk to any of the kids. I was very disappointed myself knowing that this is a kid's show and the "stars" don't really care about the kids. Dave had left early on this taping so I can't tell you about him but the two other people (especially the blond girl) struck me as being very snobbish. My son did say that the winning team did get a small prize. Can't remember what it was but remember thinking it was very stupid. My son occasionally watches nick but after his experience he pretty much does not bother.
The game lab last approx. 15 minutes. I was selected as a grown up for one of the games. Then my son got picked to play in another game and he had to bring his once again I had to play. It was fun. They did select one child to get slimed...I was glad it wasn't mine. :tongue:

Oh, our team lost all the games but I didn't see them give out any prizes. I thought them teams were uneven. We had little kids on our team and the other team had teenagers.

But it's about having fun and we did.
I was told by a cast member there that they are no longer doing anymore tapping of the Slime Time Live show. The Nic studio's are now doing it out in Califorina. The only Slime Time that we can see is now just the game show in the bldging (the actual attraction). They aren't sure if the show will return to Orlando at all this year.... My daughter was heart-broken. We were told at Christmas time that they would have the live show in May/June. On Memorial day weekend is when we found out about the move to California :eek:
I just happened to see this thread.

In the late 90's, my daughter was chosen to be on the show, She had nothing but fun and we all absolutely loved the experience! Seems to me that she did get some type of token, but that was not what the participation was all about. The staff and crew were very nice. My daughters team played a game where an inner tube had to be passed down the line with an over/under maneuver. The team was made up of adults and youngsters (some larger than others). Things were going a little too slow until they got to my daughter. Luckily, she had the over the head task. The inner tube slipped over her head and dropped to the floor :D without ever touching her body. A quick kick out of the tube and their team had won.

buzz2400 - Just curious how the NSync guys were to the kids? Everytime we have ever been around those guys, they have been wonderful! We have met Justin Timberlake a number of times and know his mother and father real. His father works for the same company as my husband. BTW - Justin was totally mortified during the Super Bowl half were his parents. :eek:
we just got back and we went to the studios. WOW what a disappointment. My DD got picked as a team captain and then she got slimed- BUT she had less then 2 minutes to get undressed- they rushed her to get slimed then pushed her in a tiny backroom to get showered off in again less then 2 minutes- to get this stuff out of her long hair and body and get dressed- less then 2 minutes!!

The staff was very rude- miserable and pushed us out. the show was about 10-12 minutes. what a disappointment- although she had a blast being slimed!! but the staff- thumbs down on the rudeness!!
My daughter was on Slime Time in 2003. She loved it. Everyone was very nice. Her team did not win but the winning team did get a prize. She wanted to keep the Slime Time shirt, they did not let you. We just bought her one . They do sell them. She was so happy because so many people saw her on tv. She wasn't the right age for the show(she was younger) but she told them she was 10. They just asked her what year she was born in and she got it right, so they let her on the show. i guess they thought she was small for her age
As stated above it does take a committment of time to get the tickets. We were in line by noon since my kids are (almost) 6 and 7, so we knew there would be no need to be in the first 30. We waited the hour, got the tickets and scrammed. The park was really empty so we rode ET, MIB and watched the Wild Wild West show. Then we were back at 3pm to stand in the line to get it. It was really important to be there pretty early for the show, as they seated kids in that order. So my kids got to be in the front row right next to th sliminator(sp?!?). It was a lot of fun, but my arms hurt from clapping and we all pretty much lost our voices for the next hour. Be completely prepared to get very very messy. The two adults on either side of m got doused in slime by our audience coach for various reasons. My kids did not get slimed but thought it was soooo cool that I had green slime on my shoes they wouldn't let me wash it off.:D Overall they both said it was worth the time investment. The banner did say that taping wasthrough May 24 and I also heard the rumor that this was the last season of slimetime live from the person who gave me the info about getting the tickets in the morning. However, our audience coach said that it was the #1 promo kids show (promo meaning it aired between other shows.)

The guest star was Little Romeo, who my kids don't really know and he seemed to have a really good time and it showed. He was filming a music video on the NEw York area after the park closed that night and kids age 9 and older in the Slimetime ticket line could also ask for tickets to be in the music video. Two tickets for the price of one line... We weren't old enough and my kids wouldn't have known that was cool, but some of the preteen in line were frantically talking mom into going home a little later than planned.

It WAS a lot of fun, interesting for both myself and the kids to see how tv shows are made and probably worth the time we spent on it as it park was slow and we didn't really miss much by doing it.

This was the last day of our vacation and my kids though it was a really memorable way to end it.

By any chance did you record that episode? My cousin and I were actually in the show that day. And I’m looking for the video and can’t seem to find it anywhere. Hoping you can help me. My email address is


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