Not Getting COVID Vaccine

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Yep. I just take more precautions. Nothing else I can do.

Stores have moved to recommend masks here in AZ, which means most people aren’t wearing one other than employees. I’m wearing mine because I don’t trust other people to care about my health. This much is super clear following this pandemic.

For those hoping natural immunity will protect them, I wish them the best luck.

May the odds be ever in their favor.
Yes, as the science evolves I may change my mind. But for now all the research I have seen shows that natural immunity will be long lasting and currently able to handle all the variants.
Is this really true? Sincerely asking as my dd had COVID.
Is this really true? Sincerely asking as my dd had COVID.

I assume this is possible but have read nothing from a reliable source that says it is 100% verified. (Our bodies can do some amazing things though).

Also, I know a few family and co-workers who have had Covid. Two died and a few had serious longer term issues. My biggest concern are the underlying long term issues from getting covid that we may not even be ware of yet.
I'm pretty impressed with the civility so far on this thread. Hoping that continues!

I am trying to teach my kids to be intentional with their health; to make life-long investments in their bodies and choices; and to research and develop pre-emptive and preventative relationships and strategies for their health. NOT to trust politics, internet "influencers", or bullies. So, when people ask about their status, I've advised them to say with a smile "my health choices are private" or "I'm following the advice of my doctor". You wouldn't (or maybe your would) believe the totally sh$%# things adults have said to them when berating them about "when are YOU getting vaccinated". It's terribly sad.

We were with a family member recently who kept bringing up vaccinations. Her comment was "I can't wait for everyone of the crazy-XXX people who refuse to be vaccinated to just die. I hope they all suffer and die..." and more comments in that general vein. And meanwhile, my kids are just standing there, listening to their aunt wishing their suffering and death. That was awesome.
The new one I heard over the weekend: I don’t know what’s in it. The problem with this one is that the person wasn’t a scientist. They wouldn’t understand what’s in it regardless.
Reminds me of someone giving someone a list of chemical compounds and asking if that person would consume them,the person said no way,and then the person who gave them the list of compounds revealed that the compounds were the makeup of an apple.
Reminds me of someone giving someone a list of chemical compounds and asking if that person would consume them,the person said no way,and then the person who gave them the list of compounds revealed that the compounds were the makeup of an apple.

I can say that "I don't know what's in it" might be a simplified comment someone with several allergic reactions to past vaccines and/or multiple severe allergies might make. Our entire family reacted very badly to flu vaccines for two years (this was about five years ago); turns out all of us have pretty severe egg allergies that weren't fully diagnosed at the time. It never occurred to me to ask those kinds of questions then - maybe now people are more aware?

In any event, I hope people can continue to treat other folks with respect.
Loss of my left tube, cervix, and uterus to endometriosis. The disease is so embedded in my pelvic region and it has spread to my other organs making me stage 5 according to Australia’s definition of the disease. My lifespan is already shorten due to this. Just the fact there’s reports of the Covid vax causing issues in that area, I’m not chancing the vax to do further damage compared to what I already live with on a daily basis. Plus there’s my family medical history of blood clots and strokes with all the women. It’s a 100% no Covid vax for me.

I'm so sorry for all you have gone through.
Your family medical history stuck out to me, and its interesting how one persons reason for not getting it is another persons reason FOR getting it. I have the same family history, and personal history as I had a stroke in my 30's. (Birth control pill related?? Maybe, I don't know that for sure). I know that Covid infection can make people have blood clots leading to strokes, and with my family history I felt like I was already at a disadvantage.
I personally got the vaccine early on, but I know 1 person who won't get it and thinks that those that have are shedding onto those that haven't and making them sick. This confuses me, because if the "shedding" was enough to make a person near me sick, wouldn't the vaccine itself that was injected into me make me sick?

The division that this issue has caused makes me very sad. There is not a lot of respect left for those that have differing viewpoints anymore.
I'm so sorry for all you have gone through.
Your family medical history stuck out to me, and its interesting how one persons reason for not getting it is another persons reason FOR getting it. I have the same family history, and personal history as I had a stroke in my 30's. (Birth control pill related?? Maybe, I don't know that for sure). I know that Covid infection can make people have blood clots leading to strokes, and with my family history I felt like I was already at a disadvantage.
I personally got the vaccine early on, but I know 1 person who won't get it and thinks that those that have are shedding onto those that haven't and making them sick. This confuses me, because if the "shedding" was enough to make a person near me sick, wouldn't the vaccine itself that was injected into me make me sick?

