Princess Power - September 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

Hello there ! Doing well as far as steps and food journaling go - I find that M-F are easier because at work I can get the same things for breakfast and lunch. My husband is a trooper and really makes sure the dinners are good for me - salmon/salad; chicken/salad - he's awesome and even weighs it out. Today, he said he was also going to get a fitbit - so that will be great to have him as a challenge buddy !

Strength Training - I haven't incorporated it - but I plan to use the exercises that I did 10 years ago for my wedding - Buff Brides, I enjoyed them and saw results. But right now, just sticking to walking and getting steps in. Don't want to do too much too soon that I can't keep up with.

Favorite Prince - I like Flynn - he's not perfect, but he has a sense of humor. Very much like a Han Solo type :)

Reading - I do like to read; mostly fiction - like Jane Austen; Young Adult - mostly chick-lit and must have a love story. I get a little depressed in between books and worry about not finding another book that I will like as much as the last. Hard to beat Pride and Prejudice. I have a fairly long commute and find it easier to get into some books on tape downloaded from the public library.

Live Action Beauty and the Beast - I will see it and hope to enjoy it. I'm going in with little expectation so that I won't be disappointed.
Good Morning All! It's 6.30 am and I am set for work with my green smoothie waiting to be wizzed. I will wake up my son for school soon.1 month to my holiday, I feel sooooo excited about!

Stressful day yesterday but I don't feel like talking about it, I have moved on and it's all good now! Nothing major, just few little things happening in the same time that made me drop the ball little and having to play catch up. The challenge of 2 full time jobs and school going child & one of us travelling a lot!

Really strange month in terms of weight loss/maintenance journey and I have appreciated everyone on this forum more this month, than any other as I needed support more this month. Feeling grateful
I did it. Back on the step/fitbit wagon after 2 lousy days.

Well done!

Hello there ! Doing well as far as steps and food journaling go - I find that M-F are easier because at work I can get the same things for breakfast and lunch. My husband is a trooper and really makes sure the dinners are good for me - salmon/salad; chicken/salad - he's awesome and even weighs it out. Today, he said he was also going to get a fitbit - so that will be great to have him as a challenge buddy !

That's great - yes M-F can be easier - we hit the weekend and want to relax - sounds like you are lucky to have a great hubby.

Good Morning All! It's 6.30 am and I am set for work with my green smoothie waiting to be wizzed. I will wake up my son for school soon.1 month to my holiday, I feel sooooo excited about!

Stressful day yesterday but I don't feel like talking about it, I have moved on and it's all good now! Nothing major, just few little things happening in the same time that made me drop the ball little and having to play catch up. The challenge of 2 full time jobs and school going child & one of us travelling a lot!

Really strange month in terms of weight loss/maintenance journey and I have appreciated everyone on this forum more this month, than any other as I needed support more this month. Feeling grateful

Good morning! Glad to hear you are feeling positive today and leaving yesterday behind - I so wish I had a holiday to plan/look forward to
Good morning all - I hope you are all feeling fine and energised this Wednesday morning!

That's right its Wednesday otherwise known as WOOHOO day!

Here is what I think is the woohoo song from B&B all the house staff are so happy to have a guest!

Hopefully that put you in a good mood and ready to share your WOOHOOS so we can celebrate with you!


Quote the Day!


Hello all. I know I haven't posted our progress yet - I will do it tonight - I promise!

So woohoos

1. I am on break from work - so needed - I had a sleep in the middle of the day today and have just relaxed all day.
2. DS15 and I just watched the original version of the Magnificent 7 together on DVD ready to see the remake with Denzel and Chris Pratt - I like both of these guys so I hope its good.
3. I have a fridge full of food - so am feeling prepared for the week - tonight we are having soft chicken tacos! yummy haven't had them in a while.

I wish I had a more healthy related woohoo but I am just struggling to get it going - maybe next month I will do better o_O
@Zim 96%
@dsnyfn1022 50%
@Dr Gunnie 100%
@Lady Marie 25%
@courtneybeth 50%
@MommaoffherRocker 40%
@kirstie101 40%

@piglet1979 16.66%
@Oneanne 0%
@4Mickeys 0%

@cmarsh31 61%

Great progress everyone - for those of us with lower numbers don't be too discouraged I still think by participating and chatting we are helping to make small changes in our mindset that will kick in and help with longer term changes (at least I hope so lol as I am one of the lower number people!)

