** Photos added!! Two Aussie Sisters plus 1 very excited 8 year old...


Mar 17, 2010
This is my first pre-trip report, so please go easy on me!

The cast are:

My sister (she is registered on here as 'Aust', and will be my co-author) - Tanya, 36, from Sydney Australia.

Me - Heidi, 34, also from Sydney, and

My daughter, Jaymi, 8.

This is Tanya's 2nd trip to Disneyland (she went 3 years ago with her DH and 2 DDs). Her in-laws are taking her daughter's to Thailand for a 2 week holiday so she thought why not take the opportunity to go back to DL? Then she thought she'd be a nice Aunty and invite my daughter. I invited myself :thumbsup2 Her DH will stay home to look after their DS2, while my DH will stay home and take his 2 DDs to Queensland for a week.

Jaymi hasn't been outside Australia before, and it has been 18 years since I went overseas to Japan and New Zealand. I hate flying but do it b/c I have to if I want to go anywhere other than Sydney!

So, we booked this trip back in March. We're flying Qantas, with the 2 of us on the same flight over to LAX, but with Tanya returning to Sydney direct from LA, while Jaymi and I are going to Hawaii for a week after Disneyland. We fly out of Sydney the afternoon of 8th Jan and we arrive at LAX the morning of 8th Jan - got to love the change in time zones! We have Execucar booked to pick us up from the airport.

Originally we booked Hojo, as Tanya had read so many good things on here about it, and I had friends stay there in September and they loved it. However, back in early November, we decided to change to the Camelot Inn, as the suite looked nice and big, and we got a bed each. THEN we decided to keep an eye out for deals at GCH, as we really wanted to stay there - and we got 35% off at the end of November, so booked a standard view room :banana: That made us even more excited abut our trip!!!

I'll put out daily plan in the next post...
Jan 8 - Depart Sydney, arrive LAX. Settle into GCH, swap 14-day voucher for tickets, and go to DL! Dinner is booked at Big Thunder Ranch that night, where we *may* be catching up with a member of Disboards. Sleeeeeep......

Jan 9 - DL all day, with Fantasmic dessert package booked for the evening.

Jan 10 - Jaymi and I are going to Universal for the day. We have a private car booked and are getting cheap tickets through the same company. We may have friends from Sydney join us for the day. Tanya to do DL solo.

Jan 11 - DL all day. Going to Garden Walk for dinner (PF Changs) and hopefully Cheesecake Factory for dessert. Shopping for Skechers etc (so much cheaper than at home).

Jan 12 - DL. Fly out early evening from SNA to San Francisco for a lightning trip! Staying at the Radisson Fishermans Wharf (cheap and cheerful, decided not to spend $300+ on room at the Argonaut when we'd only be sleeping in it!).

Jan 13 - booked onto early-bird ferry for Alcatraz. Will have a quick lunch somewhere in FW before being picked up for a 3 hour private tour of the city. Fly back to SNA early evening.

Jan 14 - DL all day. HM is back-up that morning, so we'll be heading straight there! Might book my daughter in to Studio 365. Dinner booked at Ariels before WOC.

Jan 15 - Jaymi and I fly out of LAX around 10am for Honolulu! Tanya to tour DL solo before flying out of LAX for Sydney that night.

Jan 15 - Jan 21 - Jaymi and I have several tours booked around Oahu, as well as a volcano tour of the Big Island, which I CAN'T wait for! Staying at the Outrigger Reef on the Beach, ocean view suite.

So, those are our basic plans! There are 9 sleeps to go now, and I am not sleeping well. Last night my dreams were about misplaced passports - so as soon as I woke up, I had to check that they were where they are supposed to be! I have done a trial-pack and I have too much in my suitcase. I've been told to take out half and buy more clothes when over there. Sounds good to me! Today I got my nails and pedicure done, and my girly-waxing and eyebrows done. NOW I can go relax by my pool and soak up the sun, and not worry about having to begin a PTR!

