Princess Tiana

Did Beauty and the Beast come out after this??

Aladdin was the first movie I took my son to and he will be twenty this November. :goodvibes He fell asleep halfway through.

Nope, Beauty and the Beast came out November of 1991, and Aladdin came out November of 1992. I'm full of random trivia!
Hopefully Tiana won't go the way of Giselle, however. I remember seeing a few Giselle dresses, and now it's like she never existed. My daughter loves Giselle, especially since she's more "modern" and more easy to relate to. Unfortunately, Disney seems to be in the market to cycle characters out of existence as quick as they can make them, and Giselle fans (of which there are a lot!) are disappointed upon arrival at WDW>

Maybe it is a good sign, though, that Tiana is showing up on the website, but I'll wait and see where she is a year or two from now, when Disney is pushing the next batch of merchandi$e. ;)

Giselle was not a purely animated character though.She was mostly live action, and Amy Adams.I think that is probably why you don't see much of her. I think we will see Princess Tiana as a new addition.
I guess I just see people as people and dont worry about what color they are or how their hair looks. I teach my kids the same.

My oldest son LOVES the Bernie Mac show and has never asked why they dont look like him. My youngest likes the hispanic dinosaur show on PBS....with Emmy and hr brother (?) - cant remember the name of the show...has Zack and Weezy in it.....and he has never questioned it.

I has just never occured to me that Im "not like someone" because of their skin color.

Im sorry to hear that some people feel that way, especially children.

We were an all white family and felt the same way until we adopted our beautiful Ethiopian Princess. Now, we notice differences and we appreciate our differences. We have noticed very quickly that other people notice differences too, some with positive and some with negative comments towards our family. Believe me- it has brought up some interesting conversations with my older children.
We can't ignore racial issues, because sadly they are there. We just need to teach our children to respect and value all differences and celebrate that everyone is unique!

We are extremely excited about Princess Tiana and my daughter loves to look at her picture, just as she does all the princesses! I also love all the princesses, but I'm extremely grateful that Disney is adding an African American princess to the mix!
I am sure that Tiana will be loved by all little girls.

Just the same as my daughter(pictured with me in my avatar) loved Cinderella, and she loved Belle, and she loved Pocahontas, and she loved... you get the point.

Little girls of every color will love every princess of every color(or even a princess that is part fish!). Just for the simple fact that they are Princesses.

The "grown ups" need to relax. :flower3: The movie will be great!
I can't wait to see it.
I can't wait until this comes out. DD loves all of the princesses and I"m sure she will love this one too. We are going in February/March and I hope she is out and about and at a character meal! :goodvibes
Never heard of her.

Is it a "Disney version" of Princess Diana? Or is it pronouned Tee-ah-nah?

I know thats a silly question....but Diana/ see why I thought that.

I guess its because Im a mom of 2 boys....but I never "got" why every main female Disney character had to become a princess. To me, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel.......they were princesses. Not Snow White, Ariel, or Pocohantas. Maybe its because Im not overly familiar with their stories? Did all of them marry a prince?

I love it that the little girls go crazy over them though. Its just my adult view I guess.

Sleeping Beauty - Daughter of King and Queen

Rapunzel - Daughter of King and Queen (soon to be Disney Princess)

Cinderella - Married into royalty

Ariel - youngest of 8 (I think it's 8) princesses on Atlantica. From here it takes two turns. In the book she dies and becomes sort of an angel, and it the Disney movie she marries a Prince on the land.

Belle - Marries into royalty after transforming the beast into a human again.

Snow White - Daughter of King and Queen,the Queen died, the king remarried, the king died, and the Queen tried to kill Snow White. After all the drama of that, the dwarfs, and hag, she essentially became Queen, and married Prince Charming.

Pocahontas - Daughter of Indian Chief, which is the equivalent of a King. So she was considered to be royalty and was treated as such when she went to England. She became a symbol of Christianity and got her face on money. (Historical Pocahontas, not the Disney story, they just took the overall story and glamorized it.)

Jasmine - Daughter of sultan, which would make her the equivalent of a princess.

Tiana - The story of the Princess of the Frog. I am not that familiar with this story, but I believe she marries into royalty for transforming the Prince back into the frog. This will be a first American version of a fairytale that Disney has made, set in New Orleans.

Non-princess female leads include Wendy and Alice.

