Popcorn kernel stuck in my throat! UPDATE ~ It's Gone!! p. 8

Day 4 : Still there!

I'm going to gain 5 pounds by the time this is all over because I feel like all I've been doing is eating! Honestly, when I'm eating, I don't feel it....and the more I eat, the more I feel like I can get it to go away. I woke up this morning feeling like I ate waaay to much yesterday. I'm sure the 2 big scoops of peanut butter before bed had something to do with that....

Grrrrrrr! It's just so frustrating!

Me too! :rotfl:

I would call my dr back and see if you can get looked at again. There is enough acid in saliva that after 5 days this should have dissolved. I know they took an x-ray but an x-ray won't so an ulcer or other soft tissue damage. You may need to have a scope of your throat. I would contact an ENT and see what they say.
Been 5 days...still there!!! Not only is it still there but it started feeling "different" at some point yesterday. I can't tell if it feels worse but before it was just the sensation that the kernel was in my throat and now it definitely feels swollen, almost like there's a pea or m&m there, ya know what I mean? Where before, it was just the scratchy popcorn shell....

I guess I should really go to the ENT doctor at this point, right? I keep putting it off thinking, "I'm sure it'll feel better tomorrow and then I'll feel stupid having made the appointment."

So aggravating!!
Been 5 days...still there!!! Not only is it still there but it started feeling "different" at some point yesterday. I can't tell if it feels worse but before it was just the sensation that the kernel was in my throat and now it definitely feels swollen, almost like there's a pea or m&m there, ya know what I mean? Where before, it was just the scratchy popcorn shell....

I guess I should really go to the ENT doctor at this point, right? I keep putting it off thinking, "I'm sure it'll feel better tomorrow and then I'll feel stupid having made the appointment."

So aggravating!!

I would call ASAP to get in. If it changes any more get your rear to the ER. Say it is an infection from your throat getting scratched and it is swelling, it CAN and WILL swell and close your throat, not to scare you too much but enough to call the dr.
I would call ASAP to get in. If it changes any more get your rear to the ER. Say it is an infection from your throat getting scratched and it is swelling, it CAN and WILL swell and close your throat, not to scare you too much but enough to call the dr.

I'd go ahead and call the ENT. I'm worried that it is just a coincidence that it happened when you were eating popcorn and it is something else.

Does it feel like you can't swallow as well as before?

Oops, golfgal I didn't mean to quote you. Not sure why I did!
Aren't you getting worn out worrying about this? If you go to the doc they most likely can help you, or at least put your mind at ease. Trust me, you'll feel better.
At this point unless you know an ENT and can get right in you would be better off heading to the ER. They have all the equipment needed and an ENT on staff or call. Too long, and its changed for the worst. Don't be scared but do take care of it before the weekend.:hug:
A popcorn hull would not do this. This sounds like something much more serious and you should see the doctor ASAP instead of giving updates here.
Wow, I looked at this thread the first day. I can't believe you're still in pain. It almost sounds like a lesion at this point, that is becoming infected and swelling.
Been 5 days...still there!!! Not only is it still there but it started feeling "different" at some point yesterday. I can't tell if it feels worse but before it was just the sensation that the kernel was in my throat and now it definitely feels swollen, almost like there's a pea or m&m there, ya know what I mean? Where before, it was just the scratchy popcorn shell....

I guess I should really go to the ENT doctor at this point, right? I keep putting it off thinking, "I'm sure it'll feel better tomorrow and then I'll feel stupid having made the appointment."

So aggravating!!

Go to the doctor already.:confused3
Nikki, it could be that if it is stuck in there, the tissue around it is swelling. Call an ENT or if it gets worse go to your ER.
Don't yell at me! :blush::guilty:

I haven't gone to the ENT yet because the Doctor at Urgent Care said it's nothing and to just give it time. :confused3 I guess I just trusted what he said.

Now you guys have got me scared! I mean, I don't feel like my throat is closing up or anything, it's just uncomfortable. I'm definitely going tomorrow, though, I promise! :flower3:
Don't yell at me! :blush::guilty:

I haven't gone to the ENT yet because the Doctor at Urgent Care said it's nothing and to just give it time. :confused3 I guess I just trusted what he said.

Now you guys have got me scared! I mean, I don't feel like my throat is closing up or anything, it's just uncomfortable. I'm definitely going tomorrow, though, I promise! :flower3:
In all honesty, I really don't think you would be able to call an ENT in the morning and get in the same day. I think either the ER or back to Urgent Care is your best bet.
What's happening, Nik?

I have a 2:00 appointment with an ENT today. I'll let you know what he says!

I really hope the kernel is still there, he finds it and removes it. I'm really afraid he's going to say the same thing as the Urgent Care Dr. "Don't see anything, it should be fine in a few days." I don't think I'll accept that....

It's been so long, I'm afraid it's never going to go away! I feel like I don't remember what it feels like to NOT have something in my throat! (Okay, I'm being a little dramatic...but I'm really just so sick of it!)
Oh good, I'm glad you called. Make sure you tell him everything you've tried and that none of it has worked. Good luck and please let us know how you make out.
I have a 2:00 appointment with an ENT today. I'll let you know what he says!

I really hope the kernel is still there, he finds it and removes it. I'm really afraid he's going to say the same thing as the Urgent Care Dr. "Don't see anything, it should be fine in a few days." I don't think I'll accept that....

It's been so long, I'm afraid it's never going to go away! I feel like I don't remember what it feels like to NOT have something in my throat! (Okay, I'm being a little dramatic...but I'm really just so sick of it!)

The fact that the Urgent Care dr took an xray to find something as transparent at a popcorn hull would have me really guessing as to their true medical skills quite honestly.
Oh good, I'm glad you called. Make sure you tell him everything you've tried and that none of it has worked. Good luck and please let us know how you make out.

Thanks! I will...

The fact that the Urgent Care dr took an xray to find something as transparent at a popcorn hull would have me really guessing as to their true medical skills quite honestly.

Seriously! I even said that to him! "You'll be able to see that on an x-ray?" "Oh definitely..."

Hope your ENT will have the solution to finding some relief for you. Let us know.:hug:

Thank you! I will keep you posted.
I'm glad you got an appointment for today. I hope you get relief soon! :hug:
Just got back from the ENT doctor....

He did a pretty thorough exam, scope and all...and was not able to see anything other than some inflammation. :confused3

I would've put money on the fact that the kernel is still there but he said he was able to do a really good exam. He gave me a steroid prescription, which is supposed to stop the inflammation and he said if it's still bothering me next week, to call him again.

OH AND, he also said that it would NOT have shown up on an x-ray!


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