Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

@AuntieMe3 Hope you are feeling better this evening. :flower3:

@lovemygoofy Sometimes all you can do is mindfully take it one day at a time. Sending prayers and a hug your way. 🌺

Now to the QOTD:
In the winter it's boots or waterproof hiking shoes.
In the summer, I love my Birkenstocks. They aren't particularly gorgeous, though.

We had a lovely day yesterday. Thanks to you all for the sweet wishes. 💜
Looks like I’m the first one up this morning, so I’ll pose today’s question (6/9):

Do you watch game shows? And if you do, which is your favorite?

Ooh, it’s been a while, but my favorite “game show” growing up was The Crystal Maze.

Tough lumping that in the game show category because it was more complicated, but that’s my answer!
I’ve always watched Jeopardy, so that’s probably my favorite, but I’m enjoying a few more now that I’m home so much. The question was inspired by one called Master Minds, which I’ve just discovered, and DH and I have been watching the new version of To Tell the Truth as well.
It is right on the Chester River (Camp Pecometh for Easyas123)

Youngest did a 3 day camp there when he was young, and both boys had, at the beginning of 9th grade (Gunston, just down the road), a group get to know each other type immersion weekend with the other new 9th graders AND their school had a tradition of arriving from the Camp for the first day of 9th grade and leaving on the last day of 12th grade from the school, to the camp!

We live about 10 minutes down the road! you probably drove right by my office on 301 :rolleyes:

What a small world!
Sunday, the man came up with a great idea: checkout nearby places to visit over the summer. We took a commuter train line up to Poughkeepsie and sat on the river side w/i the train. Allowed us to scope out various recreation areas to visit along the way.

Once we reached Poughkeepsie we took a walk over a frmr train bridge that has been repurposed into a pedestrian and cycle route over the river. It's called Walkway over the Hudson State Park . We only made it to the halfway point since I was worried about the man getting sunburned (why did I remember to use sunscreen and he dinna? 🤷‍♀️ ) plus he was getting "hangry".

So back we went the way we came and ordered takeout from a nearby diner; great burgers, lots of crisp lettuce and tomato slices. Fortunately, the place had mostly unused patio tables so we sat there and enjoyed what was our dinner. Several of the other eateries we checked out on the train via the 'net were still closed due to the pandemic but there's a nice list of places to checkout another time.

Poughkeepsie is a really friendly town, almost every person we saw said hello or wished us a good day. Just what we needed to get out of our NYC pandemic selves, LOL. We've decided we'll return here during the summer w/ DGD and are looking for a nearby town to visit during the 4th of July.

I'm an unabashed straight up shoeaholic from a long line of same. One of my mother's favorite childhood stories revolved around a pair of high top leather shoes one of her uncles made for her to return to the US. Took a lot to weed my shoe collection down when we moved to this smaller space.

Not a flip flop lover-they are merely utilitarian in my mostly urban life. Not great for concrete sidewalk distance walking but do get utilised for beaches; I buy the cheapest pair I can find since they rarely last a full summer.

For city visiting and at home walking I'm currently addicted to Easy Spirit's Traveltime clogs. Slightly peeved with the company since they modified the shoe tongue. I've gotten around this style and comfort faux pas by having a shoemaker cut it down and re style them but wish the manufacturer would go back to the way they were.
When I need to wear footwear that's a bit more "citified" but still comfortable I opt for Donald Pliner's cork wedge heeled sandals.
For winter wear mostly I wear boots w/ thigh highs and anklets as go-tos. Spectators and low heeled mules are also fun.

We ate light and meatless last night. Shared a two egg omelette filled with collard greens, sauteed onions, Swiss cheese, and leftover spinach topped with a sliced avocado. I made a lemon and strawberry custard for dessert and although it was tempting neither of us felt like eating it. Should hold for a bit so no problem there.

The local farmers' market re-opened today and I'm chomping at the bit to get out there!

Keep well, all and try to find joy in the little things 💕
I'm glad it sounds like you had some good moments this weekend! :goodvibes I used to love watching movies with the kids when they were little! So many good ones to see! We still love watching movies together today.

