Popcorn kernel stuck in my throat! UPDATE ~ It's Gone!! p. 8

Awesome! Now you can stop worrying about it. I've had steriods for inflammation in the throat a couple of times and they began working within a few hours! I'll bet you'll be better before bedtime tonight.:)
I hope the steroids kick in quickly, Nikki! :thumbsup2
Thanks guys! He said to start taking the steroids in the morning since it might make me "a little hyper." He said if you take it later in the day, it can cause insomnia.....

So hopefully, I'll have some relief by tomorrow. I just REALLY hope that this is it....I just can't shake the feeling that it's still there!

Oh, btw, this Dr. visit costs $657 and since they are non-participating, I had to pay upfront and they'll submit it to my insurance. AND I got a parking ticket while I was there.....this damn kernel!!
Oh, btw, this Dr. visit costs $657 and since they are non-participating, I had to pay upfront and they'll submit it to my insurance. AND I got a parking ticket while I was there.....this damn kernel!!

Oh good lord! You have been through the rigger with this kernel. I hope your insurance kicks in and I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks guys! He said to start taking the steroids in the morning since it might make me "a little hyper." He said if you take it later in the day, it can cause insomnia.....

So hopefully, I'll have some relief by tomorrow. I just REALLY hope that this is it....I just can't shake the feeling that it's still there!

Oh, btw, this Dr. visit costs $657 and since they are non-participating, I had to pay upfront and they'll submit it to my insurance. AND I got a parking ticket while I was there.....this damn kernel!!


If it's like the steroids I had to take for a rash, be prepared to feel very pmsy.
Oh, btw, this Dr. visit costs $657 and since they are non-participating, I had to pay upfront and they'll submit it to my insurance. AND I got a parking ticket while I was there.....this damn kernel!!

That is some expensive popcorn! :lmao:
I'm so glad you got into the ENT. Glad to hear the medicine will begin tomorrow. What we have to go through to take care of this physical body of ours'. We gotta take care of our bodies even when they let us down.
You better NEVER EAT POPCORN AGAIN!!!!!!!!! :rotfl:

Glad things are looking better!
He gave me a steroid prescription, which is supposed to stop the inflammation

It will also help you hit home runs! :rotfl:

I hope the steroids kick in quickly tomorrow and give you some relief. I have cryptic tonsils and get things stuck in them periodically. I know how it feels to go for days with the feeling you have something stuck in your throat. Too bad the doctor couldn't see anything and get it out for you. That would have given pretty immediate relief.
Just wanted to give an update for anyone who is interested...

I started the steroids yesterday and last night, the kernel shell definitely felt different. I guess because any inflammation is going down so now all I feel is the shell. I thought it meant it was dislodging because I could really feel it, like it felt like if I could just do a big swallow, it would go down. I got out of bed and had a little snack, thinking that would help it down but it didn't. :(

I still feel it there this morning. I took my second round of steroids. I really don't feel any inflammation at all but I'm hoping with the steroids, it will eventually dislodge. I still can't believe the doctor wasn't able to see it because it's so obvious to me that it's there! I'm definitely going to go back to the doctor if it's still there during the week...maybe the same doctor, maybe a different one. I'm hoping that if all the inflammation is gone, when they scope me again, they will be able to see it this time.....

:sad2: This is most annoying....
Oh dear..poor you. It must be so horrible..I hope tomorrow is a better day and you wake up with it gone!!!!:flower3:

Even I am thinking twice about eating popcorn!
I hope it comes out soon for you, this is insane. I can't believe that you are still having problems with it after all of this time. :eek: I am almost afraid to ever eat popcorn again after reading this. :laughing:
It really is so insane. I can't believe it's still there. I got really excited last night when I felt like it was moving and would finally dislodge but nope....still the same. I feel like the next time I go to the ear, nose, throat doctor, I have to insist that they keep looking until they find it because I KNOW it's there. I don't understand why they can't see it because to me, it seems so obvious that it's there. I'm sure it's hiding but to me, if feels like there's no way it CAN'T be seen!
It really is so insane. I can't believe it's still there. I got really excited last night when I felt like it was moving and would finally dislodge but nope....still the same. I feel like the next time I go to the ear, nose, throat doctor, I have to insist that they keep looking until they find it because I KNOW it's there. I don't understand why they can't see it because to me, it seems so obvious that it's there. I'm sure it's hiding but to me, if feels like there's no way it CAN'T be seen!

If you have cryptic tonsils, food can get caught in little pockets and you can't see it...but you can feel it. I have one area in my tonsils where I can see a little hole and something can be caught inside but you can't see it from the outside. Applying a little pressure to the spot can make the piece pop out. Ask your ENT if they think you have cryptic tonsils. My ENT suctioned out a piece of something on one visit and I hadn't even felt it yet.
If you have cryptic tonsils, food can get caught in little pockets and you can't see it...but you can feel it. I have one area in my tonsils where I can see a little hole and something can be caught inside but you can't see it from the outside. Applying a little pressure to the spot can make the piece pop out. Ask your ENT if they think you have cryptic tonsils. My ENT suctioned out a piece of something on one visit and I hadn't even felt it yet.

I'm not sure what cryptic tonsils are. I had my tonsils out 10 years ago so could I still have cryptic tonsils? It feels like it's right in the middle and much lower down in my throat than where I imagine my tonsils were.
I wonder if now that the swelling has gone down if they would be able to see it? Maybe it was hidden by the inflammation.

My other thought is that between the popcorn kernel and all the other stuff you tried to swallow to dislodge it that maybe the kernel isn't really there but it still feels like it because it's scratched? That would make it feel as if there is still something there but really isn't. If that's the case, the meds should resolve it soon.
I'm not sure what cryptic tonsils are. I had my tonsils out 10 years ago so could I still have cryptic tonsils? It feels like it's right in the middle and much lower down in my throat than where I imagine my tonsils were.

Cryptic tonsils just mean the tonsils have little pockets in them. Since you had your tonsils removed, you shouldn't have a problem with this unless they didn't remove all of the tonsils or some of the tonsil tissue regenerated.


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