Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

It is 3 degrees here right now with a high of 16 coming in the afternoon. I am bundled up in a heavy sweatshirt and heavy jeans. I will definitely use my remote starter to warm up the car today before heading out to the house.

Have a nice Saturday.

It's chilly here too. I might have to turn the a/c up from 68 to 70 if this keeps up! 😄 It was very cold overnight here, for Florida. I'm sitting here going, I really need it to be in the 60s on Monday, so I can make soup!!! :rotfl2: All y'all stay safe and make sure you have plenty of blankets and candles, in case you lose power!
Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

DD#2 called me this morning, because they had a tsunami warning in Oceanside (where they are now) CA, due to the Tonga volcano eruption! She wasn't freaking out, but she was all like wth is this?!!

Went to Metro Diner this morning, and I did NOT get the shrimp and grits; I got an Western type omelet, and I am sad that I wasted the calories on a perfectly good omelet and amazing home fries, when I could have had the best shrimp and grits ever. Or the apple cinnamon waffles...or cinnamon roll pancakes...or....

Spent the morning at the furniture store. We are replacing the living room and dining room stuff. Got a couch and chair, couch table and end tables, lamps and rug for the living room, and a new table and chairs set for dining. Only spent a little over 2 hours doing it, so that isn't too bad, right? We were having trouble agreeing on anything, so we picked two sets for each room, one from each of us, and settled it from there....then DH went across the showroom, and found the ones we ended up getting! For someone who says he doesn't care what the furniture looks like, he certainly made sure we got his picks. :rotfl2:They aren't going to be in untl March 1st, sadly; so we are going to either live with sitting in our computer chairs for a month, or we'll end up taking one of the old abused couches with us. :crazy2: (and yes, those are the colors we are getting. The throw pillows are different; I found a pattern I liked better that matched the rug and the couch; the lamp is teal. It's hard to tell in the photo, but the rug is yellow, gray, teal, beige, and sand, like the furniture. It's much prettier in person.)


I really liked the glass pictures on the wall (hard to seem but behind the couch), but they wouldn't be in until April, so DH told me to wait on them, and we could order them later. We paid $60 for this program that gives us 20% off on all our decor; we got $50 off on the rug, $48 on the lamps, and another $20 on the rug pad, so it's paid for itself already. So, if I get the pictures it would be $600 for all 3 (+ tax, free shipping/delivery). We might get the loveseat (you can see it in the dining room photo, it's teal), but didn't today, because I'm not sure if it would fit in the living room area.

Then we went to Fresh Market and picked up some veggies and sandwich stuff. Had pastrami on rye for lunch, with potato salad and edamame/chickpea salad. Tonight, we'll probably have just sandwiches again, as the ham is still frozen solid. Tomorrow is ham, au gratin potatoes, and veggies; Monday will be ham and bean soup. (The rest of the ham will make lunches for us for the week.) I'm trying to clean out the chest freezer, so I can defrost it and clean it before it is moved.

Oh! We have our place. It's a rental, still, but it's not an apartment, and doesn't have stairs and that makes it great in my mind. We get the place on Feb 1st, but we are moving in on the 4th. That will give me almost 2 weeks to come and clean this place, and to get everything moved over. We are moving the electronics and guns ourselves; and will probably end up moving DS's bike and the stuff in our storage shed too, because it's silly for me to pay someone to move those things, when I really need them to move the big heavy stuff, kwim? I have to get a few things after we move..a microwave (the only place we looked that didn't have one!), a lawnmower (we got rid of ours when we moved into the apartment), a big dust mop, a real mop and bucket set (I have been using a Swiffer, but this house is all no carpeting...) and a stick type vacuum for the area rugs. Oh, and some more area rugs. LOL

Well, that's all my news. Y'all have a good day. It's almost football time!

Its 28 and cloudy here, but no wind. It's now a storm warning, but they have gone down from the "up to 15" down to the original 5-8 with freezing rain on top of it. I just put the cover on the car. We went and did a couple of errands and stopped at a local place and got hoagies for dinner. His was called a sub, mine was called a hoagie..what is the difference? LOL! That has to be a Southern thing. I got a chicken salad one, he got a cheesesteak. 1/2 of one is almost too much for each of us for a meal..so we have lunch for tomorrow all set. Dinner will be something easy, maybe breakfast for dinner, we haven't done that in awhile..and he will be watching the playoffs (and sleeping). I made sure the shovels and ice melt were handy at the top of the stairs to the cellar. I will wrap heavy duty plastic around the 2 porch chairs tomorrow, and put some food and water out for the cats, in addition to the shed and under the porch dishes. That way if they happen to venture out during the storm, they will find food and water in their usual eating place, and the plastic will keep them dry. I am praying that we don't get as much as they say, and that the temps warm up by Monday to melt most of it away. I expect the sand/salt/calcium trucks to start going up and down around noontime tomorrow..so that the roads stay clear out this way. We won't be venturing out anywhere till at least Wednesday.
Stay safe all
DH and I went to church. I had preordered a quart of soup, Tuscan vegetable, but thought another might be nice. When we got there, they had extras and DH said he liked it last year, so we bought a second quart. And they had baked goods that I tried to avoid but DH wanted brownies. Supporting the church.