:banana: :banana: :banana:

If I missed anyone let me know :-)
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I am not very woohoo yet today. My husband and I both woke up crabby and with an attitude with each other. We are fine now. We have decided that this morning did not happen. I was crabby and made at myself and my son's science class. I didn't take a shower or pack lunches last night and slept in too much. So that was all on me. My son needed to take a fruit or veggie to science class today. Ok no biggie well he failed to mention that it had to have seeds and ones that you can spit out. It would have been nice to know this last night. The fruits that I had with seeds he won't eat. Thankfully my husband reminded me that we had a watermelon in the fridge. Not the best for this since it is seedless but there are a few seeds.

Well My woohoo for today will be that all of my fall shows are back. I have been so excited to watch them. We watched Lucifer last night. I love that show. it was a new show last spring and got renewed. If you haven't seen it yet I suggest watching it. It is a funny drama.

Another woohoo is I walked from my car to my office. I haven'd done this in awhile. I have been taking the shuttle. Also tonight my kids have PSR so no excuses for not getting my steps today.

Oh 1 more. I have Friday off this week. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning and it is about an hour + away from me but maybe only about 30 mins. from work. I always feel so rushed so I just took the day off. Another day that I should get my steps no excuses since hubby and kids will be gone for about 3 more hours after I get home.
My woohoo is my hamstring isn't hurting this morning. I had PT yesterday morning and then in the evening I went for a run and made sure to stretch afterwards(I am really bad at that). Normally the morning after a run my leg hurts but this morning it feels pretty good! I hope this means it is finally getting better.
I've been reading a lot of books about running. Meb's "Meb for Mortals" was a great book for me to read as I was preparing for the Half Marathon insanity this year. It's a great read for anyone wanting to read about running and preparation.

Do you have any other running book recommendations?
It's old stuff but I feel good today so I am going to list my WhooHoos!

27lbs down since April!

I went over some MFP history on the bus to work.

I have consistently tracked calories since 10th of April

Out of 164 days I was in negative balance 7 days. Meaning I burned less calories than I had.

The highest day was 16th of April. I had a good think of what went wrong the very next morning and amended the plan completely to avoid such situation making a focus not to over do it with exercise or too little food.

Two of the days were during vacation.

The 4 days were all under 200 calories in week where all other days looked good. I won't really call any of the Vacation or the other days overeating as the amount was not significant and some days you just need a little extra.

I consistently tracked my calories

I consistently ate a lot of veggies and fruit

I consistently kept active, but also take downtime as needed

Most of all I am happy for the below numbers

My average daily calorie intake is about 1850 to 1900 cal daily! According to most calculators this is my maintenance level, I am small framed female. I managed not to go in diet mode as I have done before, I go out, I eat out and I feel no guilt having a little more indulgent meal! I focused on sustainability. I have zero patience but I manage to deal with my drive to rush and to do more to achieve specific number by specific day. I kept my calorie deficit very modest but consistent at average of 450 daily

And it was hard to do, but I feel content that I live a lifestyle I truly enjoy and I don't need to figure out maintenance. There is nothing to figure out, I can live like that

The creeping of old patterns for me is still a challenge. I still have days when I need to talk myself out of doing silly things. But I am doing great in reminding myself what overdoing it led in the past and while it's not all straight sailing the direction that I am going to is the one I want to go

It's a Whoo Hoo day for me, I got this!
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Woohoo Wednesday! My woohoo is that last night I was completely within calories and wasn't hungry or snacky! I think that things have finally started to balance back out for me after I had a change in medication that made maintaining a healthy lifestyle fairly difficult.

I also am starting to feel a little better mentally. I still have my days, hours, and moments. But I'm doing some things like journaling and writing down two things that I'm grateful for or that make me happy daily and that has really helped me to put things in perspective.
Have you watched the show at all and how does it compare to the books? There's a lot of pretty in the show but I was wondering if there were significant differences. :P

Full Disclosure-- I've only read the first two and plan on starting the 3rd when my life slows down haha! So I'm just slightly spoiled for the 3rd book by the season 2 finale. But I love the show too! I think they are doing what they have to do to make it work for a show, but maintain the main integrity of the books. First Season/Book: There are some difference for sure-- change of location for some stuff, order of events, how they get to a similar outcome, etc that they meddle with. Second Season/Book: So like they took the whole order of events in the second book and completely upend it. I think they thought they may lose their audience with the way it goes in the book. So it's made much more theatrical with how they tell it, but I think they had to to make it makes sense to the audience. But honestly I like both a lot-- the books more though because you're able to pick up on more things from inside Claire's head that they can't do in the show. This is the same reason I continued to trudge through the Game of Thrones books.... being inside Tyrion's head is a gift LOL

Woohoo Wednesday!

