** Photos added!! Two Aussie Sisters plus 1 very excited 8 year old...

BTW, I made it home from Hawaii on Saturday night. Had a great time and will update the trip report here once Tanya has completed the DL section :-)

That will be cool to see the difference in your seperate part of the trip too!
Heidi, time to take your ticker off!

Day 8 - Friday 14th Jan - Heidi and Jaymi's last day at DL

Our main aim for today was to see The Haunted Mansion - it had been down the whole trip for holiday overlay removal but was due back up today. We had a leisurely breakfast at La Brea bakery watching the people lined up at the security checkpoint then joined the crowd at ropedrop on Main Street.



We bolted straight to The Haunted Mansion (along with a few others) - then a CM told us it wasn't open yet!! and couldn't give us a time when it would be. Annoying! So we had to go on Splash Mountain instead (walk on). Wandered past HM - still not open. We did the castle walkthrough


and then bumped into Peter Pan and Wendy nearby. Peter Pan has to be my favourite character for interaction. He checked out all Jaymi's Vinylmation keyrings and gave her a hard time about not having one of him.


Time to hop over to DCA:


Walked on to Soaring at about 9.45am, then went to TSMM (15 minute wait already after arriving at the lineup just after 10). Went on California Screaming (10 min wait) AGAIN - by this stage there was no screaming from us, even me! as we'd been on it so many times. Then walked on to Mickey's Wheel (so Heidi could take some video) and walked on to Tower of Terror (still really fun and making us scream after many rides).



We wandered back over to DL and HM was open! so after a 5 minute wait we were on. I really enjoyed it, my first DL visit was during Halloween and I didn't like that version as much as what I remembered of the 'normal' ride I'd been on at Tokyo DL in 1991. I like the normal one much better. but I think Heidi and Jaymi were a bit underwhlemed - maybe because we'd been waiting to ride it all week, or in Jaymi's case because it wasn't fast and didn't go upside down. But didn't matter, we'd been on it now.


We went back to Riverbelle Terrace for lunch - I had the bbq pork sandwich this time and it was great! yummm...want one now (a bit far to go for a sandwich though). We did one more ride on Splash Mountain (FP) then went back to the hotel to pack - took some creative thinking to get all our purchases in our bags!! Jaymi had a last swim in the pool - the weather was much warmer than earlier in the trip so no need for 2 jackets while watching her.

For our last night we did the WOC dinner package at Ariel's Grotto.


We sat outside on the deck, and the view was fantastic.



We enjoyed the food too, especially the passionfruit mousse dessert!! yum.


Got our WOC fastpasses - I was kind of over planning and scheming by this stage so we decided not to stress too much about lining up early to get a good spot, we'd take it as it was. So we got in a few more rides - California Screaming (FP), Jaymi went on CS again, Redwood Creek Challenge Trail (which we'd somehow forgotten the rest of the trip - Jaymi really enjoyed it and Heidi enjoyed laughing at me crawling through the swinging hollow logs), and Tower of Terror. Then we went into It's Tough To Be A Bug which none of us had seen before - it was better than I expected, cute and funny.


We arrived for the 9pm WOC show at about 8.20pm. Quite a few people were already in the preferred dining viewing area and the front spots were taken. We stood behind them for a bit until Heidi asked a CM where a good spot was, he directed us over to the right hand side next to the rope (next to the walkway) where we'd have a front on view of the projections and no one standing in front of us. The show was really really good, loved the flame effects and World of Color is a really apt name, the colours were so vivid and bright. The Lion King bit made me cry though.


Jaymi and Heidi went back to Redwood Creek after WOC while I went back to DL for one last night time walk through. Didn't go on any rides but just enjoyed the atmosphere, knowing I wouldn't be back for 3 or 4 years at least.
Day 9 - Saturday 15th Jan - my last day

Heidi and Jaymi were up early to go back to LAX for their week in Hawaii. My flight home wasn't until 10.30pm so I had the day to myself. Had the American breakfast at Whitewater Snacks (much better than La Brea Bakery) and checked out of the GCH (I'll be back - don't think I could stay anywhere else at DLR after staying there).