Got a card for my brother so have to get it in the mail Tuesday.

The lesson here is do not save alot of junk so your loved ones have to go through it all when you pass.
We are working on that now. I am going through one drawer a day of my parents and our file cabinets. Just found newspapers with info about my grandfather who died before I was born. We had found my mother’s parents’ graves in CT a few years back. I have more info now so we may try to go to Grafton, WV and look for my father’s parents’ graves. We were looking for a couple night trip in late spring so we might go to Tygart Lake and stay at the lodge and explore Grafton.

I am going to take a quick walk in the 14 degree weather
21 here and I made it out to the mailbox and back. That was enough for me.

The roads have been brined in preparation for the storm.

Carol, I also hope you and your DH are feeling better today
Still coughing a lot so I think we’ll watch church from home tomorrow.

Went to Metro Diner this morning,
I like their waffles.

They aren't going to be in untl March 1st
That’s not too bad. DS had to wait 6-8 months for his new bed and mattress.

Getting carry out from a local family restaurant for dinner. I need to look at the menu.
It's chilly here too. I might have to turn the a/c up from 68 to 70 if this keeps up! 😄 It was very cold overnight here, for Florida. I'm sitting here going, I really need it to be in the 60s on Monday, so I can make soup!!! :rotfl2: All y'all stay safe and make sure you have plenty of blankets and candles, in case you lose power!
Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

DD#2 called me this morning, because they had a tsunami warning in Oceanside (where they are now) CA, due to the Tonga volcano eruption! She wasn't freaking out, but she was all like wth is this?!!

Went to Metro Diner this morning, and I did NOT get the shrimp and grits; I got an Western type omelet, and I am sad that I wasted the calories on a perfectly good omelet and amazing home fries, when I could have had the best shrimp and grits ever. Or the apple cinnamon waffles...or cinnamon roll pancakes...or....

Spent the morning at the furniture store. We are replacing the living room and dining room stuff. Got a couch and chair, couch table and end tables, lamps and rug for the living room, and a new table and chairs set for dining. Only spent a little over 2 hours doing it, so that isn't too bad, right? We were having trouble agreeing on anything, so we picked two sets for each room, one from each of us, and settled it from there....then DH went across the showroom, and found the ones we ended up getting! For someone who says he doesn't care what the furniture looks like, he certainly made sure we got his picks. :rotfl2:They aren't going to be in untl March 1st, sadly; so we are going to either live with sitting in our computer chairs for a month, or we'll end up taking one of the old abused couches with us. :crazy2: (and yes, those are the colors we are getting. The throw pillows are different; I found a pattern I liked better that matched the rug and the couch; the lamp is teal. It's hard to tell in the photo, but the rug is yellow, gray, teal, beige, and sand, like the furniture. It's much prettier in person.)

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I really liked the glass pictures on the wall (hard to seem but behind the couch), but they wouldn't be in until April, so DH told me to wait on them, and we could order them later. We paid $60 for this program that gives us 20% off on all our decor; we got $50 off on the rug, $48 on the lamps, and another $20 on the rug pad, so it's paid for itself already. So, if I get the pictures it would be $600 for all 3 (+ tax, free shipping/delivery). We might get the loveseat (you can see it in the dining room photo, it's teal), but didn't today, because I'm not sure if it would fit in the living room area.

Then we went to Fresh Market and picked up some veggies and sandwich stuff. Had pastrami on rye for lunch, with potato salad and edamame/chickpea salad. Tonight, we'll probably have just sandwiches again, as the ham is still frozen solid. Tomorrow is ham, au gratin potatoes, and veggies; Monday will be ham and bean soup. (The rest of the ham will make lunches for us for the week.) I'm trying to clean out the chest freezer, so I can defrost it and clean it before it is moved.