1) I haven't gained anything this week. I haven't lost, but I haven't gained. With my current stress levels, that's a super woohoo!
2) Just one week away from my insane jaunt up to NYC to see my all time fave show ever - Cats!
3) Good news on the health front: My Dr did some more blood work and told me I have a Vitamin D deficiency. So that's why I'm constantly tired! Still haven't figured out the heart thing yet, but now I have one piece of the puzzle filled in!
Good morning my friends! I've been away far too long! After returning from my trip and post-trip craziness, recovery, etc, I've been far too lax (and busy) in posting here! I've missed the daily encouragement, motivation, chatter, and QOTD. I've gotten back on track with eating (although I admit there was a bit of a struggle over the weekend), but having trouble being diligent with my tracking..... but it is slowly coming back on line.

Woohoo Wednesday...... well, my Mom came up for a visit and was going to stay today, so I took the day off....but she ended up having to leave earlier than planned (repairman coming to look at her fridge), so I have the entire rest of the day to myself! Going to catch up on things that usually fall to the bottom of the list..... like organizing filings on the computer, etc. I am hoping to share some pictures from my trip later today.

Hope you all have been well and healthy....I'll take time later to catch up on the last few pages!..............P
Do you have any other running book recommendations?

A lot of the books on the market are designed for beginners and typically say the same thing. That's why I enjoyed "Meb for Mortals" because of the way he positioned the suggestions and how anyone can be a runner.

I've also enjoyed Shalane Flannigan's "Run Fast. Eat Slow" recipe book... it was a nice to see what a meal plan looked liked.

For entertainment, I read the book by The Penguin: "The Courage to Start" because it felt like my story. I wasn't a runner and somehow became one? And I don't feel shame for being a 3:10 half marathon runner after reading his book - everyone has their own pace. I'm just getting a better ROI for the reg fee! :P
Woohoo Wednesday:

Thank you everyone for sending along pixie dust last week - so far the things that I've been wanting to happen are slowly in the process of coming true. I don't want to jinx the process of what is going on by saying specifically what it is, but I'm sure you can put two and two together when I say that it involves "money". :)

I'm packing tonight for Montreal... I'm going to Canada on Friday (!), another country to be crossed off of EPCOT. So that means Canada, UK, France, USA, and Mexico are now checked off as being seen in real life. I wonder how I'll convince the hubs to take me to Italy and Germany. Hmm.... :P
I've been super busy the last few days with work and I'll get to reading everyone's woohoo's tonight, but had to come on and share today's woohoo:

I was reading on the Disney Resort boards about some of the deals that travel agents were able to provide, so I ended up shooting one an email. To make a long story short, we will now be staying at the Contemporary after our cruise in March!!! We got over 45% off the rack room rate and I added park hoppers so we can walk over to MK each night (we've never done the park hoppers before)!

So excited!
I was reading on the Disney Resort boards about some of the deals that travel agents were able to provide, so I ended up shooting one an email. To make a long story short, we will now be staying at the Contemporary after our cruise in March!!! We got over 45% off the rack room rate and I added park hoppers so we can walk over to MK each night (we've never done the park hoppers before)

YESSS! Garden Wing or Tower!? We stayed in the Garden Wing and loved it last Christmas. It's such an awesome hotel and the Contempo Cafe has the best cupcakes on Disney property :)
YESSS! Garden Wing or Tower!? We stayed in the Garden Wing and loved it last Christmas. It's such an awesome hotel and the Contempo Cafe has the best cupcakes on Disney property :)

Went with the Garden Wing. The travel agent didn't have any Tower rooms, plus I wasn't trying to spend a ton since we already paid and arm and a leg for the cruise before hand.

We decided to pay a little more for the Contemporary with park hoppers and we'll offset it some by saving on dining by doing some counter service meals. Our last few trips were all table service and those checks added up.


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