Some random GCH photos:




9.30am was time for the Walk In Walt's Footsteps tour. We went on the Jungle Cruise and into the Enchanted Tiki Room, also the lobby of Club 33



It was interesting hearing about the history of the park and Walt's personal stories and touches. On sitting down to lunch I chatted to another Australian DID-er, Luisa (although we didn't realise at first, she realised when I was telling her the Qantas flight stuff-up story).

What to do then - I had a last spin on Space Mountain and a last wander around DL, then went over to DCA - I was thinking of seeing Muppet Vision 3D or Aladdin but I'd had enough - never thought I'd get to the point where I'd have enough of DL and DCA, but after a pretty long trip I was just ready to go home and be with my family again.

Still had time to kill before going to LAX so I did a bit of shopping in DTD and then thought - I'm alone, no kids, I should do something I never get to do - go to the movies! So I saw Little Fockers at the cinema in DTD. Then there was just time to have a quick meal at Whitewater Snacks before catching the DLR Express to LAX.

Then the usual checking in, extremely slow moving security check line, and a couple of boring hours in the airport terminal before boarding the plane for the 13 hour flight home (and I actually managed to sleep a few hours - made it a lot more bearable).

And after 2 x 13 hour plane trips, 8 nights in Disneyland, and lots of fun, I was back at home with my husband and little boy, who I missed so much but who loved his Cars presents. (my girls were living it up in Phuket for another week with the grandparents).


I really enjoyed the trip, revisiting my favourite rides from my first trip, going on some new ones, and showing the parks to Heidi and Jaymi for their first time (although maybe they found my obsessive planning and scheduling a bit much). But, it wasn't quite the same without DH and my kids, I missed them a lot, and I'm looking forward to bringing them along next time - in 3 or 4 years when DS will be old enough and he'll love Cars Land. In the meantime I've got DL out of my system for awhile.
As a finish to my contribution to the trip report I wanted to summarise how many times we went on each ride...more for my own interest (and to make use of my records I carefully kept as we went along! what a nerd I am).

California Screaming: 8 (!) Jaymi did all 8, Heidi 7 I think, and me 6.

Splash Mountain: 5

Tower of Terror: 5

Space Mountain: 4 (felt like more than this! think I must have missed writing a couple of times down)


Dumbo: 3

Indiana Jones: 3

Soaring: 3

The following were twice each: Buzz, jungle cruise, matterhorn, , Mickey's Fun Wheel, Peter Pan, Redwood Creek Challenge Trail, Enchanted Tiki Room, TSMM

And then once each for Alice, Storybook Land Canal Boats, Castle walk-through, Gadget's Go Coaster, Haunted Mansion, IASW, Mickey's house, monorail, Monsters Inc, Mr Toad, Nemo, Pinocchio, Pirates, railroad, Roger Rabbit, Snow White, Tom Sawyer Island, Tarzan's Treehouse and Winnie the Pooh.

Plus: fireworks (twice), Fantasmic, WOC, It's Tough To be A Bug, Animation Academy, Sorcerer's Workshop and Walk in Walt's Footsteps.
It looks like you did great on the ride count. Especially for the varying ride tastes.

The car tour sounds fun in SF. Did you feel like you could get ou and wander much during it?
There wasn't a great deal of getting out during the SF tour - we got out at a Chinese fortune cookie place, cable car museum, lookout (not that we could see anything!) on the Sausolito side of the Golden Gate Bridge and near the Full House houses -I think that was it? Given the rainy weather we didn't really want to get out more, but if it was sunny I think we'd have liked more time to walk around. But our driver was great and gave us lots of info about the city, and we saw a lot in the short time we had, and he even drove us back to the airport, so we were happy. Would love to go back and spend a few days getting to know the city a bit better.
Hi... really enjoyed your TR. :goodvibes Just wondering how the mobile phone purchase (through Amazon I think??) worked out for you guys (I remember Heidi mentioning it in one of her posts)? We'll be in the US for 3.5 weeks and I am considering all my phone options at the moment. Thanks. :)
We got the phones - and then never ended up using them! We got them mainly so we could communicate with each other but didn't end up being apart for long enough. Actually there was one time I wanted to call Heidi, but she hadn't put her number in my phone - d'oh.