Oh! We have our place. It's a rental, still, but it's not an apartment, and doesn't have stairs and that makes it great in my mind. We get the place on Feb 1st, but we are moving in on the 4th. That will give me almost 2 weeks to come and clean this place, and to get everything moved over. We are moving the electronics and guns ourselves; and will probably end up moving DS's bike and the stuff in our storage shed too, because it's silly for me to pay someone to move those things, when I really need them to move the big heavy stuff, kwim? I have to get a few things after we move..a microwave (the only place we looked that didn't have one!), a lawnmower (we got rid of ours when we moved into the apartment), a big dust mop, a real mop and bucket set (I have been using a Swiffer, but this house is all no carpeting...) and a stick type vacuum for the area rugs. Oh, and some more area rugs. LOL

Well, that's all my news. Y'all have a good day. It's almost football time!

Looks great! Very modern and colorful! Enjoy your new furniture and your new home!

Had to edit to comment on Shrimp and Grits. This is one of my vacation meals when I'm traveling if I find it on a menu. Something I never cook at home although I do make shrimp occasionally and every so often I'll make cheesy grits.
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Looks great! Very modern and colorful! Enjoy your new furniture and your new home!

Had to edit to comment on Shrimp and Grits. This is one of my vacation meals when I'm traveling if I find it on a menu. Something I never cook at home although I do make shrimp occasionally and every so often I'll make cheesy grits.

Metro is the only place I'll eat them. Otherwise, yuck! They make them into grit cakes, and it's a white gravy...so good!
It was very cold overnight here, for Florida.

Husband was talking w/ a relative earlier this afternoon who lives in FL., they said it was "freezing" this morning 😆 But that they got the space heaters out and warmed things up!
Went to Metro Diner this morning, and I did NOT get the shrimp and grits; I got an Western type omelet, and I am sad that I wasted the calories on a perfectly good omelet and amazing home fries, when I could have had the best shrimp and grits ever. Or the apple cinnamon waffles...or cinnamon roll pancakes...or....

Spent the morning at the furniture store. We are replacing the living room and dining room stuff. Got a couch and chair, couch table and end tables, lamps and rug for the living room, and a new table and chairs set for dining. Only spent a little over 2 hours doing it, so that isn't too bad, right? We were having trouble agreeing on anything, so we picked two sets for each room, one from each of us, and settled it from there....then DH went across the showroom, and found the ones we ended up getting! For someone who says he doesn't care what the furniture looks like, he certainly made sure we got his picks. :rotfl2:They aren't going to be in untl March 1st, sadly; so we are going to either live with sitting in our computer chairs for a month, or we'll end up taking one of the old abused couches with us. :crazy2: (and yes, those are the colors we are getting. The throw pillows are different; I found a pattern I liked better that matched the rug and the couch; the lamp is teal. It's hard to tell in the photo, but the rug is yellow, gray, teal, beige, and sand, like the furniture. It's much prettier in person.)
Ok - can you be me next weekend and do all that again??????????????? I have a Metro near me I should have gone furniture shopping two months ago and still haven't, and I can't say I don't really like the orange! You're Hired!
I expect the sand/salt/calcium trucks to start going up and down around noontime tomorrow.
Ours were out on Friday, and I'm sure today-I just didn't see them today. Hey speaking of plowing this is fun - just found out eldest son has been offered a bit of a side hustle opportunity to be on the snow plow team at Regan Airport. Deal is you have to stay there until its DONE. He's thinking it over. They don't use plows though, they use loaders and I think graders.
And they had baked goods that I tried to avoid but DH wanted brownies.
I was supposed to pick up brownies for youngest today for dessert and TOTALLY forgot, so instead I busted out a cake I had in the freezer. Added some peanut butter filling. It's so dang sweet....he'll love it ha ha!!

Dinner this evening is corn & peppers from the garden that we froze, sautéed together, leftover pork BBQ from Mission BBQ that I put in the freezer in late October and forgot about until today, and roasted potatoes. Husband is already home from hunting, since he was just in the woods behind the house, and youngest is expected home from hunting in about 20 minutes from one of the other farms they hunt.
Tomorrow will be beans (Navy/Northern) cooked down with a ham hock & cornbread, husbands special request. I can't stand beans usually so I'll skip that meal! I don't mind lentils in soup/stew but that's about it. I'm not to learned in cooking beans, I know I have to soak them overnight. I'll put them in a crock pot to slow cook w/ the ham hock tomorrow. At least that is the plan.