The division that this issue has caused makes me very sad. There is not a lot of respect left for those that have differing viewpoints anymore.

That's what is so sad right now. I personally feel like it has become such a Good Guy versus Bad Guy scenario.

Hopefully like a poster said.......the civility on this thread has been good so far. (fingers crossed)
Is this really true? Sincerely asking as my dd had COVID.
I have read it in USA Today I think, maybe another "main source". However, there will be people who get Covid twice, and there will be people who get Covid after getting vaccinated. Fortunately (so far) the numbers for both seem to be low enough that they're just "outliers". The only guarantee in life is death.
Reminds me of someone giving someone a list of chemical compounds and asking if that person would consume them,the person said no way,and then the person who gave them the list of compounds revealed that the compounds were the makeup of an apple.
Check out these qualities of a chemical:
  1. it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting
  2. it is a major component in acid rain
  3. it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state
  4. accidental inhalation can kill you
  5. it contributes to erosion
  6. it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
  7. it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients

Should we ban it?
It's water
I'm pretty impressed with the civility so far on this thread. Hoping that continues!

I am trying to teach my kids to be intentional with their health; to make life-long investments in their bodies and choices; and to research and develop pre-emptive and preventative relationships and strategies for their health. NOT to trust politics, internet "influencers", or bullies. So, when people ask about their status, I've advised them to say with a smile "my health choices are private" or "I'm following the advice of my doctor". You wouldn't (or maybe your would) believe the totally sh$%# things adults have said to them when berating them about "when are YOU getting vaccinated". It's terribly sad.

We were with a family member recently who kept bringing up vaccinations. Her comment was "I can't wait for everyone of the crazy-XXX people who refuse to be vaccinated to just die. I hope they all suffer and die..." and more comments in that general vein. And meanwhile, my kids are just standing there, listening to their aunt wishing their suffering and death. That was awesome.

WOW. Some space and boundaries with your family member may be necessary. We had an uncle in our family send out hateful text messages to everyone in the family he knew wasn't vaccinated. Needless to say, he has burned a lot of bridges and has caused a ton of division in the family, some of it I am afraid will take a very long time to heal. I am so glad that my kids are both not eligible for a vaccine yet. Whether we were pro Covid vaccine or not, that is HUGE hot topic discussion I would never EVER want my kids to have to engage in. They are kids. Just let them be kids for goodness sakes. :scared: I admire how you are approaching this topic with your kids and that you have taught them to politely set boundaries when it comes to being expected to share their medical history. Well done, mamma. 💕
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WOW. Some space and boundaries with your family member may be necessary. We had an uncle in our family send out hateful text messages to everyone in the family he knew wasn't vaccinated. Needless to say, he has burned a lot of bridges and has caused a ton of division in the family, some of it I am afraid will take a very long time to heal. I am so glad that my kids are both not eligible for a vaccine yet. Whether we were pro Covid vaccine or not, that is HUGE hot topic discussion I would never EVER want my kids to have to engage in. They are kids. Just let them be kids for goodness sakes. :scared:

Yes, family boundaries. This is actually one of the nicest people in my family, with whom we have limited contact for the sake of my kids having a relatioship with their cousins (ages 8 and 10). Guess that explains the love that my kids and I have for Disney as our Happy Place and "where we escape".

As teenagers, my kids have experienced this line of questioning and the sad division that it creates at school too. I posted on another thread about the teacher who went around the room in a class and asked each kid point blank if they were vaccinated, and if NOT, why not. My kid was the youngest (15) in his class with a bunch of older kids. He is embarrassed about his health issues, and being called out for medical explanations in front of his peers? OMG. Just not appropriate.

We've had so many discussions this past year about treating others the way YOU would want to be treated. It's sad when kids have to learn these lessons the hard way - and when adults set such a poor example.
Stores have moved to recommend masks here in AZ, which means most people aren’t wearing one other than employees. I’m wearing mine because I don’t trust other people to care about my health. This much is super clear following this pandemic.

