Questions about rides and larger guests (Pooh Sized)

i thought they were the disney shoppers.

i would have to go back to the thread that had the ladies talking in it about themselves.
i thought they were the disney shoppers.

i would have to go back to the thread that had the ladies talking in it about themselves.

I couldn't find the thread......I'm sure it was on the CB..........although I don't think the thread I was reading was started by them.

But, like I said I could be getting mixed up with someone else.
Thanks for this info. I am 5'3, size 24 AND really struggle with simulator rides (can NOT go on Star Tours at WDW and have a slight issue with Soarin'). Any thoughts on what rides WILL work for me?
I am size 22, and 5'5", I have never had a problem on any ride. FJ they USUALLY seat me on the end (larger seat), but not always. RRR is the only one that FEELS super too tight when I first get on, and I can't close that one on my own, they have to push it down every time. So please don't feel like there is no option to ride if you are a bigger person, that simply isn't true. MOST rides folks in sizes 20-24 or 26 aren't going to have issue, a few are tight, and may depend on your individual shape.
I think it really depends on your build. I am larger (size 22), but have lost 75lbs in the last 2 yrs, I rode everything I wanted except Gringotts (but that was more to room in the knee area vs the seat itself. It as a tight fit on FJ but only on my thighs but the bar was able to close just fine. I honestly had more trouble with knee room than anything else, esp on the kid rides (like cat in the hat trolley).

I have horrible knees and am tall (5'11" with a 33-34 inseam) and tried both rows on Gringotts and could not do it. They were really nice and didn't make me feel bad at all. After attempting, they came back later as I waited on my family, and gave me 5 express passes to use once on ANY ride at the parks. That was really nice unnecessary but it was appreciated. My husband said that the mummy ride was very similar, so I would have had trouble with the knee issue as well.
Haven't been yet, but wanted to share that we are going next year for our 25th anniversary and when people say, "Are you dieting for your health?" I say "yes", but what I really want to say is, "I'm dieting so I can fit on the HP rides ;) !"

DH is 6', 320 lbs (all in the middle) and has resigned himself to not being able to ride, but I'm going to diet myself down there if it kills me :)!

FYI, we arrived today (hooray!), and I had worried myself sick about the rides. I got everything on the universal side so far. RRR was a bit tight but I did it. I'm an 18/20, 5'9" and about 280. We did all the rides Going to hit up IOA tonight.

Please be sure to report back about IOA as well. Info like this can help thousands of people who see it. Thanks for being so gracious.
I did the hulk only tonight. It was a tight squeeze for my booty I only just fit, but I have a large bottom. I had to wedge myself in there. The harness fit fine, my rear half was the problem. If you're shaped differently, and smaller on the bottom, it may be easier
but you were able to ride and lived to come back to tell us about it.

the hulk takes my breathe away

i like it best first thing in the morning as the mist over the water is so cool to go through...
try to hit it early morning so you can experience that.
it's the only time you can.
FYI, we arrived today (hooray!), and I had worried myself sick about the rides. I got everything on the universal side so far. RRR was a bit tight but I did it. I'm an 18/20, 5'9" and about 280. We did all the rides Going to hit up IOA tonight.

I did the hulk only tonight. It was a tight squeeze for my booty I only just fit, but I have a large bottom. I had to wedge myself in there. The harness fit fine, my rear half was the problem. If you're shaped differently, and smaller on the bottom, it may be easier

Glad you made those much fun!!!

but you were able to ride and lived to come back to tell us about it.

the hulk takes my breathe away

i like it best first thing in the morning as the mist over the water is so cool to go through...
try to hit it early morning so you can experience that.
it's the only time you can.

That's my favourite time for the's usually our first ride of the day and we repeat till I feel dizzy :crazy:....then they do some more while I sit in the shade for 10 minutes and people going through the mist.
Guys, I couldn't get on forbidden journey. I'm almost in tears. I had two clicks and they wouldn't give me a third. I'm seriously trying not to cry. Not sure what I'll do now. My park mojo is gone gone gone. :(
Guys, I couldn't get on forbidden journey. I'm almost in tears. I had two clicks and they wouldn't give me a third. I'm seriously trying not to cry. Not sure what I'll do now. My park mojo is gone gone gone. :(

Go in again and try single rider, don't give up.
don't give up and do go back again in the srl.

no on is going to remember you.
it's summer, crowds in lines, and the TM shifts change around , so you won't be remembered.

that is if you are not wearing some hot bright colors that you can spot a mile away.....
don't give up and do go back again in the srl.

no on is going to remember you.
it's summer, crowds in lines, and the TM shifts change around , so you won't be remembered.

that is if you are not wearing some hot bright colors that you can spot a mile away.....

Lol nope, khaki shorts and a white tshirt
definitely try again.

I didn't fit on the outside test seat.....TM told me to try inside...I fitted just fine.

Good luck.....and don`t worry if you don'`s just a ride.........go back and do the other rides you can do and enjoy them all the more........:hug:
definitely try again.

I didn't fit on the outside test seat.....TM told me to try inside...I fitted just fine.

Good luck.....and don`t worry if you don'`s just a ride.........go back and do the other rides you can do and enjoy them all the more........:hug:

I'm very disheartened, but we may try later when the line isn't long. Got caught behind some Brazilian tour groups so the ride was winding out by the snowman I didn't fit in th test seats, but the inside got two clicks like I mentioned. Cross your fingers for me later


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