Nothing much going on tomorrow for us. We have a few household chores that will not take us more than a half hour probably. I want to finally sit down and watch the new Ghostbusters movie...and I guess there are a few football games on tomorrow that might interest my better half. Not sure when our weather is expected to start, last I heard was 3PM but I missed the local news/weather this morning and haven't bothered checking. It's coming either way so I guess I'll find out tomorrow!

Have a good evening everyone -
Congratulations on finding your new place, B&B:tigger:Prayers you and your DH will be very happy there. I'm glad you both got to choose some new furniture for it. That would be fun to get to do.

Very glad to hear you plan on keeping safe and warm at home, Lynn! You and Mr. L please enjoy your dinner along with some down time, as well!

Feel better, Carol:grouphug:

I hope you will enjoy something on TV, Easyas, tonight :)

All is quiet here at not quite 3pm. I started to put together dad's crossword surprise this morning. I taped down puzzles onto a piece of typing paper making sure the newspaper name and date showed up. Then for an added fun touch I made labels that for example say, "Happy Birthday from Mickey in Anaheim, CA." I'll compile all the puzzles by print date into a binder. Thank all of you again so much for helping me to do this for him!
B&B.... I love that couch!! It is a style that wouldn't work in our house, but I really love it! 2 hours?? I wish I could make decisions that quick, I always have to second guess myself and I need to go to multiple places to see if there is something better :sad2: Ugghh it's a struggle, My daughter gets frustrated with me, she is one who makes decisions really easily and quickly.
B&B.... I love that couch!! It is a style that wouldn't work in our house, but I really love it! 2 hours?? I wish I could make decisions that quick, I always have to second guess myself and I need to go to multiple places to see if there is something better :sad2: Ugghh it's a struggle, My daughter gets frustrated with me, she is one who makes decisions really easily and quickly.

We picked one place, and stuck with it...mainly because we have a credit card for them, and have zero percent financing for 50 months on purchases about a certain amount; plus if there is any damage (at all) during the 50 months, they'll replace it or repair it for free, even if it's because of something we did.

It took us 5 hours to pick out our bedroom set and mattress two years ago, haha. I'm amazed we did the living room and table in 2 hours.
Had to edit to comment on Shrimp and Grits. This is one of my vacation meals when I'm traveling if I find it on a menu. Something I never cook at home although I do make shrimp occasionally and every so often I'll make cheesy grits.
It is funny that you mention this. Chris loved shrimp and grits and it was his go to meal at Disney and on other vacations too. I would always be sure we had an ADR for a restaurant that included shrimp and grits on the menu. I'll take this as a sign! :angel:
It is funny that you mention this. Chris loved shrimp and grits and it was his go to meal at Disney and on other vacations too. I would always be sure we had an ADR for a restaurant that included shrimp and grits on the menu. I'll take this as a sign! :angel:
I love Shrimp and Grits, and I don’t make it at home. I have found there are many different ways to cook it, but I’m open to variations as long as it’s not too spicy.
So glad you are posting more, Bobbiwoz, missed you :) The mailman tonight brought only packages through the mail. No mailbox mail. I'm still missing a letter from a friend who lives just an hour away from me and a card from someone else of a state. I did get a very sweet package from a dear Quacker family member this evening! 🐥

I am usually pretty quick at narrowing down a choice but sometimes I can waiver especially for a bigger purchase! I tend to like the same simpler styles and brighter/lighter colors so that always helps.

Love and sweet dreams to all!
The lesson here is do not save alot of junk so your loved ones have to go through it all when you pass.
I've been getting rid of stuff for that very same reason.

Bianca and Bernard, your furniture looks very nice and comfortable!

Lil Joe and Lou Lou were bouncing off the walls today. DD is feeling much better so she was able to interact more with them.

Changed the sheets on the bed and did two loads of laundry. Cleaned up the kitchen a couple of times. You know how it is with people stuck in the house all day. DH did get out some but it was just too cold to do much of anything outside. The wind has died down now somewhat. The GK's and I played Go Fish with the new set of cards I got yesterday plus card holders for them to use.