Note the only reason I have time to type this up is b/c my DD is spending a week with her dad, as of last night. She comes back to me on Thur 6th Jan. At this time, I will assess exactly what essential items she has left up at her Nan's house (a 5 hour drive from Sydney), and decide what needs to be re-purchased :scared1: I'm glad she's not with me as it will allow me to focus on what needs to be done in the lead-up to our trip.

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! :cool1:
Jaymi hasn't been outside Australia before, and it has been 18 years since I went overseas to Japan and New Zealand. I hate flying but do it b/c I have to if I want to go anywhere other than Sydney!

That's what you get when you are on a big island right?

Is great you are throwing in some SF and Hawaii too. I used to know some good shoe stores in SF but can't recall thier name or location. sorry.
I will be in DLR Jan 10 & 11! YAY!!
Have fun, can't wait to read more!!
I'm the sister! Very excited about our trip, I've wanted to go back ever since my first time 3 years ago. I feel much more organised this time, probably too organised, I have everything planned down to the last detail, but if we're spending 14 hours flying each way (and paying big money to do so) we want to make sure we pack as much in as we can. Now with the Australian dollar being at a record level against the US dollar I wish we had more shopping time but I'm reluctant to sacrifice DL time!
I'm definitely shopping this trip. Even DH is checking out.....

DRUM KITS! :lmao:

I'm laughing...but he seriously is!

ps. LOVE you're itinerary. Looks like you're in for a great time.
I'm not reluctant, Tan - let's shop!!! You can take home 2 x 23kg suitcases!!!

Bring one empty or buy while you are here. You can find lots of suitcases in China Town in SF. I'm not sure if they are good or even good prices. I suspect they are probably knockoffs of premium brands. But it only has to last one trip. :)
I'm not fussy, as long as it gets my new gear back to Sydney! I am planning on doing mosty of my shoppin gin Hawaii, but some of the shops in DTD (Quiksilver) and Gardenwalk are going to be hit in a big way!

Does your DH play the drums, Princess, or is this a possible new hobby for him? Hmm...maybe I could take up a musical insturment too? :rotfl2:

How DID this become a shopping thread?!! (Dollar is at 1.017 right now!).

So I slept last night, first full night's sleep in 4 nights. I even woke up at 5:30, fed the cats, and went back to sleep till 8:30 (the joys of being on annual leave from work, and being childless). Now to get ready for NYE tonight. My step-daughters go home later this morning, so I'll go shopping for a new dress (something turquoise maybe, to go with the tan I have acquired these past few weeks). My DH and I are going to a function held at a lovely old hotel out our way, the Camden Valley Inn, which should be nice, and we have booked a room there for the night also. So if I need a snooze before midnight, I can just leave and go back to the fesitivities when I want :banana:

Happy New Year everyone! Only 8 more sleeps till I leave for Disneyland!!!!! :scared1:
DH does play the drums. Many, many years ago, he sold his drum kit to raise extra cash for our Europe backpacking. We always said that he would replace it .... someday. He has an electronic set now and has been collecting cymbols over the last 4 years. Way past time to replace the real kit!

Enjoy NYE! Depending on how the weather goes, we may head into the city for the fireworks.
How exciting!! What a fantastic trip you have planned - can't wait to hear more about your trip as it unfolds - Happy New Year!! :wizard:
OK, so I survived NYE - was very tired but made it to midnight. No hangover!

I've filled out my details on the Smart Traveler website today, so they can find me when the San Andreas Fault breaks away from mainland USA :lmao: (remind me I said that when it DOES happen!).

Also updated ESTA for staying at GCH.

Off to update my packing list...big decision between my black jacket and my charcoal jacket...
OK, so I survived NYE - was very tired but made it to midnight. No hangover!

I've filled out my details on the Smart Traveler website today, so they can find me when the an andreas Fault breaks away from mainland USA :lmao: (remind me I said that when it DOES happen!).

Also updated ESTA for staying at GCH.

Off to update my packing list...big decision between my black jacket and my charcoal jacket...

You and I had the same thought this morning....I filled in Smart Traveler as well :rotfl:.