Same thing here. I'm continuing to wear a mask in stores and gas stations as well, even though I've been fully vaccinated for quite some time. This probably sounds rude, but the more barrier I can put in between myself and some of the people in my local Walmart, the better (Covid or not lol).
I have read it in USA Today I think, maybe another "main source". However, there will be people who get Covid twice, and there will be people who get Covid after getting vaccinated. Fortunately (so far) the numbers for both seem to be low enough that they're just "outliers". The only guarantee in life is death.

Check out these qualities of a chemical:
  1. it can cause excessive sweating and vomiting
  2. it is a major component in acid rain
  3. it can cause severe burns in its gaseous state
  4. accidental inhalation can kill you
  5. it contributes to erosion
  6. it decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
  7. it has been found in tumors of terminal cancer patients

Should we ban it?
It's water

Noooooo Not Dihydrogen Monoxide!!!! Oh crum. THEY didn't want you to hear that.
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I had Covid a few months ago. No reason to get the vaccine at this point.

Why risk potential side effects of a vaccine when I just survived the disease the vaccine is intended for? My body clearly could handle Covid. I have no clue about the vaccine. Anyone who says the vaccine is without risk is not being honest.
Couldn't agree more. A friend shared with me how she is responding to people when they ask her what her vaccination status is: "Sorry, I believe that personal medical information is private and I am not sharing it with others." And I don't know if she is vaccinated or not, she TRULY isn't sharing that information with anyone, 😄 I would also never dream of asking her, nor anyone else for that matter, but I know that I have certainly been asked numerous times by others, so far only people who have had a shot.

I will say too that "No" and "Yes" are also sufficient answers. Why we feel we need to explain our medical choices really confuses me.
Yes, it is a shame. I don't fault people for asking as the fear that has been created by the mainstream media is very real. What I do fault is when people can't handle the answer. We need to treat each other with respect.

Is this really true? Sincerely asking as my dd had COVID.
Yes, it is true. I have posted a few of the peer-reviewed & published studies about this previously but here are a few for you. I have been watching this closely for the last year and a half after having had COVID. There are some that will get reinfected as with any other virus or bacteria. But the vast majority have very good, long lasting immunity.
I assume this is possible but have read nothing from a reliable source that says it is 100% verified. (Our bodies can do some amazing things though).

Also, I know a few family and co-workers who have had Covid. Two died and a few had serious longer term issues. My biggest concern are the underlying long term issues from getting covid that we may not even be ware of yet.
I posted some peer-reviewed studies for you so you can see some reliable sources. I'm sorry that you lost family and friends have some that are still struggling. I hope they get better soon!

I'm pretty impressed with the civility so far on this thread. Hoping that continues!

I am trying to teach my kids to be intentional with their health; to make life-long investments in their bodies and choices; and to research and develop pre-emptive and preventative relationships and strategies for their health. NOT to trust politics, internet "influencers", or bullies. So, when people ask about their status, I've advised them to say with a smile "my health choices are private" or "I'm following the advice of my doctor". You wouldn't (or maybe your would) believe the totally sh$%# things adults have said to them when berating them about "when are YOU getting vaccinated". It's terribly sad.

We were with a family member recently who kept bringing up vaccinations. Her comment was "I can't wait for everyone of the crazy-XXX people who refuse to be vaccinated to just die. I hope they all suffer and die..." and more comments in that general vein. And meanwhile, my kids are just standing there, listening to their aunt wishing their suffering and death. That was awesome.
Yes, this thread has so far been very civil. Kinda makes you think why are the other threads so problematic? :ssst:

And yes, it is important to teach our children that they have the right to their body and that also means taking care of themselves by eating well & exercising. I'm also sorry about your family member as well. It is a good teaching moment for your kids to realize that fear is very real and it can get otherwise rationale people to do and say things they wouldn't otherwise.

I'm so sorry for all you have gone through.
Your family medical history stuck out to me, and its interesting how one persons reason for not getting it is another persons reason FOR getting it. I have the same family history, and personal history as I had a stroke in my 30's. (Birth control pill related?? Maybe, I don't know that for sure). I know that Covid infection can make people have blood clots leading to strokes, and with my family history I felt like I was already at a disadvantage.
I personally got the vaccine early on, but I know 1 person who won't get it and thinks that those that have are shedding onto those that haven't and making them sick. This confuses me, because if the "shedding" was enough to make a person near me sick, wouldn't the vaccine itself that was injected into me make me sick?