My mother lived with us for 25 yrs; even before we had kids. I also have a lot of friends with multi-generational households; even my in-laws, too. And there are almost always issues like that from time to time. We used to joke about needing to start a support group. Of course, these occasional rough patches were balanced with many good times, too. I think it's hard to live with anyone, really.

They sometimes feel left out if they are alone. And I think depression can cause irritability. Does Mom have a social group? If you have a good COA try to get her involved if she'll go. Or even finding one good friend she can do things with, and talk to. Then just limit setting. If she's irritable for more than a short time then you have to limit the time you spend with her for your own health and that of your child, because the negativity affects everyone in the household. So shut the door. :duck:Being at different life stages they can forget how busy and stressed you feel with a little one, especially during a pandemic! And it doesn't hurt to try to empathize with where she is, too - she may have had losses and is worried about health, finances or other issues, hard to say. Lifelong personality plays a part, too - how they were before can magnify as they get older and don't have as many opportunities for channeling it. Could she be stressing about her upcoming caregiving role? Could she be craving attention even if it's negative attention? Maybe try to discuss what's really bothering her at a good time and how it's important to your family's (including her) health that you all get along well and be considerate of eachothers feelings. I know my mother always wanted to do the best by my kids so explaining how her behaviors affect him may be the one thing that really hits home for her. If I had to guess I'd say she's worried about caregiving for two people for what sounds like an extended period? And quite possibly, realistically so. That's a big job!
My mom has a great group of ladies that she usually plays mah jongg with once a week. Of course, since the covid appeared, they haven't gotten together. One of the ladies, my mother's "bestest BFF," is 10 years older and moved into assisted living some years ago after suddenly having health issues. They went into lockdown in early March but the friend still got the virus anyway. She spent over a month in the hospital. So I know Mom is stressing over that. Finances always stress all of us out. But there's also the issue that I don't believe my mother has ever liked me. She told me when I was about 7 or 8 years old that she would have had a much better life if she hadn't had me. She's also said that it's my fault that she married my father and that ruined her life.

I haven't said anything to her about this - when Josh was about 2.5 years old, one day he suddenly asked me, "Mommy, why is Grandma always mad at you?" So he's even noticed.

I do understand that she's worried about her friend - and now another of their group was recently in the hospital for a stroke (she has recovered, thankfully). And she's worried about my aunt, as we all are. It would be so unfair for her and my uncle to have reconnected after 50 years, to only get 3 years together. My aunt has even joked that she'd better get 40 years out of him, "to make up for it."

So to go on...

AuntieMe3, I hope you feel better soon!
Tina, big hugs and prayers to you. You have a lot on your plate...take deep breaths.

Yesterday was a bittersweet day for us. We had to go to Josh's preschool to pick up his packet and his certificate, and say goodbye. We all LOVED this preschool! 2 years ago we went for a tour, and he jumped right in to play with the other kids for a while. We knew it was a good fit and we signed him up that very day. They closed in March and we'd hoped that it would only be temporary, but we didn't get our wish. So yesterday was the "last day." I cried so much. At least I have the director's email and I'm friends with Josh's teacher on FB, so we will be able to keep in touch. His teacher also works at Barnes and Noble, so we will see her there. She pulled me aside and told me very quietly that Josh was her favorite :blush: Guess I'm doing something right...

My goodness, I have a kindergartener now...

Looks like I’m the first one up this morning, so I’ll pose today’s question (6/9):

Do you watch game shows? And if you do, which is your favorite?
I used to watch Jeopardy every night. I've gotten away from it in recent years, though. I find that I can't pay attention to the TV like I used to.

And shoes - I prefer barefoot! I'm having problems with my feet, though. Having very painful "pulling" feeling in my non-existent arches (I've always had flat feet). I really like flip-flops in the summer; I have Skechers and an adjustable pair of Clarks that provide support. When I need full shoes, I think all I own are Skechers Go Walk. I have some summer styles, a suede-and-fleece pair for winter, and 2 pairs that look like sneakers. I've heard that Vionics are good as well.
Good Morning with a hug to all :) Prayers indeed today finds each of you happy :) I'm grateful for the sleep i did get last night and to rest later today!

