(No politics!!) how impacted will Guardians in Epcot be now?

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Now, that leads to an interesting situation regarding Family Guy and other series prodiced by Fox, which Disney is soon to own. How does that work with Disney's image? Again, I don't mind Family Guy (in fact I rather enjoy it), but when there is outcry of "You should never make jokes about 'X'," then when does public opinion turn against that, and any number of things after that? I'm really not sure where it goes, but it feels fraught with problems. It's tough to be a company like Disney who wants to be all things to all people. They are perhaps the most image-concious brand on the planet. When a polarizing issue like this comes along (and there is a lot of support that goes along with that outrage), they are really in a no-win predicament.

We don't even need to hypothesize what will happen when Disney acquires Fox, we can discuss what Disney does with a current voice actor with a huge movie coming up who has made some jokes similar to Gunn's in the past. I should also note she is being vocal in her support of Gunn and has similar views on various highly talked about issues. What does the mouse do here?
We don't even need to hypothesize what will happen when Disney acquires Fox, we can discuss what Disney does with a current voice actor with a huge movie coming up who has made some jokes similar to Gunn's in the past. I should also note she is being vocal in her support of Gunn and has similar views on various highly talked about issues. What does the mouse do here?

I've seen people hypothesize about that as well. In fact I think she's under the same microscope and honestly she's got a ton of blue comedy out there. I feel like the difference is she's out there in the open as is Seth McFarlane. It's kind of like if they decided to hire someone less well-known and it changes the narrative of that person. There's still a way to cross the line even with a known quantity (Kathy Griffin's stunt comes to mind). I think what did Gunn in is the sheer quantity on that unsavory topic is what made it so difficult to defend.
I've seen people hypothesize about that as well. In fact I think she's under the same microscope and honestly she's got a ton of blue comedy out there. I feel like the difference is she's out there in the open as is Seth McFarlane. It's kind of like if they decided to hire someone less well-known and it changes the narrative of that person. There's still a way to cross the line even with a known quantity (Kathy Griffin's stunt comes to mind). I think what did Gunn in is the sheer quantity on that unsavory topic is what made it so difficult to defend.

I totally understand what you are saying, but of course there are people that are calling her to get canned for one old tweet. When we talk about quantity how much is too much? To some, one is enough but then we can circle all the way back around and say there is no limit because it was all done in a comedic sense. I was bringing it up because it just adds to all of the layers and debates there is within this one situation.
This situation is very complicated. I do believe that Gunn was making jokes, the kind meant to provoke outrage, especially considering that that the time he was directing pretty tacky movies for Troma (which is what they're known for). Now, those kind of movies are not my cup of tea, and I read some of the tweets and they were not really what I think is funny. However, I don't necessarily mind that kind of dark humor in the vein of something like Family Guy, which makes jokes about those same questionable topics all the time, just in a more farcical way. I agree that Disney was not in a winning situation, and while the motives behind all of this are certainly debatable, I can't really fault Disney for wanting to jump as far away as they could as fast as they could. The fact is that it doesn't matter if the tweets were meant as jokes or not, they are what they are, and they're out there, and they're very visible now. So, there it is.

Now, that leads to an interesting situation regarding Family Guy and other series prodiced by Fox, which Disney is soon to own. How does that work with Disney's image? Again, I don't mind Family Guy (in fact I rather enjoy it), but when there is outcry of "You should never make jokes about 'X'," then when does public opinion turn against that, and any number of things after that? I'm really not sure where it goes, but it feels fraught with problems. It's tough to be a company like Disney who wants to be all things to all people. They are perhaps the most image-concious brand on the planet. When a polarizing issue like this comes along (and there is a lot of support that goes along with that outrage), they are really in a no-win predicament.

I do not think it will really effect the franchise all that much. Marvel is bigger than any one person at this point, and they have a house style that will continue with or without a specific director. I guess we'll see.
I thought that the Fox Channel wasn't for sale along with Fox News? I'm more concerned about FX because it will be a part of the deal and its shows push all kinds of boundaries.
I totally understand what you are saying, but of course there are people that are calling her to get canned for one old tweet. When we talk about quantity how much is too much? To some, one is enough but then we can circle all the way back around and say there is no limit because it was all done in a comedic sense. I was bringing it up because it just adds to all of the layers and debates there is within this one situation.

Of course, I'm sure there's plenty who didn't want her in a Disney movie at all. I have to admit I was a little surprised when I heard she was going to be in the original movie but she was a great addition. The question of how much is too much? It really depends on the situation. I'm no PR person but to expect people to act like perfect angels is unreasonable, especially celebrities. Just look at NPH having a snarky tweet during the Tony's and getting some blowback from that and that guy is well-loved. So to me there's some level of understanding that keeps those people employed and someone has to make that choice based on the situation. I'm glad it isn't me!
Well TWDC is pretty reactionary if anything else, .