For calling home I activated global roaming on my normal phone (Optus prepaid), the website was soo confusing and I thought it was costing me $3.75 per SMS, but after sending quite a few sms's to my DH and aldo MIL in Thailand I only ended up using about $10 of credit. Didn't actually call home on my mobile - I used the pay phones in the GCH lobby that take credit cards - the first call I made to my DH's mobile, he couldn't hear me and so I hung up after less than a minute - it cost me $40. I called him at home and spoke for a bit (not sure how long exactly, but no longer than 10-15 minutes) - it cost over $90!!!

I also took my laptop so used Facebook to keep up with everyone.
We got the phones - and then never ended up using them! We got them mainly so we could communicate with each other but didn't end up being apart for long enough. Actually there was one time I wanted to call Heidi, but she hadn't put her number in my phone - d'oh.

For calling home I activated global roaming on my normal phone (Optus prepaid), the website was soo confusing and I thought it was costing me $3.75 per SMS, but after sending quite a few sms's to my DH and aldo MIL in Thailand I only ended up using about $10 of credit. Didn't actually call home on my mobile - I used the pay phones in the GCH lobby that take credit cards - the first call I made to my DH's mobile, he couldn't hear me and so I hung up after less than a minute - it cost me $40. I called him at home and spoke for a bit (not sure how long exactly, but no longer than 10-15 minutes) - it cost over $90!!!

I also took my laptop so used Facebook to keep up with everyone.

OMG! :scared1: $40 and $90 phone calls!! Luckily I'll be travelling with all my family so I won't have to call home. I might just activate my current mobile for roaming and then just use texts in emergencies. Thanks for your feedback. :hippie:
For calling home next time I'd suggest Skype. It's a free program you can install on a computer or smart phone and call other skype users for free.

It takes some cordination if you both have to be on a computer at the same time, but it's free.
Loving re-reading the TR with the pictures. It is still FANTASTIC the second (or is it third) time round; especially with the photos. You 3 girls look like you're having a whale of a time! :thumbsup2
A good TR and it's certainly nice to see it in color. :)
I'll add the rest of the photos later today...stopped halfway through San Francisco to cook dinner. Glad you're enjoying them. And now after looking at them we all want to go back to DL again!! (3 or 4 years until my family's next trip, we'll see if Heidi beats me to it).
I'll add the rest of the photos later today...stopped halfway through San Francisco to cook dinner. Glad you're enjoying them. And now after looking at them we all want to go back to DL again!! (3 or 4 years until my family's next trip, we'll see if Heidi beats me to it).

That is a problem with reviewing the fun you had. Still I am enjoying the pictures and wouldn't want you to leave the TR alone.
So I've finished putting the photos in the main part of the trip report - here are some random ones.

The obligatory nighttime castle shot:


Wish I could live in the GCH lobby:


Beautiful flowers in DCA


Minnie on Main Street


Mr Toad poster must have been designed in the 70's:


My favourite statue in DL - so cute


My favourite building in DL (Mr Toad)

Big Mickey cookie!

Pooh's Corner treats - yum

An unfortunate unflattering CM photo


Crazy Jaymi on Dumbo at about 10pm in the freezing cold


My 2 youngest kids trying to stow away in my suitcase before I left


Jaymi in line for her 2nd DL ride


And a final photo of Heidi in a funny hat!

Thanks for posting the pictures. It is really lovely to see your trip...not just in words but also with your memories!

Hope the 3 of you (and the rest of the family) make it back sooner, rather than later!

What lovely photos. Thank you for sharing! May there be many many more Disney trips in the future
Love your photos. I have to ask, where oh where did you all find that Dopey hat, I love it!!!! Just curious as to what shop it was in. I hope they still have some of those in August. I realize it might not be that cold in August but hoping they still sell them. :goodvibes


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