Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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No if masks are mandatory (which I don’t think they will be), I just won’t go to Disney.

I don't think they will be mandatory everywhere - I assume just in indoor theaters, maybe certain troublesome queues and WDW transportation. But if Florida experiences a high spike in cases later this year and the choices are either everyone wears a mask or shut down businesses again, I have a feeling the choice is going to be masks.
I support the idea of wearing a mask at WDW. The only thing that is 100% I support is the tan line to go with it! I also like the idea of washing our hands in some way before getting in line, before entering the ride, and right after!

Just my thoughts.
I can’t tell if you’re serious or sarcastic lol... washing/sanitizing hands before line, before boarding, and after every ride will destroy people’s hands after a day or two. Our skin simply isn’t made for that.
There's a huge difference between the social isolation and quarentine they're talking about, and standing 6' away from a bunch of friends talking to them. They are two completely different things.

Umm, well, I'll be heard, b/c I get yelled at by librarians at libraries when I'm in my normal speaking voice...

But 5 friends together, now 30 ft apart (since they all have to be 6 ft apart)...gonna be some LOUD talkers needed to hear each other...and if you get 10 of you...heck, you might not fit in the same place.

Social distance at 6ft works for 2 "family" groups to interact, but you start getting 5-6 single different households together...and well, it's not gonna stay long...
Umm, well, I'll be heard, b/c I get yelled at by librarians at libraries when I'm in my normal speaking voice...

But 5 friends together, now 30 ft apart (since they all have to be 6 ft apart)...gonna be some LOUD talkers needed to hear each other...and if you get 10 of you...heck, you might not fit in the same place.

Social distance at 6ft works for 2 "family" groups to interact, but you start getting 5-6 single different households together...and well, it's not gonna stay long...
What about the South American Tour Groups? They can be a tad loud.
That actually happened. Someone was wearing mask while driving in New Jersey. They passed out and crashed into a tree. Police claim they passed out due to insufficient oxygen because they had been wearing an N95 mask for several hours straight. Of course the pro-mask people are criticizing that explanation.
I’ve worn an N95 for short periods of time. That explanation seems reasonable for me.
There's a huge difference between the social isolation and quarentine they're talking about, and standing 6' away from a bunch of friends talking to them. They are two completely different things.

But it is different. You are not thinking about this right.

You go to Disney world and you see the kids hugging and interacting with the characters all the time. They love that. There are smiles on their faces. And now they won't be able to do that anymore, perhaps never again. You won't even see the kids smile anymore because they will be masked up.

People are saying that we may never shake hands again. We are already getting into a world where everyone is connected with social media and video streaming, and that's all great. But it isn't a substitute for actual contact. If you are an employer, would you hire someone based on a video interview? I don't think I would. I would want to meet that person face to face.

Human contact is important. And that's going to be lost now even more now.
But it is different. You are not thinking about this right.

You go to Disney world and you see the kids hugging and interacting with the characters all the time. They love that. There are smiles on their faces. And now they won't be able to do that anymore, perhaps never again. You won't even see the kids smile anymore because they will be masked up.

People are saying that we may never shake hands again. We are already getting into a world where everyone is connected with social media and video streaming, and that's all great. But it isn't a substitute for actual contact. If you are an employer, would you hire someone based on a video interview? I don't think I would. I would want to meet that person face to face.

Human contact is important. And that's going to be lost now even more now.
I think many (including me) are learning to be patient with the restrictions like masks, 6 feet apart, social distancing in general.

I am hopeful about therapeutics and eventually a vaccine.

My need for seeing happy faces and hugs from friends isn't so overwhelming that I'm ok with more disease and very sad death.

I see respecting the restrictions as sometimes hard, but temporary. It's not forever.

As always on the DIS ymmv.
Social distancing doesn't equal stay at home. They are starting to open up things again. Social distancing is here to stay for awhile. You can still interact with people by being 6 ft apart.

Phase 3 of Florida’s plan lists “limited social distancing” for theme parks and sports venues. I’m not exactly sure what that means but I would assume closer than 6 feet.
I'm realizing that:

1. People have an unrealistic idea of how far apart 6' is. It's really not that far, and there is most definitely 0 need to shout or even remotely raise your voice, for a 6' distance.

I completely agree. My bed is 6 feet wide. If DH is helping me make the bed and we're each on an opposite side of that bed, we can carry on a perfectly pleasant conversation at a normal volume, no problem. :)

However, in some situations, that 6 feet is a chasm---like when we had to carry on a socially distant viewing and funeral recently. There are times when the lack of human touch truly is dreadful, and that was one of those times.
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