A bit OT sorry, but my kids made me watch Disney's "Blank Check" on Netflix or something this weekend.

Nothing like went on here, but kinda threw up a bit when that young looking 13 yo kid and older woman frolicked through the water fountains-and she kissed him on the mouth.....#cringe. Peck on the cheek maybe.
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I thought that the Fox Channel wasn't for sale along with Fox News? I'm more concerned about FX because it will be a part of the deal and its shows push all kinds of boundaries.

The Fox Broadcasting network is not part of the deal because Disney already owns ABC, but they would get 20th Centruy Fox Television, which actually makes and distributes many shows, some of which don't even air on Fox. All of Seth MacFarlane's shows are produced by them. They would also get FX and control production of many of their edgy shows as well (not all are in-house, but many are). We'll have to see what that means. Certainly Archer is about as off-color as Family Guy, possibly moreso. I also love that show.
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Well this is unfortunate.

Read through the tweets and the reactionary tweets from his friends, coworkers and brother.

Couple thoughts.
  • He made some bad comments/jokes that were not funny.
  • He is allowed to grow as a human being.
  • The comments were made as an adult, but are we not allowed to evolve and change our views as we experience life.
  • The metoo movement has become weaponized and we are not better off for that.
  • Disney had very little choice, once the tweets resurfaced it became a PR nightmare and they moved swiftly to get in front of it.
  • However I would have respected Disney/Iger/Feige a lot more if they slept on it and put more thought into instead of letting the mob win.
  • GOTG has a very distinct flavor from the rest of Marvel and wonder how this plays out for GOTG 3. Gunn's script was done so?
  • His brothers tweets were very telling and I wish Disney would have taken a similar tactic.
  • In fact I wish Disney would have put the flag in the sand and said enough is enough, we are adults let's talk about this.
Anyways just random thoughts.
Well this is unfortunate.

Read through the tweets and the reactionary tweets from his friends, coworkers and brother.

Couple thoughts.
  • He made some bad comments/jokes that were not funny.
  • He is allowed to grow as a human being.
  • The comments were made as an adult, but are we not allowed to evolve and change our views as we experience life.
  • The metoo movement has become weaponized and we are not better off for that.
  • Disney had very little choice, once the tweets resurfaced it became a PR nightmare and they moved swiftly to get in front of it.
  • However I would have respected Disney/Iger/Feige a lot more if they slept on it and put more thought into instead of letting the mob win.
  • GOTG has a very distinct flavor from the rest of Marvel and wonder how this plays out for GOTG 3. Gunn's script was done so?
  • His brothers tweets were very telling and I wish Disney would have taken a similar tactic.
  • In fact I wish Disney would have put the flag in the sand and said enough is enough, we are adults let's talk about this.
Anyways just random thoughts.

I get what you are saying but at the same time people hammered Disney for not acting more quickly with Lasseter so they probably would have been hit hard again if they delayed on this too.

I think in a vacuum you are 100% right but we don’t live in a vacuum and so it totally get why Disney did what they did.

Also, I feel like there is a lot of differing information on exactly what he put out there - and I don’t know what is true. There is the one main message going around with about a dozen selective tweets - but then I have seen other reports that he actually tweeted thousands of things like this and others that he also tweeted links to pedophilia websites and had associated imagery on his Instagram. If all that is true if feels like more than “a few jokes” - but I don’t know what is true
We don't even need to hypothesize what will happen when Disney acquires Fox, we can discuss what Disney does with a current voice actor with a huge movie coming up who has made some jokes similar to Gunn's in the past. I should also note she is being vocal in her support of Gunn and has similar views on various highly talked about issues. What does the mouse do here?

There's no telling. If the public suddenly becomes outraged, then maybe Disney will do something. It seems rather arbitrary and unpredictable what will draw the ire of the public, though.
The roller coaster will not be affected. It will be a cool ride- innovative, fun, and thrilling, as we've come to expect from Disney.

Gunn made offensive and reprehensible jokes about rape and pedophilia. A company who has staked their reputation on being a family-friendly entertainment empire is not going to keep someone like that on their payroll, nor should they. Someone new will step in & bring fresh stories and innovation to that franchise. When you work, play, or stay at Disney you follow their rules. I'm glad Disney took a risk in letting him go during a time when that franchise is hot (and growing hotter with the addition of the coaster.)
The roller coaster will not be affected. It will be a cool ride- innovative, fun, and thrilling, as we've come to expect from Disney.

