Post your best organizational, space saving and trip making secrets here!!

i'm new to this board, and new to traveling in wdw. and we're leaving IN THREE DAYS!!!!!!! we are sooo super-excited!

some things that i wanted to share:
1) for kids safety and returnability, we got some cool "safety tattoos". my dh found them online somewhere. you can get them pre-printed, or you can get blanks that come with a special pen, and you write your cell phone number right on to the tattoo. it's basically a name tag that cannot be removed. very psyched to never need to have one.

2) my dh found some cute disney stationery and fonts on line and wrote notes to my dd (4), "from" the princesses, minnie mouse, etc. this is extra cute becoz daddy isn't usually the one to do the creative stuff, but it shows that he's really excited about the trip. we will give the notes with several gifties we've gotten for her ahead of time, including a "belle" gown, which she's been asking for.

3) dd is only 4 and doesn't write (much) yet, but she asked to have her own journal for the trip. i got a sprial-bound book from the dollar rack at joanns crafts, and we decorated it together with some disney-themed cut-outs and things. i'm excited to see what/if she uses it!

4) also made my dd her own autograph book. it has her name on the front and the spiral is big enough to hold a retractable sharpie. this way, not only will it be harder to lose, but the characters will KNOW HER NAME when they meet her! also, having been a character/mascot, i know how hard it is to use a small pen. i got them a sharpie that should be easy to hold in their big puffy hands.

5) i've read a lot about folks laminating their schedules and stuff, but i think i'll be okay with just printing out my spreadsheet and having a couple of copies around just in case. we're just the 3 of us, not a big group, and we're super-well-organized (it's a thing i do), so i think just having the whole spreadsheet with me will be easier than having different cards for different days, etc. i think i'd be the person to forget to switch out the card and then i'd be without my info!! can't be without the info!!

6) we ordered the special personalized maps, but i think i'll save them for scrapbooking and use the printable ones off the wdw website. they're also personalize-able - you can include things you want to see/do and exclude attractions that don't attract - and they're a normal size. and i don't feel bad about writing on it or crumpling it up somehow.

i get to get the suitcases out tomorrow and start packing! i've been chomping at the bit for weeks!!!

my daughter woke up this morning, and asked what day it was. she does this every day, but today we discussed how there're 3 more days before we leave, and she said "this is taking too long!"

great site, great thread! see you guys there!:cheer2:
Thanks for all the great ideas. Does anyone have any packing tips specifically for the water parks? :confused3 This will be my first time to BB and TL, so I'm not sure if I'm forgetting to pack something for them.

Thanks for all the great ideas. Does anyone have any packing tips specifically for the water parks? :confused3 This will be my first time to BB and TL, so I'm not sure if I'm forgetting to pack something for them.


I'm sure this isn't a complete list, but I'm going to start off with the things I can remember:

  1. Swimsuit - no rivets, or other decorations that will scratch/ damage the slides
  2. Swim suit cover-up
  3. Board shorts - I'm so glad I wore my board shorts over my swimsuit. I don't remember which slide it was, but I ended up with a terrible "wedgie" by the time I hit the water at the end of the slide. The board shorts concealed the wedgie and saved me MAJOR embarassment
  4. Sun protection - a waterproof, sweatproof sport sunblock, sunglasses et
  5. Swimmer's towel or chamois
  6. Water shoes, not flip-flops, that can remain secured to your feet on the slides etc. Otherwise, you'll be barefoot in the park a lot as you move from slide to slide
  7. Change of clothes, etc secured in a mesh bag - ziploc bags for wet swimwear at the end of the day.

Have fun - my family enjoyed the water parks much more than the theme parks!
Another good thing to have is a "water wallet" - plastic waterproof container to hold your cash, cc, room key, etc. (usually on a string to hang around your neck). They sell them at the water parks.

Also, you are allowed to take coolers into the water parks. Some people take lunch, but we usually just do drinks (water, soda, etc.) Snacks are also good!
I'm sure this isn't a complete list, but I'm going to start off with the things I can remember:

  1. Swimsuit - no rivets, or other decorations that will scratch/ damage the slides
  2. Swim suit cover-up
  3. Board shorts - I'm so glad I wore my board shorts over my swimsuit. I don't remember which slide it was, but I ended up with a terrible "wedgie" by the time I hit the water at the end of the slide. The board shorts concealed the wedgie and saved me MAJOR embarassment
  4. Sun protection - a waterproof, sweatproof sport sunblock, sunglasses et
  5. Swimmer's towel or chamois
  6. Water shoes, not flip-flops, that can remain secured to your feet on the slides etc. Otherwise, you'll be barefoot in the park a lot as you move from slide to slide
  7. Change of clothes, etc secured in a mesh bag - ziploc bags for wet swimwear at the end of the day.