The division that this issue has caused makes me very sad. There is not a lot of respect left for those that have differing viewpoints anymore.
Yes, the division is sad but it is scary too. If they are truly able to segregate the unvaccinated we are going to be in a world of problems. The numbers are continuing to drop and there really is no reason to try to punish those who can't or won't get vaccinated. I hope that our leaders push for unity but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Yes, it is a shame. I don't fault people for asking as the fear that has been created by the mainstream media is very real. What I do fault is when people can't handle the answer. We need to treat each other with respect.

Yes, it is true. I have posted a few of the peer-reviewed & published studies about this previously but here are a few for you. I have been watching this closely for the last year and a half after having had COVID. There are some that will get reinfected as with any other virus or bacteria. But the vast majority have very good, long lasting immunity.

I posted some peer-reviewed studies for you so you can see some reliable sources. I'm sorry that you lost family and friends have some that are still struggling. I hope they get better soon!

Yes, this thread has so far been very civil. Kinda makes you think why are the other threads so problematic? :ssst:

And yes, it is important to teach our children that they have the right to their body and that also means taking care of themselves by eating well & exercising. I'm also sorry about your family member as well. It is a good teaching moment for your kids to realize that fear is very real and it can get otherwise rationale people to do and say things they wouldn't otherwise.

Yes, the division is sad but it is scary too. If they are truly able to segregate the unvaccinated we are going to be in a world of problems. The numbers are continuing to drop and there really is no reason to try to punish those who can't or won't get vaccinated. I hope that our leaders push for unity but I'm not going to hold my breath.

I so agree with you point that FEAR has made so many people act and do things I pray they wouldn't do otherwise. What a sad time this has been for our world. I pray better days are ahead.
Yes, family boundaries. This is actually one of the nicest people in my family, with whom we have limited contact for the sake of my kids having a relatioship with their cousins (ages 8 and 10). Guess that explains the love that my kids and I have for Disney as our Happy Place and "where we escape".

As teenagers, my kids have experienced this line of questioning and the sad division that it creates at school too. I posted on another thread about the teacher who went around the room in a class and asked each kid point blank if they were vaccinated, and if NOT, why not. My kid was the youngest (15) in his class with a bunch of older kids. He is embarrassed about his health issues, and being called out for medical explanations in front of his peers? OMG. Just not appropriate.

We've had so many discussions this past year about treating others the way YOU would want to be treated. It's sad when kids have to learn these lessons the hard way - and when adults set such a poor example.

WOW. That is beyond inappropriate, your poor son :guilty:
You know.. I often wonder if the world will have a day of reckoning when we suddenly wake up and realized how absolutely wretched we were to one another throughout all of this. Even for myself, I know that I have had moments when I have gone off on an angry Covid rant and afterwards all I could see was weariness in the other person's face. I have to catch myself OFTEN from engaging in any Covid or political discussions with certain people because some people's mental health simply can not take it anymore, even when we are on the same page. It's just a LOT, 15 months later.
Yes, family boundaries. This is actually one of the nicest people in my family, with whom we have limited contact for the sake of my kids having a relatioship with their cousins (ages 8 and 10). Guess that explains the love that my kids and I have for Disney as our Happy Place and "where we escape".

As teenagers, my kids have experienced this line of questioning and the sad division that it creates at school too. I posted on another thread about the teacher who went around the room in a class and asked each kid point blank if they were vaccinated, and if NOT, why not. My kid was the youngest (15) in his class with a bunch of older kids. He is embarrassed about his health issues, and being called out for medical explanations in front of his peers? OMG. Just not appropriate.

We've had so many discussions this past year about treating others the way YOU would want to be treated. It's sad when kids have to learn these lessons the hard way - and when adults set such a poor example.
WOW, that is nuts! Some of these teachers need to be told to sit down and do their job. There are so many fantastic teachers that get a bad rap from these few that are horrible. I hope you told that teacher off and reported her to the principal & school board. There is medical privacy and she had no right to ask & demand the reasons why. I'm so sorry for your son!!
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