Dinner tonight was Cheeseburger Macaroni, corn, yellow squash and salad.
Good warm Sunday morning--NOT! Its 10 degrees outside, going to be a high of 21. Snow supposed to start around 1. They are still saying 3-5 afternoon into evening,,then 5-8 overnite, but says only a 58% chance of snow overnite..isn't that a little contradictory? lol I don't plan on venturing outside except to give the cats fresh warm water and make sure they all have dry food. I am dreading waking up tomorrow and looking out the windows and seeing what kind of mess I will have to clean up. If there's ice, the snow is going to sit right there. Supposed to be cold again tomorrow. 45 by Wednesday, then back to the 20's for the following few days. Guess winter is rearing it's ugly head. We have had pretty mild, not too snowy winters the last few years and we got spoiled. I do not like winter, and I like it less the older I get

@Bianca and Bernard, glad you found a new place. The last time I had to pick out furniture and a new mattress..it took me a little less time than you spent buying your new stuff. I usually find something I like..then keep looking and looking, and end up with the first one I looked at, so now I just go with my gut, lol!

Have a nice morning,,stay safe in the storm

Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes for DD yesterday. ❤️ She has had several rough days, but is finally on the mend, I think. Spent a fortune at CVS on OTC products to help. (CVS has come a long way, I don’t go in there much.) I remember Vicks Vapo Rub and in fact I keep some in the house - DH and I were reminiscing yesterday about how we always used it when we were kids, too. We also pulled out the face steamer which has the Vics inserts and I think that really helped. (She hates the small of it, though, but I like it!) Tylenol Sinus also made a difference.

She and her bf had actually cancelled their whole WDW trip because of the Covid rates - she’d been quite sick for several weeks (non-Covid related), then went back to work, got this new sinus infection from the masks she wore last week (she reacts to them, ugh) and now she gets to spend her vacation time, at home, recovering from these illnesses. She really didn’t want Covid on top of all that. Oh well, things could always be worse, and they can go another time when things are better there. They booked a fun local place for mid-week, I hope she feels well enough by then that she can at least enjoy that.

Been up since around 0230 we had to go out to pick up her antibiotic prescription. I cleaned the bathrooms while waiting for car to warm up. Made breakfast when we came home - eggs on toast, so good! Toto actually got a walk this time, funny in the middle of the night, but he didn’t care! It was actually very serene outside with no one around but the bunnies and the deer! I might do it more often! Enjoy your Sunday, everyone! 🐥
Almost forgot, someone at home is comfortably hunkered down! :goodvibes


A few nights ago, DS and his girlfriend decided to make the dessert they have at ‘Ohana - I think it’s called Bread Pudding with Bananas Foster and vanilla ice cream. The kitchen was a disaster 😂 but it came out really good! Didn’t get a great pic but…


Posted these on the Runny Egg thread - this was our breakfast this morning 😅


Happy Sunday morning :dog:

Wow, what a football game yesterday! We watched the Bengals game yesterday here at work. Our team hasn't won a playoff game in 31 years and yesterday they beat the Raiders. Such a thrilling game all the way to the final seconds. I had to shut the door to the conference room because a few of us were yelling and clapping so loud. :cheer2:

Supposed to start snowing here in the evening, just in time as I'm getting off work. Hopefully the bulk of it will wait until I get home, but I doubt we'll really get that much.

I always feel bad for my dogs when I work these weekends and my son doesn't really stay home much now that he has a girlfriend. I know they miss someone being at the house and by the time I get home at night, I go to bed a couple of hours later so I don't spend too much time with them. I usually make it up to them on Mondays while I'm home. They get spoiled all week so on the weekends they just have to tough it out. :dog2:

No dinner tonight, just grabbing something on the way home from work. Tomorrow I think I'm going to do some baked BBQ chicken. The last time I made it, it was really good.

Need to wrap this up, the MD just called a c-section for a patient, so I gotta go. Have a great day! :Pinkbounc
Guess winter is rearing it's ugly head. We have had pretty mild, not too snowy winters the last few years and we got spoiled. I do not like winter, and I like it less the older I get

Exactly how I feel! I don't want to go outside but I need a couple of little things and looks like now is the time to go as the mess starts in a couple of hours.

No dishwasher and no email or contact yesterday. Complaining here but reality is, I had no plans so nothing got ruined and installers aren't due until Wednesday. Plus I don't have to walk around a big old box today.

Just I like things to go as scheduled.

Stay warm all! I'll be back soon as I'm sort of at a standstill, not really feeling productive. I'm actually sitting in my kitchen and dreaming of a renovation. Trying to figure how to keep stuff and features I like and fix the mistakes.

I will need a stove to update the look as soon I'll have all appliances in stainless except the stove - Refrigerator, dishwasher, rang.e hood, microwave are all stainless. Old stove is white. When I bought it fridge and dishwasher were white. Replaced the fridge in 2020, and now the dw. It is not an expensive model but still works fine so that gives me time to plan what I want to do and how much I want to spend, etc. It's served me well, but can go.


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