OK, now I'm beginning to worry....


Hockey lovin' OLTL addict with a deep desire for D
Aug 22, 2005
About getting sick at WDW. :p

After reading a post, I'm conjuring up all kinds of anxiety about germs attaching themselves to me (I have a nasty habit of touching my face alot) and being sick for the plane ride home. I'm not traveling with kids but I have antibac hand sanitizer, Cold Eze and Airborne for the plane ride. Eek

Somebody reassure me I'm overreacting!! :bitelip:
I can't tell you that you are overreacting, b/c I am the same way! I have been practically bathing in anti bacterial gel hourly for weeks now. Due to spending alot of time at the hospital with a friend recently, my germ phobia chilled out a little bit, but this morning DFi mentioned the possibility of getting sick from the plane ride down and now I'm freaking again. I think you are well prepared, though, I've still got to get some of this Airborne stuff everyone talks about.
Just remember that ab gel will not kill viruses. The important thing is to WASH your hands with soap when possible. I use the ab wipes at WDW and managed for all of us to stay well.
Be clean, wash your hands, don't worry about and have a good time. :cloud9:

Anything that could make you sick in WDW could happen at home as well.
I just don't get the germ-phobia! I DO wash my hands...I have hated my hands being dirty since I was a little girl. However, I do not use anti-bacterial gel, I don't take precautions and I don't get sick - except for sinus infections, which are not caused by germs and I get those at home. I feel like we were all healthier when we ate dirt, played with worms and when we cut our knees, we just brushed it off and kept playing...your body can build up an immunity that way. Calm down and enjoy yourself. As a poster said above, keep your hands washed and you will be fine!!

Have a good trip!!! :flower:
Bath & Body Works has some Candy Apple scented anti-bacterial lotion in a tube. It's a smaller size tube & I carry it in my purse. It's actually moisturizing! I like it wayyy better than the gel stuff.
I've been to WDW over 20 times, never took any special precautions and never got anything except for a small cold a couple of times.
I usually use a little extra care at WDW, but not over the top (at least I think it isn't over the top). I carry alcohol based hand gel and always use it before a meal. Wash my hands after visiting "facilities", which of course, is just good hygiene.
Don't forget to bring your Zicam, in case you sense a cold coming on...I swear it works!!
cocodog said:
Just remember that ab gel will not kill viruses. The important thing is to WASH your hands with soap when possible. I use the ab wipes at WDW and managed for all of us to stay well.
That's a very common misconception. Because the label on the gel says they kill bacteria, people assume that they don't kill viruses.
They can not claim on the label that they kill viruses, but alcohol is the active ingredient and alcohol does kill viruses (and actually does it very well).
The FDA (the Food and Drug Administration) doesn't have any standard tests that the manufacturers can use to prove they kill viruses. Since viruses can't be grown outside of living cells it's hard to have any tests that prove what the kill rate is.
The FDA does have standard tests for bacteria, so you will find claims that the antimicrobial gels are able to kill 99.9% of the common bacteria.
Thanks! I know I'm overreacting a bit. I wash my hands A LOT. I always have but there's always that slim chance. It's the vacation I've been waiting for and I don't want anything to ruin it. I'm putting it all out of my mind.
SueM in MN said:
That's a very common misconception. Because the label on the gel says they kill bacteria, people assume that they don't kill viruses.
They can not claim on the label that they kill viruses, but alcohol is the active ingredient and alcohol does kill viruses (and actually does it very well).
The FDA (the Food and Drug Administration) doesn't have any standard tests that the manufacturers can use to prove they kill viruses. Since viruses can't be grown outside of living cells it's hard to have any tests that prove what the kill rate is.
The FDA does have standard tests for bacteria, so you will find claims that the antimicrobial gels are able to kill 99.9% of the common bacteria.

Just going by what my doctor said. She washes and then uses ab gel.
cocodog said:
Just going by what my doctor said. She washes and then uses ab gel.
Washing with soap and water first is recommended if the hands are visibly soiled or soiled with blood, body fluids, secretions or excretions.
Alcohol is a good disinfectant, but is not a good cleaner.
It ccan be used by itself if hands are not visibly soiled or used after soap and water (and thorough drying) to disinfect hands after cleaning them.
MrsTink04 said:
I feel like we were all healthier when we ate dirt, played with worms and when we cut our knees, we just brushed it off and kept playing...your body can build up an immunity that way.

Have a good trip!!! :flower:

I'm gonna be SUPER honest here, and I might get flamed...LOL. We do wash our hands, but are not really all that careful about what we touch, etc. We also aren't really careful about what our son touches. We feel he should get used to public places and all the things (and germs) that come with it. However, he has never been sick. We honestly attribute this to breastfeeding (on his part...for myself and dh, we eat mostly organic, whole foods) and regular chiropractic visits. Chiropractic care is a WONDERFUL preventive measure that has guarded our health extremely well. In 5 years, there has only been one illness between us...and that DOES include colds, etc.!!! I highly recommend it! Germs are absolutely everywhere. Your own dining table is likely overrun with them, no matter how clean you are...it's probably even dirtier than your bathroom floor, believe it or not! Your best bets are to eat right, handwash, and get adjusted, IMO! Good luck and I hope you don't get sick!
The first thing they teach u in any medical field wheather it be Paramedic, EMT, Dr, or Nurse is Hand washing is the #1 way to prevent germ and disease spread.
hrh_disney_queen said:
Don't forget to bring your Zicam, in case you sense a cold coming on...I swear it works!!

Yes, gotta love the Zicam, it does work!!!
Is Ziacam like Airborne? I have some Airborne and I think it helps give me that vitamin boost. Should I also get Ziacam?

I am far from a germ phobic. Every now and then I'll be finishing up a yummy treat licking my fingers and the thought crosses my mind of when did I last wash my hands? lol

I know that nothing replaces hand washing. I sometimes worry that when I use the bacterial hand gel stuff, I am getting rid of my "good" germs on my hand that helps my immunity. I feel like as soon as I use the gel I'll touch something really bad and carry that around with me for awhile.

I guess that I agree with the OP, and I worry too. But I try not to think about it, and do my best to protect myself. At WDW, there are so many surfaces that we all touch and I guess that is just the way it is!
I've recently returned from 2 weeks at WDW. The only time I washed my hands was after using the toilet - not befroe meals, after going on rides, meeting characters etc etc etc. My DD5 was exactly the same - as was, I presume my DH - he certainly didn't go dashing off to wash his hands all the time anyway.

The only one who had a single day of sickness was DH - but this was a touch of IBS due to the additional richness of the food, and was pretty much to be expected.

DD and I were both absolutley FINE!

I feel like we were all healthier when we ate dirt, played with worms and when we cut our knees, we just brushed it off and kept playing...your body can build up an immunity that way. Calm down and enjoy yourself. As a poster said above, keep your hands washed and you will be fine!!

THIS is the truth - so in answer to your original question - yes you are being rather paranoid!!!! ;)
Somebody reassure me I'm overreacting!! :bitelip:[/QUOTE]

OP - I guess we didn't quite reassure you - sorry. My only crazy germ attack is on the plane. I wipe down the seat, lapbelt, tray table and general area with wipes before DD5 touches anything!

As MrsTink04 and others said - wash your hands, eat healthy (get some rest), and hopefully you will be fine. Have a great time.


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