Riddle me this!

Morning, all!

Thanks for the update on Val's mom...keeping her and the family in my thoughts and prayers...

same for your DSM and your friend, Diane...

Elaine, hope the sun shines for the wedding!

Congrats on the win, Bernie!! :)

All this Disney restaurant talk, I'm enjoying it! I also second the vote for the Crystal Palace, I love the way that place looks and I am a big fan of Eeyore, who was there the last time we ate there (are those still the characters they have there?) We have had mixed experiences at the Prime Time...one time it was an absolute blast, I laughed so hard I almost cried, but we went back on another trip and I don't know, I think our "uncle" was not in a good mood that day or something, but it was very low-key and just not the same! We enjoy Whispering Canyon, but tell me, *why* is that place named Whispering Canyon...it's about as far from a whisper as you can possibly be! No one has mentioned Chef Mickey's, but we have enjoyed the food there, too...the last time we were at Disney, though, the character who was GOOFY actually tripped on chair while singing and prancing thru the restaurant...I'm sure younger kids thought he was just being GOOFY, but the character playing the part actually fell...it probably sounds mean to say, but it was kinda funny to see!

Hope everyone has a good day! :)
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Julie! For today and yesterday!
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Thanks for the reassurance on the Prime-Time folks - it looks like a lot of fun! :)

I love the characters! I'm just worried that my two older kids might think it nerdy. But - they can sit through it with a smile!!! :)

One of my brothers RAVES about the Crystal Palace! It's his fave in the world!

I've hadn't considered 1900.....so thanks for that idea too, Kathy! :)
Good Morning Fellow Riddlers! :) PM sent, Bernie and congratulations on your win!

Glad to hear the encouraging news about your Mom, Valerie and hope they can find out where the infection is coming from so she can recover quickly. Prayers and good thoughts for her and also for your DSM and DF, Diane.

Kathy and Elaine, hope the sun shines for both of you this weekend!

We always go to Boma but we are going to have to add to that next trip. We are missing out on so many other nice Disney restaurants!

The doves still seem to be sitting patiently on the nest and I'm sure it's been two weeks. I'm starting to wonder whether those eggs are going to hatch.

Have a great day everyone! :sunny:
There are A LOT of choices, aren't there, Julie? :)
Good morning friends. PM sent.

Glad Valerie is able to be near her mother. Hope they continue to have encouraging news. I'll continue to keep them in my prayers.

Congratulations, Bernie. Sounds like your team is working hard!

Another vote for Whispering Canyon. Last time we were there my DS had to ride a stick horse around the room while holding hands with a pretty girl. He was 14 and red as a beet! All because he tried to get his sister into trouble by saying she wanted ketchup. Too funny.

Thanks for giving me my own pair of pants, that I don't have to share with my DD. LOL! I'm going to start making her post her own answers. She's Cinderallagirl on the teen board. BTW, she is a hoot. She went around telling her friends that she didn't have pants yesterday! :eek: She got a kick out of explaining what she meant.

I'm thrilled that I got LPP! What a shock! I really wasn't even trying. Just my first chance at the computer all evening. :teeth:

Diane, I'll keep your friend in my prayers. Breast cancer is a cause that is dear to my heart. If your friend needs someone to talk to who has been there, feel free to tell her that she can email me. I really feel that being a survivor has a lot to do with your attitude. I make a good cheerleader.

Darn, I was hoping that Marla wouldn't get it. I've never attended a nakey sale before, so I thought I might have to take a road trip. :teeth:

It was stormy here last night, but we didn't get much rain. Several tornado warnings to our south. The silly dog got me up 4 times in the night, and I only was in bed for about 6. I guess she could sense the storms, but it made for a bad night! I may have to take a nap today.

Have a great day, everyone.
Diane, I'll keep your friend in my prayers. Breast cancer is a cause that is dear to my heart. If your friend needs someone to talk to who has been there, feel free to tell her that she can email me. I really feel that being a survivor has a lot to do with your attitude. I make a good cheerleader.
BC is close to my heart too, but not because of a survivor, but because my mother sucumed to it. It is a great fear of mine.:(


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