Glad to see you made it through NYE and over to 2011 for your HOLIDAY. :cool1:

When all else fails, go with black. :cool2:
Black it is LOL, and also b/c, believe it or not, that jacket weighs 600g less than the other! How funny that you did Smart Traveller also yesterday! Tanya reminded me to do it, she did hers on NYE. I would have forgotten otherwise.

Only 6 more sleeps to go. I'm looking forward to Jaymi coming home (not till Thursday). I spoke to her on NYE, she was happy b/c her dad gave her $300 spending money for her trip :woohoo: That takes her total up around the $500 mark, which is $500 less that I'll have to come up with :cool1:

I ordered 2 cell phones from Amazon yesterday, $35 each, basic Samsung flip phones, that come with somewhere between $15 and $30 credit through AT&T Go Phone (info was conflicting). Free 2-day delivery to GCH. They are just for Tanya and I to stay in contact when we are apart, as well as firming up a detail or 2 for the Hawaii section of out trip.

Dollar is 1.0222 right now. You know, of course the rate is fantastic, but it kind of takes the fun out of doing your exchange rate conversions when overseas :rotfl2:

Hope you're all settling well into 2011!
Heidi's on an impromtu road trip to Victoria (coming back tonight). Seems it doesn't matter if you book your flights 10 months in advance, nothing is certain - got a call from Qantas this morning saying the flight was oversold and we can either check in extra early to make sure we get a seat on our flight, or we could change to a Syd-Bris-LA flight (instead of straight Syd-LA). We decided to stay with the original, will just make sure we get to the airport 3 1/2 or 4 hours ahead! I suppose it's because the flight was originally on an A380 and now it's a 747 due to the engine dramas, but still! it's a bit of added stress and anxiety we don't need (Heidi and I are both nervous flyers).
Yep, I'm back from a quick overnighter to Wangaratta. DH and I jumped in the car yesterday and headed down the Hwy a way, before deciding to head to W. Found a room, had a nice meal, went to bed, then headed to Mt Hotham this morning. OMG I was so SCARED on that drive! We went 20km into the 30km windy, steep, narrow drive, before I could convince my DH that I was terrified, and we turned around and headed back down the mountain. How on earth people drive up there in WINTER, in SNOW, I'll never know - they're crazy! Stopped at Bonegilla on the way back, which is where my MIL and GMIL were sent on their arrival in Australia from the Ukraine back in 1950 - was interesting to see what is left of the camp.

So yes, a little concerning to be contacted by Qantas 4 days before you're due to fly to the US (Tan, I did have a missed call on my other phone). We would have got to the airport ridiculously early anyway, however now it will just have to be earlier still.

Phones are somewhere in Texas...I love that I can track them!

I have pretty much packed everything into my DD's suitcase now, except a few things she as with her now that she'll need for Hawaii, that I'll need to wash on Thursday. The good thing about my having gone away for 2 full days is that I did not re-pack my bag, nor did I re-write my packing list (again).

Off to hairdresser tomorrow for trim and highlights. Then last night on own with DH before DD comes home on Thursday. Missing her, and looking forward to giving her a big cuddle!
Glad you're back in one piece.

Not long now till your trip! Have a great trip Sisters! :cool1:
This is cut and pasted from the Aust thread...

You know you should be flying V Australia when ... 3 days before you are due to fly direct from Sydney to LAX, Qantas ring to advise that you have been bumped from the direct flight and will now be travelling via Brisbane, leaving 7 hours earlier, with a 3 hour stopover in Brisbane, before arriving at LAX 3 hours earlier...

Which sounds like it wouldn't be 'that' bad, arriving early. But for a miriad of reasons, it SUCKS! Losing a packing morning b/c you have to leave home around 5:30am to get to airport on time. The sitting around Brisbane airport. The extra take off and landing for 2 already nervous fliers. The potential for flight delays and missing connections...

Basically Qantas contacted Aust yesterday and asked whether we'd consider changing flights - obviously we said no. Their response today was that they could only bump people that they could contact. Seems a lot of people don't put contact details on their flight bookings (I can see why now!).

We have sent a fax to Qantas detailing why this is an inconvenience to us. I'm sure they won't care, but we've asked for at least access to the Qantas lounge in Brisbane.



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