Have fun - my family enjoyed the water parks much more than the theme parks!

Board shorts! What a great idea. I hadn't even thought of those! I wanted to try some of the thrill slides, but I was afraid of that same thing happening, so I was hesitant. Now I can go and enjoy it! THANKS!! :thumbsup2
Another good thing to have is a "water wallet" - plastic waterproof container to hold your cash, cc, room key, etc. (usually on a string to hang around your neck). They sell them at the water parks.

Also, you are allowed to take coolers into the water parks. Some people take lunch, but we usually just do drinks (water, soda, etc.) Snacks are also good!

Water wallet - sounds very helpful! I will try to find one when I start shopping for our trip this week. Thanks! :thumbsup2
I couldn't wait until I could lose the diaper bag. Now that we're out of that stage, I find myself packing my LandsEnd diaper bag w/ all our toiletries. Works great with all its' pockets and dividers.

I also pack a mesh bag I purchased from I can hang all the wet bottles, razors, etc and let it dry. Have a second smaller one for all the tooth brushes and paste. If you look around the above link, you'll find beach bags. I put all our bathing suits, goggles, sun screen, etc. in one of these (I have the whale bag) and our swim gear is ready when we are. Because its' mesh, it's also good for the gear when wet. (BTW, I have no vested interest in the above e-store.)

Sharper Image had a refurbished travel alarm w/ soothing sounds. We need white noise and this provides great choices.

We have an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet w/ all the basics on it. (Quick itinerary, ressies, phone numbers.) For day to day use, I love my Passporter. I usually carry a folder to put my papers in. Resort news, itinerary, maps, etc go in there.

At home, I have an under bed plastic storage container. We store our lanyards, GOH pins, autograph books, guide books, spinny things that light, etc. If we want to relive our trip, or get ready for the next, it's all there. In the past, I've purchased WDW themed party wear (plates, napkins, whatever) on clearance and put it in the box. When we go to WDW, I pull it out either before to rev up the troops, or bring it w/ for fun.

Should you be so fortunate to find pins on sale before the trip, purchase them and hand them out during the trip. They can trade or keep as they wish. Acutally, I've purchased pins I thought they wouldn't like, to encourage trading. Worked once. :rolleyes:

My dds are always given DDollars before the trip. They know how much they have to spend, and that's that. If someone finds something extra special, I try and purchase it on the sly, and save it for a birthday or Christmas.

With the mesh bags in the shower, how do you hang them? Do those plastic hooks hold all that weight?
I know it sounds mean but it is not. Our 3 yr old small son has autism and is a runner, fast runner! I can't see him in a group of adults. I take a digital picture of him in the morning so I know what he is wearing and if I put new clothes on him.

I attach a retractable dog leash to his waist band and keep it just a few feet out. He can travel but not far and he can't take off from me and get lost.

People stare, make rude comments, but I am responsible for my son being safe and it is what works for us. They don't live my life. JMO

3 days to go :Pinkbounc

You do what you have to do, mama, and don't worry about people who think they know better for your kid than you do. :thumbsup2 Harder in practice than theory, I know, but it's really none of anyone's business but yours.

ETA: Of course, I was dense and didn't notice that I was responding to a three year old post. Ooops! Awesome thread, though.
Somebody please tell me what "bumping" means. :confused3 I've seen it many times, but never asked. I'm finally asking because it is all over this thread, and I must know!!! Thanks. :thumbsup2
Somebody please tell me what "bumping" means. :confused3 I've seen it many times, but never asked. I'm finally asking because it is all over this thread, and I must know!!! Thanks. :thumbsup2

It's just a way to get the thread back to the front page/top of the list without having anything to say.
To save money and whining in the parks for toys, I plan on purchasing small Disney trinkets before we go. Then when we leave the room for dinner I will stay behind to pull out said toys; one a night, and leave them out for my DS's to find when we get back. When we do get back to the room, "Hey boys, let's see what Mickey left for us tonight!" The housekeepers of the resorts are also great at finding toys and such in your room. They are great at using these things to make window displays for you as a surprise when returning from the parks, it's great!
all great ideas. We traveled to WDW in 2005 and used the tips on the ziploc bags and water fans (lifesaver!) I am so excited to read what other ideas are out there!