Ironically, you consider Cinderella a princess because she married into royalty, but not Snow White, who actually would technically be a queen. That's kinda funny, lol!!!

And regarding the whole race thing, this is not the first time Disney has came into issues with it. Many thought Pocahontas was too "black", taking too much influence from Naomi Campbell with the height, lips, and figure. This came from American Indians activists for the most part saying that their race was not properly represented. Others have said that Disney should have had a black princess years and years ago saying that they are racist; however, all the Disney stories up until now have been truthful the origins of the stories. The Jungle Book takes place in India, Aladdin takes place in Arabia, Beauty and the Beast takes place in France, Mulan takes place in China, and Snow White takes place in Germany. The Princess and the Frog is breaking this mold, which I see as a good and bad thing. I think Disney should have tried to find a more classic tale from Africa like they did with Mulan and Aladdin, but I also am glad that Disney put so much creative energy into the story which is amazing considering the recent movies.

I know I'll lovethe movie, and I count down the weeks untill in comes out (dead serious).
This thread has gone way beyond the topic of Tiana merchandise appearing in the parks. So I've moved it to the Theme Parks Community board. :)




Why do they have to say that? Do they say Cinderella is "english or any what ever other country she may be from. They other princess's are not listed as any nationality so why does this one have to be??
My point in discussing the historical inaccuracy was not that this should not be a fairy tale. It just bothers me that Disney bills it as an African American princess from New Orleans in the early twentith century and proceedes to change everything that it means. Honestly I think a truly fictional setting would have been much better for the film. I don't think they should be putting a location and time stamp on it and then changing the history.
I have been missing for about 20hours so I havent been able to see this thread just wanted to say that the only reason I started this thread was through share excitement...and of course we all cant agree on everything...some ppl believe one thing while others belive in other things...the reality is we live in a society that is multicultural but very misinformed when it comes to American History...for the most part we TRY ;) to make things sound great..who cares...TIANA looks gorgeous and yes some girls do have that DD has premature adrenarche which if you google it happens quite often to many Tiana looks like my daughter in many ways...btw just to add this hair makes a big difference in my world especially when you are going to the BBB and spending all of that $$$$...peace love and happiness

I was VERY excited about this film in the beginning stages as it was to be a story about rising above racial prejudice in the old south, particularly New orleans in the turn of the century. That is, until Disney surveyed a small focus group and decided that this story line might possibly ruffle someone's feathers a little, so they completely revamped the story. In the original story line the princess strated out as a maid in New orleans, and delt with the typical things that went along with racial divides in the old south. Rather than showing what was the reality of the situation at the time and why it was wrong, disney has decided to produce a fantasy world loosely based on New Orleans rather than risk offending anyone, and I think they are totally losing what would have been a really good story with a really great message, and completly distorting the histroy of a whole group of people.
they even changed her name

Why do you think they changed history?

There have always been middle class and rich black families in America.
Heck there were black slave owners.
this is very true but under represented in american history I am currently in the research stage of a doctoral paper on affluent blacks in early american history
Why does it matter at all? I am just happy there is a new addition to the princesses.and I thought since Pocohantas was a native American and considered a Disney princess that she is the first American Princess.Or is Disney trying to say not really since it wasn't really "America" yet?

Kik-Kik I'm pretty sure that in the non-Disney version of the Frog Prince the girl already is a princess.

The way I recall the story...

is that the prince is turned into a frog by a wicked witch and somehow ends up far away from his kingdom. He arrives in another kingdom and watches the beautiful princess play in her garden and fountains and ponds every day and falls in love with her. But the princess is really spoiled and a bit selfish and she has this gold ball. One day the gold ball falls into the pond and of course sinks. The princess is super upset that no one can get it for her when the frog prince appears and promises to retrieve the ball if the princess will kiss him (bc that will break the spell as long as he doesnt say he's really a prince). The princess promises to kiss him (but has no intention of doing so!) once she has the ball back so he goes off to get the ball and then she takes it and laughs at him. And the rest of the story is him trying to convince her to love him and finally she does and kisses him and BOOM a prince!

But anyway my point was that she is already royal AND then marries royalty. I think in the Disney version the Frog prince mistakes her for a princess (bc she has a crown on to go with her dress) but since she isn't one she....oh no spoilers :)


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