Thanks, Pollyanna mom for today's question :) The first game show I enjoyed watching was Classic Concentration (I think in reruns). Years later I had a computer game version which was fun. My Grandma and I liked the old Love Connection and Scrabble, as an adult Dad and I enjoyed Lingo, all with Chuck Woollery. In fact I remember writing Chuck once to tell him that over the years my family and I enjoyed his shows and I am pretty sure he did write me back :) These days The Price is Right is so handy and on the weekend reruns of Chain Reaction, are too!

Oh yeah, remembering as a young teacher coming home and in the evenings watching Supermarket Sweep on I think Fox Family Channel.

Fun question :)

Just saw your post, apirateslifeforme, :grouphug: extra. I feel for your Mom for sure, it is never easy being concerned about a friend especially an elderly one. But that is also not YOUR doing and certainly not on Josh! I grew up with my Grandparents and know what a Blessing that time is! I pray all of you can find peace and good memories in it to come. Congratulations to graduate Josh!
We are a Jeopardy family. Often watch together after suppper. Funny because we all have knowledge about different things. We laugh at DH because he'll come out with the most random answers and he'll often be right! :lmao: Like Gerard Depardeau or something like that. But that is the main one. Sometimes we have Wheel of Fortune on in the background waiting for Jeopardy, but we're known to turn the sound down or off. It's loud!

Growing up I seemed to watch more. I used to think Hollywood Squares was funny. And I watched the Newlywed Game and The Dating Game and Family Feud when it first came out. Trying to think what else. Maybe will remember more as people mention others. Good question @PollyannaMom !
Another Jeopardy fan here. Tried out in Atlantic City when Merv Griffin still owned the show and a casino there. You took a test in the morning and had to stay in the city for several hours until the results came out. Guess the thought was to spend money at the casino. Didn't work for me since I don't gamble but did have fun walking the streets of the town. Ultimately made it to the third round of testing before I was eliminated and more fortunately that test was back home in NYC so no unusual for me vice "temptation" or buffet meals.
I don't believe my mother has ever liked me. She told me when I was about 7 or 8 years old that she would have had a much better life if she hadn't had me. She's also said that it's my fault that she married my father and that ruined her life.

Awww, :hug: - I hope it was just a rough moment for her, and she didn't really feel that way after she thought about it. But even so, it's a rotten thing to say to a little kid!!

And if Josh is noticing her treating you badly, it's time for a change! Hopefully, her going to take care of family will do the the trick. - She'll either find a purpose she was lacking, or miss you so much she appreciates you more afterward.

I'm friends with Josh's teacher on FB, so we will be able to keep in touch. His teacher also works at Barnes and Noble, so we will see her there. She pulled me aside and told me very quietly that Josh was her favorite :blush: Guess I'm doing something right...

So sweet! It's always nice to hear those good things as mom. We loved DS's preschool all those years ago as well.
Looks like I’m the first one up this morning, so I’ll pose today’s question (6/9):

Do you watch game shows? And if you do, which is your favorite?

Supermarket Sweep. I could have kicked butt at that game. I heard it was coming back like 2 years ago, but it never materialized. :sad1:

We watched ALL the game shows when I was a kid. My dad loved Press Your Luck (love that it's back on), Family Feud (we still watch), Wheel of Fortune, Lingo...I could go on and on.

I totally forgot to pull anything out for dinner. I'm either going to have to instant pot some chicken korma and make rice; make black beans and rice; or make breakfast (eggs, sausage, waffles or pancakes). Going to pull out some meat for tomorrow and the next day, lol.
Bianca and Bernard, I used to think it would be fun to be on Supermarket Sweep as well. I did recently Google the show and saw where it looked to be coming back. Sorry that never did happen. These days, I am not able to race so through a market so would not do too well that way but the rest of the show would be fun, maybe I could have someone run for me :) Wasn't there another show around that same time with boxes of gifts? I'm blanking on the name right now but the end round was when the contestants had to race upstairs and down to find certain boxed items? Help, lol! I did not (I don't think anyway in memory of years ago) enjoy this show nearly as much as Supermarket Sweep but it was fun, too :) ETA: I just remembered! The show I was thinking of was called Shop Till You Drop! Did anyone watch that? I think it may have even followed Supermarket Sweep. This was 20 years ago, btw!
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