We used a small hand held 20 questions game for us to use while waiting in line that worked out really well for us!!

keep em coming!
a quick question, what type of OTC medicine does everyone take with them? We aren't big medicine folks, but I'd like to be covered in case something happens.
i have a few things i do routinely that save me time, space and leave me far more relaxed when it comes to packing and traveling w/ 2 kids and 2 adults ;)

- ship my box of stuff down ahead of time, it includes all our toiletries, medications we may need, first aid kit, goggles and other blow up things for pool time, sunscreen by the boat load, dry snacks and cereal, shampoo/cond, footcare, swimmers ear stuff and other odd items

- I buy the super sized ziploc bags, like 6 of them ( the size that u can store clothes in), what i do is i pack all the clothes in the ziplocs with 1/2 of a dryer sheet in each bag that i use...this is to keep to keep them fresh and clean. I hate the smell of my clothes after they get to our destination and have been in cargo bays and other places... grosses me out. I usually use 4 bags to pack, the remaining 2 i pack in the suitcase and use for dirty clothes on the return, that way i can keep the dirsty items away from the clean when packing to come home.

- I also do at least 1 load of laundry mid week, by doing this I can cut back on how many outfits i have to even pack in the first place because we can resuse items once I wash them ;)

- I also insist on the room being kept organized. I make everyone nuts about it but I am a touch of OCD sometimes and I just feel better when things are neat and I know where everything is.

- This year I am having 2 cases of water delivered, first time I am doing this and hoping it works out so we can do it every year :)
a quick question, what type of OTC medicine does everyone take with them? We aren't big medicine folks, but I'd like to be covered in case something happens.

i take adult and kid strengths for all of these..... motrin, allergy meds, cold/sinus meds, pepto, benadryl,

i also bring swimmers ear drops, eye drops (got something in my eye one year...ever since then i bring eye drops), neosporin, bendaryl lotion, after bite and small first aid kit (soft sided kit)

hope that helps :)
a quick question, what type of OTC medicine does everyone take with them? We aren't big medicine folks, but I'd like to be covered in case something happens.

For the kids I take the melt strips of Triaminic, blister packs of Benadryl, chew quick melts Tylenol kids or Jrs. neosporin spray, Small bottles of Exidrine Migrain, and Advil Gel caps.

I was in the Dollar Tree I found a ,99 small first aid box, it had a few bandaids, neosporin one time pack, antacide packs, I avoid larger size OTC and look for sample size. Even the laundry free sample packs, sheets of softener. Dentist office samples,

Wet one packs, to cool off, and wash hands and face off. I also take Lysol wipes to clean tables. I also have Purell hand sanitizer on a key ring.
Just a few off the top of my head.
Ok, I don't know if anyone else does this except for my family so here it goes:

Last yr was our first trip that we didn't have a stroller. I had a hard time letting the stroller go, it is just sooo convenient!! :worship: We always go in either August or June, so it is always hot (and it definitely rains.) I hate walking around in wet sneakers and I don't want to wear my flops all day long, so this is what I came up with.

I bought those caribiner (sp?) clips at Target and I clipped our flops to the straps of our backpacks - everyone had one except ds and he just put his flops in his bag. I also carried a plastic shopping bag, which didn't take up any room. If it started to rain, we would take off our sneakers/socks and put them in the plastic bag and put on our flops. Once it stopped, we change back and this didn't take up any space.

You can see by the picture, look at my dd, this is what I did:

An idea that I got from one of the boards is, get some dish sponges from a local $ store, soak with some dishwashing liquid and let dry, cut up into 4's and you can use these to clean any dishes, cups, etc. in your room. They can be tossed after using them. I stored mine in a ziploc bag.

Also I like the ease of using the spray hand sanitizer.
I love the monkey backpack/leash that Eddie Bauer makes. It is sold at Target and Walmart and just looks like a monkey on the childs' back (harness in front) and the tail is actually the "leash". Works the same but less like a dog leash.

I, too, was one of those people that thought nasty things about parents who had those before I had kids of my own! The monkey saved my daughter's life on vacation a couple of years ago.


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