Gunn made offensive and reprehensible jokes about rape and pedophilia. A company who has staked their reputation on being a family-friendly entertainment empire is not going to keep someone like that on their payroll, nor should they. Someone new will step in & bring fresh stories and innovation to that franchise. When you work, play, or stay at Disney you follow their rules. I'm glad Disney took a risk in letting him go during a time when that franchise is hot (and growing hotter with the addition of the coaster.)

Twitter pedophilia jokes from Sarah Silverman (Wreck-it Ralph) in 2009 and Patton Oswalt (Ratatouille) in 2013 have been dug up. I guess Disney will go after them now. If Disney doesn't cancel or alter Wreck-It Ralph 2 are they considered hypocrites?

This is a very slippery slope, and I think Disney should have really analyzed it's response before it reacted.
Disney can go after whomever they deem in breach of contract. I agree Disney is going to be under the microscope now for who/what they choose to react over and to what extent, but I am satisfied with how they handled this particular issue.
Twitter pedophilia jokes from Sarah Silverman (Wreck-it Ralph) in 2009 and Patton Oswalt (Ratatouille) in 2013 have been dug up. I guess Disney will go after them now. If Disney doesn't cancel or alter Wreck-It Ralph 2 are they considered hypocrites?

Yep, and probably more will surface.
The roller coaster will not be affected. It will be a cool ride- innovative, fun, and thrilling, as we've come to expect from Disney.

Gunn made offensive and reprehensible jokes about rape and pedophilia. A company who has staked their reputation on being a family-friendly entertainment empire is not going to keep someone like that on their payroll, nor should they. Someone new will step in & bring fresh stories and innovation to that franchise. When you work, play, or stay at Disney you follow their rules. I'm glad Disney took a risk in letting him go during a time when that franchise is hot (and growing hotter with the addition of the coaster.)
My thought is if Disney was concerned about their family-friendly reputation taking a hit they shouldn't have hired him in the first place.
Look - it was Ellen's. Now? It will be a coaster....
My dear wife throws up on coasters.

NOT going, DEAD to us....
A bit OT sorry, but my kids made me watch Disney's "Blank Check" on Netflix or something this weekend.

Nothing like went on here, but kinda threw up a bit when that young looking 13 yo kid and older woman frolicked through the water fountains-and she kissed him on the mouth.....#cringe. Peck on the cheek maybe.

And if you watch The Mighty Ducks you'll hear coach Bombay ask for the oreo line. Was it appropriate then, probably not but more acceptable, is it more inappropriate now? Sure, but just as we can't change history we can't change previous entertainment. Movies, tv shows and books need to be taken with the time they were made not at today's values. As for Blank Check, I've never seen it so I'm not familiar, but some families do kiss on the lips even at the older ages. That doesn't mean it needs to be in a movie, but real people do it.

There's also a bit of a difference between Gunn and Roseanne, his was years ago and he's shown he's changed, her's was two months ago and she's never changed. Then you have someone like Robert Downey Jr. He's made his amends and done his time and now no one thinks about it. So is it different for him because it wasn't words and it was drugs? It seems like they could have done more, imo, by standing behind Gunn and saying we'd discussed this when he was hired, he's learned and changed since those tweets. He also should have deleted the twitter account, though nothing on the internet is ever really truly gone.
This frustrates me. Disney knew who he was when they hired him. I mean, isn't he the guy who made Tromeo and Juliet? Offensive Edgelordery was on his literal resume. I remember side-eyeing him when he was hired because of a really gross, sexist article he'd written in the comicsphere. The dude addressed issues and apologized, and has moved on to be a better artist who's work and even twitter isn't just about saying something shockingly offensive for the sheer purpose of being shocked.

Saying "no politics" feels like cutting out about half the relevant discussion, though, since ignoring the politics involved feels like ignoring a big part of why this happened.
This frustrates me. Disney knew who he was when they hired him. I mean, isn't he the guy who made Tromeo and Juliet? Offensive Edgelordery was on his literal resume. I remember side-eyeing him when he was hired because of a really gross, sexist article he'd written in the comicsphere. The dude addressed issues and apologized, and has moved on to be a better artist who's work and even twitter isn't just about saying something shockingly offensive for the sheer purpose of being shocked.

Saying "no politics" feels like cutting out about half the relevant discussion, though, since ignoring the politics involved feels like ignoring a big part of why this happened.
Well there is the overall site rule that says no politics...
I don't know what he said, if it was about kids and assault there is absolutely no way to defend that on any level. Having said that. This why I'm not on Facebook, twitter etc. I have a warped sense of humor (especially after a martini or 2). In this age of hypersensitivity and ever increasing political correctness, even the most innocuous comment can offend "someone".
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